Ecommerce App in CodenameOne - codenameone

Hi I am a newbie in CodenameOne am now creating a eCommerce app using CodenameOne resource editor ,I have used multilist for displaying products . I have checked the checkbox feature wherein I got the checkbox for all my items .My question here is by code in statemachine how do I get the name of product checked by the user and how to get whether the checkbox is checked or not .I tried implementing findMultiList().getSelected() but it returns always true if I check r uncheck.
Please help me also it would be great if you could tell me how to integrate google drive in my project because I need to pull data from excel sheet and populate it in the list.

You need to get the model and traverse the elements within it:
ListModel<Map<String, Object>> model = (ListModel<Map<String, Object>>)findMultiList(c).getModel();
ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> items = new ArrayList<>();
for(int iter = 0 ; iter < model.getSize() ; iter++) {
Map<String, Object> current = model.getItemAt(iter);
String checked = (String)current.get("emblem");
if(checked != null && "true".equals(checked)) {
I haven't tried this code but it should work. Notice that the name "emblem" is the default name used for the MultiButton/MultiList but you can change it to be anything.
You can place a break point on the for loop and inspect the map elements as you traverse them to see how this works.

Codename One doesn't have dedicated support for google drive api yet...
However, it does support Firebase (noSQL, so no table type data)
THis means you'll have to work with variable pairs.
There are resources for table databases, though :
check out these libraries
(Accessing data from web, sqlite support)
(cache from web db)
These resources should help; good luck with your development :)


How to filter multiple line of text field using Sharepoint Rest API?

Hi I'm having trouble in filtering SharePoint documents through the use of Rest API since I'm using multiple lines of texts(Plain text) column to filter them out. It only returns null result after trying it out.
Single line of text column seems to work well but I need Multiple lines of text because the metadata exceeds the 255 char limit.
I'm new to SharePoint, please help. Thank you
I am using the API to pull from a multiple line column, Product.
The first part is just to keep looking if empty and I keep js old school for IE 11 users. Product is defined earlier in the js as a variable based on the page, I am using this in many ways. Basically the answer to your question is check for null and instruct to continue, then else if and use indexOf().
for (i = 0; i < data.d.results.length; i++) {
if (data.d.results[i].Product == null) {
} else if (data.d.results[i].Product.indexOf(product) !== -1) {
var xid = data.d.results[i];
The success function for the GET carries over the xid, insertText(xid). Hopefully this makes sense.
go to site settings > site permissions > anonymous access... you gotta disable the check against Client Object Model permission Requirement

Quickbooks Online Api - Is there a way to get a list of all available custom fields for Invoice?

I have been going through the Intuit Developer documentation for about 10 hours trying to find a way to get a list of invoice "custom fields" that have been set up for a Quickbooks Online Company file. I'm not sure if it is even possible. It if is, can anyone point me to some code, documentation, or anything that could possibly help me get such a list. Is it available somehow through the QueryService? Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
This gets custom fields:
public static List<Preferences> getCustomFields()
ServiceContext serviceContext = getServiceContext();
QueryService<Preferences> preferencesQueryService = new QueryService<Preferences>(serviceContext);
return preferencesQueryService.ExecuteIdsQuery("Select * FROM Preferences").ToList<Preferences>();
List<Preferences> prefs = RestHelper.getCustomFields();
List<CustomFieldDefinition> cusfieldDefs = prefs[0].SalesFormsPrefs.CustomField.ToList() as List<CustomFieldDefinition>;
List<StringTypeCustomFieldDefinition> customFields = cusfieldDefs.OfType<StringTypeCustomFieldDefinition>().ToList();
I started here: API Reference.
As well, to grab all of the fields with values I made a query to the Quickbooks record, with a SELECT * statement. That brings everything back, with data.

