I have been going through the Intuit Developer documentation for about 10 hours trying to find a way to get a list of invoice "custom fields" that have been set up for a Quickbooks Online Company file. I'm not sure if it is even possible. It if is, can anyone point me to some code, documentation, or anything that could possibly help me get such a list. Is it available somehow through the QueryService? Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
This gets custom fields:
public static List<Preferences> getCustomFields()
ServiceContext serviceContext = getServiceContext();
QueryService<Preferences> preferencesQueryService = new QueryService<Preferences>(serviceContext);
return preferencesQueryService.ExecuteIdsQuery("Select * FROM Preferences").ToList<Preferences>();
List<Preferences> prefs = RestHelper.getCustomFields();
List<CustomFieldDefinition> cusfieldDefs = prefs[0].SalesFormsPrefs.CustomField.ToList() as List<CustomFieldDefinition>;
List<StringTypeCustomFieldDefinition> customFields = cusfieldDefs.OfType<StringTypeCustomFieldDefinition>().ToList();
I started here: API Reference.
As well, to grab all of the fields with values I made a query to the Quickbooks record, with a SELECT * statement. That brings everything back, with data.
I need to create record of WebStoreNetwork in my test class.
FROM WebStoreNetwork
WHERE NetworkId = :communityId
This is the query which is not getting covered in my test class. I am getting value in communityId variable in test class. Facing error "List has no rows to assignment".
Does anyone have any idea? Thanks.
I suggest you post to Salesforce StackExchange.
But a direct answer is that as of Dec-2022 is not possible.
As of the next release, it should be: see Spring'23 release notes.
Per the API documentation, manipulating the vales of "start" and "end" will result in different data sets being returned. Strangely, changing the values of start and end resulted in the same result being returned. What am I missing? Thanks!
qopts = {'query': '/automotive and vehicles',
'aggregation' : '[term(yyymmdd).term(docSentiment.type,count:3)]',
'return': 'docSentiment.type,yyyymmdd',
'count': '50',
'start': 'now-2w',
'end' : 'now-1w',
'offset': my_offset}
my_query = discovery.query(my_disc_environment_id, my_disc_collection_id, qopts)
I hope it is helpful for you.
I am not sure if this is right answer for you because I have limited information.
First of all, please check the number of return-sets. if the return-set has more then 50 dataset, result could be same. (might count param. -1 = unlimited in the rest API of WCA (Watson Context Analytics)
Second, if you can check the log from the server side, you can see the full query which manipulated from WATSON engine.
Last, I am not really sure that watson REST-API can recognize 'now-2w' style start-end form. Would you please link the tutorial? In my previous project, I wrote the start-end date by Y-M-D form.
Good Luck
Hi I am a newbie in CodenameOne am now creating a eCommerce app using CodenameOne resource editor ,I have used multilist for displaying products . I have checked the checkbox feature wherein I got the checkbox for all my items .My question here is by code in statemachine how do I get the name of product checked by the user and how to get whether the checkbox is checked or not .I tried implementing findMultiList().getSelected() but it returns always true if I check r uncheck.
Please help me also it would be great if you could tell me how to integrate google drive in my project because I need to pull data from excel sheet and populate it in the list.
You need to get the model and traverse the elements within it:
ListModel<Map<String, Object>> model = (ListModel<Map<String, Object>>)findMultiList(c).getModel();
ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> items = new ArrayList<>();
for(int iter = 0 ; iter < model.getSize() ; iter++) {
Map<String, Object> current = model.getItemAt(iter);
String checked = (String)current.get("emblem");
if(checked != null && "true".equals(checked)) {
I haven't tried this code but it should work. Notice that the name "emblem" is the default name used for the MultiButton/MultiList but you can change it to be anything.
You can place a break point on the for loop and inspect the map elements as you traverse them to see how this works.
Codename One doesn't have dedicated support for google drive api yet...
However, it does support Firebase (noSQL, so no table type data)
THis means you'll have to work with variable pairs.
There are resources for table databases, though :
check out these libraries
(Accessing data from web, sqlite support)
(cache from web db)
These resources should help; good luck with your development :)
I have seen quite a number of examples describing the usage of SQLite in Metro app. Most of the examples have either Orderby/Insert/Delete statements. May I know how do I get the data from a pre-populated db using the Select statement?
Secondly, how does someone store the data into an array or arrayList after the execution of the query?
Kindly help me with this,
See if this example is what you're looking for:
return db.runAsync('SELECT * FROM Table');
Here is a pretty useful article on it.
Extending the example to C#:
SQLiteAsyncConnection conn = new SQLiteAsyncConnection("people");
var query = conn.Table<Person>().Select();
var result = await query.ToListAsync();
I'm making a Windows Phone 7.1 application, and I'm having a lot of trouble submitting changes to my database. Here is the structure of the tables in my database:
Day <-1-----*-> TrainingSession <-many-----1-> Sport
So, a single day can have many training sessions, and a training session has one sport. A single sport can naturally be in many different training sessions.
The primary keys look like this:
Day - DateTime
TrainingSession - int (DB generated)
Sport - nvarchar(200)
Sports will simply have attributes sportName, and an iconFileName.
