Calls to webservice are slow, should i be using something else? - database

Currently we got a web service up and running that handles all our C.R.U.D calls to our database, and pretty much every interaction between user and the database.
(starting with checking the database to see if there's an update for the particular version of the end users application, checking credentials, checking/reading various other application settings, etc, etc)
Pretty much everything our desktop application does (written in c# with WPF .net framework 3.5) it makes a call to the web service. Problem is that on slower machines this takes way too long. Some of users have to wait up to 3 minutes for the app to cold start (this is probably partly because of .net frameworks slow load time...but the web service calls don't help anything).
I guess since our applications are more or less a fancy front end to a database (SQL SERVER 2005), should we be using something else to communicate with it besides a web service? What else is there? I choose the web service because it's the only thing I knew how to do. (besides connecting directly to the database) What do other similar apps use?
Thank You

As mentioned by #Chris Marisic, first profile to ensure that the problem is in the web called. Assuming that it is, there are a few things you can try (I don't know WPF so you will have to see how they work with the framework).
Batch similar items.
For example instead of loading 1 row at a time from table (or equivalent), load several.
May web calls asynchronous.
If you have to send out a bunch of independent calls to the web service, send them asynchronously so that multiple requests are going across the network at once.
Cache values. This can add a lot of complexity if you are not careful (depending on how much you care if the cache is up to date). The ability to listen to the server for changes (or the ability to have the server push changes) makes this one easier to handle.
I had a similar problem on a different framework and I got quite a bit of speedup just with #1.

Profile Profile Profile. Don't make assumptions.

By "web service" do you mean "SOAP service"? Profiling will tell you whether or not SOAP is buying you something.
It's likely that latency and (n+1) query is killing you. It should be easy to measure.


How to design the consumation of a REST API from SQL Server?

I'm using a desktop application that writes its data to SQL server. I don't have the source code of this application nor is there an API I could interact with but I do have access to the database.
Besides this desktop application, I'm working with other web based applications that offer a REST API for interaction.
Now, my goal is to act on specific changes I make in the desktop software and push these changes automatically to the web service. For example, if I create a new customer in my application, I want to have the same customer created in the web service.
The easiest way of doing this IMO is to just introduce a trigger in the SQL database and consume the API of the web service directly from T-SQL.
Researching this topic, I came across many comments saying using SQL Server for this is not recommended, too expensive etc. I fully understand where they are coming from, even though in my own case cost or performance really won't matter that much.
Still, I'm wondering, what would be the correct (or at least better) way of doing what I'm trying to do without considerably blowing up complexity?

Why do we use REST to connect to a database on a mobile app?

I am currently studying how to make cross-platform mobile apps (with xamarin forms), and I have heard that the "correct" way to connect to a database in a non-locale server (in my case located in Azure) is by using Rest Services (or rest APIs, or however is called), instead of connecting directly to the database with the server explorer option of VS like you would do in windows forms for example(using the SQL connection, dataset, etc. Which I think they are not necessary in the first case, I am not sure).
The only answer that I have received about this is that in mobile apps "They are not permanent connections. It connects, gives you data and disconnects. They are Asynchronous connections.", and that this is done "For optimization of connection resources. The mobile is suspended or the user passes the App to the background.".
But I still don't know if this is the actual reason, and if it is I don't understand how it optimizes the connection resources. So if someone has time to explain this I would appreciate it.
Thank you for your time, I hope I have explained myself correctly, and that you all have a great day.
As Jason said,the Security issues,with proper authorization having mediator is definitely much more secure than giving a user direct access to the database, because you restrict him to the end points which run only the queries you want to.And from the platform independence and maintenance,if the apps are developed in different languages and on different platforms,it may have benefit to create a common REST interface to allow sharing of data model, caching etc.For performance and scalability,that HTTP layer of your REST API provides another valuable caching mechanism. Your servers for your REST API can put caching headers on their responses, and these responses can be cached at the network layer, which scales exceptionally well.
you could read this link Why do people do REST API's instead of DBAL's?,I think the answers are pretty good

