Microsoft Report Viewer Control not displaying report - winforms

I have built a simple report and run it successfully in test winform apps but when I try to run the same report in my production winforms application, the report just doesn't show up in the viewer. I look at the ReportViewer control after InitializeComponent and everything looks fine.
Are there debugging techniques or gotcha's that might be able to point me to why the report is not showing. It feels like there should be an error of some sort but it just displays a blank form.

This was a simple mistake.
In implementing the report viewer in a MVP environment, I managed to not notice/implement the RefreshReport in the Form Load. Once I called Refresh Report, the report showed up.


Design time errors when working in .NET 3.5 and adding charts after reopening the designer

Unfortunalty I need to use .NET 3.5 and use charts in the designer. Everything works quite well. I have added a package Microsoft Chart Controls that are not there by default with .NET 3.5 and added the dlls to the tools bar and to the reference.
I able to have the chart displayed in the designer and work with its data in the class. Problems start if I close the designer window and then open it again - I get a bunch of design time errors!
The strangest thing is that the code compiles and the chart works well in the application. Also the code behind in the auto generated design.cs stays untouched but i get millions of errors such as:
Has anyone come across a similar situation? Don't know how to go around it. I am using Visual Studio 2017. Thanks!
I think you have to add reference of this dll
If this error will showing continuously then
Please add a new Winform and add a chart control.
then write your code in new created form . it will work.

SSRS. Reports seem corrupted within the report viewer

I have a WPF application using server side SSRS reports. I'm using the WPF WinFormsHost control, embedding the winforms report viewer control, to display the reports.
On about 20 development pc's and client pc's everthing works ok. The problem is that in a new clients office, on 2 pc's only, the reports seem to be corrupted when viewing within the report viewer. (They print out fine)
Table data is ok, but header data field values are missing. Has anybody experienced this? I'm at a complete loss as to why on these 2 machines data seems to be missing in the report viewer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Winforms Report Viewer control is not designed to be embedded inside WPF application. You can use WindowsFormsHost Winforms control to host Report Viewer inside your WPF Application, but the data binding of the ReportViewer has to be handled programmatically, because the ReportViewer control will not have knowledge of WPF's Window datasource at all.
This is a sample walkthrough article of embedding Windows Forms control inside WPF:

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005, preview differs from deployed report

I created a Subreport in SSRS 2005 with a bar chart and a textbox above, just as a simple progress bar. I'll use it in a report to show a percentage.
In the Report preview it works fine and the progressbar looks like this:
But when I the deploy the report on the report server I get this:
Deployed Report
It's not really new to me, that sometimes the output in the preview differs from the server, but unfortunately I just can't find a solution for this issue.
Thx in advance
I think what you are seeing is a browser issue.
The default css that SSRS outputs is very biased towards IE. (It doesn't play well with IE9 either)
This causes a lot of issues on browsers like firefox and safari.
If you really must get it to display that way, remember that SSRS does allow you to create custom rendering extensions(Would be too much effort to fix a small bug though).

Render Excel Chart in WPF application

I have created couple of TFS Report in Excel by right clicking a query (Bugs query) and selecting "Create report in Microsoft excel" option. By doing this it has created a Graph.
I want to embed this Graph in WPF application.
As this is a dynamic report which will change in time as the numbers of bugs gets fixed during the day graph will change.
So it it possible for me to integrate a TFS report graph in to WPF application?
In essence you are asking how to embed excel in a wpf application like mentioned on
However, using the reports and/or filling the wpf graphs using the tfs oom will be a lot faster to build an easier to maintain. It might even be wiser to just drop it on the SharePoint server (if it runs excel services) and serving it from the browser (instead of a wpf app) or as a dasboard.

WPF 4: Windows Forms Host, Crystal Reports Asynch

Is there a way to render WinForms controls like Crystal Reports Viewer asynch, or even in a different thread, without freezing the applicaton.
My problem is that, when I assign the report source property, the viewer tried to render the report and some reports run for so long and it freezes the whole app.
Thanks in advance
This may not be required.. looks the default behavior of both Crystal Reports 2010 Winforms and WPF viewers render the report asynchronously. They show a spinner while rendering instead of holding the UI thread. This way you UI, most of the times, still remains responsive.
