Should I create two seperate frontends - desktop and mobile? - reactjs

We're facing a new react project, which should run on desktop and mobile. Some of the desktop features won't be available on mobile.
We're debating whether we should create two separate front-ends or a single, responsive front-end.
Could you elaborate on the pros and cons of each approach? Which one would you use instead of me?

Should I create two separate frontends - desktop and mobile?
For a well-written web-app, a single, manageable codebase ought to suffice for all hardware:
Build a single, responsive front-end. Where features on larger screens and smaller screens don't match exactly, use a combination of:
graceful degradation
progressive enhancement
This is simply best-practice, efficient, future-proofed project management, using DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) as a philosophy to work by. [1]
Rather than WET (Write Everything Twice).

IMHO one can reach 90%-99% with a single site / PWA depending on the application. To reach 100% a company has to invest heavily. So, I think for many companies this boils down to:
Do we have the resources?
Do we want to pay the price (initial invest)?
Do we want to pay the price (maintanance, new features, etc)
My recommendation is to start simply with a web app. Make a good separation of concerns at the backend (split api/business logic from presentation layer etc). If you are successful and want to reach the 100%, invest in further options.
There are many examples (news sites for instance), which abandon the approach of having two separate implementations.


Which web solution should I use for my project?

I'm going to create a fairly large (from my point of view anyway) web project with a friend. We will create a site with roads and other road related info.
Our calculations is that we will have around 100k items in our database. Each item will contain some information like location, name etc. (about 30 thing each). We are counting on having a few hundred thousand unique visitors per month.
The 100k items and their locations (that will be searchable) will be the main part of the page but we will also have some articles, comments, news and later on some more social functions (accounts, forums, picture uploads etc.).
We were going to use Google AppEngine to develop our project since it is really scalable and free (at least for a while). But I'm actually starting to doubt that AppEngine is right for us. It seems to be for webbapps and not sites like ours.
Which system (language/framework etc.) would you guys recommend us to use? It doesn't really mater if we know the language since before (we like learning new stuff) but it would be good if it's something that is future proof.
I think that GAE can do the job. Google claims that Google App Engine is able to handle 5 million visitors for free and you will have to start paying only if you exceed their free quota.
It's also pretty easy to get started. If you don't have experience on administrating websites and choose a regular hosting service, you will have to worry about several things that you don't even imagine now.
My only concern would be with respect of the kind of data and queries you will have to do, since it does not have a relational database. Anyway, there is an open source project for GAE, called GeoModel that gives GAE the ability to do complex geo spacial queries, like proximity fetch. Have a look at their tutorial and the demo app.
About your impression that GAE was intended only for small web apps, there are a couple of CMS that run on it.
Good luck!
If once of your concerns is scalability, and you don't want to depend on expensive or commercial tools, I would recommend that you take a look at this tech stack:
Erlang - A programming language designed for concurrency and distribution.
Nitrogen - An Erlang web framework with a lot of cool stuff, like transparent AJAX.
NoSQL scalable databases, such as CouchDB or Riak - Save the the hassle of SQL code and are more scalable than plain MySQL. Both has direct native Erlang API.
To be honest, I don't know if this tool set is your cup of tea; These are not mainstream solutions. I just suggest these to everyone who ask about size-sensitive web applications.
All serious web frameworks will provide you with what you need. The real issues (for example scalability) might be tackled in a different way depending on what you use, but you wont be limited if you choose a well-known one. The choice of database system might be more important for that (sql vs nosql), even if both of those will do fine too.
It's all about
knowing how to use
enjoying to use
the tool(s) you've chosen.
In either case, name-dropping some suggestions:
Rails (Ruby)
Django (Python)
Nitrogen (Erlang)
And please note, if you really want to learn everything from the bottom, you'd be fine with any of these (or one of the other gazillion out there). But if you want to perform your best, choose one that supports a language you know well or uses techniques/tools you have experience of etc. Think twice about how you value this is fun and we learn a lot against we want to be productive and do a really good job.

How does Silverlight web browser application performance affected by number of pages or child pages in application?

