What are the cons of a web based application - database

I am going to write a database application for the camp I work for. I am thinking about writing it in C# with a Windows GUI interface but using a browser as the application is seeming more and more appelaing for various reasons. What I am wondering is why someone would not choose to write an application as a web application. Ex. The back button can cause you some trouble. Are there other things that ayone can think of?

There are plenty of cons:
Speed and responsiveness tend to be significantly worse
Complicated UI widgets (such as tree controls) are harder to do
Rendering graphics of any kind is pretty tricky, 3D graphics is even harder
You have to mess around with logins
A centralised server means clients always need network access
Security restrictions may cause you trouble
Browser incompatibilities can cause a lot of extra work
UI conventions are less well-defined on the web - users may find it harder to use
Client-side storage is limited
The question is.. do enough of those apply to your project to make web the wrong choice?

One thing that was not mentioned here is the level of complexity and knowledge required to generate a good web application. The problem being unless you are doing something very simple, there is no "Single" knowledge or technology that goes into these applications.
For example if you were to write an application for some client server platform.. you may develop in Java or C++. For a complex web application you may have to have expertise in Java, Java Script, HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, SQL, J2EE.. etc. Also the components of a web based application are also more numerous, Web Application Server, HTTP Server, Database, Browser.. are tipical components but there could be more.. a client server app is tipical just what it says.. a client application and a Server application. My experience and personal preference is not web based .. web based is great for many things. But even though I am an IT Architect for a leading company that is completely emersed in Web Apps as the solution for everything... The cons are many still.. I do thing the technology will evolve and the cons will go away over time though.

Essentially the real limitations are only through of the platform, being the browser. If you have to account for all browsers in current use that can be a pain due to varying degrees of standards in each of them.
If have control of the which browser to use, that is everyone is on computers that you control on site, and say you install firefox on all of them, you could then leverage the latest Javascript and CSS standards to their fullest in your content delivery.
[edit] You could also look into options like the adobe integrated runtime or "AIR" as an option allowing you to code the front-end with traditional browser based options like xhtml/css/javascript, flash/flex and have the backend hooked up to your database online, only also providing functionality of a traditional desktop app at the same time.

The biggest difference and drawback I see with web applications is state management. Since the web is, by nature, stateless every thing you want to maintain has to be sent back and forth from the server with every request and response. How to efficiently store and retrieve it in a matter with respect to page size and performance is hard to do at times. Also the fact that there is no real standard (at least not that everyone adheres to) for browsers makes consistency really..........fun.

You need to have a network access to the server that you are going to have the web application on (if there are going to be multiple users for the application - which is typically the case).
Actually, there are more pros than cons - if you can give some details about your application, we could help a little more...

It completely depends on the requirements of your project. For the most part, there isn't much web applications cannot do these days. Admittedly, certain applications do belong on the desktop as browsers (while currently advancing, and rapidly), still are not quite there yet. From the advent of applications such as Google Docs, Gmail
There isn't much you -cannot- do on the web. If you're creating a World of Warcraft competitor however, the web is most certainly not the optimal solution. Again, unfortunately we'd need more insight on the application you're building for the camp. The best part about the web is that anyone with a browser can use your application.

Web applications delegate processing to a remote machine. Depending on the amount of processing, this can be a con. Consider a photo editor that's a web app.
Web applications also can't deal with a whole lot of data going back and forth to and from a client. You can watch video online.. when it's compressed. It will be awhile before we see any web-based video editing software.
Browser compatibility is also a hassle. You can't control the look-and-feel of the application 100%.
Vaibhav has a good point. What's your application?

A major one is down time for migrations... users will not expect the application to be down, ever, but realistically it will have to be down for major upgrades. When doing this with a desktop application, the user (or end-user systems admin) is in control of when upgrades happen; with an online app, they're not.
For applications which have large data, performance can be a major problem as you're storing a large number of users' data centrally, which means the IO performance will not be as good as it would be if you gave them all a laptop.
In general scalability gives problems for a server-based app. Desktop applications scale really well.

You can do an awful lot with a web-based app, but it is a lot easier to do certain things with a thick client:
Performance: You get simple access to the full power of the client's CPU.
Responsiveness: Interactivity is fast and easy.
Graphics: You can easily use graphics libraries such as DirectX and OpenGL to create fast impressive graphics.
Work with local files

Deciding whether a web application is a good approach depends on what you are trying to achieve. However here are some more general cons of web applications:
Real integration with desktop apps (e.g. Outlook) is impossible
Drag and drop between your app and the desktop / other running apps

With a web application, there are more privacy concerns, when you are storing user data on your servers. You have to make sure that you don't loose/disclose it and your users have to be comfortable with the idea of storing that data on your servers.
Apart from that, there are many security problems, like Man-in-the-middle attacks, XSS or SQL injections.
You also need to make sure that you have enough computing power and bandwidth at hand.

