Displaying Parse Data to ContainerList - codenameone

I want to display data from Parse in a list from GamesScores class using Container in Codename One, this is what I've tried so far and it's not showing anything nor giving any errors:
Container container = findListCont();
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("GameScore");
List<ParseObject> results = (List<ParseObject>) query.find();
System.out.println("Size: " + results.size());
container.addComponent(results, f);
Please help me out, I'm a new in Codename One. If there tutorials on it, please share or anything to help me achieve the desired results.

I'm actually shocked this isn't failing. You are using the add constraint to place the object result as a constraint and you add the form object into the container...
You need to loop over the results and convert them to components to add into the layout. It also seems that you are using the old GUI builder which I would recommend against.
Generally something like this rough pseudo code should work assuming you are using a box Y layout:
for(ParseObject o : results) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(o.getDisplayValue());


Ecommerce App in CodenameOne

Hi I am a newbie in CodenameOne am now creating a eCommerce app using CodenameOne resource editor ,I have used multilist for displaying products . I have checked the checkbox feature wherein I got the checkbox for all my items .My question here is by code in statemachine how do I get the name of product checked by the user and how to get whether the checkbox is checked or not .I tried implementing findMultiList().getSelected() but it returns always true if I check r uncheck.
Please help me also it would be great if you could tell me how to integrate google drive in my project because I need to pull data from excel sheet and populate it in the list.
You need to get the model and traverse the elements within it:
ListModel<Map<String, Object>> model = (ListModel<Map<String, Object>>)findMultiList(c).getModel();
ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> items = new ArrayList<>();
for(int iter = 0 ; iter < model.getSize() ; iter++) {
Map<String, Object> current = model.getItemAt(iter);
String checked = (String)current.get("emblem");
if(checked != null && "true".equals(checked)) {
I haven't tried this code but it should work. Notice that the name "emblem" is the default name used for the MultiButton/MultiList but you can change it to be anything.
You can place a break point on the for loop and inspect the map elements as you traverse them to see how this works.
Codename One doesn't have dedicated support for google drive api yet...
However, it does support Firebase (noSQL, so no table type data)
THis means you'll have to work with variable pairs.
There are resources for table databases, though :
check out these libraries
(Accessing data from web, sqlite support)
(cache from web db)
These resources should help; good luck with your development :)

Dynamically populate GraphSource through PopulateGraphSource method - RadDiagram

I am facing an issue where my graph is tree layout and looks fine initially. However, if I choose to change GraphSource upon user input/ clicks using PopulateGraphSource like in the OrgChart example, I get all the nodes stacked on top of each other with no links and all in corner.
I tried resetting graphSource by creating a new one
this.graphSource = new GraphSource();
I also tried to use the Clear method for GraphSource. Neither did solve the problem, I keep having the same issue.
I am using
ObservableCollection<Node> hierarchicalDataSource;
to fill up my GraphSource object.
All I do is create a new one and then call
Similar issues: question in telerik support , telerik support different question
Try calling the Layout method on the diagram control. Here is a little fragment of code
TreeLayoutSettings settings = new TreeLayoutSettings()
TreeLayoutType = TreeLayoutType.TreeDown,
VerticalSeparation = 60,
if (this.diagram.Shapes.Count > 0)
this.diagram.Layout(LayoutType.Tree, settings);
//this.diagram.Zoom = 1;

Setting array equal to JSON array - Xcode

I'm trying to figure out how to populate a table from a JSON array. So far, I can populate my table cells perfectly fine by using the following code:
self.countries = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"Argentina",#"China",#"Russia",nil];
Concerning the JSON, I can successfully retrieve one line of text at a time and display it in a label. My goal is to populate an entire table view from a JSON array. I tried using the following code, but it still won't populate my table. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but I searched everywhere and still can't figure it out:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://BlahBlahBlah.com/CountryList"];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
AFJSONRequestOperation *operation = [AFJSONRequestOperation JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:request success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, id JSON)
NSLog(#"%#",[JSON objectForKey:#"COUNTRIES"]);
self.countries = [JSON objectForKey:#"COUNTRIES"];
[operation start];
I am positive that the data is being retrieved, because the NSLog outputs the text perfectly fine. But when I try setting my array equal to the JSON array, nothing happens. I know the code is probably wrong, but I think I'm on the right track. Your help would be much appreciated.
This is the text in the JSON file I'm using:
"COUNTRIES": ["Argentina", "China", "Russia",]
It seems that you need some basic JSON parsing. If you only target iOS 5.0 and above devices, then you should use NSJSONSerialization. If you need to support earlier iOS versions, then I really recommend the open source JSONKit framework.
Having recommended the above, I myself almost always use the Sensible TableView framework to fetch all data from my web service and automatically display it on a table view. Saves me a ton of manual labor and makes app maintenance a breeze, so it's probably something to consider too. Good luck!

