"resettable" loop DSL with C macros? - c

I want a loop to run once unless set to repeat, but I don't like the ugliness of having to explicitly set variables as part of normal program flow.
I'm using this but the project maintainers didn't like it:
int ok = 0;
while (ok^=1) {
// ...
if (something_failed) ok = 0;
(compare to while (!ok) { ok = 1; // ...)
The nice thing is that you can wrap these in macros:
#define RETRY(x) while (x^=1)
#define FAIL(x) x = 0
and use them as
int ok = 0;
RETRY(ok) {
// ...
if (something_failed) FAIL(ok);
How can I make these macros work without the weird xor-assign?

Using XOR 1 to toggle something between 0 and 1 repeatedly is perfectly fine, particularly in hardware-related code. Is this what you are trying to do? But this isn't how you are using it, so it doesn't make sense. Also, using it together with a signed int is questionable.
Please don't invent some ugly macro language, that's 10 times worse! This is the worst thing you can do.
There exists no reason why you can't simply do something along the lines of this:
bool retry = true;
retry = false;
if(something_failed) retry = true;


Can I turn this requirement into a macro?

I have C programs with decrementing software counters. If for instance I want to blink an led every 2 seconds I can do:
if(!ledT) {
ledT = 200;
// code
// code
// code
Because I always do the exact same combination with every counter, I tend to type it one line.
if(!ledT) { ledT = 200;
// code
// code
// code
For the entire if-line I'd like to use a macro instead. So the code would look something like:
expired(ledT, 200) {
// code
// code
// code
I use something similar in my state machine code for the entry state.
if(runOnce) { runOnce = false;
// code
// code
// code
Desired syntax:
entryState {
// code
// code
// code
#define entryState if(runOnce) { runOnce = false; // this ofcourse cannot work But something like this is what I want.
I've made several attempts but I got nowhere. The problem is that the { is somewhere in the middle of the macro and I want to type a { behind the macro because as we all know, no code editor can live with an unequal number of { and }.
expired(ledT, 200); // expired is macro, not function
// code
// code
// code
So this is out of the question.
Whilst reading about macros, I've read something interesting about using: do ... while(0). This 'trick' abuses the compiler's optimization feature to create a certain macro, which would otherwise be impossible.
This site
sheds some light about this manner.
Is there a way to use some kind of 'macro trick' to achieve what I want?
So again, that is transforming:
// this
if(runOnce) {
runOnce = false;
// code
// code
// code
// into this
entryState {
// code
// code
// code
// and this:
if(!someTimer) {
someTimer = someInterval;
// code
// code
// code
// must be transformed into:
timeExpired(someTimer, someInterval) {
// code
// code
// code
And an answer like "No, it simply cannot be done" will also be accepted (providing you know what you are talking about)
I need to add an addition because not everybody seems to know what I want, the last given answer is not even aimed at the specific problem at hand. Somehow toggling IO suddenly became important? Therfor I altered my code examples to better illustrate what the problem is.
I agree that the the timeExpired macro does not improve readability at all
To show that some macros can improve readabilty I'll give a snippet of a state and a state machine. This is how a generated state looks like in my code:
State(stateName) {
entryState {
// one time only stuff
onState {
// continous stuff
exitFlag = true; // setting this, exits the state
exitState {
// one time only stuff upon exit
return true;
Currently in place with these macros:
#define State(x) static bool x##F(void)
#define entryState if(runOnce)
#define onState runOnce = false;
#define exitState if(!exitFlag) return false; else
I think I should I should exchange return true; in the states by EXIT or something prittier.
And the state machine which calls these States looks like:
#undef State
#define State(x) break; case x: if(x##F())
extern bit weatherStates(void) {
if(enabled) switch(state){
default: case weatherStatesIDLE: return true;
State(morning) {
if(random(0,1)) nextState(afternoon, 0);
else nextState(rain, 0); }
State(afternoon) {
nextState(evening, 0); }
State(evening) {
if(random(0,1)) nextState(night, 0);
else nextState(thunder, 0); }
State(night) {
nextState(morning, 0); }
State(rain) {
nextState(evening, 0); }
State(thunder) {
nextState(morning, 0); }
break; }
else if(!weatherStatesT) enabled = true;
return false; }
#undef State
The only thing which is not generated are the 'if' and 'else' before the 'nextState()' functions. These 'flow conditions' need filling in.
If a user is provided with a small example or an explanation, he should have no difficulty at all with filling in the states. He should also be able to add states manually.
I'd even like to exchange this by macros:
extern bit weatherStates(void) {
if(enabled) switch(state){
default: case weatherStatesIDLE: return true;
break;} }
else if(!weatherStatesT) enabled = true;
return false;}
