Implementing "tab completion" in RichEdit Winapi - c

This is a feature you see in a lot of IRC clients. Basically, if you type a string "Ad" and then hit tab the client will fill in the first matching nick (in the case of an IRC client) mathcing 'Ad' - so let's say it fills in Adam. But, like bash, if you keep hitting tab it should cycle through all the names containing "Ad" as a prefix.
I'm not quite sure how to implement this in the Wndproc for a RichEdit though. Specifically, when a user hits tab I need to get the current 'token', save it, and get all the prefixes and fill in the first. If he hits tab again I need to get the next prefix, and so on, but I need to empty the prefix list once I get a WM_CHAR that's not tab -- I think?
I'm wondering if there's some easier, less hacky way though, or if anybody has seen code that does this?

Useful though Remy's comments are, it seems to me that this question is more about what the logic should be to implement kind-of-bash-style auto-completion than anything else. On that basis, and based on what you posted, which I found slightly confusing, I think it should be something like this (pseudo-code);
int autocomplete_index = 0;
string autocomplete_prefix;
if (autocomplete_prefix == "")
autocomplete_prefix = current_contents_of_edit_field ();
autocomplete_index = 0;
auto autocomplete_result = get_autocomplete_string (autocomplete_prefix, autocomplete_index++);
if (autocomplete_result != "")
replace_contents_of_edit_field_and_move_caret_to_end (autocomplete_result);
beep (); // or cycle round
autocomplete_prefix = "";
If the rich edit control is embedded in a dialog, you also need to ensure that the dialog manager does not speak in and snaffle VK_TAB before you do. That normally doesn't happen for rich edit controls (although it does for regular edit controls - go figure) but if it does you can handle WM_GETDLGCODE appropriately in your WndProc (details on request).
And 'hacky'? Why? I don't think so. Sounds like a good idea to me.


How to completely overwrite output in c

So I am working on this side project game kinda thing, and I want to put it inside of a border/box. I then want to print text constantly inside that border: adding text, removing it, changing it etc. I've looked far and wide, and cannot find anyway to print inside the box separately from the actual box.
My current implementation is to clear screen, and then reprint the entire box with new text using this:
The issue with this is that I get this very obnoxious blinking effect, because every iteration of clearing my screen causes that portion of the screen to become black for a certain period of time.
So I am looking for a few solutions.
How to print a border separate from the print statement inside of it. I currently am implementing it like such:
printf("| | Hello There ||\n");
, and then repeating that all the way down to make a border.
How to completely overwrite the already outputted text so that this blinking effect can go away. So imagine \r removing a line, I want something like that, that removes the whole text and replaces it with a new set of text
How to change the location of where the user inputs into the console, so you can type into a box
Those are basically the only solutions I could think of, if you have any others I'd love to hear them
I also had a general question about c.
conio.h, graphics.h, windows.h and a few other headers don't work for my compilers. I use ubuntu, and they always come up with some error saying I can't use them. I appreciate someone explaining this to me.
Please let me know what you think, and if you need more info, I'll be sure to provide it
conio.h and windows.h are not standard Linux libraries, so they won't compile on Linux unless you install extra software. One solution would be to use a library designed for managing the screen like ncurses.
You can do that with loops and ASCII characters similar like that:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i;
printf("\t\t\tHello There \t\n");
return 0;

Coded UI - How do we find if something exists when IsVisible, Exists, TryGetClickablePoint etc all return true when I can't see the control?