"Ex. The back button can cause you some trouble."
You'll have to be specific on this. A lot of people make fundamental mistakes in their web applications and introduce bugs in how they handle transactions. If you do not use "Redirect after Post" (also known as Post-Redirect-Get, PRG design), then you've created a bug which appears as a problem with the back button.
A blanket statement that the back button in trouble is unlikely to be true. A specific example would clarify your specific question on this.

The back button really is not that much of an issue if you design your application correctly. You can use AJAX to manipulate parts of the current page, without adding items into the browser history (since the page itself wont change).
The biggest issue with designing web applications has to do with state, and the challenges that need to be programmed around. With a desktop application, state is easy to handle, you can leave a database connection opened, lock the record and wait for the user to make the changes and commit. With a web application, you could lock the record...but then what if the user closes the browser? These things must be overcome in the design of your application.
When designing a web application, make sure that each trip to the server "stands alone" and provides a complete answer. Always re-initialize your variables before performing any work and never assume anything. One of the challenges I ran into once was pulling "pages" of grid data back to the user. In a real busy system, with record additions/modifications happening in real time, the user navigation from page to page would vary greatly, sometimes even resulting in viewing the same set of a few records as new additions were added in-front of the query.


What is a good base Xamarin Framework for a mobile App?

Hi I've just started a new job and the boss has asked me to find a "base Xamarin Framework" for a mobile app that need the following:
Logging errors (log them locally and then push to a server)
Clearly split Screen/UI stuff from backend stuff (i.e. calling a server or accessing a local database)
Remembering state
Holding user preferences (user settings)
Dealing with timeouts when calling a server
How navigation is managed
Not really sure how to go about finding one or what a good one is, any suggestions would be awesome :)
There's the almighty and beloved MVVMCross. It's widely used in the Xamarin community and it's constantly updated (it'll even have Xamarin.Forms support)
It's a MVVM framework. It means it'll increase the amount of code you can share between your platforms and also make your code easier to maintain and understand due to the separations of concerns. If this is still not enough, it has a lot of plugins that handle many of those tasks you mentioned and a lot more.

Heuristic for dividing front-end and back-end logic in libraries like backbone.js

am new to learning about MVC.
I am wondering if there is a heuristic (non programatically speaking) out there for dividing and deciding what logic goes on the front-end as opposed to the back-end especially when using front-end libraries like backbone.js.
That is, libraries like backbone.js separate data from DOM elements which makes it useful for creating sophisticated client side logic that, perhaps, used to be carried out on the server side.
Thanks in advance
The "classic" way to do Model - View - Controller is to have all three on the server. The View layer output of HTML and some JS is then rendered by the browser.
Rails is an excellent example of this.
The "new cool" way is to treat the browser as the main computing engine with the backend server providing services via APIs.
In this case, the Model, View and Controller software all run (as Javascript or coffeescript) on the client. Backbone is often a part of the browser-side solution but it has alternatives such as spine, angularJS and others.
On the backend server, you run the dbms and a good API system. There are some good frameworks being built on Ruby/Rack. See posts by Daniel Doubrovkine on code.dblock.org You have many choices here.
Advantages of MVC on the client
Responsive user interface for the user
Cool Ajaxy single page effects
Single page webapps can provide much faster UI to user than regular web sites
Good architecture, enabler for purpose build iPhone/Android apps
Depending on the app, can be used to create standalone webapps which work without a network connection.
This is what many cool kids are doing these days
Need to decide on approach for old browsers, IE, etc
Making content available for search engines can be tricky. May require shadow website just for the search engines
Testing can be a challenge. But see new libs such as AngularJS which include a testability focus
This approach involves more software: takes longer to write and test.
It's up to you. Decision depends on your timeframe, resources, experience, needs, etc etc. There is no need to use backbone or similar. Doing so is a tradeoff (see above). It will always be faster/easier not to use it but doing without it (or similar) may not accomplish your goals.
You can build a great MVC app out of just Rails, or PHP with add-on libs or other MVC solutions.
I think you're using the word heuristic in a non-programmatic sense correct? I.e. you're using it to mean something along the lines of 'rule of thumb'?
As a rule of thumb:
You want the server to render the initial page load for UX and SEO reasons.
You could also have subsequent AJAX partial page loads rendered by the server for the same reasons. Profile to see which is faster: having the server render and transfer extra data (the markup) over-the-wire vs. sending a more concise payload (with JSON) and having the client render it. There are tradeoffs especially if you take into consideration mobile devices where maybe rendering on the client will be slower, but then again there are mobile devices out there with slower internet connections...
Like any client-server architecture: You want the client to do things that require fast responsiveness on the client and then send some asynchronous operation to the server that performs performs the same task.
The take away is vague, but true: it's all about tradeoffs and you have to decide what your products needs are.
The first two things to come to mind for me were security & search..
You will always want to restrict read/write access on the server.
in most instances you will want to have your search functionality as close to the data as possible.