Why would I do this? To hide irrelevant information out of your display. To remove alot of tabs in the state machine. To increase overal readability by using a simple syntax. Like with 3rd library functions you need to know how to use the code rather to know how the function does the trick.
You don't need to know, how a state signals that it is ready. It is more important to know that the function in question is used as a state function than to know that it returns a bit variable.
Also I test macros before using. So I don't provide somebody with state machines that may show strange behavior.
There’s no need to employ macros here, and doing so leads to highly un-idiomatic C code that doesn’t really have any advantages over proper C code.
Use a function instead:
int toggle_if_unset(int time, int pin, int interval) {
if (time == 0) {
time = 200;
return time;
ledT = toggle_if_unset(ledT, ledPin, 200);
(I’m guessing appropriate parameter names based on your example; adjust as appropriate.)
What’s more, it looks as if ledT and ledPin are always paired and belong together, in which case you should consider putting them into a struct:
struct led {
pin_t pin;
int interval;
void toggle_if_unset(struct led *led, int new_interval);
Or something along these lines.
Given that this is for some old 8051 legacy project, it is extremely unlikely that you need to create abstraction layer macros for pin I/O handling. You'll only have just so many pins. Your original code is most likely the best and clearest one.
If you for some reason worry about code repetition, because you have multiple combinations of the product/support multiple PCB with different routing etc, and you are stuck with your current code base... then as a last resort you could use macros to avoid code repetition. This also assuming that you are a seasoned C programmer - otherwise stop reading here.
What you will be looking at in that rare scenario is probably something that's known as "X macros", which is about declaring a whole list of pre-processor constants. Then whenever you need to do something repetitive, you call upon that list and use the constants inside it that you are interested for that specific call. Each call is done by specifying what the macro "X" should do in that particular call, then undefined the macro afterwards.
For example if you have ports A, B, C, you have LEDs on port A:0, B:1 and C:2 respectively and wish to use different delays per pin, you can declare a list like this:
#define LED_LIST \
/* port pin delay */ \
X(A, 0, 100) \
X(B, 1, 200) \
X(C, 2, 300) \
Then you can call upon this list when you need to do repetitive tasks. For example if these ports have data direction registers you need to set accordingly and those registers are called DDRA, DDRB, DDRC (using Motorola/AVR naming as example):
/* set data direction registers */
#define X(port, pin, delay) DDR##port |= 1u<<pin;
#undef X
This will expand to:
DDRA |= 1u<<0;
DDRB |= 1u<<1;
DDRC |= 1u<<2;
Similarly, you can initialize the counters as:
/* declare counters */
#define X(port, delay) static uint16_t count##port = delay;
#undef X
/* check if counters elapsed */
#define X(port, delay) if(count##port == 0) { count##port = delay; PORT##port ^= 1u << pin; }
#undef X
(I replaced the toggle macro with a simple bitwise XOR)
Which will expand to:
static uint16_t countA = 100;
static uint16_t countB = 200;
static uint16_t countC = 300;
if(countA == 0)
countA = 100;
PORTA ^= 1u << 0;
if(countB == 0)
countB = 200;
PORTB ^= 1u << 1;
if(countC == 0)
countC = 300;
PORTC ^= 1u << 2;
And of course avoid using 16 bit counters like done here unless you must, since you are working with a crappy 8-bitter.
#define LL(ledT) do {if(!ledT) { ledT = 200; TOG(ledPin); }}while(0)
Whilst reading about macros, I've read something interesting about
using: do ... while(0). This 'trick' abuses the compiler's
optimization feature to create a certain macro, which would otherwise
be impossible.
Most of the opinions there are actually wrong. There is nothing about optimizations.
The main reason is to make macros using curled braces to compile at all.
This one will not compile
#define A(x) {foo(x);bar(x);}
void foo1(int x)
if (x) A(1);
else B(0);
but this one will compile
#define A(x) do{foo(x);bar(x);}while(0)
void foo1(int x)
if (x) A(1);
else B(0);
DISCLAIMER: I don't recommend using this solution.
I had a go at trying to make this into macro's. It is indeed possible but if it's faster, that's another question. As you make a new variable each time you call the macro.
#include <stdio.h>
#define entryState(runOnce) int temp_state = runOnce; if (runOnce) runOnce = 0; if (temp_state)
#define timeExpired(someTimer, someInterval) int temp_expired = someTimer; if (!someTimer) someTimer = someInterval; if (!temp_expired)
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
int runOnce = 1;
int someTimer = 0;
int someInterval = 200;
timeExpired(someTimer, someInterval) {
printf("someTimer is Expired\n");
printf("someTimer: %i\n\n", someTimer);
entryState(runOnce) {
printf("this is running once\n");
printf("runOnce: %i\n", runOnce);
Compiling and running:
c:/repo $ gcc test.c -o test
c:/repo $ ./test.exe
someTimer is Expired
someTimer: 200
this is running once
runOnce: 0
I don't have a C51 compiler at hand now, so I let the testing on the 8051 over to you.