I am testing a WPF application and am not privy to it's exact workings but I am finding many instances where I need to find if a control is shown. All the traditional answers on this on Stack Overflow and MS forums etc say to use one of the following ...
State (e.g. OffScreen
The problem is that for this system, many controls return true for all of those even when the control cannot be seen! They also return a point with co-ordinates (-1, -1, -1, -1) whether the control is visible or not.
The only thing I have had any success with is using a try catch finally. I try to click on the control and if that fails, I go in to the catch block. That takes 60 seconds to time out though and I am getting intermittent issues with tests that run 9 times out of 10. Maybe the constant use of try catch is causing performance issues.
Is there an approach that actually works when all the standard approaches fail? I have noticed lots of other people asking these question are also testing WPF. Is there something WPF developers are doing to hide controls that makes CodedUI think they are still present and visible etc. Are they just behind something?
Many thanks in advance.
The solution was two-fold. Firstly I had to find the element and this was not working properly with my recorded steps. The element was buried too deeply in the system under test which is WPF (XAML). Secondly I had to prove I had found the element and for this I can't use TryGetClickablePoint, Exists, Top or Width. None of them seemed to work properly at all for my element. I had to use State.
public void Assert_MyElementShown()
#region Variable Declarations
WpfCustom uISurfaceCustom = this.UISysUnderTestClientShWindow.UIItemCustom1.UISurfaceCustom;
WpfCustom uIYAxisLabelsCustom = new WpfCustom();
//Find the Element using it's Container and SearchProperties
uIYAxisLabelsCustom.Container = uISurfaceCustom;
uIYAxisLabelsCustom.SearchProperties[WpfControl.PropertyNames.ClassName] = "Uia.AxisLabelControl";
uIYAxisLabelsCustom.SearchProperties[WpfControl.PropertyNames.AutomationId] = "YAxisLabels";
//Use the State to find if it's on screen or not
var state = uIYAxisLabelsCustom.State;
if (state == Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.ControlStates.Default)
//Element is visible, do stuff here!
else if (state == Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.ControlStates.Offscreen)
//The control may exist, it may have location on screen and may even
//appear to be clickable according to coded ui framework but is is NOT
//shown on the screen.
You can try this approach for your application..if control properties are showing true for viable than we can go for height and width.Means if control is not visible in UI and but still all properties are showing true than check control height and width must be in -ve number.Than we can keep a assertion like
If control.height<0
Not visible in UI