If you have practical experience deploying Silverlight image viewing and deep zoom applications, does number of application pages affect performance? Let's say download or execution time, display time, etc.
The need is to prvide users with a lot of dedicated interfaces to view and process images including deepzoom images.
What is better:
to have one application containing 5 Pages to display different variations of image UI's with 3 child windows per each page (total of 15 pages)
to have 5 different applications with one main page and 3 child pages. but make them work together via webservices or simply by linking the pages html at run time.
Any thoughts?
There are 2 issues here.
Initial download time and
Actual runtime performance
Download time/app size:
Monolithic applications (many many megs of initial download) result in a poor user experience. This is the most common problem everyone hits in Siverlight if they create a single large applications (basically the easy approach). You may produce an application that takes minutes to load. The guideline for traditional web development is less than 10 seconds before the user gets bored and leaves the site, so this is easy to exceed with a big Silverlight app.
The only solution to this problem is splitting the app into multiple downloadable pieces. That does not necessarily mean multiple apps as Silverlight supports downloading of additional XAP files (usually modules).
The most recent solutions involve producing separate components, that are downloaded on demand, on the principal that not all functions of a website are used by a single user every time they visit. MEF and Prism are good example of this type of development pattern.
Runtime performance
This one is more difficult as there are several factors that contribute to poor performance.
Poor reuse of memory (objects living on long after they should have gone into the light, or just too much loaded at once)
Overuse of animation (this is often the biggest performance hit as it is so easy to change a lot of screen pixels in Silverlight)
Inefficient code (assume any algorithm can be replaced with something faster, although there is normally a trade-off between speed and memory usage).
All of these need to be addressed, but it comes down to the skill and experience of the developers as to how efficient it could be made to run.
My advice:
Go with a single-app/many separate module pattern like MEF
or Prism to break your app into
discrete modules.
Be careful with excessive animations if performance is key.
Plan general efficiency in from day 1 and you will avoid heartache later.
Hope this helps.

