ALSA sequencer queue does not run - alsa

My example code uses snd_seq_queue_status_get_tick_time() to check a running queue. But the result is that it always reports a zero tick time.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
int queue;
snd_seq_t *seq_handle;
snd_seq_tick_time_t current_tick;
snd_seq_queue_status_t *status;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
snd_seq_open(&seq_handle, "default", SND_SEQ_OPEN_INPUT | SND_SEQ_OPEN_OUTPUT, 0);
queue = snd_seq_alloc_queue( seq_handle );
fprintf(stderr,"queue id=%d\n", queue);
snd_seq_start_queue( seq_handle, queue, NULL );
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {
snd_seq_get_queue_status(seq_handle, queue, status);
current_tick = snd_seq_queue_status_get_tick_time(status);
fprintf(stderr,"tick=%d\n", current_tick );
snd_seq_stop_queue( seq_handle, queue, NULL );
snd_seq_free_queue( seq_handle, queue );
return 0;

As shown in /proc/asound/seq/queues, the queue was never started.
snd_seq_start_queue() puts the queue start event into a local buffer; to actually send all buffered events to the kernel, you then have to call snd_seq_drain_output():
snd_seq_start_queue( seq_handle, queue, NULL );
snd_seq_drain_output( seq_handle );


why does msgrcv() sets msqid to 0?

I have a program in c which is supposed to send and receive ipc messages through msgq.
The problem I have is that when I run msgrcv() it sets my global int msqid to 0. And of course I need it at other methods, like in a signal handler.
here is some code:
/* all the includes and some variables*/
#include "msg.h" // include the one I made
int msgQ; // global int
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
key = ftok("progfile", 65);
msgQ = msgget(key, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
printf("msg queue id: %d \n", msgQ);
start_tik_tok(); // setting up the timer and the signal handler
/* irrelevant code */
void read_msgs(msgQ);
void read_msgs(int msgQid)
while (1)
printf("before the read local:%d goval:%d\n", msgQid, msgQ);
int ret = msgrcv(msgQid, &message, sizeof(message), 1, 0);
printf("after the read local:%d global :%d\n", msgQid, msgQ);
if (ret == -1)
/* error handling */
switch (message.action_type)
/* mesage handling */
void signal_handler(int signo)
/*I need the global int here to send some messages */
void start_tik_tok()
//timer interval for setitimer function
struct itimerval timer;
timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 1; //every 1 seconds
timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
timer.it_value.tv_sec = 1; //start in 1 seconds
timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
//action for the signal
struct sigaction new_sa;
memset(&new_sa, 0, sizeof(new_sa));
new_sa.sa_handler = &signal_handler;
sigaction(SIGALRM, &new_sa, NULL);
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timer, NULL);
the msg.h file:
#include <sys/msg.h>
struct msg_buff{
long mesg_type; //reciver
int sender; //sender
char action_type;
char time_tiks; //time in tiks
} message;
msg queue id: 45416448
before the read local:45416448 global:45416448
after the read local:45416448 global:0
you can see that after I run msgrcv(), the value of msgQ turns to 0, even though I'm using a variable to pass the value to the method read_msgs().
The msgrcv function takes a pointer to a structure that starts with a "header" of type long, followed by the message data. The third argument to msgrcv, msgsz, is the size of the message data body, not including the long that's the header. So you should pass something like sizeof message - sizeof(long). By passing sizeof message, you're asking it to overflow the buffer sizeof(long) bytes, and this is clobbering some other global variable.
I found the solution, I'm not sure why is that but it solved it.
I just initialized the int from the beginning.
int msgQ; // global int
int msgQ = 0; // global int

C uninitialized mutex works and initialized mutex fails?