Array of macros in c -- is it possible

I was wondering if it is possible to create something like an array of macros.
I've implemented the following code which works:
struct led_cmds_
ioport_pin_t *commands[LED_COUNT] ;
struct led_cmds_ the_led_cmd_ ;
void populate() {
the_led_cmd_.commands[0] = SPECIFICPIN(0);
and in main:
int main(void)
SPECIFICPIN(x) is macro defined as:
What I was hoping for is a way to is a way to do something like this:
#define ioport_pin_t* ARR_LED[LED_COUNT] \
for (int j = 0; j < LED_COUNT; j++) ARR_LED[j] = SPECIFICPIN(j);
and then only need to call the following when I want to use the specific pin
when I try to do that I get an ARR_LED undeclared (first use in this function) error.
When I try to call SPECIFICPIN(x) where x is an int iterator in a for loop for example, I get an error saying something like 'LEDx_PIN' undeclared...
You need to work on your terminology. An array of macros is not possible. Macros are no data type, but rather pure text replacement before your program is actually compiled.
I guess " populate an array using macros " is what you want to do. But it is not possible to do that in a compile-time loop - What you seem to want to achieve with your ioport_pin_t macro attempt. Macros do not have the capability to expand to more instances of text elements than you have initially given. There is no such feature as looping at compile time through macro expansions and do repetitive expansion of macros.
Your for loop loops at run-time, while the macro is being expanded at compile-time. Once you have made yourself aware what is done by the preprocessor what is done by the compiler, and what is done at run-time by the finished program, you will see that will not work.
Something like
#define P(X) {(LED##X##_PIN)}
ioport_pin_t *commands[LED_COUNT] = {
P(0), P(1), P(2),......}
#undefine P
Would be the closest thing possible to what you seem to want. Note the main use of the pre-processor is not to save you typing effort - You would be better off using copy & paste in your editor, achieve the same thing and have clearer code.
An array as tofro's answer is the way to go. However in cases that couldn't be solved simply with an array then there's another way with switch
void setpin(int pin, int value)
switch (pin)
case 1:
SPECIFICPIN(1) = value;
doSomething(); // if needed
case x: ...
default: ...

goto label trick in a macro for condition

There was one evil macro trick I DON'T REMEMBER and it was a lot like this:
public :
var = 3;
Which should expand to
if(route == ROOTING_PUBLIC)
var = 3;
How can I achieve something like this ?
Macros are used to reduce clutter; though a lot of clutter indicates problems with the program structure.
The OP's notion of the possible macro does not match C-syntax. But something along those lines might be:
#define if_ROOTED(name) if (ROOTED_##name & input) { output = e##name; }
#define ROOTED_FIRST 16
#define ROOTED_SECOND 64
#define eFIRST 1
#define eSECOND 2
where input and output and the repetitive test are the "clutter" to be eliminated. Making a table would be a better way to reduce clutter; however OP asked for a hint about macros.
Now that I found the implementation of such bad idea, I also could understand the deeper sense in it.
The code
#define public if(route == ROOTING_PUBLIC) { public_offset
The usage
public :
var = 3;
} // <-- makes no sense
The idea
To avoid loops, to reduce the spaghetti code and to demonstrate more exotic code. It will be better to be implemented with an id system as such:
#define public(id) if(route == ROOTING_PUBLIC) { public_##id
And then if the user decides to loop the code (that by semantics will be invoked solely "publicly"):
public(2) :
var = 3;
if(var > 3) goto public_2; // or #define repeat(x, id) goto x##_##id
Even better version of it will include the omitting of magic numbers, replacing it with user_id

How can I goto the value of a String in C?