Web application vs. web services vs. classic application

Please I need help.
I have project in which I need application which communicates with local DB server and simultaneously with central remote DB server to complete some task(read stock quotas from local server create order and then write order to central orders DB,...).
So, I don`t know which architecture and technology do this.
Web application, .NET WinForms client applications on each computer, or web services based central application with client applications?
What are general differences between this approaches?
If you don't want to expose your database directly to the clients, I'd recommend having a web service layer in between. Depending on the sensitivity of your data and the security level of your network, I'd recommend either a web service approach (where you can manage the encryption of data yourself, and without need for expensive ssl certificates) or a web interface (which might be easier to construct, but with limitations in security).
I agree with Tomas that a web service layer might be good. However, when it comes to choosing between webforms or winforms I don't think your question includes enough information to make the choice.
I'd say that if you want a powerful and feature rich user interface and want to make development easy, Winforms is probably the way to go. But if you need it to be usuable from a varied array of clients and want easier maintenance and deployment, a web app might be best.
First, focus on the exact relationship between these databases. What does "local" mean. Right there on the user's desktop? Shared between all the users in their office? Presumably the local quotes (you do mean stock quotes and not quotas?) could potentiually be a little out of date relative to the central order server's view of the world. Does that matter? I place an order for 100 X at price 78.34, real price may be different. What is the intended behaviour.
My guess is that there is at least some business logic and so we need to decide where that runs. One (thick client) approach is to put that logic on the desktop, the desktop app then might write directly to the central DB. I don't tend to do this for several reasons:
Every client desktop gets a database connection. Scaling is not good, eventually the database gets unhappy when the number of users gets very large.
If we need a slightly different app, perhaps exposed to a different set of users via the Web or whatever, we end up reproducing that business logic.
An alternative approach (thin or browser based) keeps the UI on the desktop, but puts the logic on the server. The client can then invoke some kind of service. Now there's lots of possible ways of doing that, a simple Web Service or Rest Service will do the job. I hope it's clear that this service-based appraoch addressed my two points above.
By symmetry I would treat the local databases in the same way, wrap them in services. However it's possible that some more complex relationship between the databases exists and in which case you might need the local service layer to interact with the central service layer.
I'm touting the general pronciple of Do Not Repeat Yourself, implement each piece of business logic once.

Using a web service to secure a database

There are some rumors floating around that the team at my company will soon be using web services for all future application development. The architecture is supposed to be something like this:
Application --> Web Service --> Database
The stated reasoning behind it is security. This sounds like a huge waste of time for little if any benefit. My question is, in what ways does a web service make your data more secure than a database? I would think that if an attacker wanted to get all your data and had already gotten onto the app server, it would be fairly trivial to figure out how the application is getting it's data.
Please keep in mind that these web services would be purely for data, and would have little if any business/validation logic, and would also be outside the application developers control (at least that's the way it's worked with all previous applications that have used web services).
If it's true that there will be no business logic or validation on the web services, then there is only a limited security benefit to adding the additional layer of abstraction. I say limited because the interface between your application and the database is still more limited than if they were directly talking to each other.
If you add validation and business logic to the equation, there is a significant security benefit, as anyone who has access to the application account can only do the database what the application is able to do. Additionally, this is a better design because it reduces coupling between your application and implementation details of how the data is stored in the database. If you wanted to change the database schema, you only need to update the web services, and not entire applications.
One important thing about Web Services is interoperability so that different applications from different platforms later can utilize the services and data. Your company will benefit a lot by doing so. And you are right about the security, it is definitely one of the good reasons to use web service rather than expose a public endpoint of the database, it is dangerous!
Web Services enable the accessibility of your data, For example, your data can be accessed within browser by javascript. There is no way to access the database on the server directly within Javascript.
All in all, go for it, that is the right approach.
the security argument is questionable; authenticating to a web service is no different than authenticating to the database
there are legitimate reasons for moving db operations to web services and SOA in general, but security isn't one of them
If you use a webservice hopefully you will also be using some kind of queue when sending the data to the database. If you are using a webservice and queue combo then the security come into place with less chance of lost data. If you do not have a webservice and queue combo if you send data to the database and it never gets there you have no were for it to go it just disappears.
You are correct though if someone wants to break into your system a webservice isnt going to help if anything it might make it worse if you make the webservice public and they find the name of your webservice because then they can just query your DB using the webservice and any security features on your servers will just think it is you applications getting the information.

