How do I get the exitCode from a batch file (as well as the output written to the DetailView window)?
From the documention:
Use 'wait' call if you want to get exit code. (/NOUNLOAD is mandatory!)
So something like this:
ExecDos::wait /NOUNLOAD /DETAILED "$INSTDIR\bin\checkJavaVersion.bat"
(I haven't dealt with specifying which window to output to yet)
How do I access the exitCode?
You first exec and then you wait. wait does not start the process so you cannot pass the command line to it. The documentation you linked to has an example:
ExecDos::exec /NOUNLOAD /ASYNC "$EXEDIR\consApp.exe" "test_login$\ntest_pwd$\n" "$EXEDIR\execdos.log"
Pop $0 # thread handle for wait
# you can add some installation code here to execute while application is running.
ExecDos::wait $0
Pop $1 # return value
MessageBox MB_OK "Exit code $1"
After struggling with this issue for several hours and searching here and failing to come up with a matching solution, it's time to ask:
In bash (4.3) I'm attempting to do a combination of the following:
Create an array
For loop through the values of the array with a command that isn't super fast (curl to a web server to get a value), so we background each loop to parallelize everything to speed it up.
Set the names of the values in the array to variables assigned to values redirected to it from a command via "read"
Background each loop and get their PID into a regular array, and associate each PID with the related array value in an associative array so I have key=value pairs of array value name to PID
Use "wait" to wait for each PID to exit 0 or throw an error telling us which value name(s) in the array failed to exit with 0 by referencing the associative array
I need to be able export all of the VAR names in the original array and their now-associated values (from the curl command results) because I'm sourcing this script from another bash script that will use the resulting exported VARs/values.
The reason I'm using "read" instead of just "export" with "export var=$(command)" or similar, is because when I background and get the PID to use "wait" with in the next for loop, I actually (incorrectly) get the PID of the "export" command which always exits 0, so I don't detect an error. When I use read with the redirect to set the value of the VAR (from name in the array) and background, it actually gets the PID of the command and I catch any errors in the next loop with the "wait" command.
So, basically, this mostly appears to work, except I realized the "read" command doesn't actually appear to be substituting the variable to the array name value properly in a way that the redirected command sends its output to that name in order to set the substituted VAR name to a value. Or, maybe the command is just entirely wrong so I'm not correctly redirecting the result of my command to a VAR name I'm attempting to set.
For what it's worth, when I run the curl | python command by hand (to pull the value and then parse the JSON output) it is definitely succeeding, so I know that's working, I just can't get the redirect to send the resulting output to the VAR name.
Here's a example of what I'm trying to do:
In parent script:
# Source the child script that has the functions I need
# Create the array
# Call the function sourced from the script above, which will use the above defined array
In child (sourced) script:
curl_pids=( )
declare -A value_pids
for value in "${VALUES[#]}"; do
read ${value} < <(curl -f -s -X GET http://path/to/json/value | python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['data']['value'])") & curl_pids+=( $! ) value_pids+=([$!]=${value})
for pid in "${curl_pids[#]}"; do
wait "$pid" && echo "Successfully retrieved value ${value_pids[$pid]} from Webserver." || { echo "Something went wrong retrieving value ${value_pids[$pid]}, so we couldn't get the output data needed from Webserver. Exiting." ; exit 1 ; }
The problem is that read, when run in the background, isn't connected to a standard in.[details] Consider this simplified, working example with comment how to cripple it:
for value in "${VALUES[#]}"; do
read ${value} < <(echo ${RANDOM}) # add "&" and it stops working
echo "VALUE_A=${VALUE_A}"
echo "VALUE_B=${VALUE_B}"
You might be able to do this with coproc, or using read -u with automatic file descriptor allocation, but really this is a job for temporary files:
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
for value in "${VALUES[#]}"; do
(sleep 1; echo ${RANDOM} > "${tmpdir}"/"${value}") &
for value in "${VALUES[#]}"; do
wait_file "${tmpdir}"/"${value}" && {
read -r ${value} < "${tmpdir}"/"${value}";
echo "VALUE_A=${VALUE_A}"
echo "VALUE_B=${VALUE_B}"
rm -r "${tmpdir}"
This example uses wait_file helper, but you might use inotifywait if you don't mind some dependencies on OS.