I've set up Associations by putting EntitySet in both Day and Sport, and TrainingSession has EntityRef and EntityRef. I'm not 100% sure if Sport needs the EntitySet, so please correct me if I'm wrong. For the moment, I just hard-coded some sports in my Sport class for testing, and you'll see me retrieving an ObservableCollection to get those out.
Here is how I am trying to create a collection of days with training sessions, each training session having different sports:
public void CreateDay(DateTime date)
FitPlanDataContext calendarDatabase = new FitPlanDataContext(FitPlanDataContext.ConnectionString);
DateTime firstDate = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
DayItem dayItem = new DayItem();
dayItem.DateTime = firstDate;
private void fillTestDayItemWithRandomData(DayItem dayItem)
ObservableCollection<SportArt> sportArtCollection = SportArtController.GetAllSports();
dayItem.TrainingSessions = new EntitySet<TrainingSession>();
ObservableCollection<TrainingSession> trainingSessionCollection = new ObservableCollection<TrainingSession>();
TrainingSession trainingSession1 = new TrainingSession();
trainingSession1.DayItem = dayItem;
trainingSession1.SportArt = sportArtCollection[1];
TrainingSession trainingSession2 = new TrainingSession();
trainingSession2.DayItem = dayItem;
trainingSession2.SportArt = sportArtCollection[2];
FitPlanDataContext calendarDatabase = new FitPlanDataContext(FitPlanDataContext.ConnectionString);
This code is not working for me, and it is giving me the following error:
NotSupportedException was Unhandled:
An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. This is not supported.
Before I got this error, I was also getting NullReferenceExceptions.
I've been looking around for a solution, and I saw some people used Detach or workarounds with Attach, but I havent figured out how I could implement it to my code. Could anyone give me a helping hand with this?
Also, I thought the NullReferenceException could be coming from the fact that I'm not saving any sports to the database, could this be so?
So I messed around with it a lot, and today I finally found the solution I was looking for.
It seems I asked the question wrong. I didn't include the query from the database, which is probably important to add. I actually omitted a lot of the code to keep things simple in my question, but looks like I omitted too much.
Anyways, it turned out the way I setup the database structure was correct, and nothing had to be changed there.
So here's what I did to get it working:
-The call to the method that fills the day with training sessions needed to go after submitting changes about the day. This is because days have training sessions, and I cant save training sessions without the day already in the database.
-I added using statements around the places where I need to use the datacontext instead of just creating an instance of the datacontext with a local variable. This ensures that the datacontext lives only in the scope of the using statment.
(I changed the DateTime of the day to be the date given as the parameter to the method)
public void CreateDay(DateTime date)
DayItem dayItem = new DayItem();
dayItem.DateTime = date;
using (FitPlanDataContext calendarDatabase = new FitPlanDataContext(FitPlanDataContext.ConnectionString))
Then, the changes to the method that fills the day with training sessions go like this:
-I open a using statement where I instantiate a new datacontext. Then I access the database to retrieve a list of all the sports, and also the day that I need to update. I find the day I need to update by dayItemParameter. (Remember that retrieving from the database will give you a collection.)
-I create my new training sessions and fill their properties. Note that the day I retrieved from the database is the value of a training session's property because the training session is a child of day, and needs to know who its parent day is.
-I removed the instantiation of EntitySet because I realized that I already instantiate it in the constructor of the DayItem class.
-Lastly, I add all the new training sessions into a collection, and save them all to the database at once using InsertAllOnSubmit(collection).
private void fillTestDayItemWithRandomData(DayItem dayItemParameter)
using (FitPlanDataContext calendarDatabase = new FitPlanDataContext(FitPlanDataContext.ConnectionString))
ObservableCollection<SportArt> sportArtCollection;
var sportArts = (from SportArt sportArt in calendarDatabase.SportArts
select sportArt);
sportArtCollection = new ObservableCollection<SportArt>(sportArts);
ObservableCollection<DayItem> dayItemCollection;
var dayItems = (from DayItem dayItem in calendarDatabase.DayItems
where dayItem.DateTime == dayItemParameter.DateTime
select dayItem);
dayItemCollection = new ObservableCollection<DayItem>(dayItems);
DayItem foundDayItem = dayItemCollection[0];
ObservableCollection<TrainingSession> trainingSessionCollection = new ObservableCollection<TrainingSession>();
TrainingSession trainingSession1 = new TrainingSession();
trainingSession1.DayItem = foundDayItem;
trainingSession1.SportArt = sportArtCollection[1];
TrainingSession trainingSession2 = new TrainingSession();
trainingSession2.DayItem = foundDayItem;
trainingSession2.SportArt = sportArtCollection[2];
The main problem I was having was that I was trying to save training sessions to a day that wasn't submitted to the database. The next big problem (that I think many others have) is that reading and updating of an entity has to be in the same datacontext. So, you can't create a datacontext to retrieve a day, then use another datacontext to add a training session to that day (even if you saved the value of the day to a local variable). You need to retrieve the day and save training sessions to it all in the same data context.
At the moment, my application is working, but it is quite sluggish. In this question, I'm asking about just one day, but in my actual program, I'm creating hundreds of days, which means a lot of opening and closing of the database. If anyone has suggestions to how I can
optimize the process, I'm open ears.
I realize and apologize that this post got so long, but writing it helped me to understand the situation with more depth, and I really hope that it'll help others too.