What are the cons of a web based application

I am going to write a database application for the camp I work for. I am thinking about writing it in C# with a Windows GUI interface but using a browser as the application is seeming more and more appelaing for various reasons. What I am wondering is why someone would not choose to write an application as a web application. Ex. The back button can cause you some trouble. Are there other things that ayone can think of?
There are plenty of cons:
Speed and responsiveness tend to be significantly worse
Complicated UI widgets (such as tree controls) are harder to do
Rendering graphics of any kind is pretty tricky, 3D graphics is even harder
You have to mess around with logins
A centralised server means clients always need network access
Security restrictions may cause you trouble
Browser incompatibilities can cause a lot of extra work
UI conventions are less well-defined on the web - users may find it harder to use
Client-side storage is limited
The question is.. do enough of those apply to your project to make web the wrong choice?
One thing that was not mentioned here is the level of complexity and knowledge required to generate a good web application. The problem being unless you are doing something very simple, there is no "Single" knowledge or technology that goes into these applications.
For example if you were to write an application for some client server platform.. you may develop in Java or C++. For a complex web application you may have to have expertise in Java, Java Script, HTML, Flash, CSS, Ajax, SQL, J2EE.. etc. Also the components of a web based application are also more numerous, Web Application Server, HTTP Server, Database, Browser.. are tipical components but there could be more.. a client server app is tipical just what it says.. a client application and a Server application. My experience and personal preference is not web based .. web based is great for many things. But even though I am an IT Architect for a leading company that is completely emersed in Web Apps as the solution for everything... The cons are many still.. I do thing the technology will evolve and the cons will go away over time though.
Essentially the real limitations are only through of the platform, being the browser. If you have to account for all browsers in current use that can be a pain due to varying degrees of standards in each of them.
If have control of the which browser to use, that is everyone is on computers that you control on site, and say you install firefox on all of them, you could then leverage the latest Javascript and CSS standards to their fullest in your content delivery.
[edit] You could also look into options like the adobe integrated runtime or "AIR" as an option allowing you to code the front-end with traditional browser based options like xhtml/css/javascript, flash/flex and have the backend hooked up to your database online, only also providing functionality of a traditional desktop app at the same time.
The biggest difference and drawback I see with web applications is state management. Since the web is, by nature, stateless every thing you want to maintain has to be sent back and forth from the server with every request and response. How to efficiently store and retrieve it in a matter with respect to page size and performance is hard to do at times. Also the fact that there is no real standard (at least not that everyone adheres to) for browsers makes consistency
You need to have a network access to the server that you are going to have the web application on (if there are going to be multiple users for the application - which is typically the case).
Actually, there are more pros than cons - if you can give some details about your application, we could help a little more...
It completely depends on the requirements of your project. For the most part, there isn't much web applications cannot do these days. Admittedly, certain applications do belong on the desktop as browsers (while currently advancing, and rapidly), still are not quite there yet. From the advent of applications such as Google Docs, Gmail
There isn't much you -cannot- do on the web. If you're creating a World of Warcraft competitor however, the web is most certainly not the optimal solution. Again, unfortunately we'd need more insight on the application you're building for the camp. The best part about the web is that anyone with a browser can use your application.
Web applications delegate processing to a remote machine. Depending on the amount of processing, this can be a con. Consider a photo editor that's a web app.
Web applications also can't deal with a whole lot of data going back and forth to and from a client. You can watch video online.. when it's compressed. It will be awhile before we see any web-based video editing software.
Browser compatibility is also a hassle. You can't control the look-and-feel of the application 100%.
Vaibhav has a good point. What's your application?
A major one is down time for migrations... users will not expect the application to be down, ever, but realistically it will have to be down for major upgrades. When doing this with a desktop application, the user (or end-user systems admin) is in control of when upgrades happen; with an online app, they're not.
For applications which have large data, performance can be a major problem as you're storing a large number of users' data centrally, which means the IO performance will not be as good as it would be if you gave them all a laptop.
In general scalability gives problems for a server-based app. Desktop applications scale really well.
You can do an awful lot with a web-based app, but it is a lot easier to do certain things with a thick client:
Performance: You get simple access to the full power of the client's CPU.
Responsiveness: Interactivity is fast and easy.
Graphics: You can easily use graphics libraries such as DirectX and OpenGL to create fast impressive graphics.
Work with local files
Deciding whether a web application is a good approach depends on what you are trying to achieve. However here are some more general cons of web applications:
Real integration with desktop apps (e.g. Outlook) is impossible
Drag and drop between your app and the desktop / other running apps
With a web application, there are more privacy concerns, when you are storing user data on your servers. You have to make sure that you don't loose/disclose it and your users have to be comfortable with the idea of storing that data on your servers.
Apart from that, there are many security problems, like Man-in-the-middle attacks, XSS or SQL injections.
You also need to make sure that you have enough computing power and bandwidth at hand.
"Ex. The back button can cause you some trouble."
You'll have to be specific on this. A lot of people make fundamental mistakes in their web applications and introduce bugs in how they handle transactions. If you do not use "Redirect after Post" (also known as Post-Redirect-Get, PRG design), then you've created a bug which appears as a problem with the back button.
A blanket statement that the back button in trouble is unlikely to be true. A specific example would clarify your specific question on this.
The back button really is not that much of an issue if you design your application correctly. You can use AJAX to manipulate parts of the current page, without adding items into the browser history (since the page itself wont change).
The biggest issue with designing web applications has to do with state, and the challenges that need to be programmed around. With a desktop application, state is easy to handle, you can leave a database connection opened, lock the record and wait for the user to make the changes and commit. With a web application, you could lock the record...but then what if the user closes the browser? These things must be overcome in the design of your application.
When designing a web application, make sure that each trip to the server "stands alone" and provides a complete answer. Always re-initialize your variables before performing any work and never assume anything. One of the challenges I ran into once was pulling "pages" of grid data back to the user. In a real busy system, with record additions/modifications happening in real time, the user navigation from page to page would vary greatly, sometimes even resulting in viewing the same set of a few records as new additions were added in-front of the query.