What are the cons of a web based application

I am going to write a database application for the camp I work for. I am thinking about writing it in C# with a Windows GUI interface but using a browser as the application is seeming more and more appelaing for various reasons. What I am wondering is why someone would not choose to write an application as a web application. Ex. The back button can cause you some trouble. Are there other things that ayone can think of?
There are plenty of cons:
Speed and responsiveness tend to be significantly worse
Complicated UI widgets (such as tree controls) are harder to do
Rendering graphics of any kind is pretty tricky, 3D graphics is even harder
You have to mess around with logins
A centralised server means clients always need network access
Security restrictions may cause you trouble
Browser incompatibilities can cause a lot of extra work
UI conventions are less well-defined on the web - users may find it harder to use
Client-side storage is limited
The question is.. do enough of those apply to your project to make web the wrong choice?
One thing that was not mentioned here is the level of complexity and knowledge required to generate a good web application. The problem being unless you are doing something very simple, there is no "Single" knowledge or technology that goes into these applications.
For example if you were to write an application for some client server platform.. you may develop in Java or C++. For a complex web application you may have to have expertise in Java, Java Script, HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, SQL, J2EE.. etc. Also the components of a web based application are also more numerous, Web Application Server, HTTP Server, Database, Browser.. are tipical components but there could be more.. a client server app is tipical just what it says.. a client application and a Server application. My experience and personal preference is not web based .. web based is great for many things. But even though I am an IT Architect for a leading company that is completely emersed in Web Apps as the solution for everything... The cons are many still.. I do thing the technology will evolve and the cons will go away over time though.
Essentially the real limitations are only through of the platform, being the browser. If you have to account for all browsers in current use that can be a pain due to varying degrees of standards in each of them.
If have control of the which browser to use, that is everyone is on computers that you control on site, and say you install firefox on all of them, you could then leverage the latest Javascript and CSS standards to their fullest in your content delivery.
[edit] You could also look into options like the adobe integrated runtime or "AIR" as an option allowing you to code the front-end with traditional browser based options like xhtml/css/javascript, flash/flex and have the backend hooked up to your database online, only also providing functionality of a traditional desktop app at the same time.
The biggest difference and drawback I see with web applications is state management. Since the web is, by nature, stateless every thing you want to maintain has to be sent back and forth from the server with every request and response. How to efficiently store and retrieve it in a matter with respect to page size and performance is hard to do at times. Also the fact that there is no real standard (at least not that everyone adheres to) for browsers makes consistency
You need to have a network access to the server that you are going to have the web application on (if there are going to be multiple users for the application - which is typically the case).
Actually, there are more pros than cons - if you can give some details about your application, we could help a little more...
It completely depends on the requirements of your project. For the most part, there isn't much web applications cannot do these days. Admittedly, certain applications do belong on the desktop as browsers (while currently advancing, and rapidly), still are not quite there yet. From the advent of applications such as Google Docs, Gmail
There isn't much you -cannot- do on the web. If you're creating a World of Warcraft competitor however, the web is most certainly not the optimal solution. Again, unfortunately we'd need more insight on the application you're building for the camp. The best part about the web is that anyone with a browser can use your application.
Web applications delegate processing to a remote machine. Depending on the amount of processing, this can be a con. Consider a photo editor that's a web app.
Web applications also can't deal with a whole lot of data going back and forth to and from a client. You can watch video online.. when it's compressed. It will be awhile before we see any web-based video editing software.
Browser compatibility is also a hassle. You can't control the look-and-feel of the application 100%.
Vaibhav has a good point. What's your application?
A major one is down time for migrations... users will not expect the application to be down, ever, but realistically it will have to be down for major upgrades. When doing this with a desktop application, the user (or end-user systems admin) is in control of when upgrades happen; with an online app, they're not.
For applications which have large data, performance can be a major problem as you're storing a large number of users' data centrally, which means the IO performance will not be as good as it would be if you gave them all a laptop.
In general scalability gives problems for a server-based app. Desktop applications scale really well.
You can do an awful lot with a web-based app, but it is a lot easier to do certain things with a thick client:
Performance: You get simple access to the full power of the client's CPU.
Responsiveness: Interactivity is fast and easy.
Graphics: You can easily use graphics libraries such as DirectX and OpenGL to create fast impressive graphics.
Work with local files
Deciding whether a web application is a good approach depends on what you are trying to achieve. However here are some more general cons of web applications:
Real integration with desktop apps (e.g. Outlook) is impossible
Drag and drop between your app and the desktop / other running apps
With a web application, there are more privacy concerns, when you are storing user data on your servers. You have to make sure that you don't loose/disclose it and your users have to be comfortable with the idea of storing that data on your servers.
Apart from that, there are many security problems, like Man-in-the-middle attacks, XSS or SQL injections.
You also need to make sure that you have enough computing power and bandwidth at hand.
"Ex. The back button can cause you some trouble."
You'll have to be specific on this. A lot of people make fundamental mistakes in their web applications and introduce bugs in how they handle transactions. If you do not use "Redirect after Post" (also known as Post-Redirect-Get, PRG design), then you've created a bug which appears as a problem with the back button.
A blanket statement that the back button in trouble is unlikely to be true. A specific example would clarify your specific question on this.
The back button really is not that much of an issue if you design your application correctly. You can use AJAX to manipulate parts of the current page, without adding items into the browser history (since the page itself wont change).
The biggest issue with designing web applications has to do with state, and the challenges that need to be programmed around. With a desktop application, state is easy to handle, you can leave a database connection opened, lock the record and wait for the user to make the changes and commit. With a web application, you could lock the record...but then what if the user closes the browser? These things must be overcome in the design of your application.
When designing a web application, make sure that each trip to the server "stands alone" and provides a complete answer. Always re-initialize your variables before performing any work and never assume anything. One of the challenges I ran into once was pulling "pages" of grid data back to the user. In a real busy system, with record additions/modifications happening in real time, the user navigation from page to page would vary greatly, sometimes even resulting in viewing the same set of a few records as new additions were added in-front of the query.

What's the best way to make a mobile friendly site?

