Setting label with ng-options and 'as' ('track by' alternative) - angularjs

I need all of my drop down menu options to have a label that matches their displayed value. Currently the code I use to create the options is ng-options="country.Code as country.Country for country in countries". I know the preferred way to do this is with track by, but since I already use as, my code breaks when I do so. How can I work around this?

You can use track by in NgOption when using as but it's important to set the complete country object (not country.Code) to the NgModel or else the track by statement will fail.
Try it like this
ng-options="country as country.Country for country in countries track by country.Code"


ng-repeat in select tag not producing results

Having a lot of trouble with ng-repeat in a select tag. The below is not working for some reason though all documentation indicates that it should.
<select id="blahh" ng-model="log_instances" class="selectpicker" multiple>
<option>this works</option> <!-- this works -->
<option ng-repeat="comp in env.status.components">test-value</option>
The only option that ends up showing is the 'this works' one, but I would expect 'test-value' to show up for each of the items described in the ng-repeat's.
Additionally, I also checked the console for angular.element(document.getElementById('blahh')).scope() and it shows the proper data that I would expect to see. Also, if I include a table right below this select with the same ng-repeat's and fields, it produces the expected output just fine. I'm using Angular 1.6.5
Any help is appreciated!
The HTML snippet included with the original question had <span> tags as immediate children of the <select> tag, which would've produced invalid markup as only <option> or <optgroup> elements are permitted.
Whenever you have a data collection that needs to be presented as a select list, Angular's ng-options attribute makes it easy.
Also, if you need a default option (for when the collection data might be in transit due to an AJAX request), include an <option> element assigned with an empty value (i.e. value=""), then you could use ng-if to hide this default option when it is no longer necessary.
Use ng-options like below. But your code also should work check env.status.components
<select ng-options="item as item.label for item in items track by" ng-model="selected"></select>
My question to you would be, why do you want to use a ng-repeat inside a multiple select, when you have ng-options handy?
Assuming your comp object looks like this:
name: 'somevalue'
I would change your code to look like so:
<select id="blahh" multiple="true" ng-model="log_instances" ng-options=" for comp in env.status.components"></select>
Please have a look at the plunker demo I have made for you

ng-option track by group name breaks the select

I have a dropdown select with grouped ng-options. The user should be able to dynamically change the naming of the group name in an input field. On change of the group name value the select directive is not being updated unless you make a new selection.
I fixed this with using track by group name, but now the select dropdown is broken. Note that the option you select is not the one that is actually selected.
Is there a way to have both dynamically updated group name and a working select?
<select ng-options=" group by for player in players track by" ng-model="systemType.tertiaryEquipment"></select>
Here's the jsfiddle :
You have several options here, but there are trade-offs that you need to consider.
First, the thing that is messing up your selections is the track by expression, which shouldn't be because you are not selecting teams. It should be either or nothing at all. Keep in mind that tracking by will make the groups in the select object to not be updated in real-time.
Second, if you want the groups in the option menu to change dynamically, you need to change the entire $scope.players object, and not just change a string value inside of it. For example, you can use angular.copy:
$scope.change = function() {
var copy = angular.copy($scope.players);
copy[0].team = 'betsdfhsk';
$scope.players = copy;
This presents the other trade-off you need to consider. Changing the object reference completely will also void your selected object if you didn't use track by in the first option.
But here's a working fiddle.