My C program creates a producer thread, saving data as fast as possible. The main thread consumes and prints these.
After days of bug finding, I noticed that if the mutex was initialized, then the program stops within 30 seconds (deadlock?).
However if the mutex is left uninitialized it works perfectly.
Can anyone explain this?? To avoid undefined behavior, I would prefer to initialize them if possible.
Further Info: Specifically it's locking up if "pthread_mutex_t signalM" (the signaling mutex) is initialized
#include <stdlib.h> // exit_failure, exit_success
#include <stdio.h> // stdin, stdout, printf
#include <pthread.h> // threads
#include <string.h> // string
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
#include <stdbool.h> // bool
#include <fcntl.h> // open
struct event {
pthread_mutex_t critical;
pthread_mutex_t signalM;
pthread_cond_t signalC;
int eventCount;
struct allVars {
struct event inEvents;
struct event outEvents;
int bufferSize;
char buffer[10][128];
* Advance the EventCount
void advance(struct event *event) {
// increment the event counter
// signal await to continue
* Wait for ticket and buffer availability
void await(struct event *event, int ticket) {
int eventCount;
// get the counter
eventCount = event->eventCount;
// lock signaling mutex
// loop until the ticket machine shows your number
while (ticket > eventCount) {
// wait until a ticket is called
pthread_cond_wait(&event->signalC, &event->signalM);
// get the counter
eventCount = event->eventCount;
// unlock signaling mutex
* Add to buffer
void putBuffer(struct allVars *allVars, char data[]) {
// get the current write position
int in = allVars->inEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres a space free in the buffer
await(&allVars->outEvents, in - allVars->bufferSize + 1); // set to 2 to keep 1 index distance
// add data to buffer
strcpy(allVars->buffer[in % allVars->bufferSize], data);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
* Get from buffer
char *getBuffer(struct allVars *allVars) {
// get the current read position
int out = allVars->outEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres something in the buffer
await(&allVars->inEvents, out + 1);
// allocate memory for returned string
char *str = malloc(128);
// get the buffer data
strcpy(str, allVars->buffer[out % allVars->bufferSize]);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
return str;
/** child thread (producer) */
void *childThread(void *allVars) {
char str[10];
int count = 0;
while (true) {
sprintf(str, "%d", count++);
putBuffer(allVars, str);
int main(void) {
// init structs
struct event inEvents = {
struct event outEvents = {
struct allVars allVars = {
inEvents, // events
10, // buffersize
{"", {""}} // buffer[][]
// create child thread (producer)
pthread_t thread;
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, childThread, &allVars)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to create child thread");
// (consumer)
while (true) {
char *out = getBuffer(&allVars);
printf("buf: %s\n", out);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
#include <stdlib.h> // exit_failure, exit_success
#include <stdio.h> // stdin, stdout, printf
#include <pthread.h> // threads
#include <string.h> // string
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
#include <stdbool.h> // bool
#include <fcntl.h> // open
struct event {
pthread_mutex_t critical;
pthread_mutex_t signalM;
pthread_cond_t signalC;
int eventCount;
struct allVars {
struct event inEvents;
struct event outEvents;
int bufferSize;
char buffer[10][128];
* Advance the EventCount
void advance(struct event *event) {
// increment the event counter
// signal await to continue
* Wait for ticket and buffer availability
void await(struct event *event, int ticket) {
int eventCount;
// get the counter
eventCount = event->eventCount;
// lock signaling mutex
// loop until the ticket machine shows your number
while (ticket > eventCount) {
// wait until a ticket is called
pthread_cond_wait(&event->signalC, &event->signalM);
// get the counter
eventCount = event->eventCount;
// unlock signaling mutex
* Add to buffer
void putBuffer(struct allVars *allVars, char data[]) {
// get the current write position
int in = allVars->inEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres a space free in the buffer
await(&allVars->outEvents, in - allVars->bufferSize + 1); // set to 2 to keep 1 index distance
// add data to buffer
strcpy(allVars->buffer[in % allVars->bufferSize], data);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
* Get from buffer
char *getBuffer(struct allVars *allVars) {
// get the current read position
int out = allVars->outEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres something in the buffer
await(&allVars->inEvents, out + 1);
// allocate memory for returned string
char *str = malloc(128);
// get the buffer data
strcpy(str, allVars->buffer[out % allVars->bufferSize]);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
return str;
/** child thread (producer) */
void *childThread(void *allVars) {
char str[10];
int count = 0;
while (true) {
sprintf(str, "%d", count++);
putBuffer(allVars, str);
int main(void) {
// init structs
struct event inEvents; /* = {
}; */
struct event outEvents; /* = {
}; */
struct allVars allVars = {
inEvents, // events
10, // buffersize
{"", {""}} // buffer[][]
// create child thread (producer)
pthread_t thread;
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, childThread, &allVars)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to create child thread");
// (consumer)
while (true) {
char *out = getBuffer(&allVars);
printf("buf: %s\n", out);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Jonathan explained why the code that didn't initialize mutexes didn't deadlock (essentially because trying to use an uninitialized mutex would never block, it would just immediately return an error).
