Composite C1 reference to Composite.dll not working at build time - c1-cms

I'm trying to implement a console library that reads data from Composite C1 (global datatype called RSS Feeds) and then, foreach RSS feed, the application must retrieve rss entries from the "link" attribute and insert all entries into a global datatype called "RSSItem".
Here is what i've done:
1. Open the website composite Solution
2. Create a new Console Library Project
3. Reference Composite.dll, Composite.generated.dll, ... into my new project
4. Implement the functionnality
Here is the problem:
At the design time, i have all reference working perfectly fine, I can write my code with intellisense. But when i want to launch the project (debug | release mode), the reference to composite is not working anymore ...
"Error 15 The type or namespace name 'Composite' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
When i do a refresh in the project browser, intelisense works again.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
PS: sorry for my english, not my native language
For info: here is a little bit of the code:
List<MCG.RSSItem> rssItemList = new List<MCG.RSSItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
MCG.RSSItem rssItem = DataConnection.New<MCG.RSSItem>();
rssItem.Link = rss.Link;
rssItem.RSSFeed = rssFeed.Id;
rssItem.Summary = rss.Description;
rssItem.Title = rss.Title;
rssItem.PublicationStatus = "published";
rssItem.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

This problem was discussed here -
The problem was that Composite C1 from a std. Windows application is not supported.
Based on this problem the feature request was created - Refactor core parts of C1 to be used in "selfhost"


Ecommerce App in CodenameOne

Hi I am a newbie in CodenameOne am now creating a eCommerce app using CodenameOne resource editor ,I have used multilist for displaying products . I have checked the checkbox feature wherein I got the checkbox for all my items .My question here is by code in statemachine how do I get the name of product checked by the user and how to get whether the checkbox is checked or not .I tried implementing findMultiList().getSelected() but it returns always true if I check r uncheck.
Please help me also it would be great if you could tell me how to integrate google drive in my project because I need to pull data from excel sheet and populate it in the list.
You need to get the model and traverse the elements within it:
ListModel<Map<String, Object>> model = (ListModel<Map<String, Object>>)findMultiList(c).getModel();
ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> items = new ArrayList<>();
for(int iter = 0 ; iter < model.getSize() ; iter++) {
Map<String, Object> current = model.getItemAt(iter);
String checked = (String)current.get("emblem");
if(checked != null && "true".equals(checked)) {
I haven't tried this code but it should work. Notice that the name "emblem" is the default name used for the MultiButton/MultiList but you can change it to be anything.
You can place a break point on the for loop and inspect the map elements as you traverse them to see how this works.
Codename One doesn't have dedicated support for google drive api yet...
However, it does support Firebase (noSQL, so no table type data)
THis means you'll have to work with variable pairs.
There are resources for table databases, though :
check out these libraries
(Accessing data from web, sqlite support)
(cache from web db)
These resources should help; good luck with your development :)

Missing MSDN documentation to develop xll add ins?

I spent quite a lot of time in looking for the full documentation of all the C API XLM Functions without success.
I found this page which illustrate a few of them:
But for instance I wanted to understand and use xlfAddMenu, and I cannot find a page on MSDN that explain me.
Do you know if there is any documentation available? Apparently it is not so easy to get there.
There is no exhaustive official documentation for all C API XLM functions. However, as the documentation says following regarding C API XLM functions:
Many more functions are exposed by Excel via the C API that are useful
when you are developing XLLs. They correspond to the Excel worksheet
functions and functions and commands that are available from XLM macro
Also, the EXAMPLE.[C,H] files which comme with the installation of the SDK use some of these functions and you can use it to learn how to use them. For instance, the xlfAddMenu is used in the xlAutoOpen callback function.
// In the following block of code, the Generic drop-down menu is created.
// Before creation, a check is made to determine if Generic already
// exists. If not, it is added. If the menu needs to be added, memory is
// allocated to hold the array of menu items. The g_rgMenu[] table is then
// transferred into the newly created array. The array is passed as an
// argument to xlfAddMenu to actually add the drop-down menu before the
// help menu. As a last step the memory allocated for the array is
// released.
// This block uses TempStr12() and TempNum12(). Both create a temporary
// XLOPER12. The XLOPER12 created by TempStr12() contains the string passed to
// it. The XLOPER12 created by TempNum12() contains the number passed to it.
// The Excel12f() function frees the allocated temporary memory. Both
// functions are part of the framework library.
Excel12f(xlfGetBar, &xTest, 3, TempInt12(10), TempStr12(L"Generic"), TempInt12(0));
if (xTest.xltype == xltypeErr)
hMenu = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,sizeof(XLOPER12) * g_rgMenuCols * g_rgMenuRows);
px = pxMenu = (LPXLOPER12) GlobalLock(hMenu);
for (i=0; i < g_rgMenuRows; i++)
for (j=0; j < g_rgMenuCols; j++)
px->xltype = xltypeStr;
px->val.str = TempStr12(g_rgMenu[i][j])->val.str;
xMenu.xltype = xltypeMulti;
xMenu.val.array.lparray = pxMenu;
xMenu.val.array.rows = g_rgMenuRows;
xMenu.val.array.columns = g_rgMenuCols;
According to me the best documentation (but not updated..) is the following book : Financial Applications using Excel Add-in Development in C / C++, 2nd Edition by Steve Dalton. You can find description of the xlfAddMenu function page 332. You can also find some useful information in the chm file of the Microsoft Excel XLL Software Development Kit, including codes examples (note I did not found the xlfAddMenu in it so I guess it is a depreciated function).

