Does printf() care about the locale? - c

wprintf() takes a wchar_t string as argument and prints the string in the specified locale character encoding.
But I have noticed that when using printf() and passing it a UTF-8 string, the UTF-8 string will always be printed regardless of the specified locale character encoding (for example, if the UTF-8 string contains Arabic characters, and the locale is set to "C" (not "C.UTF-8"), then the Arabic characters will still be printed).
Am I correct that printf() doesn't care about the locale?

True printf doesn't care about locale for c-strings. If you pass it an UTF-8 string, it knows nothing about it, it just see a sequence of bytes (hopefully terminated by ascii NUL). Then, bytes are passed to the output as-is, and are interpreted by the terminal (or whatever is the output). If the terminal is able to interpret UTF-8 sequences it then does so (if not, it tries to interpret it the way it is configured, Latin-1 or alike) and if it is also able to print them correctly then it does so (sometimes it doesn't have the right font/glyph and prints unknown characters as ? or alike).

This is one of the big virtues (perhaps the biggest virtue) of UTF-8: it's just a string of reasonably ordinary bytes. If your code-editing environment knows how to let you type
and if your display environment (e.g. your terminal window) knows how to display it, you can just write that, and run it, and it works (as it sounds like you've discovered).
So you don't need special run-time support, you don't need special header files or libraries or anything, you don't need to write your code in some fancy new Unicodey way -- you can just keep on using ordinary C strings and printf and friends like you're used to, and it all just works.
Of course, those two if's can be big ones. If you can't figure out how to (or your code editing environment won't let you) type the characters, or if your display environment doesn't display them, you may be stuck, or you may have to do some hard work after all. (Display environments that don't properly display UTF-8 output from C programs are evidently quite common, based on the number of times the question gets asked here on SO.)
See also the "UTF-8 Everywhere" manifesto.
(Now, with all of this said, this doesn't mean that printf doesn't care about locale settings at all. There are aspects of the locale that printf may care about, and there may be character sets and encodings that printf might have to treat specially, in a locale-dependent way. But since printf doesn't have to do anything special to make UTF-8 work right, that one aspect of the locale -- although it's a biggie -- doesn't end up affecting printf at all.)

Let's consider the following simple program, which uses printf() to print a wide string if run without command-line arguments, and wprintf() otherwise:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
const wchar_t hello1[] = L"تحية طيبة";
const wchar_t hello2[] = L"Tervehdys";
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (!setlocale(LC_ALL, ""))
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Current locale is not supported by the C library.\n");
if (argc <= 1) {
printf("printf 1: %ls\n", hello1);
printf("printf 2: %ls\n", hello2);
} else {
wprintf(L"wprintf: %ls\n", hello1);
wprintf(L"wprintf: %ls\n", hello2);
Using the GNU C library and any UTF-8 locale:
$ ./example
printf 1: تحية طيبة
printf 2: Tervehdys
$ ./example wide
wprintf: تحية طيبة
wprintf: Tervehdys
i.e. both produce the exact same output. However, if we run the example in the C/POSIX locale (that only supports ASCII), we get
$ LANG=C LC_ALL=C ./example
printf 1: printf 2: Tervehdys
i.e., the first printf() stopped at the first non-ASCII character (and that's why the second printf() printed on the same line);
$ LANG=C LC_ALL=C ./example wide
wprintf: ???? ????
wprintf: Tervehdys
i.e. wprintf() replaces wide characters that cannot be represented in the charset used by the current locale with a ?.
So, if we consider the GNU C library (which exhibits this behaviour), then we must say yes, printf cares about the locale, although it actually mostly cares about the character set used by the locale, and not the locale per se:
printf() will stop when trying to print wide strings that cannot be represented by the current character set (as defined by the locale). wprintf() will output question marks for those characters instead.
libc6-2.23-0ubuntu10 on x86-64 (amd64) does some replacements for multibyte characters in the printf format string, but multibyte characters in strings printed with %s are printed as-is. Which means it is a bit complicated to say exactly what gets printed and when the printf() gives up on the first multibyte or wide character it cannot convert, or just prints as-is.
However, wprintf() is pretty rock solid. (It too may choke if you try to print narrow strings with multibyte characters not representable in the character set used by the current locale, but for wide string stuff, it seems to work very well.)
Do note that POSIX.1 C libraries also provide iconv_open(), iconv(), and iconv_close() for converting strings, as well as mbstowcs() and wcstombs() to convert between wide and narrow/multibyte strings. You can also use asprintf() to create a dynamically allocated narrow string out of narrow and/or wide character strings (%s and %ls, respectively).


