MS Excel 2010 Count unique values with multiple criteria and EDATE - arrays

I am trying to get a count of all Unique values listed in Col A, by state and within a date range, for example all records up to the end of April 2018.
I am able to get the count of Unique values by state (result is 2) with the below formula:
but I am unable to get the IF function to work with EDATE. I tried the following but I'm getting 0 as the result. The result should be 1.
I am unable to use Pivot as I need to include date range filter. Could someone please look at my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I am using CSE with my formulas. Thankyou!

I managed to work it out. EDATE wasn't working so I entered the Month date in cell:G1 then referenced it in the IF formula using "<=" eg: IF(D2:D14<=G1).
Whole array formula is:
I now receive the correct count of 1, though I have to ensure I have entered the last day of the Month in G1. State is referenced in F10 and count of unique values is in Column A.
My full data set is sourced from multiple documents over 5000 rows each and growing daily so my workbook is quite slow to calculate over 1000 array formulas... but it works!
If anyone knows of a faster (possibly non-array) formula, I would appreciate the advice! Thanks!


How do I change my multi criteria Index Match formula in such a way that it sorts results closest to today?

How can do I write an array formula in such a way that both following factors apply:
Results give me the names of sales that have either TRUE OR FALSE next to it in a different column/sheet.
Results are sorted chronologically based on the date that is connected to each sale. Each sale has a different date next to it. This can be found in the same sheet as where the "TRUE OR FALSE" result is displayed. Column with the dates is called "AY:AY". I use an indirect formula to target the correct sheet within the spreadsheet.
I currently only have the first criteria implemented, don't know how to do the 2nd one.
Since the raw data is not ordered I need this to happen when I use the Index Match Array formula. So far I have this formula in my Google Sheets spreadsheet.
=ArrayFormula(iferror(index(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!c:c");small(if(TRUE=indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!ca:ca");row(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!ca:ca"))-row(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!$ca$1"))+1);row(1:1)));""))
I know I could use the Index Array formula below with multiple criteria, but don't know how to implement the date component.
INDEX(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!c:c");SMALL(IF(COUNTIF(_______)*COUNTIF("true"; indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!CA:CA"); ROW(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A:CA"))-MIN(ROW(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A:CA"))+1); ROW(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A1));COLUMN(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A1))
Thanks in advance.
A query like this could help?
=QUERY(INDIRECT("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!C:CA"),"SELECT C,AY WHERE CA = TRUE order by AY")

Long calculation times with XLOOKUP vs INDEX-MIN-COLUMN

I'm using this formula =IF(B24="","",IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet3!$C$3:$EE$3,,MIN(IF(Sheet3!$C$4:$EE$23=(Sheet2!C24&$K$18),COLUMN(Sheet3!$C:$EE)))-2),"NF")) to return a cell value in the top row of an array - a date in this case.
The search criteria is a combination of a unique project number and a 2 digit status alphanumerical code for the project. The array consists of 23 rows where combinations of the unique numbers are found, each with different status codes.
So essentially, I'm building a FILTERED project status dashboard that returns dates linked to the relevant project status.
The code above is inspired from ( LINK ) that uses a very similar layout, but it uses town suburbs linked to postal codes instead of project numbers and status codes. The formula works well (though, not entered as an array formula), but I don't have a single formula in the sheet, I have 3 300 occurrences of this formula.
The problem comes in when the user changes the FILTER - Excel recalculates the entire dashboard and that takes anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes to run. You hit the escape button and cancel the calculation after setting the filter, but Excel just starts calculating again after a few seconds. After that, Excel's response is sluggish and almost unusable. Yes - our hardware is pretty weak ...
I tried XLOOKUP as well, but can't set the "lookup_array" to an array ( Sheet3!$C$4:$EE$23 ) because it doesn't match the "return-array" ( Sheet3!$C$3:$EE$3 ) Concatenating the lookup arrays with & works, but then you'd have to do that for all 23 rows, and again, multiply that by 3 300.
I thought of creating a UDF, but the function will still be called every time Excel recalculates after filtering... 3 300 calls ...
Any ideas on how to make the INDEX version run faster, or make the XLOOKUP accept the lookup_array as Sheet3!$C$4:$EE$23 in the hopes that it'll run faster?
Thank you!
Not really an elegant solution, but it works.
I imported the dataset into a helper sheet, where I combined the cell value with the corresponding value in Column A for each row ( a name in this case ) and the date from row 1 for each column, using underscore as a delimiter.
This new data range was then given a unique name, EE in this case.
On a second helper sheet, using this formula =INDEX(Filtered,1+INT((ROW('Sheet1'!C3)-1)/COLUMNS(Filtered)),MOD(ROW('Sheet1'!C3)-1+COLUMNS(Filtered),COLUMNS(Filtered))+1) and drag it down till it returns an REF! error and going back one row before the error.
This transposes all the data into a single column G. Using =UNIQUE(SORT(FILTER(B3:B3240,B3:B3240<> "",""))) then gives me a filtered list of unique values in column H that I then run
=IF(H3="","",LEFT(H3, SEARCH("_",H3,1)-1)) for the first data value in I, and
=IF(H3="","",MID(H3, SEARCH("_",H3) + 1, SEARCH("_",H3,SEARCH("_",H3)+1) - SEARCH("_",H3) - 1)) for the middle data value in J, and
=IF(H3="","",IFERROR(TEXT(RIGHT(H3,5),"yyyy-mm-dd"),"NF")) for the last data value in K.
Then just run XLOOPUP across columns I, J and K.
Runs quick and easy and solves a few of the other issue I had as well.
The second data set has just over 35 000 rows - still works well and fast.