I am programming a robot in C, and I have run into a problem I can't seem to figure out.
The only way to solve this problem would be to use a lot of goto statements.
I am trying to figure out a way to save myself writing over 100 goto points and statements and if statements, etc. and am wondering if there is a way to goto the value of a string. for example-
string Next = "beginning";
goto Next;
Is there any way to goto the value of Next, or to substitute in the value of Next into the goto statement?
If there is a way to do this, then I will be able to just change the value of Next for each driving command, and then goto whatever the value of the string Next is.
In other words, just converting the string to a goto identifier, or substituting it in place of one.
Thanks for the help!
A lot of you guys are suggesting the use of switch statements. I am not sure this would work because of how i have it programmed. The structure of the program is here--
by the way this code only includes a little of what i actually have, my real code is over 500 lines so far. Also, the driving commands are majorly simplified. but the basic concept is here, easier to understand than what i wouldve had.
task main()
//integer list
int forwardDrivingSelector = 0;
int backwardDrivingSelector = 0;
int rightRotatingSelector = 0;
string nextCommand;
int waitTime = 0;
int countup = 0;
//driving commands
while(forwardDrivingSelector == 1)
motor[leftMotor] = 127;
motor[rightMotor] = 127;
if(countup == waitTime)
countup = 0;
goto nextCommand;
while(backwardDrivingSelector == 1)
motor[leftMotor] = -127;
motor[rightMotor] = 127;
if(countup == waitTime)
countup = 0;
goto nextCommand;
while(rightRotatingSelector == 1)
motor[leftMotor] = 127;
motor[rightMotor] = -127;
if(countup == waitTime)
countup = 0;
goto nextCommand;
//autonomous driving code
//first command, drive forward for 1000 milliseconds
forwardDrivingSelector = 1;
nextCommand = "secondCommand";
waitTime = 1000;
goto driveForward;
forwardDrivingSelector = 0;
//second command, rotate right for 600 milliseconds
rightRotatingSelector = 1;
nextCommand = "thirdCommand";
waitTime = 600;
goto rightRotate;
rightRotatingSelector = 0;
//third command, drive backwards for 750 milliseconds
backwardDrivingSelector = 1;
nextCommand = "end";
waitTime = 750;
goto driveBackward;
backwardDrivingSelector = 0;
so. how this works.
i have a list of integers, including driving command selectors, the countup and waitTime integers, and the string that i was talking about, nextCommand.
next comes the driving commands. in my real code, i have about 30 commands, and they are all hooked up to a remote control and its over 400 lines for just the driving commands.
next comes the autonomous code. the reason i set it up like this is so that the autonomous code part would be, short, simple, and to the point. pretty much to add a command to the driving code, you turn on the selector, tell the nextCommand string what the next command is, set the waitTime (which is how long it does the command, in milliseconds), then you make the code goto the driving command which you are putting in. the driving command drives for the amount of time you put in, then does goto nextCommand;
This would all theoretically work if there was a way to make the goto statement 'interpret' the string as an identifier so it can be changed.
There are about 4 simple ways i can think of right now that could get past this easily, but they would make the code really really long and cluttered.
Now that you have a better understanding of my question, any more input? :)
btw - i am using a program called robotC, and i am programming a vex robot. so i HAVE to use plain, basic, C, and i cant use any addons or anything... which is another reason this is complicated because i cant have multiple classes and stuff like that...
As an extension to the C language, GCC provides a feature called computed gotos, which allow you to goto a label computed at runtime. However, I strongly recommend you reconsider your design.
Instead of using gotos with over a hundred labels (which will easily lead to unmaintainable spaghetti code), consider instead using function pointers. The code will be much more structured and maintainable.
Instead of goto's, I'd call one of 100 functions. While C won't handle the conversion from string to function for you, it's pretty easy to use a sorted array of structs:
struct fn {
char name[whatever];
void (*func)(void);
Then do (for example) a binary search through the array to find the function that matches a string.
Also note that many real systems provide things like GetProcAddress (Windows) or dlsym (Unix/Linux) to handle some of the work for you.
You're thinking about this the wrong way. Each of the actions you need to call should be a function, then you can choose which function should be called next by inspecting a "next" variable.
This could be a string as you've mentioned, but you might be best using a enumerated type to make readable, but more efficient code.
The alternative, though probably overkill, would be to ensure your functions all use the same parameters and return types, and then use a function pointer to track which piece of code should be executed next.
Small tip: If you ever think you need more than 1 goto statement to achieve a certain goal you're probably not looking at the best solution.
You need to step back and consider other solutions for the problem you are trying to solve. One of them might look like this:
void DoSomething() {
void DoSomethingElse() {
printf("Something else\n");
void (*nextStep)(void) = NULL;
nextStep = DoSomething;
nextStep = DoSomethingElse;
See it in action.
How about a switch? Either use an int/enum/whatever or inspect the value of the string (loop over it and strcmp, for instance) to figure out the destination.
const char *dsts[n_dsts] = {"beginning","middle",...};
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n_dsts; i++) if(strcmp(dsts[i]) == 0) break;
switch(i) {
case 0: // whatever
case 1: // whatever
default: // Error, dest not found
Firstly, let me preface this by agreeing with everyone else: this is probably not the right way to go about what you're trying to do. In particular, I think you probably want a finite-state machine, and I recommend this article for guidelines on how to do that.
That said . . . you can more or less do this by using a switch statement. For example:
goto HelperLabel;
case ENDING:
Next = ENDING;
goto HelperLabel;
(Note that a switch statement requires integers or integer-like values rather than strings, but you can use an enum to create those integers in a straightforward way.)
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff's_device for the original, canonical example of using switch/case as a goto.
#define GOTO_HELPER(str, label) \
if (strcmp(str, #label) == 0) goto label;
#define GOTO(str) do { \
GOTO_HELPER(str, beginning) \
GOTO_HELPER(str, end) \
} while (0)
int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
return 1;
return 0;