Using VCL for the web (intraweb) as a trick for adding web interface to a legacy non-tiered (2 tiers) Delphi win32 application does make sense?

My team is maintaining a huge Client Server win32 Delphi application. It is a client/server application (Thick client) that uses DevArt (SDAC) components to connect to SQL Server.
The business logic is often "trapped" in Component's event handlers, anyway with some degree of refactoring it is doable to move the business logic in common units (a big part of this work has already been done during refactoring... Maintaing legacy applications someone else wrote is very frustrating, but this is a very common job).
Now there is the request of a web interface, I have several options of course, in this question i want to focus on the VCL for the web (intraweb) option.
The idea is to use the common code (the same pas files) for both the client/server application and the web application. I heard of many people that moved legacy apps from delphi to intraweb, but here I am trying to keep the Thick client too.
The idea is to use common code, may be with some compiler directives to write specific code:
{here goes the thick client specific code}
{here goes the Intraweb specific code}
Then another problem is the "migration plan", let's say I have 300 features and on the first release I will have only 50 of them available in the web application. How to keep track of it? I was thinking of (ab)using Delphi interfaces to handle this. For example for the User Authentication I could move all the related code in a procedure and declare an interface like:
IUserAuthentication= interface['{0D57624C-CDDE-458B-A36C-436AE465B477}']
procedure UserAuthentication;
In this way as I implement the IUserAuthentication interface in both the applications (Thick Client and Intraweb) I know that That feature has been "ported" to the web. Anyway I don't know if this approach makes sense. I made a prototype to simulate the whole process. It works for a "Hello world" application, but I wonder if it makes sense on a large application or this Interface idea is only counter-productive and can backfire.
My question is: does this approach make sense? (the Interface idea is just an extra idea, it is not so important as the common code part described above) Is it a viable option?
I understand it depends a lot of the kind of application, anyway to be generic my one is in the CRM/Accounting domain, and the number of concurrent users on a single installation is typically less than 20 with peaks of 50.
EXTRA COMMENT (UPDATE): I ask this question because since I don't have a n-tier application I see Intraweb as the unique option for having a web application that has common code with the thick client. Developing webservices from the Delphi code makes no sense in my specific case, so the alternative I have is to write the web interface using ASP.NET (duplicating the business logic), but in this case I cannot take advantage of the common code in an easy way. Yes I could use dlls maybe, but my code is not suitable for that.
The most important thing that you have to remember is this:
Your thick client .EXE process is used by one person at a time (multiple persons will have multiple instances of that .EXE).
Your intraweb .EXE process will be used by many persons at a time. They all share the same instance of the process.
That means your business logic must not only be refactored out into common units, the instances of the business logic must be able to reside into memory multiple times, and not interfere.
This starts with the business logic that talks to the database: you must be able to have multiple database connections at the same time (in practice a pool of database connections work best).
In my experience, when you can refactor your business logic into datamodules, you have a good starting point to support both an Intraweb and a thick client version of your app.
You should not forget the user interface:
Thick clients support modal forms, and have a much richer UI
Web browsers support only message dialogs (and then: those are very limited), all fancy UI stuff costs a lot of development time (though for instance, TMS has some nice components for Intraweb)
Then, to top it off, you have to cope with the stateless nature of the HTTP protocol. To overcome this, you need sessions. Intraweb will take care of most of the session part.
But you need to ask yourself questions like these:
what should happen if a user is idle for XX minutes?
how much session state can I store in memory? and what if it doesn't fit?
what do I do with the session state that does not fit into memory?
This is just a start, so let use know when you need more info.
If it gets very specific to your app, you can always contact me directly: just google me.
I think if you move your application to n-tiers will be a better solution, it will be easier after that to be used by the desktop and web applications.
you already made the first part by decoupling the business logic from the presentation, you can use RemObject SDK or DataSnap that bundled with Delphi.
after that you will have working desktop application, and you can use Intrawebm Asp.net or what ever for web part, and in this way you will not have to duplicate the business logic again for the web part.
usually converting desktop application to web not easy as you thought, because they work in different environment, and you need to build each one as it's nature.

Calls to webservice are slow, should i be using something else?