The problem causing the infinite wait in the version of the program that does properly initialize mutexes is that you aren't using your condition variables properly. The check of the predicate expression and the wait on the condition variable must be done atomically with respect to whatever other thread might be modifying the predicate. You code is checking a predicate that is a local variable that the other thread doesn't even have access to. Your code reads the actual predicate into a local variable within a critical section, but then the mutex for reading the predicate is released and a different mutex is acquired to read the 'false' predicate (which cannot be modified by the other thread anyway) atomically with the condition variable wait.
So you have a situation where the actual predicate, event->eventCount, can be modified and the signal for that modification be issued in between when the waiting thread reads the predicate and blocks on the condition variable.
I think the following will fix your deadlock, but I haven't had a chance to perform much testing. The change is essentially to remove the signalM mutex from struct event and replace any use of it with the critical mutex:
#include <stdlib.h> // exit_failure, exit_success
#include <stdio.h> // stdin, stdout, printf
#include <pthread.h> // threads
#include <string.h> // string
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
#include <stdbool.h> // bool
#include <fcntl.h> // open
struct event {
pthread_mutex_t critical;
pthread_cond_t signalC;
int eventCount;
struct allVars {
struct event inEvents;
struct event outEvents;
int bufferSize;
char buffer[10][128];
* Advance the EventCount
void advance(struct event *event) {
// increment the event counter
// signal await to continue
* Wait for ticket and buffer availability
void await(struct event *event, int ticket) {
// get the counter
// loop until the ticket machine shows your number
while (ticket > event->eventCount) {
// wait until a ticket is called
pthread_cond_wait(&event->signalC, &event->critical);
// unlock signaling mutex
* Add to buffer
void putBuffer(struct allVars *allVars, char data[]) {
// get the current write position
int in = allVars->inEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres a space free in the buffer
await(&allVars->outEvents, in - allVars->bufferSize + 1); // set to 2 to keep 1 index distance
// add data to buffer
strcpy(allVars->buffer[in % allVars->bufferSize], data);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
* Get from buffer
char *getBuffer(struct allVars *allVars) {
// get the current read position
int out = allVars->outEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres something in the buffer
await(&allVars->inEvents, out + 1);
// allocate memory for returned string
char *str = malloc(128);
// get the buffer data
strcpy(str, allVars->buffer[out % allVars->bufferSize]);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
return str;
/** child thread (producer) */
void *childThread(void *allVars) {
char str[10];
int count = 0;
while (true) {
sprintf(str, "%d", count++);
putBuffer(allVars, str);
int main(void) {
// init structs
struct event inEvents = {
struct event outEvents = {
struct allVars allVars = {
inEvents, // events
10, // buffersize
{"", {""}} // buffer[][]
// create child thread (producer)
pthread_t thread;
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, childThread, &allVars)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to create child thread");
// (consumer)
while (true) {
char *out = getBuffer(&allVars);
printf("buf: %s\n", out);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
I modified the getBuffer() and putBuffer() routines as shown (in both the initialized and uninitialized versions of the code):
void putBuffer(struct allVars *allVars, char data[])
int lock_ok = pthread_mutex_lock(&allVars->inEvents.critical);
if (lock_ok != 0)
printf("%s(): lock error %d (%s)\n", __func__, lock_ok, strerror(lock_ok));
int in = allVars->inEvents.eventCount;
int unlock_ok = pthread_mutex_unlock(&allVars->inEvents.critical);
if (unlock_ok != 0)
printf("%s(): unlock error %d (%s)\n", __func__, unlock_ok, strerror(unlock_ok));
await(&allVars->outEvents, in - allVars->bufferSize + 1);
strcpy(allVars->buffer[in % allVars->bufferSize], data);
char *getBuffer(struct allVars *allVars)
int lock_ok = pthread_mutex_lock(&allVars->outEvents.critical);
if (lock_ok != 0)
printf("%s(): lock error %d (%s)\n", __func__, lock_ok, strerror(lock_ok));
int out = allVars->outEvents.eventCount;
int unlock_ok = pthread_mutex_unlock(&allVars->outEvents.critical);
if (unlock_ok != 0)
printf("%s(): unlock error %d (%s)\n", __func__, unlock_ok, strerror(unlock_ok));
await(&allVars->inEvents, out + 1);
char *str = malloc(128);
strcpy(str, allVars->buffer[out % allVars->bufferSize]);
return str;
Then running the uninitialized code yields a lot of messages like:
buf: 46566
putBuffer(): lock error 22 (Invalid argument)
getBuffer(): lock error 22 (Invalid argument)
putBuffer(): unlock error 22 (Invalid argument)
getBuffer(): unlock error 22 (Invalid argument)
Basically, it appears to me that your locking and unlocking is being ignored. There are other places in your code that you should check too.
Fundamentally, if you ignore the errors reported, you don't notice that the locking and unlocking is not working at all, and there's no reason for the code to stop running.
Always check the return values from system calls that can fail.
I don't have an immediate explanation for why the initialized code locks up. It does for me, running on Mac OS X 10.10.3 with GCC 5.1.0, after anywhere from about 100,000 to 800,000 iterations.