Set selected attribute for single/multi selection with ng-options

It seems that angular's behavior with respected to the selected attribute has changed back and forth with each major version. So I'm just looking for someone to tell me if this is achievable in the 1.5.x release using ng-options rather than ng-repeat.
What I'm trying to do:
Have angular create html like the following(so that it can be interpreted by a jquery plugin)
<select multiple="multiple"...>
<option value="abc123" label="Justin" selected="selected">Justin</option>
I've tried many variations of this
<select ms-multi-listbox multiple="multiple" class="multi-select"
id="ym" name="ym" ng-model="groupCtrl.memSelection"
ng-options="mem as mem.displayName for mem in groupCtrl.selectableMembers track by">
with no luck.
the model looks like this:
groupCtrl.memSelection =["abc123"];//inbound from api as is selectableMembers
Here is a plunk I've been playing with (try changing the angular version for added confusion): Plunker
Any ideas are welcome.. I mainly wanted to avoid ng-repeat because it has a lot of overhead in longer lists but obviously slow is better than not working so I'll use it until I learn how to do this with ng-options.
Here is a ng-repeat that achieves the result I want:
<option ng-repeat="mem in groupCtrl.selectableMembers" value="{{}}" label="{{mem.displayName}}" ng-selected="groupCtrl.memSelection.indexOf(>=0">{{mem.displayName}}</option>
enter code here
Be careful when using select as and track by in the same expression. AngularJS API ngOptions
Your expression for ng-options can't work. Using select as and track by in the same expression evaluates to Change the expression to
ng-options="mem as mem.displayName for mem in groupCtrl.selectableMembers track by"
And how you set the selected objects don't look right to me as well. You can not just set the id, you have to set the whole object as selected otherwise your ng-options expression evaluation will also fail. Therefore change your selection to (assuming selectable data is stored in $scope.model as it is in the plunk example).
$scope.memSelection = [$scope.model[0], $scope.model[1]]
I have updated the plunk and it works for single and multi selection.
For more information read AngularJS API ngOptions.

Dynamic Select List Default Selected Item - Angular JS

I have the code listed below which works fine, however when i attempt to add ng-model and related ng-change to the select, an empty option is added. I understanding why, it is because on init the selectedOption for ng-model is empty.
What I want to do is set a default value so when I can use ng-change to set options IsSelected value to true when user selects it. I'm just not sure how to go about this, I have no issues doing this when I'm working with a static generated select list, but for some reason I can't figure it out for this dynamic generated list.
Any input is appreciated!
<div ng-repeat="optionType in productDetailModel.OptionTypes">
<select name="{{optionType.OptionTypeName}}">
<option ng-repeat="option in optionType.Options"
Here's plunkr I mocked to give a basic idea of what I have in mind:
The initial option is blank because the model is initially undefined.
As tymeJV said, initializing your scope inside of your .js will define a default value that will be shown as selected initially.
$scope.modelName = $scope.optionType.Options[0];
It might be helpful to use ng-options instead of ng-repeat. One reason why it might be beneficial is that ng-options does not create a child scope (unlike ng-repeat). This could help simplify linking to your model and avoid confusion.
<select name="{{optionType.OptionTypeName}}" ng-model="modelName" ng-options="option for option in optionType.Options">
This article covers the basics of ng-options as well as discusses why it would be used as opposed to ng-repeat.
Hope this helps.
Use ng-options when using a select!
<select name="{{optionType.OptionTypeName}}" ng-model="someModel" ng-options="option as option for option in optionType.Options>
And then set the ngModel to the default option you want selected:
$scope.someModel = $scope.optionType.Options[0]
There is one directive of select element is ng-init but it call once while first time rendering, but if you change the options dynamically then it will not call again. So for that you need to set the model field with value in scope just below of your new option population logic.
$scope.modelName = $scope.Options[0]; // if array
$scope.modelName = $scope.Options[key]; // if Json Object

AngularJS and option change text

I have a select lists with currencies. Its made like this:
<select ng-model="model.currency">
<option value="USD">Amercian Dollars</option>
<option value="EUR">Euro</option>
I need to find a way so that the option text changes when I select an option. I tried an ng-change but I cant find a way to set the option text. Just to clarify:
The value should be the currency code
The selected text shown should be the currency code
If I click on my select the list of options should be the fullname
So whats missing in the scenario above is to set the value as text when selecting it.
select is a special directive in AngularJS. You need to declare ng-options and set options in controller.