Speaking entirely in technology-free terms, what is the best way to make a mobile friendly site? That is, I want to make a site that will work on a regular computer but also have mobile versions of the pages. Should I rewrite each page? The pages will probably have different functionality, so should I rewrite the backend code? Should it be an effectively different site with the same database?
On my site, I detect user agent, and for known mobile browsers I serve a different stylesheet, with some larger/less necessary items left off some pages. The backend doesn't really change.
I added a mobile presentation layer to an operational site about a year ago. Based on the architecture of the site (hopefully this isn't too technology dependent for you) I added a new set of JSPs to accommodate mobile browsers (sidenote: see for a great way to build mobile pages independent of browser type). Additionally some of the back-end functionality was changed due to the limited functionality of most mobile browsers. So, in short, the integration wasn't as painful as one would expect.
Good luck!
This is a pretty broad question, but here goes:
If the site is primarily about the content, meaning it's not so much a service you use as it's a publication you read, then I'd try to avoid publishing two sites wherever possible. Concentrate on simple presentation using mature technologies that mobile browsers can handle fairly well.
If it's essentially a software application delivered via the network, then things get trickier, because you're going to want to consider the UI of the mobile device, and how it differs from the desktop.
This should go without saying, but either way, if you have many mobile users, you should keep that in mind when you author content for the site. Formats, length, voice, etc.
In addition to the WURFL / WALL capabilities system that todd mentioned, there are Java Server Faces libraries available that use alternate WML renderkits for mobile phones.
One way I have done it in the past was to make sure my data was abstracted well in the data tier and then use separate middle tier models to pull what was appropriate. In my case the application was a weather application and the display methods of the target devices were really limited so we opted to only show the user the essentials on the mobile devices while the website was full featured. That was probably 10 years ago when WAP was big. But these days with devices getting bigger screens, better bandwidth, you may want to consume and display the exact same data with a different view model.
I never really know what type of application will need to consume the data in the future. We do a lot of apps across platforms but the domain model rarely changes. So I end up using the same middle tier objects where I can and pulling that data in different clients. A good example of this is a recent project where we had a rich internet application (widget), a full website, and a web service consuming the same data. Data abstraction in the middle-tier really shines in this environment.
On a very high level of abstraction, there are two main caveats with mobile devices: (1) their screen is small, (2) their network connection is intermittent. This basically means that your need to present the content so that it looks fine even on a small (variable size) screen, and preferably make it cacheable too so that your users can browse the content while offline. Then there's also the problem of low bandwidth and high latency, but those are slightly less important nowadays.
This is a very thorough overview of how to make a site mobile, though i hope its fair to say that there will always be different requirements for anyone seeking to go mobile. If you have a Blog, then you could just as easily make it mobile friendly using Mippin Mobilizer; its free, provides branding customisation tools, and with a big audience already browsing a wide mix of mobilized content, there's opportunities to generate advertising revenue around your blog.
This is because the Mippin Mobilized blog then becomes part of a much wider community of content, people, news, blogs, listings, all connecting around content, and much more at the mobile site: (on a mobile browser.)
Take a look at the Mobilizing tool because it shows off what the site can do in a second:
Only if you have a blog of course...

Which resolution to target for a Mobile App?

When desinging UI for mobile apps in general which resolution could be considered safe as a general rule of thumb. My interest lies specifically in web based apps. The iPhone has a pretty high resolution for a hand held, and the Nokia E Series seem to oriented differently. Is 240×320 still considered safe?
Not enough information...
You say you're targeting a "Mobile App" but the reality is that mobile could mean anything from a cell phone with 128x128 resolution to a MID with 800x600 resolution.
There is no "safe" resolution for such a wide range, and if you're truly targeting all of them you need to design a custom interface for each major resolution. Add some scaling factors in and you might be able to cut it down to 5-8 different interface designs.
Further, the UI means "User Interface" and includes a lot more than just the resolution - you can't count on a touchscreen, full keyboard, or even software keys.
You need to either better define your target, or explain your target here so we can better help you.
Keep in mind that there are millions of phone users that don't have PDA resolutions, and you can really only count on 128x128 or better to cover the majority of technically inclined cell phone users (those that know there's a web browser in their phone, nevermind those that use it).
But if you're prepared to accept these losses, go ahead and hit for 320x240 and 240x320. That will give you most current PDA phones and up (older blackberries and palm devices had smaller square orientations). Plan on spending time later supporting lower resolution devices and above all...
Do not tie your app to a particular resolution.
Make sure your app is flexible enough that you can deploy new UI's without changing internal application logic - in other words separate the presentation from the core logic. You will find this very useful later - the mobile world changes daily. Once you gauge how your app is being used you can, for instance, easily deploy an iPhone specific version that is pixel perfect (and prettier than an upscaled 320x240) in order to engage more users. Being able to do this in a few hours (because you don't have to change the internals) is going to put you miles ahead of the competition if someone else makes a swipe at your market.
Right now I believe it would make sense for me to target about 2 resolutions and latter learn my customers best needs through feedback?
It's a chicken and egg problem.
Ideally before you develop the product you already know what your customers use/need.
Often not even the customers know what they need until they use something (and more often than not you find out what they don't need rather than what they need).
So in this case, yes, spend a little bit of time developing a prototype app that you can send out there to a few people and get feedback. They will have better feedback because they can try it out, and you will have a springboard to start from. The ability to quickly release UI updates without changing core logic will allow you test several interfaces quickly without a huge time investment.
Further, to customers you will seem really responsive to their needs, which will be a big benefit to people who's jobs depend on reaction time.
You mentioned Web based apps. Any particular framework you have in mind?
In many cases, WALL seems to help to large extent.
Here's one Article, Adapting to User Devices Using Mobile Web Technology exploiting WALL.