Pthread runtime errors

I'm having trouble debugging the following program I wrote. The idea is to have two seperate threads; one thread executes a 5 second countdown while the other waits for key input from the user. Whichever thread completes first should cancel the sibling thread and exit the program. However, the following code just hangs.
Any help would be appreciated, but I would be most grateful for an explanation as to the problem.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h> // For sleep()
#define NUM_THREADS 2
// The stuct to be passed as an argument to the countdown routine
typedef struct countdown_struct {
pthread_t *thread;
signed int num_secs;
} CountdownStruct;
// Struct for passing to the input wait routine
typedef struct wait_struct {
pthread_t *thread;
int *key;
} WaitStruct;
// Countdown routine; simply acts as a timer counting down
void * countdown(void *args)
CountdownStruct *cd_str = (CountdownStruct *)args;
signed int secs = cd_str->num_secs;
printf("Will use default setting in %d seconds...", secs);
while (secs >= 0)
secs -= 1;
printf("Will use default setting in %d seconds...", secs);
// Cancel the other struct
return NULL;
// Waits for the user to pass input through the tty
void * wait_for_input(void *args)
WaitStruct *wait_str = (WaitStruct *) args;
int c = 0;
do {
c = getchar();
} while (!(c == '1' || c == '2'));
*(wait_str->key) = c;
// Cancel the other thread
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
pthread_t wait_thread;
pthread_t countdown_thread;
pthread_attr_t attr;
int key=0;
long numMillis=5000;
int rc=0;
int status=0;
// Create the structs to be passe as paramaters to both routines
CountdownStruct *cd_str = (CountdownStruct *) malloc(sizeof(CountdownStruct));
if (cd_str == NULL)
printf("Couldn't create the countdown struct. Aborting...");
return -1;
cd_str->thread = &wait_thread;
cd_str->num_secs = 5;
WaitStruct *wait_str = (WaitStruct *) malloc(sizeof(WaitStruct));
if (wait_str == NULL)
printf("Couldn't create the iput wait struct. Aborting...");
return -1;
wait_str->thread = &countdown_thread;
wait_str->key = &key;
// Create the joinable attribute
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
// Create both threads
rc = pthread_create(&countdown_thread, &attr, countdown, (void *) cd_str);
if (rc) { printf("Error with the thread creation!"); exit(-1); }
rc = pthread_create(&wait_thread, &attr, wait_for_input, (void *) wait_str);
if (rc) { printf("Error with the thread creation!"); exit(-1); }
// Destroy the pthread_attribute
// now join on the threads and wait for main
pthread_join(wait_thread, NULL);
pthread_join(countdown_thread, NULL);
// Call pthread_exit
// Free the function structs
Getchar is not required to be a cancellation point. Select and pselect are. Even if you want to continue to use a countdown thread you could still provide a cancellation point in the opposing thread by use of select.
I had reasonable behavior with the following modified wait_for_input()
// Waits for the user to pass input through the tty
void * wait_for_input(void *args)
WaitStruct *wait_str = (WaitStruct *) args;
int c = 0;
fd_set readFds;
int numFds=0;
do {
struct timeval timeout={.tv_sec=8,.tv_usec=0};
/* select here is primarily to serve as a cancellation
* point. Though there is a possible race condition
* still between getchar() getting called right as the
* the timeout thread calls cancel.().
* Using the timeout option on select would at least
* cover that, but not done here while testing.
if(numFds==0 )
/* must be timeout if no FD's selected */
printf("Only get here if key pressed\n");
c = getchar();
} while (!(c == '1' || c == '2'));
*(wait_str->key) = c;
// Cancel the other thread
return NULL;