UIPageViewController navigates to wrong page with Scroll transition style

My UIPageViewController was working fine in iOS 5. But when iOS 6 came along, I wanted to use the new scroll transition style (UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll) instead of the page curl style. This caused my UIPageViewController to break.
It works fine except right after I've called setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion:. After that, the next time the user scrolls manually by one page, we get the wrong page. What's wrong here?
My workaround of this bug was to create a block when finished that was setting the same viewcontroller but without animation
__weak YourSelfClass *blocksafeSelf = self;
[self.pageViewController setViewControllers:viewControllers direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:YES completion:^(BOOL finished){
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[blocksafeSelf.pageViewController setViewControllers:viewControllers direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:NO completion:NULL];// bug fix for uipageview controller
This is actually a bug in UIPageViewController. It occurs only with the scroll style (UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll) and only after calling setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion: with animated:YES. Thus there are two workarounds:
Don't use UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll.
Or, if you call setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion:, use only animated:NO.
To see the bug clearly, call setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion: and then, in the interface (as user), navigate left (back) to the preceding page manually. You will navigate back to the wrong page: not the preceding page at all, but the page you were on when setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion: was called.
The reason for the bug appears to be that, when using the scroll style, UIPageViewController does some sort of internal caching. Thus, after the call to setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion:, it fails to clear its internal cache. It thinks it knows what the preceding page is. Thus, when the user navigates leftward to the preceding page, UIPageViewController fails to call the dataSource method pageViewController:viewControllerBeforeViewController:, or calls it with the wrong current view controller.
I have posted a movie that clearly demonstrates how to see the bug:
EDIT This bug will probably be fixed in iOS 8.
EDIT For another interesting workaround for this bug, see this answer:
Here is a "rough" gist I put together. It contains a UIPageViewController alternative that suffers from Alzheimer (ie: it doesn't have the internal caching of the Apple implementation).
This class isn't complete but it works in my situation (namely: horizontal scroll).
As of iOS 12 the problem described in the original question seems to be almost fixed. I came to this question because I experienced it in my particular setup, in which it does still happen, hence the word "almost" here.
The setup I experienced this issue was:
1) the app was opened via a deep link
2) based on the link the app had to switch to a particular tab and open a given item there via push
3) described issue happened only when the target tab was not previously selected by user (so that UIPageViewController was supposed to animate to that tab) and only when setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion: had animated = true
4) after the push returning back to the view controller containing the UIPageViewController, the latter was found to be a big mess - it was presenting completely wrong view controllers, even though debugging showed everything was fine on the logic level
I supposed that the root of the problem was that I was pushing view controller very quick after setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion: called, so that the UIPageViewController had no chance to finish something (maybe animation, or caching, or something else).
Simply giving UIPageViewController some spare time by delaying my programmatic navigation in UI via
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: + 1) { ... }
fixed the issue for me. And it also made the programmatic opening of the linked item more user friendly visually.
Hope this helps someone in similar situation.
Because pageviewVC call multi childVC when swipe it. But we just need last page that visible.
In my case, I need to change index for segmented control when change pageView.
Hope this help someone :)
extension ViewController: UIPageViewControllerDelegate {
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, didFinishAnimating finished: Bool, previousViewControllers: [UIViewController], transitionCompleted completed: Bool) {
guard let pageView = pageViewController.viewControllers?.first as? ChildViewController else { return }
This bug still exists in iOS9. I am using the same workaround that George Tsifrikas posted above, but a Swift version:
pageViewController.setViewControllers([page], direction: direction, animated: true) { done in
if done {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.pageViewController.setViewControllers([page], direction: direction, animated: false, completion: {done in })
Another simple workaround in Swift: Just reset the UIPageViewController's datasource. This apparently clears its cache and works around the bug. Here's a method to go directly to a page without breaking subsequent swipes. In the following, m_pages is an array of your view controllers. I show how to find currPage (the index of the current page) below.
func goToPage(_ index: Int, animated: Bool)
if m_pages.count > 0 && index >= 0 && index < m_pages.count && index != currPage
var dir: UIPageViewController.NavigationDirection
if index < currPage
dir = UIPageViewController.NavigationDirection.reverse
dir = UIPageViewController.NavigationDirection.forward
m_pageViewController.setViewControllers([m_pages[index]], direction: dir, animated: animated, completion: nil)
delegate?.tabDisplayed(sender: self, index: index)
m_pageViewController.dataSource = self;
How to find the current page:
var currPage: Int
if let currController = m_pageViewController.viewControllers?[0]
return m_pages.index(of: currController as! AtomViewController) ?? 0
return 0
It seems that Apple has spotted that developers are using UIPageViewController in very different applications that go way beyond the
originally intended ones Apple based their design-choices on in the first place. Rather than using it in a gesture driven linear fashion
PVC is often used to programmatically jump to random
positions within a structured environment. So they have enhanced their implementation of UIPageViewController and the class is now calling both DataSource
- (UIViewController *)pageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController viewControllerBeforeViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- (UIViewController *)pageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController viewControllerAfterViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
after setting a new contentViewController on UIPageViewController with
[self.pageViewController setViewControllers:viewControllers direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:YES completion:nil];
even if an animated turn of pages rather suggests a linear progress in an e.g. page hierarchy like a book or PDF with consecutive pages. Although - I doubt that Apple from a HIG standpoint
is very fond of seeing PVC being used this way, but - it doesn't break backwards compatibility, it was an easy fix, so - they eventually did it. Actually it is just one more call of one of the two DataSource methods that is absolutely unnecessary in a linear environment where pages (ViewControllers) have already been cashed for later use.
However, even if this enhancement might come in very handy for certain use-cases the initial behavior of the class is NOT to be considered a bug. The fact that a lot of developers do - also in other