EXCEL: How to count if data matches in specific columns where header is within the date range?

I would like to get a count on the total number of lessons of a specific length given within a specific date range.
I can figure out how to get the number of a specific type of lesson on a specific day with something like in:
But I can't figure out how to to find all of the values for say Dates <=A8 (for row 8), or dates >A8 & <=A9 (for row 9).
I am looking to get the data to output like the yellow section.
In Excel:
But note, this will not work in Google Sheets.
I'm not sure it is the most elegant. My solution was to create a hidden column (Now E:E) for the to calculate the days between the A column dates.
Example for cell E9
This returned a number of days between days A7 and A8.
I then modified Scott Craner's formula to this (Example for cell B9):
Remember now, that after adding a column my dates shifted from E1:V1 to F1:W1
These two steps solved my issue with double counting on certain dates.
Lastly, I went back and tested this with Google Sheets and it does now appear that it will also work with Google Sheets.

Issue with a multiple criteria INDEX MATCH formula

so I used this array formula with INDEX MATCH:
Here is the thing, I was trying to display the price of the "entries" sheet on the "sales" sheet, the problem comes up when there are different prices for one "Code" or product over time. I tried to solve it with an Index Match formula (above) that matches the price of the code (product) with the month and the year but it doesn't assign the price or any value on the months between the updates of the price. see picture
example: for month 6 it should assign the price of month 5 because there is not any update or change. and the same for month 9 it should be the same e of the month 8 for that product. How can I do that?
Looks to me like it's throwing those errors because it won't be able to find these months. In all cases these months are missing, at least with your data, you could tell the formula to pick the maximum row from the data that is below or equal to your search month using MAX()
Furthermore, matching multiple criteria through concatenating cells and columns can get tricky once numeric values/dates are involves and could throw back wrong/unexpected results. Try something along these lines instead:
So the whole thing would look like:
Entered through CtrlShiftEnter
#JVDV answer was helpful, but it didn't work for me because it gives me a higher value instead of the latest price for the last month known not the next one.
Anyway looking at your formula, I finally came up with this:
The first part is my original formula but now when it throws an error applies the second INDEX which finds the price of the month before the month with no price in the data. Of course, it's isn't perfect either because I have to "update" the price at least every two months.
I tried another way with a <= sign but it didn't work either.

Vlookup from multiple criteria to display nearest answer

I was hoping someone can help me. I have hit a solid wall.
I have a table with product information included and I am building a calculator which should spit out a number of options based on set criteria which is in the table. I am failing at just pulling through a code. I feel rather embarassed asking about how to do a vlookup here. But basically I have a vlookup which depends on multiple criteria and for the calc to cough out the nearest match (if applicable) based on this criteria.
Criteria 1 = Product
Criteria 2 = Type
Criteria 3 = Height
Criteria 4 = Min
I have created a search key in the table to concatenate all of these columns and then done a vlookup, which is =Vlookup(Criteria1 & Criteria2 & Criteria3 & Criteria4, Table Data, Code Required) But this does not appear to be giving me results, it either coughs out an error or the incorrect product. Below is my data and my calc I am hoping to complete. Can someone please help?
Here is an example looking for a closest match on Min. It demonstrates the principle so you can extend.
The closest match formula part is:
Column E for column with Min values in. And K2 for target Min. This is an array formula entered with Ctrl + Shift+Enter. You would adjust the range of E2:E4.
The multiple criteria part is using:
=MATCH(lookup_value_1&lookup_value_2&lookup_value_3, lookup_array_1&lookup_array_2&lookup_array_3, match_type)
Where you are concantenating your parameters and searching for a match of the concatenation of those parameters in the table (you could do this against the key column if the key is made up of the same parameters.)
Overall formula with some test data (using one estimate figure):
Above entered combined formula remember is an array formula so entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter . You can reduce the ranges from entire columns to only those rows holding data.
Data data:
I am not typing all that out from picture so here is a quick n dirty
I tried with the QHarr's solution but it didn't work with all the rows.
My solution is:
Add a column with:
=IF(E2 < $K$2, E2, 0) and copy for all rows
In L5 create the formula:
Copy the formula to L6 and L7
Excel exercise printscreen
Originally marked this as answered and it did work initially but as I added more products it began to fail. I did manage to (after much trial and error) find a simple solution {=INDEX(Calc!$I$2:$I$189,MATCH(Output!$H$7,IF(Calc!$B$2:$B$189=Output!A12,Calc!$H$2:$H$189),1))}