How to read banana (🍌) from console in C?

I have tried many ways to do it.. using scanf(), getc(), but nothing worked. Most of the time, 0 is stored in the supplied variable (maybe indicating wrong input?). How can I make it so that when the user enters any Unicode codepoint, it is properly recognized and stored in either a string or a char?
I'm guessing you already know that C chars and Unicode characters are two very different things, so I'll skip over that. The assumptions I'll make here include:
Your C strings will contain UTF-8 encoded characters, terminated by a NUL (\x00) character.
You won't use any C functions that could break the per-character encoding, and you will use output (strlen(), etc) with the understanding you need to differentiate between C chars and real characters.
It really is as simple as:
char input[256];
scanf("%[^\n]", &input);
printf("%s\n", input);
The problems comes with what is providing the input, and what is displaying the output.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char* bananna = "\xF0\x9F\x8D\x8C\x00";
printf("%s\n", bananna);
This probably won't display a banana. That's because the UTF-8 sequence being written to the terminal isn't being interpreted as a UTF-8 sequence.
So, the first thing you need to do is to configure your terminal. If your program is likely to only use one terminal type, then you might even be able to do this from within the program; however, there are tons of people who use different terminals, some that even cross Operating System boundaries. For example, I'm testing my Linux programs in a Windows terminal, connected to the Linux system using SSH.
Once the terminal is configured, your probably already correct program should display a banana. But, even a correctly configured terminal can fail.
After the terminal is verified to be correctly configured, the last piece of the puzzle is the font. Not all fonts contain glyphs for all Unicode characters. The banana is one of those characters that isn't typically typed into a computer, so you need to open up a font tool and search the font for the glyph. If it doesn't exist in that font, you need to find a font that implements a glyph for that character.

Does wide character input/output in C always read from / write to the correct (system default) encoding?

I'm primarily interested in the Unix-like systems (e.g., portable POSIX) as it seems like Windows does strange things for wide characters.
Do the read and write wide character functions (like getwchar() and putwchar()) always "do the right thing", for example read from utf-8 and write to utf-8 when that is the set locale, or do I have to manually call wcrtomb() and print the string using e.g. fputs()? On my system (openSUSE 12.3) where $LANG is set to en_GB.UTF-8 they do seem to do the right thing (inspecting the output I see what looks like UTF-8 even though strings were stored using wchar_t and written using the wide character functions).
However I am unsure if this is guaranteed. For example states that:
[wide characters] should not be used for output, since spurious zero
bytes and other low-ASCII characters with common meanings (such as '/'
and '\n') will likely be sprinkled throughout the data.
Which seems to indicate that outputting wide characters (presumably using the wide character output functions) can wreak havoc.
Since the C standard does not seem to mention coding at all I really have no idea who/when/how coding is applied when using wchar_t. So my question is basically if reading, writing and using wide characters exclusively is a proper thing to do when my application has no need to know about the encoding used. I only need string lengths and console widths (wcswidth()), so to me using wchar_t everywhere when dealing with text seems ideal.
The relevant text governing the behavior of the wide character stdio functions and their relationship to locale is from POSIX XSH 2.5.2 Stream Orientation and Encoding Rules:
Basically, the wide character stdio functions always write in the encoding that's in effect (per the LC_CTYPE locale category) at the time the FILE stream becomes wide-oriented; this means the first time a wide stdio function is called on it, or fwide is used to set the orientation to wide. So as long as a proper LC_CTYPE locale is in effect matching the desired "system" encoding (e.g. UTF-8) when you start working with the stream, everything should be fine.
However, one important consideration you should not overlook is that you must not mix byte and wide oriented operations on the same FILE stream. Failure to observe this rule is not a reportable error; it simply results in undefined behavior. As a good deal of library code assumes stderr is byte oriented (and some even makes the same assumption about stdout), I would strongly discourage ever using wide-oriented functions on the standard streams. If you do, you need to be very careful about which library functions you use.
Really, I can't think of any reason at all to use wide-oriented functions. fprintf is perfectly capable of sending wide-character strings to byte-oriented FILE streams using the %ls specifier.
So long as the locale is set correctly, there shouldn't be any issues processing UTF-8 files on a system using UTF-8, using the wide character functions. They'll be able to interpret things correctly, i.e. they'll treat a character as 1-4 bytes as necessary (in both input and output). You can test it out by something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <wchar.h>
int main()
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_GB.UTF-8");
// setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); // to use environment variable instead
wchar_t *txt = L"£Δᗩ";
wprintf(L"The string %ls has %d characters\n", txt, wcslen(txt));
$ gcc -o loc loc.c && ./loc
The string £Δᗩ has 3 characters
If you use the standard functions (in particular character functions) on multibyte strings carelessly, things will start to break, e.g. the equivalent:
char *txt = "£Δᗩ";
printf("The string %s has %zu characters\n", txt, strlen(txt));
$ gcc -o nloc nloc.c && ./nloc
The string £Δᗩ has 7 characters
The string still prints correctly here because it's essentially just a stream of bytes, and as the system is expecting UTF-8 sequences, they're translated perfectly. Of course strlen is reporting the number of bytes in the string, 7 (plus the \0), with no understanding that a character and a byte aren't equivalent.
In this respect, because of the compatibility between ASCII and UTF-8, you can often get away with treating UTF-8 files as simply multibyte C strings, as long as you're careful.
There's a degree of flexibility as well. It's possible to convert a standard C string (as a multibyte string) to a wide character string easily:
char *stdtxt = "ASCII and UTF-8 €£¢";
wchar_t buf[100];
mbstowcs(buf, stdtxt, 20);
wprintf(L"%ls has %zu wide characters\n", buf, wcslen(buf));
ASCII and UTF-8 €£¢ has 19 wide characters
Once you've used a wide character function on a stream, it's set to wide orientation. If you later want to use standard byte i/o functions, you'll need to re-open the stream first. This is probably why the recommendation is not to use it on stdout. However, if you only use wide character functions on stdin and stdout (including any code that you link to), you will not have any problems.
Don't use fputs with anything else than ASCII.
If you want to write down lets say UTF8, then use a function who return the real size used by the utf8 string and use fwrite to write the good number of bytes, without worrying of vicious '\0' inside the string.