XPcollection not loaded - why?

This must be something very simple, I just don't see it (and can not find the answer :(
I am trying to learn DevExpress controls and have read that eXpress Persistent Objects is recommended for O/R mapping.
1) I have an existing SQL Server Compact 4.0 database for which I generated ORM
2) I have a Winform with XtraGrid.GridControl gridControl1
3) In Form_Load event I have this code:
XPCollection cName = new XPCollection(typeof(WindowsFormsApplication1.DUzskv1r6.XPO_TableName));
int c = cName.Count; //didn't help...
cName.DisplayableProperties = "Name;Nr"; //choose columns to display
gridControl1.DataSource = cName;
I have read that it using "delayed loading" - loading when it is necessary (, but reading XPcollections record Count didn't do the trick as it was suggested.
As a result I get an empty gridControl1 with columns "Name" and "Nr".
Please help - what am I missing?
I think the issue is somewhere in your datalayer initialization.
You use XPCollection with default session, maybe you forgot to initialize it.
The best way is to specify the session is in the XPCollection contractor.

How to make a composite manifest for Microsoft smooth streaming

I am new to Microsoft Smooth Streaming and have questions about the making of composite manifests.
Following the guidance from here.
I was able to make a composite manifest of a single clip element that played in Silverlight player.
However, when I try to add more clips from other videos, the player stopped working and gave out no error information.
And I am doing this all by hand. and when I trying to use the Expression Encoder 4 Pro to create such a video, I got a normal .ismc file instead of a .csm file.
My questions are:
What is the best way of making a composite manifest which contains clips from different videos?
Is there any spec to follow when encoding these videos? or does the support of composite manifest put any restriction on the video format?
And the last one is: Is there an easy way to debug it (like validating my .csm file)?
EDIT my own solution:
Looks like no one cares about this, but since I finally solved this, I am writing this down here to save others' time.
to debug a composite manifest, I built a simple Silverlight app in Visual Studio, and add a simple function to report an error:
public MainPage()
this.SmoothPlayer.SmoothStreamingErrorOccurred += new EventHandler<SmoothStreamingErrorEventArgs>(SmoothPlayer_SmoothStreamingErrorOccurred);
public void SmoothPlayer_SmoothStreamingErrorOccurred(object sender,
SmoothStreamingErrorEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + e.ErrorCode + "; " + e.ErrorMessage);
And I found this web page useful.
You need to use:
<c t="", d"">
instead of
<c d="">
You have to calculate the ClipBegin and ClipEnd values right.
Below is a sample code in python to convert a .ismc to a .csm(assume that the ism below is an xml.etree.ElementTree object representation of the manifest xml content):
def ism2csm(url, ism):
if ism is None: return csm
csm = xml.Element('SmoothStreamingMedia', {'MajorVersion':'2', 'MinorVersion':'1', 'Duration':ism.attrib.get('Duration')})
clip = xml.Element('Clip', {'Url':url, 'ClipBegin':'0','ClipEnd':'0'})
for stream_index in ism.iter('StreamIndex'):
for stream_index in clip.iter('StreamIndex'):
t = 0
last_c = None
for c in stream_index.iter('c'):
c.attrib['t'] = str(t)
t += int(c.attrib.get('d'))
if last_c is not None: del last_c.attrib['d']
last_c = c
if clip.attrib.get('ClipEnd') == '0':
clip.attrib['ClipEnd'] = str(t)
return csm

the best way to make codeigniter website multi-language. calling from lang arrays depends on lang session?