Create widget array using Qt Designer?

In Qt Designer I'm creating multiple labels (for instance):
my_label n
Then if I want to hide them I do this:
However I would like to define the labels like
So then I would be able to do this:
I read that I can define the widget like:
QLabel* my_label[5];
but is there any way to do the same from Qt Designer?
Thanks in advance!
Finally I decided to do direct assignment:
QLabel* my_label_array[5];
my_label_array[0] = ui->my_label1;
my_label_array[1] = ui->my_label2;
my_label_array[2] = ui->my_label3;
my_label_array[3] = ui->my_label4;
my_label_array[4] = ui->my_label5;
Then I can do for instance:
for(idx=0;idx<6;idx++) my_label_array[idx]->show();
for(idx=0;idx<6;idx++) my_label_array[idx]->hide();
for(idx=0;idx<6;idx++) my_label_array[idx]->setEnabled(1);
for(idx=0;idx<6;idx++) my_label_array[idx]->setDisabled(1);
Then I was able to perform iterations. I believe is not the cleanest way to do it but given my basic knowledge of Qt is ok for me.
Thank you very much for your answers and your support! This is a great site with great people.
Instead of creating an explicit array, you may be able to name your widgets using a particular scheme and then use QObject::findChildren() on the parent widget to get a list of the widgets you are after.
If you only want to hide widgets, you can put all the widgets you want to hide in an invisible QFrame (set frameShape to NoFrame) and hide them all by calling setVisible(false) on the QFrame. This may cause some unwanted side effects with layouts so you may have to tweak some size policy settings.
In case you are wanting to hide controls so that you can simulate a wizard type UI, you may want to check into QStackedWidget.
I have another dirty workaround for this:
in header file
// .hpp
class UiBlabla : public QWidget {
QLabel** labels;
in source file
// constructor
labels = new QLabel*[10]{ui->label_0, ui->label_1, ui->label_2, ui->label_3,
ui->label_4, ui->label_5, ui->label_6,
ui->label_7, ui->label_8, ui->label_9};
I haven't seen anything in QtDesigner to do that, but there are a couple of relatively easy ways to get that behavior.
1) Simply store the my_labelx pointers (from QtDesigner) in an array (or better, a QVector):
QVector<QLabel*> my_labels;
Then you can iterate through the QVector.
for(int i=0; i < my_labels.size(); ++i) {
my_labels[i]-> hide();
// or with QFOREACH
foreach(QLabel* label, my_labels)
There is a little setup needed in terms of adding all the labels to the QVector, but on the plus side you only do that once.
2) Depending on the layout of your gui, you could have all your labels be children of a container object and iterate through the children

How to export Rich Text fields as HTML from Notes with LotusScript?