So I am trying to write my first shell script that can automatically run some C codes for me. I read some materials online and here is my short shell script:
# script for grading assignment 3
echo -n "Enter the student's index >"
read index
echo "You entered: $index"
#### Functions
function question_one
gcc -pthread -o $index.1 $index.1.c
taskset -c 1 ./$index.1 5 5
#### Main
As you can see, the shell script is quite simple and what it does is also quite easy to understand. First compile a C source file named like 1.1.c, 2.1.c or 3.1.c and then run the output file with just one single CPU.
When I run this script, looks like it can successfully compile the file but unable to run the output file correctly. The error message is "assignment_three_grading: line 18: Thread: command not found". However, if I type in the commands manually by myself, everything is fine.
Change this to simply:
To invoke a function you just name it as if it were a regular command. Using $(...) captures its output and tries to execute that output as another command name: definitely not what you want here.
I'm quite new to bash scripting and i've been working on a small bash file that can do a few things for me. First of all, i'm calling this from a C function using system() and i'd like the script to return a value (1 for error, 0 for OK). Is this possible?
int kinit() {
int err = system("/home/bluemoon/Desktop/GSSExample/");
Second, using Zenity, i managed to create a pop up window to insert user/password. Now, according to what the user does, multiple things should happen. If he closes the window or clicks "cancel", nothing should happen. If he clicks "OK", then i should check the input (for empty text boxes or something).
Assuming a correct input, i will use Expect to run a kinit program (it's a promt related with Kerberos) and log in. Now, if the password is correct, the prompt closes and the script should return 0. If it's not, the prompt will show something like "Kinit: user not found". I wanted to, in any case of error (closing window, clicking cancel or wrong credentials) return 1 in my script and return 0 on success.
ENTRY=`zenity --password --username`
case $? in
USER=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f1`
PW=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f2`
if [ "$USER"!="$noText" -a "$PW"!="$noText" ]
/usr/bin/expect -c 'spawn kinit '`echo $USER`'; expect "Password for '`echo $USER`':" { send "'`echo $PW`'\r" }; interact'
echo "Stop login.";;
echo "An unexpected error has occurred.";;
My if isn't working properly, the expect command is always run. Cancelling or closing the Zenity window also always lead to case "0". I've also tried to return a variable but it says i can only return vars from inside functions?
Well, if anyone could give me some pointers, i'd appreciate it.
i'd like the script to return a value
Sure, just use exit in appropriate places
exit: exit [n]
Exit the shell.
Exits the shell with a status of N. If N is omitted, the exit status
is that of the last command executed.
My if isn't working properly, the expect command is always run.
if [ "$USER" != "$noText" -a "$PW" != "$noText" ]
# ^ ^ ^ ^
# | | | |
# \----- notice spaces ----/
My nagios bash script works fine from the client's command line.
When I execute the same script through check_nrpe from the nagios server it returns the following message "CHECK_NRPE: No output returned from daemon."
Seems like a command in the bash script is not being executed.
arrVars=(`/usr/bin/ipmitool sensor | grep "<System sensor>"`)
#echo "Hello World!!"
<Process array and determine string to echo along with exit code>
echo $myOPString
if [[ $flag == "False" ]]; then
exit 1
exit 0
"Hello World" shows up on the nagios monitoring screen if I uncomment the echo statement.