Macro questions

On a software project (some old C compiler) we have a lot of variables which have to be saved normal and inverted.
Has somebody a idea how i can make a macro like that?
SET(SomeVariable, 137);
which will execute
SomeVariable = 137;
SomeVariable_inverse = ~137;
The best Solution seems to be:
#define SET(var,value) do { var = (value); var##_inverse = ~(value); } while(0)
Thanks for the answers
Try this
#define SET(var,value) do { var = (value); var##_inverse = ~(value); } while(0)
Couple of links to the reason behind adding a do/while into the macro
One hazard I haven't seen mentioned is that the 'value' macro argument is evaluated twice in most of the solutions. That can cause problems if someone tries something like this:
int x = 10;
SET(myVariable, x++);
After this call, myVariable would be 10 and myVariable_inverse would be ~11. Oops. A minor change to JaredPar's solution solves this:
#define SET(var,value) do { var = (value); var##_inverse = ~(var); } while(0)
Why are you storing the inverse when it can be so easily calculated? This seems like a bad idea to me.
You can do it in a single statement, which avoids having to use do {} while (0).
#define SetInverse(token, value) (token##_inverse = ~(token = (value)))
Also, this only evalutes (value) once, which is always nice.
#define SetInverse(token, value) { token = value; token##_inverse = ~value; }
Jinx, Jared - like the while (0) in yours
Just to offer an alternative method:
Store each variable as a structure like this:
typedef struct
u32 u32Normal;
u32 u32Inverted;
} SafeU32TYPE
Then have a function which takes a pointer to one of these, along with the value to be set, and stores that value with its inverse:
void Set(SafeU32TYPE *pSafeU32, u32Data)
if(pSafeU32 != NULL)
pSafeU32->u32Normal = u32Data;
pSageU32->u32Inverted = ~u32Data;
} /* if */
} /* Set() */
Advantage: if you need the set function to do something more powerful, such as boundary checking, or storing in some more complex way, then it can be easily extended.
Disadvantage: you'll need a different function for each type used, and if processor resource is an issue, this is less efficient than using a macro.
