How to verify a phone number and login using Facebook in Flutter - mobile

I am developing a mobile application in Flutter, the mobile application should allow the user to verify his phone number first before allowing him to proceed, and we should allow the user to authenticate by Facebook, is there any tutorial or documentation that shows out how to do this?

The firebase_auth plugin does this for you. Setting it up you will have to follow the instructions on the page, which also gives a basic example of the functionality.
Documentation, sadly, is not really avalaible, but the source is easy to understand (after taking a look at the example in the Here you can take a look at authentication with Facebook.
Phone auth is currently not completely implemented with the official SDK, so please check the latest replies to this issue.


How to add a Client App to another GSuite Company?

I've developed an application that works through Google's GSuite using OAuth2. The app is working fine and is part of the GSuite account that was set up to allow testing while developing it (which is the owning account of the app in the Developer Console). However, I now want to give the app to another GSuite company but can't see how to get them to add it?
The application has been submitted for review with Google to get it added via the Marketplace but we're keen to get the second company using it ASAP. I've had a look through the Google docs but couldn't find anything that appeared relevant and even tried to see if I could find an existing question on here. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated!
You won't be able to give it to another company until it's published, so if the review is taking linger than expected, your best is to contact Google GSuite support

what is the best project to introduce among 'Google oauth2.0 java client' and 'java-scribe' to provide user logins for facebook/twitter?

I am trying to provide additional login mechanisms for our web applications. Currently, it is using the Google accounts login. I want users to login using facebook/twitter etc.
After searching the group and on the stack overflow, I am thinking, that you can do in the following ways
- Google oauth2.0 java client ( An example of using the DailyMotion oauth2.0 using this jars is found here.
- Use java-scribe. An example is found here and here
Any suggestions, what should I choose going forward?
I would suggest taking a look at Google Identity Toolkit - this offers more than just Google Accounts:

Cleanly integrate login from Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. into CakePHP?

Summary of the question:
I would like to create a CakePHP based registration and login system offering multiple different gateways such as OpenID, Facebook, Twitter, and so forth. I would like the system to allow a user to associate multiple forms of identification with their account.
After much searching, I am turning up a blank on anything that would allow more than one method of authorization. Cake's authorization system does complicate the matter, so using a tutorial for general PHP is not really effective. Does anyone have a solution, or somewhere I can start from?
To give a simple example, looking at the StackExchange network: you can login/register using a stack exchange account, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, or OpenID. Once logged in, you can add more of these methods to your account so that you are recognized a multitude of ways. I realize StackExchange probably isn't written in Cake, but it serves as an example.
Thank you!
Original Question
Here's the scoop: I'd like to integrate a simple registration/login system for each of the main services that offer oauth/openid in CakePHP.
Basically, I'd like my users to be able to register the old fashion way (including validation e-mail) or using an existing service to verify themselves. I'd like them to be able to login afterwards using that service, or with a username and password.
Now, I have found extremely in depth plugins for full facebook integration and the like, but the bottom line is that I want to just use this for registration and login at this point, and I would like the experience to be the same regardless of which service they choose (plus, I'd like to understand how it works... because this is all about learning CakePHP after all).
I'd also like them to be able to link other services once the account is created if they so desire. In a nut shell, they're account should be able to be linked to any number of login services, or none at all.
How on earth do I go about this?
Thank you,
Looks like there is now a third-party library available using Opauth as detailed on this bakery thread
Here is the CakePHP version's github page:
Great question - our CakePHP development studio may be looking at this in the coming months also. I suspect you'll have more luck researching this as a general PHP question and then how you can port that solution into Cake. Definitely post back with anything you discover.
You might find this thread a helpful starting point, although it was posted back in 2010:
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers?

Bada - Integrating Maps API to my application

I'm trying to integrate Maps to my Bada application. I've tried deCarta but unfortunately it comes with an ad. There is an ad on each form that displays a map and it's not pleasant.
So, can you please recommend me another maps API that will work well with the Bada platform. Does Google Maps API or Yahoo's service go along well with Bada? Or is there a way to remove the ad on deCarta's maps (on the free version)?
Any help, comment and such will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks =)
Please don't remove the ad - that would be a violation of the terms of service. You could always pay to use the API and then you will never have to deal with ads on your application.
What is the part of the advertisement that you don't like. It would be great if you could give suggestions on how you would like to see the advertisements presented in the application.

How to find out the mobile model using WAP page

I am planning on making a WAP page to provide a software.
Now i need to find out what mobile phone model the client who logs into my webpage is using so that i can redirect him/her to the appropriate download link.
This is similar to what opera does on their opera mini site. When you log in it finds out your model and sends you to the link
How can i add this to my site.
There are a number of solutions for determining mobile device, based on the UserAgent making the request. (Some solutions use other factors as well.)
Try looking at:
The technology you are using to create your pages will also affect which of the above is the best solution for you.
A great website with some tutorials is (the people behind device atlas), also plenty of true open source software at wurfl