I am new to linux but seems like the nagios user isn't able to execute ipmitool
arrVars=(`/usr/bin/ipmitool sensor | grep "<System sensor>"`)
Check the output of the above, You can echo it and check for the values. If it still does not work use another script to be called by this to get the output and assign it to a variable
exit 1
This refers to the Severity , So you would have to define different conditions where the severity changes
Add this line to the sudoers
nagios ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ipmitool
Then use "sudo /usr/bin/ipmitool" in your script
I want to redirect all console text to a file. Here is what I tried:
> sink("test.log", type=c("output", "message"))
> a <- "a"
> a
> How come I do not see this in log
Error: unexpected symbol in "How come"
Here is what I got in test.log:
[1] "a"
Here is what I want in test.log:
> a <- "a"
> a
[1] "a"
> How come I do not see this in log
Error: unexpected symbol in "How come"
What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
You have to sink "output" and "message" separately (the sink function only looks at the first element of type)
Now if you want the input to be logged too, then put it in a script:
1:5 + 1:3 # prints and gives a warning
stop("foo") # an error
And at the prompt:
con <- file("test.log")
sink(con, append=TRUE)
sink(con, append=TRUE, type="message")
# This will echo all input and not truncate 150+ character lines...
source("script.R", echo=TRUE, max.deparse.length=10000)
# Restore output to console
# And look at the log...
cat(readLines("test.log"), sep="\n")
If you have access to a command line, you might prefer running your script from the command line with R CMD BATCH.
== begin contents of script.R ==
a <- "a"
How come I do not see this in log
== end contents of script.R ==
At the command prompt ("$" in many un*x variants, "C:>" in windows), run
$ R CMD BATCH script.R &
The trailing "&" is optional and runs the command in the background.
The default name of the log file has "out" appended to the extension, i.e., script.Rout
== begin contents of script.Rout ==
R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10) -- "Spring Dance"
Copyright (C) 2014 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
Natural language support but running in an English locale
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
[Previously saved workspace restored]
> a <- "a"
> a
[1] "a"
> How come I do not see this in log
Error: unexpected symbol in "How come"
Execution halted
== end contents of script.Rout ==
If you are able to use the bash shell, you can consider simply running the R code from within a bash script and piping the stdout and stderr streams to a file. Here is an example using a heredoc:
# this is a bash script
echo "Hello World, this is bash"
test1=$(echo "This is a test")
echo "Here is some R code:"
Rscript --slave --no-save --no-restore - "$test1" <<EOF
## R code
cat("\nHello World, this is R\n")
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
cat("\nThis is a message from bash:\n")
# end of script
Then when you run the script with both stderr and stdout piped to a log file:
$ chmod +x
$ ./
$ ./ &>test.log
$ cat test.log
Hello World, this is bash
Here is some R code:
Hello World, this is R
This is a message from bash:
This is a test
Other things to look at for this would be to try simply pipping the stdout and stderr right from the R heredoc into a log file; I haven't tried this yet but it will probably work too.
You can't. At most you can save output with sink and input with savehistory separately. Or use external tool like script, screen or tmux.
Run R in emacs with ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) r-mode. I have one window open with my script and R code. Another has R running. Code is sent from the syntax window and evaluated. Commands, output, errors, and warnings all appear in the running R window session. At the end of some work period, I save all the output to a file. My own naming system is *.R for scripts and *.Rout for save output files.
Here's a screenshot with an example.
You can print to file and at the same time see progress having (or not) screen, while running a R script.
When not using screen, use R CMD BATCH yourscript.R & and step 4.
When using screen, in a terminal, start screen
run your R script
R CMD BATCH yourscript.R
Go to another screen pressing CtrlA, then c
look at your output with (real-time):
tail -f yourscript.Rout
Switch among screens with CtrlA then n
To save text from the console: run the analysis and then choose (Windows) "File>Save to File".
Set your Rgui preferences for a large number of lines, then timestamp and save as file at suitable intervals.
If you want to get error messages saved in a file
zz <- file("Errors.txt", open="wt")
sink(zz, type="message")
the output will be:
Error in print(errr) : object 'errr' not found
Execution halted
This output will be saved in a file named Errors.txt
In case, you want printed values of console to a file you can use 'split' argument:
zz <- file("console.txt", open="wt")
sink(zz, split=TRUE)
output will be:
[1] "cool"
in console.txt file. So all your console output will be printed in a file named console.txt
This may not work for your needs, but one solution might be to run your code from within an Rmarkdown file. You could write both the code and console output to HTML/PDF/Word.