How to set run-time character set in C?

How to set run-time character set in the C programming language, in linux environment?
For example, I want to set it to iso8859-1, utf-8, or ascii.
What printf( "%c", '\xa3') does is always the same -- it outputs one byte with the value 0xA3 (= 163) to the standard output stream.
What is then shown on your screen depends on how your terminal (e.g., xterm or the Linux console) reacts to seeing a byte with value 163 written to it. That is a question of the character setting of your terminal, and there is no direct way your C program can influence it. What you need to do is allow the C program to find out what charset the terminal expects, and then generate output that matches that.
Simple programs can often can get away with assuming that the charset their input is in is also the charset their output is expected to be in, and then they just ignore charset issues and simply reproduce high-bit bytes in their output exactly as they appeared in the input. (The UTF-8 encoding of Unicode is deliberately designed to make this strategy work in many cases).
However, when that is not the case -- such as if your program contains hardcoded string with non-English letters -- you need to use the locale functions to figure out which character encoding your program is supposed to produce, and then make sure to do that. Libraries such as libiconv can often help with this relatively painlessly.
You need to be a little more specific about what you mean. For the most part, C doesn't really have a character set; its strings are simply null-delimited strings of bytes, and doesn't do anything to encode or decode them.
There are a few functions in the C standard library, and in POSIX which depend on the current locale. You can use use setlocale to set the current locale; it defaults to the C locale, in which strings are treated as ASCII and compared according to byte values.
If you want to convert character sets, use iconv; this will allow you to convert buffers from one encoding to another. For instance, if you represent your text internally in UTF-8, but want to print it out in ISO-8859-1, this is what you would use.
edit to add: From a comment on another answer, you ask:
I set my terminal's expected character set to be "ISO 8859-1", but why when I call the function setlocale( LC_CTYPE, NULL );, it still returns C? I think it should return ISO 8859-1 as this is the terminal's expected charset.
When the program starts up, its locale is always "C". If you want to set the locale based on the environment variables, you need to call setlocale( LC_ALL, "") or setlocal( LC_CTYPE, ""); that is, you need to pass in an empty string, and then the locale will be set based on your environment variables.
See setlocale(3), which sets the program's current locale.
Standard C provides the setlocale() function to set a locale. The value for LC_CTYPE defines the character type. For some finer details, also see what POSIX has to say.
To find out the locales supported on your system, run
locale -a