How to use Libev io with mqueue

How do i use ev_io with mqueues? I'm trying to do the following with no luck.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <mqueue.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "ev.h"
#define MAX_Q_SIZE 255
#define MY_QUEUE "/test_queue"
typedef struct __test_ctxt_t
ev_timer timeout_watcher[32];
ev_io stdin_watcher;
struct ev_loop *loop;
mqd_t mq;
int data;
static test_ctxt_t *g_ctxt = NULL;
static void mq_callback(EV_P_ struct ev_io *w, int revents)
test_ctxt_t *ctxt = (test_ctxt_t *)w;
struct mq_attr attr;
char msg[256];
int rcvd_msg_size;
rcvd_msg_size = mq_receive(ctxt->mq, msg, MAX_Q_SIZE, NULL);
if (rcvd_msg_size >= 0)
msg[rcvd_msg_size] = '\0';
printf("Received: %s\n", msg);
if (strcmp(msg, "stop") == 0)
ev_unloop (EV_A_ EVUNLOOP_ONE);
static void timeout_cb1 (EV_P_ struct ev_timer *w, int revents)
puts ("timeout timeout_cb1");
//ev_unloop (EV_A_ EVUNLOOP_ONE);
static void timeout_cb2 (EV_P_ struct ev_timer *w, int revents)
puts ("timeout timeout_cb2");
//ev_unloop (EV_A_ EVUNLOOP_ONE);
static void timeout_cb3 (EV_P_ struct ev_timer *w, int revents)
puts ("timeout timeout_cb3");
//ev_unloop (EV_A_ EVUNLOOP_ONE);
int main (void)
struct mq_attr attr;
g_ctxt = (test_ctxt_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(test_ctxt_t));
g_ctxt->loop = ev_default_loop (0);
/* initialize the queue attributes */
attr.mq_flags = 0;
attr.mq_maxmsg = 10;
attr.mq_msgsize = 255;
g_ctxt->mq = mq_open(MY_QUEUE, O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, 0644, &attr);
if (g_ctxt->mq == -1)
printf("Unable to open Queue");
return -1;
ev_io_init(&g_ctxt->stdin_watcher, mq_callback, g_ctxt->mq, EV_READ);
ev_io_start(g_ctxt->loop, &g_ctxt->stdin_watcher);
ev_timer_init (&g_ctxt->timeout_watcher[0], timeout_cb1, 10, 0.);
ev_timer_start (g_ctxt->loop, &g_ctxt->timeout_watcher[0]);
ev_loop (g_ctxt->loop, 0);
return 0;
I'm able to get the timer call back but io callback is never called on sending a messsage to the queue. Is it possible to use POSIX mqueue with libev ?
There are basically three ways, how to do that:
1) On Linux platform, the message queue handler is a valid file descriptor.
Polling message queue descriptors
On Linux, a message queue descriptor is actually a file descriptor,
and can be monitored using select(2), poll(2), or epoll(7). This is
not portable.
From mq_overview man page
You can utilize ev_io watcher to listen for incoming messages.
This is LINUX specific and non-portable code.
2) You can use function mq_notify to configure a signal that will be send whenever then message queue receives a new message. This signal can be handled by a ev_signal watcher from libev.
This seems to be more portable code but due to a signal interaction, the performance will be a bit lower.
See mq_notify man page.
3) Switch to datagram-oriented sockets, UNIX or network. These offer the roughly equal ability to send a message (aka datagram). You will get connectionless, best effort delivery, unreliable, message delivery service.
This approach is very portable.
Macintosh note:
There is no POSIX message queue implementation in macOS so the portability of such a code is limited in regards to this Apple platform. There is a possibility to mimic the same function on NSOperationQueue or Grand Central Dispatch but it will certainly result in a extensive amount of the work.