I'm researching hours and hours, but I could not find any clear, efficient way to make it :/
I have a codeigniter base website in English and I have to add a Polish language now. What is the best way to make my site in 2 language depending visitor selection?
is there any way to create array files for each language and call them in view files depends on Session from lang selection? I don't wanna use database.
Appreciate helps! I'm running out of deadline :/ thanks!!
Have you seen CodeIgniter's Language library?
The Language Class provides functions
to retrieve language files and lines
of text for purposes of internationalization.
In your CodeIgniter system folder you'll
find one called language containing sets
of language files. You can create your
own language files as needed in order
to display error and other messages in
other languages.
Language files are typically stored in
your system/language directory. Alternately
you can create a folder called language
inside your application folder and store
them there. CodeIgniter will look first
in your application/language directory.
If the directory does not exist or the
specified language is not located there
CI will instead look in your global
system/language folder.
In your case...
you need to create a polish_lang.php and english_lang.php inside application/language/polish
then create your keys inside that file (e.g. $lang['hello'] = "Witaj";
then load it in your controller like $this->lang->load('polish_lang', 'polish');
then fetch the line like $this->lang->line('hello'); Just store the return value of this function in a variable so you can use it in your view.
Repeat the steps for the english language and all other languages you need.
Also to add the language to the session, I would define some constants for each language, then make sure you have the session library autoloaded in config/autoload.php, or you load it whenever you need it. Add the users desired language to the session:
$this->session->set_userdata('language', ENGLISH);
Then you can grab it anytime like this:
$language = $this->session->userdata('language');
In the controller add following lines when you make the cunstructor
i.e, after
add below lines
$this->lang->load('nl_site', 'nl'); // ('filename', 'directory')
create helper file lang_translate_helper.php with following function and put it in directory system\application\helpers
function label($label, $obj)
$return = $obj->lang->line($label);
echo $return;
echo $label;
for each of the language, create a directory with language abbrevation like en, nl, fr, etc., under
create language file in above (respective) directory which will contain $lang array holding pairs label=>language_value as given below
$lang['welcome'] = 'Welkom';
$lang['hello word'] = 'worde Witaj';
$lang['welcome'] = 'Welcome';
$lang['hello word'] = 'Hello Word';
you can store multiple files for same language with differently as per the requirement
e.g, if you want separate language file for managing backend (administrator section) you can use it in controller as $this->lang->load('nl_admin', 'nl');
$lang['welcome'] = 'Welkom';
$lang['hello word'] = 'worde Witaj';
and finally
to print the label in desired language, access labels as below in view
label('welcome', $this);
label('hello word', $this);
note the space in hello & word you can use it like this way as well :)
whene there is no lable defined in the language file, it will simply print it what you passed to the function label.
I second Randell's answer.
However, one could always integrate a GeoIP such as
or Then you can save the results with the codeigniter session class.
If you want to use the api You can add the ip2locationlite.class.php file to your codeigniter application library folder and then create a model function to do whatever geoip logic you need for your application, such as:
function geolocate()
$ipinfodb = new ipinfodb;
$ipinfodb->setKey('API KEY');
//Get errors and locations
$locations = $ipinfodb->getGeoLocation($this->input->ip_address());
$errors = $ipinfodb->getError();
//Set geolocation cookie
foreach ($locations as $field => $val):
if($field === 'CountryCode')
$place = $val;
return $place;
For easier use CI have updated this so you can just use
and to translate text
lang('language line');
and if you want to warp it inside label then use optional parameter
lang('language line', 'element id');
This will output
// becomes <label for="form_item_id">language_key</label>
For good reading
I've used Wiredesignz's MY_Language class with great success.
I've just published it on github, as I can't seem to find a trace of it anywhere.
My only changes are to rename the class to CI_Lang, in accordance with the new v2 changes.
When managing the actual files, things can get out of sync pretty easily unless you're really vigilant. So we've launched a (beta) free service called String which allows you to keep track of your language files easily, and collaborate with translators.
You can either import existing language files (in PHP array, PHP Define, ini, po or .strings formats) or create your own sections from scratch and add content directly through the system.
String is totally free so please check it out and tell us what you think.
It's actually built on Codeigniter too! Check out the beta at
Follow this
its simple and clear, also check out the document #
its way simpler than
I am using such code in config.php:
$lang = 'ru'; // this language will be used if there is no any lang information from useragent (for example, from command line, wget, etc...
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) $lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'],0,2);
$tmp_value = $_COOKIE['language'];
if (!empty($tmp_value)) $lang = $tmp_value;
switch ($lang)
case 'ru':
$config['language'] = 'russian';
case 'uk':
$config['language'] = 'ukrainian';
case 'foo':
$config['language'] = 'foo';
$config['language'] = 'english';
.... and then i'm using usualy internal mechanizm of CI
o, almost forget! in views i using buttons, which seting cookie 'language' with language, prefered by user.
So, first this code try to detect "preffered language" setted in user`s useragent (browser). Then code try to read cookie 'language'. And finaly - switch sets language for CI-application
you can make a function like this
function translateTo($language, $word) {
if (isset($lang[$language][$word]) == FALSE)
return $lang[$language][$word];
return $lang[defaultLang][$word];
Friend, don't worry, if you have any application installed built in codeigniter and you wanna add some language pack just follow these steps:
1. Add language files in folder application/language/arabic (i add arabic lang in sma2 built in ci)
2. Go to the file named setting.php in application/modules/settings/views/setting.php. Here you find the array
<?php /*
$lang = array (
'english' => 'English',
'arabic' => 'Arabic', // i add this here
'spanish' => 'EspaƱol'
Now save and run the application. It's worked fine.