char vs wchar_t

I'm trying to print out a wchar_t* string.
Code goes below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>
char *ascii_ = "中日友好"; //line-1
wchar_t *wchar_ = L"中日友好"; //line-2
int main()
printf("ascii_: %s\n", ascii_); //line-3
wprintf(L"wchar_: %s\n", wchar_); //line-4
return 0;
ascii_: 中日友好
Apparently I should not assign CJK characters to char* pointer in line-1, but I just did it, and the output of line-3 is correct, So why? How could printf() in line-3 give me the non-ascii characters? Does it know the encoding somehow?
I assume the code in line-2 and line-4 are correct, but why I didn't get any output of line-4?
First of all, it's usually not a good idea to use non-ascii characters in source code. What's probably happening is that the chinese characters are being encoded as UTF-8 which works with ascii.
Now, as for why the wprintf() isn't working. This has to do with stream orientation. Each stream can only be set to either normal or wide. Once set, it cannot be changed. It is set the first time it is used. (which is ascii due to the printf). After that the wprintf will not work due the incorrect orientation.
In other words, once you use printf() you need to keep on using printf(). Similarly, if you start with wprintf(), you need to keep using wprintf().
You cannot intermix printf() and wprintf(). (except on Windows)
To answer the question about why the wprintf line doesn't work even by itself. It's probably because the code is being compiled so that the UTF-8 format of 中日友好 is stored into wchar_. However, wchar_t needs 4-byte unicode encoding. (2-bytes in Windows)
So there's two options that I can think of:
Don't bother with wchar_t, and just stick with multi-byte chars. This is the easy way, but may break if the user's system is not set to the Chinese locale.
Use wchar_t, but you will need to encode the Chinese characters using unicode escape sequences. This will obviously make it unreadable in the source code, but it will work on any machine that can print Chinese character fonts regardless of the locale.
Line 1 is not ascii, it's whatever multibyte encoding is used by your compiler at compile-time. On modern systems that's probably UTF-8. printf does not know the encoding. It's just sending bytes to stdout, and as long as the encodings match, everything is fine.
One problem you should be aware of is that lines 3 and 4 together invoke undefined behavior. You cannot mix character-based and wide-character io on the same FILE (stdout). After the first operation, the FILE has an "orientation" (either byte or wide), and after that any attempt to perform operations of the opposite orientation results in UB.
You are omitting one step and therefore think the wrong way.
You have a C file on disk, containing bytes. You have a "ASCII" string and a wide string.
The ASCII string takes the bytes exactly like they are in line 1 and outputs them.
This works as long as the encoding of the user's side is the same as the one on the programmer's side.
The wide string first decodes the given bytes into unicode codepoints and stored in the program- maybe this goes wrong on your side. On output they are encoded again according to the encoding on the user's side. This ensures that these characters are emitted as they are intended to, not as they are entered.
Either your compiler assumes the wrong encoding, or your output terminal is set up the wrong way.

isLetter with accented characters in C

I'd like to create (or find) a C function to check if a char c is a letter...
I can do this for a-z and A-Z easily of course.
However i get an error if testing c == á,ã,ô,ç,ë, etc
Probably those special characters are stored in more then a char...
I'd like to know:
How these special characters are stored, which arguments my function needs to receive, and how to do it?
I'd also like to know if are there any standard function that already does this.
I think you're looking for the iswalpha() routine:
#include <wctype.h>
int iswalpha(wint_t wc);
The iswalpha() function is the wide-character equivalent of
the isalpha(3) function. It tests whether wc is a wide
character belonging to the wide-character class "alpha".
It does depend upon the LC_CTYPE of the current locale(7), so its use in a program that is supposed to handle multiple types of input correctly simultaneously might not be ideal.
If you are working with single-byte codesets such as ISO 8859-1 or 8859-15 (or any of the other 8859-x codesets), then the isalpha() function will do the job if you also remember to use setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); (or some other suitable invocation of setlocale()) in your program. Without this, the program runs in the C locale, which only classifies the ASCII characters (8859-x characters in the range 0x00..0x7F).
If you are working with multibyte or wide character codesets (such as UTF8 or UTF16), then you need to look to the wide character functions found in <wchar.h> and <wctype.h>.
How these characters are stored is locale-dependent. On most UNIX systems, they'll be stored as UTF8, whereas a Win32 machine will likely represent them as UTF16. UTF8 is stored as a variable-amount of chars, whereas UTF16 is stored using surrogate pairs - and thus inside a wchar_t (or unsigned short) (though incidentally, sizeof(wchar_t) on Windows is only 2 (vs 4 on *nix), and thus you'll often need 2 wchar_t types to store the 1 character if a surrogate pair encoding is used - which it will be in many cases).
As was mentioned, the iswalpha() routine will do this for you, and is documented here. It should take care of locale-specific issues for you.
You probably want It provides a portable library with APIs for this.