I'm working on a data migration task, where I have to export a somewhat large Lotus Notes application into a blogging platform. My first task was to export the articles from Lotus Notes into CSV files.
I created a Agent in LotusScript to export the data into CSV files. I use a modified version of this IBM DeveloperWorks forum post. And it basically does the job. But the contents of the Rich Text field is stripped of any formatting. And this is not what I want, I want the Rich Text field rendered as HTML.
The documentation for the GetItemValue method explicitly states that the text is rendered into plain text. So I began to research for something that would retrieve the HTML. I found the NotesMIMEEntity class and some sample code in the IBM article How To Access HTML in a Rich Text Field Using LotusScript.
But for the technique described in the above article to work, the Rich Text field need to have the property "Store Contents as HTML and MIME". And this is not the case with my Lotus Notes database. I tried to set the property on the fields in question, but it didn't do the trick.
Is it possible to use the NotesMIMEEntity and set the "Store Contents as HTML and MIME" property after the content has been added, to export the field rendered as HTML?
Or what are my options for exporting the Notes database Rich Text fields as HTML?
Bonus information: I'm using IBM Lotus Domino Designer version 8.5
There is this fairly unknown command that does exactly what you want: retrieve the URL using the command OpenField.
Example that converts only the Body-field:
Here is how I did it, using the OpenField command, see D.Bugger's post above
Function GetHtmlFromField(doc As NotesDocument, fieldname As String) As String
Dim obj
Set obj = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
obj.open "GET", "http://www.mydomain.dk/database.nsf/0/" + doc.Universalid + "/" + fieldname + "?openfield&charset=utf-8", False, "", ""
Dim html As String
html = Trim$(obj.responseText)
GetHtmlFromField = html
End Function
I'd suggest looking at Midas' Rich Text LSX (http://www.geniisoft.com/showcase.nsf/MidasLSX)
I haven't used the personally, but I remember them from years ago being the best option for working with Rich Text. I'd bet it saves you a lot of headaches.
As for the NotesMIMEEntity class, I don't believe there is a way to convert RichText to MIME, only MIME to RichText (or retain the MIME within the document for emailing purposes).
If you upgrade to Notes Domino 8.5.1 then you can use the new ConvertToMIME method of the NotesDocument class. See the docs. This should do what you want.
Alternativly the easiest way to get the Domino server to render the RichText will be to actually retrieve it via a url call. Set up a simple form that just has the RichText field and then use your favourite HTTP api to pull in the page. It should then be pretty straight forward to pull out the body.
Keep it simple.
Change the BODY field to Store contents as HTML and MIME
Open the doc in editmode.
You can now use the NotesMIMEEntity to get what you need from script.
You can use the NotesDXLExporter class to export the Rich Text and use an XSLT to transform the output to what you need.
I know you mentioned using LotusScript, but if you don't mind writing a small Java agent (in the Notes client), this can be done fairly easily - and there is no need to modify the existing form design.
The basic idea is to have your Java code open a particular document through a localhost http request (which is simple in Java) and to have your code capture that html output and save it back to that document. You basically allow the Domino rendering engine to do the heavy lifting.
You would want do this:
Create a form which contains only the rich-text field you want to convert, and with Content Type of HTML
Create a view with a selection formula for all of the documents you want to convert, and with a form formula which computes to the new form
Create the Java agent which just walks your view, and for each document gets its docid, opens a URL in the form http://SERVER/your_database_path.nsf/NEW_VIEW/docid?openDocument, grabs the http response and saves it.
I put up some sample code in a similar SO post here:
How to convert text and rich text fields in a document to html using lotusscript?
Works in Domino 10 (have not tested with 9)
HTMLStrings$ = NotesRichTextItem .Converttohtml([options] ) As String
See documentation :
UPDATE (2022)
HCL no longer support this method since version 11. The documentation does not include any info about the method.
I have made some tests and it still works in v12 but HCL recommended to not use it.
Casper's recommendation above works well, but make sure the ACL is such to allow Anonymous Access otherwise your HTML will be the HTML from your login form
If you do not need to get the Richtext from the items specifically, you can use ?OpenDocument, which is documented (at least) here: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/ls-Domino_URL_cheat_sheet/
OpenDocument also allows you to expand sections (I am unsure if OpenField does)
Syntax is:
But be sure to include the charset parameter as well - Japanese documents were unreadable without specifying utf-8 as the charset.
Here is the method I use that takes a NotesDocument and returns the HTML for the doc as a string.
private string ConvertDocumentToHml(Domino.NotesDocument doc, string sectionList = null)
var server = doc.ParentDatabase.Server.Split('/')[0];
var dbPath = doc.ParentDatabase.FilePath;
string viewName = "0";
string documentId = doc.UniversalID.ToUpper();
var ub = new UriBuilder();
ub.Host = server;
ub.Path = dbPath.Replace("\\", "/") + "/" + viewName + "/" + documentId;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sectionList))
ub.Query = "OpenDocument&charset=utf-8";
ub.Query = "OpenDocument&charset=utf-8&ExpandSection=" + sectionList;
var url = ub.ToString();
var req = HttpWebRequest.CreateHttp(url);
var resp = req.GetResponse();
string respText = null;
using (var sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()))
respText = sr.ReadToEnd();
return respText;
catch (WebException ex)
return "";