Displaying Parse Data to ContainerList

I want to display data from Parse in a list from GamesScores class using Container in Codename One, this is what I've tried so far and it's not showing anything nor giving any errors:
Container container = findListCont();
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("GameScore");
List<ParseObject> results = (List<ParseObject>) query.find();
System.out.println("Size: " + results.size());
container.addComponent(results, f);
Please help me out, I'm a new in Codename One. If there tutorials on it, please share or anything to help me achieve the desired results.
I'm actually shocked this isn't failing. You are using the add constraint to place the object result as a constraint and you add the form object into the container...
You need to loop over the results and convert them to components to add into the layout. It also seems that you are using the old GUI builder which I would recommend against.
Generally something like this rough pseudo code should work assuming you are using a box Y layout:
for(ParseObject o : results) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(o.getDisplayValue());

codenameone Picker Alternative to ComboBox

I am getting my feet wet with Codename One. I have looked into more other options like Xamarin, PhoneGap, Ionic for cross platform but I kinda got hooked with Codename one as it really code once and run anywhere.
I've been going through ui elements and I am kinda blocked on populating a combobox (Alternative is Picker)
Let's say I have stores as value pair (storeId, storeName). I want to display the storeName in Picker but keep storeId as the value reference.
Once the store is selected I would like to pass the storeId to an API call.
Is this possible. This might be very simple question but seems bit difficult to implement (I am really new to mobile).
Thank you.
Our recommendation is to avoid ComboBox. It's a UI pattern that doesn't exist on iOS natively and would feel alien on modern phones. It exists in Codename One.
In this code from the sample above you can get a similar effect to a complex multi-field combo box:
Form hi = new Form("Button", BoxLayout.y());
String[] characters = { "Tyrion Lannister", "Jaime Lannister", "Cersei Lannister"};
String[] actors = { "Peter Dinklage", "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", "Lena Headey"};
int size = Display.getInstance().convertToPixels(7);
EncodedImage placeholder = EncodedImage.createFromImage(Image.createImage(size, size, 0xffcccccc), true);
Image[] pictures = {
URLImage.createToStorage(placeholder, "tyrion",""),
URLImage.createToStorage(placeholder, "jaime",""),
URLImage.createToStorage(placeholder, "cersei","")
MultiButton b = new MultiButton("Pick A Lanister...");
b.addActionListener(e -> {
Dialog d = new Dialog();
for(int iter = 0 ; iter < characters.length ; iter++) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(characters[iter]);
mb.addActionListener(ee -> {
If you insist on using a ComboBox you can use a model to give it any object data you want. Then create a cell render to display the data. This is all discussed in depth in the component section of Codname One's developer guide. Notice that since ComboBox derives from List a lot of the List tips and docs apply to ComboBox.

Composite C1 reference to Composite.dll not working at build time

I'm trying to implement a console library that reads data from Composite C1 (global datatype called RSS Feeds) and then, foreach RSS feed, the application must retrieve rss entries from the "link" attribute and insert all entries into a global datatype called "RSSItem".
Here is what i've done:
1. Open the website composite Solution
2. Create a new Console Library Project
3. Reference Composite.dll, Composite.generated.dll, ... into my new project
4. Implement the functionnality
Here is the problem:
At the design time, i have all reference working perfectly fine, I can write my code with intellisense. But when i want to launch the project (debug | release mode), the reference to composite is not working anymore ...
"Error 15 The type or namespace name 'Composite' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
When i do a refresh in the project browser, intelisense works again.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
PS: sorry for my english, not my native language
For info: here is a little bit of the code:
List<MCG.RSSItem> rssItemList = new List<MCG.RSSItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
MCG.RSSItem rssItem = DataConnection.New<MCG.RSSItem>();
rssItem.Link = rss.Link;
rssItem.RSSFeed = rssFeed.Id;
rssItem.Summary = rss.Description;
rssItem.Title = rss.Title;
rssItem.PublicationStatus = "published";
rssItem.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
This problem was discussed here -
The problem was that Composite C1 from a std. Windows application is not supported.
Based on this problem the feature request was created - Refactor core parts of C1 to be used in "selfhost"
