Sencha ExtJS setting automatically unique id`s - extjs

I've had a problem that's been bothering me for some time:
In an ExtJS application whose UI is created with Sencha Architect, all widgets should have unique IDs.
1. to be able to assign labels in the previously selected language at runtime
in order to be able to address the elements clearly in automatic tests
I achieve both goals if I assign the ID manually....but this is quite time-consuming in the long run. Does anyone know of a better solution?
Thank you,


How to add personal icons in Glade without polluting hierarchy

I've been looking for solutions for several weeks now, but I'm having a bit of trouble finding and understanding (in cases where I find documentation).
I'm currently developing an application for a school project. But I used a GtkToolPalette ( so that the user can have icons to drag and drop into a drawing area. The problem is that first of all, these icons are very specific to what I want, so I can't find them in the icons that Glade/GTK3 already offers. Second, if I add all the icons one by one in Glade via the buttons on my GtkToolPalette it creates images each time (i.e. a lot) in the hierarchy of my objects, widgets and it completely pollutes my Glade workspace.
Is there a way to make all these additions cleanly. At the moment, I haven't found any method via glade. However, I finally found this but I don't really understand the method.
Does anyone know of an effective method?
Thank you in advance for your attention and your answers :)

WPF AutomationID vs. Name for identifying UI elements on Ranorex

for the application I'm running automation on - I noticed that there was a problem that some of the elements cannot be found via view spy. These elements do not have names nor Automation ID. I suggested adding one of these to all elements, which would you recommend for my purpose and what are the differences between the two? I just want to be able to locate elements as quickly and as efficiently as possible. I am fairly new to WPF automation testing as I traditionally come from a web automation background.
In my opinion it doesn't matter which attribute is used as long as it is unique.

EXT JS 5 - Is it possible to display combobox data in a tree view?

I am currently working on a project that will be written with EXT-JS 5 and I've been asked to minimize the number of "special purpose" controls required by the UI, and to rely on existing EXT-JS 5 components and simple customizations as much as possible.
There is a form going in the UI that would benefit from having a combobox with the selection area displayed like a single-select tree view. I have done some research and know that the EXT-JS 5 combobox does support customization but I am not familiar enough with the package (and don't have the time to become more familiar with it) to be able to tell whether it would be possible to customize it to use an EXT-JS 5 tree control.
I've done some searching on Google and these forums and have not found anything which specifically addresses this question and would appreciate advice, and possibly an example (if it is possible), from those more knowledgeable than I am.
Extjs supprts treepicker as built-in. Check this (gind treepicker) or this

is it possible to write data to a collection in wpf?

In looking through samples I have seen a number of examples where it is possible to present data within a wpf applicaiton by binding to collections. However I was wondering is it possible to write to a collection from an applicaiton. Say for example i have 2 or more fields such as names and I wanted to have hte ability to add up to three names in my application ( all stored in memory). Will collections serve this purpose. In the past with I have done this by creating data tables and storing values on the fly or during the session. I am trying to learn WPF and I was wondering if collections work in the same fashion?
If so could you please post an example or point me to references that show examples of this?
Thank you in advance.
Use ObservableCollection as a datasource if you want UI to update on the changes you made to collection from your code.
See ObservableCollection<(Of <(T>)>) Class It also contains quite a good sample.

Still no OPTGROUP?

I read in the dojo trac from 3 years ago a concern that dojo combobox needs to implement option groups. I am using version 1.3.2 and my combo is failing. Are the option groups still not supported after all this time?
There doesn't seem to be a way to use optgroups in the combobox widget. That ticket was closed and no new one was ever opened. There is also not really a way the data could be represented consistently in either. It would be possible to create a custom solution to this by editing the dijit though, just manage the optgroups in the way that makes sense for your application.
You could consider using dijit-select-optgroup if you are willing to use a Select alike widget.
dijit-select-optgroup is basically a custom version of dijit/form/Select which includes grouping of options (similar to html <select> element with <optgroup>).
More info:
Live demo:
Disclaim: I own this repo :).