Currently we got a web service up and running that handles all our C.R.U.D calls to our database, and pretty much every interaction between user and the database.
(starting with checking the database to see if there's an update for the particular version of the end users application, checking credentials, checking/reading various other application settings, etc, etc)
Pretty much everything our desktop application does (written in c# with WPF .net framework 3.5) it makes a call to the web service. Problem is that on slower machines this takes way too long. Some of users have to wait up to 3 minutes for the app to cold start (this is probably partly because of .net frameworks slow load time...but the web service calls don't help anything).
I guess since our applications are more or less a fancy front end to a database (SQL SERVER 2005), should we be using something else to communicate with it besides a web service? What else is there? I choose the web service because it's the only thing I knew how to do. (besides connecting directly to the database) What do other similar apps use?
Thank You
As mentioned by #Chris Marisic, first profile to ensure that the problem is in the web called. Assuming that it is, there are a few things you can try (I don't know WPF so you will have to see how they work with the framework).
Batch similar items.
For example instead of loading 1 row at a time from table (or equivalent), load several.
May web calls asynchronous.
If you have to send out a bunch of independent calls to the web service, send them asynchronously so that multiple requests are going across the network at once.
Cache values. This can add a lot of complexity if you are not careful (depending on how much you care if the cache is up to date). The ability to listen to the server for changes (or the ability to have the server push changes) makes this one easier to handle.
I had a similar problem on a different framework and I got quite a bit of speedup just with #1.
Profile Profile Profile. Don't make assumptions.
By "web service" do you mean "SOAP service"? Profiling will tell you whether or not SOAP is buying you something.
It's likely that latency and (n+1) query is killing you. It should be easy to measure.

What's the best way to make a mobile friendly site?

Speaking entirely in technology-free terms, what is the best way to make a mobile friendly site? That is, I want to make a site that will work on a regular computer but also have mobile versions of the pages. Should I rewrite each page? The pages will probably have different functionality, so should I rewrite the backend code? Should it be an effectively different site with the same database?
On my site, I detect user agent, and for known mobile browsers I serve a different stylesheet, with some larger/less necessary items left off some pages. The backend doesn't really change.
I added a mobile presentation layer to an operational site about a year ago. Based on the architecture of the site (hopefully this isn't too technology dependent for you) I added a new set of JSPs to accommodate mobile browsers (sidenote: see http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/ for a great way to build mobile pages independent of browser type). Additionally some of the back-end functionality was changed due to the limited functionality of most mobile browsers. So, in short, the integration wasn't as painful as one would expect.
Good luck!
This is a pretty broad question, but here goes:
If the site is primarily about the content, meaning it's not so much a service you use as it's a publication you read, then I'd try to avoid publishing two sites wherever possible. Concentrate on simple presentation using mature technologies that mobile browsers can handle fairly well.
If it's essentially a software application delivered via the network, then things get trickier, because you're going to want to consider the UI of the mobile device, and how it differs from the desktop.
This should go without saying, but either way, if you have many mobile users, you should keep that in mind when you author content for the site. Formats, length, voice, etc.
In addition to the WURFL / WALL capabilities system that todd mentioned, there are Java Server Faces libraries available that use alternate WML renderkits for mobile phones.
One way I have done it in the past was to make sure my data was abstracted well in the data tier and then use separate middle tier models to pull what was appropriate. In my case the application was a weather application and the display methods of the target devices were really limited so we opted to only show the user the essentials on the mobile devices while the website was full featured. That was probably 10 years ago when WAP was big. But these days with devices getting bigger screens, better bandwidth, you may want to consume and display the exact same data with a different view model.
I never really know what type of application will need to consume the data in the future. We do a lot of apps across platforms but the domain model rarely changes. So I end up using the same middle tier objects where I can and pulling that data in different clients. A good example of this is a recent project where we had a rich internet application (widget), a full website, and a web service consuming the same data. Data abstraction in the middle-tier really shines in this environment.
On a very high level of abstraction, there are two main caveats with mobile devices: (1) their screen is small, (2) their network connection is intermittent. This basically means that your need to present the content so that it looks fine even on a small (variable size) screen, and preferably make it cacheable too so that your users can browse the content while offline. Then there's also the problem of low bandwidth and high latency, but those are slightly less important nowadays.
This is a very thorough overview of how to make a site mobile, though i hope its fair to say that there will always be different requirements for anyone seeking to go mobile. If you have a Blog, then you could just as easily make it mobile friendly using Mippin Mobilizer; its free, provides branding customisation tools, and with a big audience already browsing a wide mix of mobilized content, there's opportunities to generate advertising revenue around your blog.
This is because the Mippin Mobilized blog then becomes part of a much wider community of content, people, news, blogs, listings, all connecting around content, and much more at the mobile site:
http://mippin.com (on a mobile browser.)
Take a look at the Mobilizing tool because it shows off what the site can do in a second:
Only if you have a blog of course...