Thread Monitoring in c using heartbeat signals

I want to monitor threads. I used condition variables for send & receive HeartBeat & Acknowlagement signals for that.
scnMonitor_t is a monitor structure. As new threads are added it register with monitor & added to scnThreadlist_t.
monitorHeartbeatCheck is the thread that starts with program,
monitorHeartbeatProcess is API which are added to all thread functions.
Actually my problem is that the index of process is not properly followed
It ends with a wait HB condition for 3rd Thread & dead-lock is created.
what should be the problem?
thanks in advance.
typedef struct scnThreadList_{
osiThread_t thread;
struct scnThreadList_ *next;
} scnThreadList_t;
typedef struct scnMonitor_{
bool started;
osiThread_t heartbeatThread;
osiMutex_t heartbeatMutex;
osiMutex_t ackMutex;
osiCond_t heartbeatCond;
scnThreadList_t *threads;
} scnMonitor_t;
static scnMonitor_t *s_monitor = NULL;
// Main heartbeat check thread
void* monitorHeartbeatCheck( void *handle )
scnThreadList_t *pObj = NULL;
static int idx = 0;
static bool waitAck = false;
while ( 1 ) {
pObj = s_monitor->threads;
while ( pObj && ( pObj != s_monitor->heartbeatThread ) ) { //skip it-self from monitoring.
printf("\"HB Check No.%d\"\n",idx);
// send heartbeat
usleep( 250 * 1000 );
pthread_mutex_lock( s_monitor->heartbeatMutex, 1 );
pthread_cond_signal( s_monitor->heartbeatCond );
printf("-->C %d HB sent\n",idx);
pthread_mutex_unlock( s_monitor->heartbeatMutex );
// wait for ACK
while( !waitAck ){
pthread_mutex_lock( s_monitor->ackMutex, 1 );
printf("|| C %d wait Ack\n",idx);
waitAck = true;
pthread_cond_wait( s_monitor->heartbeatCond, s_monitor->ackMutex );
waitAck = false;
printf("<--C %d received Ack\n",idx);
pthread_mutex_unlock( s_monitor->ackMutex );
LOG_INFO( SCN_MONITOR, "ACK from thread %p \n", pObj->thread );
pObj = pObj->next;
} // while, infinite
return NULL;
// Waits for hearbeat and acknowledges
// Call this API from every thread function that are registered
int monitorHeartbeatProcess( void )
static int id = 0;
static bool waitHb = false;
++ id;
printf("\"HB Process No.%d\"\n",id);
// wait for HB
pthread_mutex_lock( s_monitor->heartbeatMutex, 1 );
printf("|| P %d wait for HB\n",id);
waitHb = true;
pthread_cond_wait( s_monitor->heartbeatCond, s_monitor->heartbeatMutex );
waitHb = false;
printf("<--P %d HB received \n",id);
pthread_mutex_unlock( s_monitor->heartbeatMutex );
// send ACK
uleep( 250 * 1000 );
pthread_mutex_lock( s_monitor->ackMutex, 1 );
pthread_cond_signal( s_monitor->heartbeatCond );
printf("-->P %d ACK sent\n",id);
pthread_mutex_unlock( s_monitor->ackMutex );
return 1;
You should always associate only one mutex with a condition at a time. Using two different mutexes with the same condition at the same time could lead to unpredictable serialization issues in your application.
You have 2 different mutexes with your condition heartbeatCond.
I think you are experiencing a deadlock here. The thread calling monitorHeartbeatProcess() takes mutex on heartbeatMutex and waits for signal on the condition variable, heartbeatCond. While thread calling monitorHeartbeatCheck() takes mutex on ackMutex and waits for sognal on condition variable, heartbeatCond. Thus both threads waits on the condition variable heartbeatCond causing deadlock. If you are so particular in using two mutexes, why not two condition variables?