posts on SO that accuse UIPageViewController of misbehavior - rather emphasizes a widely spread misconception of its design, purpose and functionality.
Without trying to offend any of my fellow developers here in this great facility I nonetheless decided not to remove my initial 'disquisition' that clearly explains to the OP the mechanics of PVC and why his assumption is wrong that he has to deal with a bug here.
This might also be of use for any other fellow developer too who struggles with some intricacies in the implementation of UIPageViewController!
After having read all the answers over and over again - included the
accepted one - there is just one more thing left to say...
The design of UIPageViewController is absolutely FLAWLESS and all the
hacks you submit in order to circumvent an alleged bug is nothing but
remedies for your own faulty assumptions because you goofed it up in the
first place!!!
THERE IS NO BUG AT ALL! You are just fighting the framework. I'll explain why!
There is so much talk about page numbers and indices! These are concepts the
controller knows NOTHING about! The only thing it knows is - it is showing
some content (btw. provided by you as a dataViewController) and that it can
do something like a right/left animation in order to imitate a page turn.
CURL or SCROLL...!!!
In the pageViewController's world there only exists a current SPACE (let's call
it just this way to avoid confusion with pages and indices).
When you initially set a pageViewController it only minds about this very SPACE.
Only when you start panning its view it starts asking its DataSource what it
eventually should display in case a left/right flip should happen. When you start
panning to the left the PVC asks first for the BEFORE-SPACE and then for the
AFTER-SPACE, in case you start to the right it does it the other way round.
After the completed animation (a new SPACE is displayed by the PVC's view) the
PVC considers this SPACE as its new center of the universe and while it is at it, it
asks the DataSource about the one it still does not know anything about. In case of
a completed turn to the right it wants to know about the new AFTER space and in
case of a completed turn to the left it asks for a new BEFORE space.
The old BEFORE space (from before the animation) is in case of a completed turn to
the right completely obsolete and gets deallocated as soon as possible. The old center
is now the new BEFORE and the former AFTER is the new center. Everything just
shifted one step to the right.
So - no talk of 'which page' or 'whatever index' - just simply - is there a BEFORE or
an AFTER space. If you return NIL to one of the DataSource callbacks the PVC just
assumes it is at one extreme of your range of SPACES. If you return NIL to both
callbacks it assumes it is showing the one and only SPACE there is and will never
ever again call a DataSource callback anymore! The logic is up to you! You define
pages and indices in your code! Not the PVC!!!
For the user of the class there are two means of interacting with the PVC.
A pan-gesture that indicates whether a turn to the BEFORE/AFTER space is desired
A method - namely setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion:
This method does exactly the same than the pan gesture is doing. You are indicating the
direction (e.g. UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionBackward/Forward)
for the animation - if there is one intended - which in other words just means -> going to
Again - no mentioning of indices, page-numbers etc....!!!
It is just a programmatically way of achieving the same a gesture would!
And the PVC is doing right by showing the old content again when moving back
to the left after having moved to the right in the first place. Remember
- it is just showing content (that you provide) in a structured way - which is a 'single page turn' by design!!!
That is the concept of a page turn - or BOOK, if you like that term better!
Just because you goof it up by submitting PAGE 8 after PAGE 1 doesn't mean the PVC
cares at all about your twisted opinion of how a book should work. And the user of your
apps neither. Flipping to the right and back to the left should definitely result in reaching
the original page - IF done with an animation. And it is up to YOU to correct the goof by
finding a solution for the disaster. Don't blame it on the UIPageViewController. It is doing
its job perfectly!
Just ask yourself - would you do the same thing with a PAGE-CURL animation? NO ?
Well, neither should you with a SCROLL animation!!! An animated page turn is a page turn and only a page turn!
In either mode!
And if you decide to tear out PAGE 2 to PAGE 7 of your BOOK that's perfectly fine!
But just don't expect UIPageViewController to invent a non-existing PAGE 7 when turning back to the recent page unless YOU tell it that things have changed...
If you really want to achieve an uncoordinated jump to elsewhere, well - do it without an
animation! In most cases this will not be very elegant but - it's possible... -
And the PVC even plays nicely along! When jumping to a new SPACE without animation
it will ask you further down the road for both - the BEFORE and AFTER controller. So your application-logic can keep up with the PVC...
But with an animation you are always conveying - move to the previous/next space (BEFORE -
AFTER). So logically there is no need at all for the PVC to ask again about a space it already
knows about when animating page turns!!!
If you wanna see PAGE 7 when flipping back to the left after having animated from PAGE 1
to the right - well, I would say - that's definitely your very own problem!
And just in case you are looking for a better solution than the 'completion-block' hack from
the accepted answer (because with it you are doing work beforehand for something that might
possibly not even get used further down the road) use the gesture recognizer delegate:
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizerShouldBegin:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
Set your PVC's DataViewController here (without animation) if you really intend to go back
left to PAGE 7 and the DataSource will be asked for BEFORE and AFTER and you can submit
whatever page you like! With a flag or ivar that you should have stashed away when doing your uncontrolled
jump from PAGE 1 to 8 this should be no problem...
And when people keep on complaining about a bug in the PVC - doing 2 page turns when it is
supposed to do 1 turn only - point them to this article.
Same problem - triggering an un-animated setViewControllers: method within the transition gesture
will cause exactly the same havoc. You think you set the new center - the DataSource is asked
for the new BEFORE - AFTER dataController - you reset your index count... - Well, that seems OK...
But - after all that business the PVC ends its transition/animation and wants to know about the
next (still unknown to it) dataViewController (BEFORE or AFTER) and also triggers the DataSource. That's totally justified ! It needs to know where in its small BEFORE - CENTER - AFTER
world it is and be prepared for the next turn.
But your program-logic adds another index++ count to its logic and suddenly got 2 page turns !!!
And that is one off from where you think you are.
And YOU have to account for that! Not UIPageViewController !!!
That is exactly the point of the DataSourceProtocol only having two methods! It wants to be as generic as possible - leaving you the space and freedom to define your own logic and not being stuck with somebody else's special ideas and use-cases! The logic is completely up to you. And only because you find functions like
- (DataViewController *)viewControllerAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index storyboard:(UIStoryboard *)storyboard position:(GSPositionOfDataViewController)position;
- (NSUInteger)indexOfViewController:(DataViewController *)viewController;
in all the copy/pasted sample applications in the cloud doesn't necessarily mean that you have to eat that pre-cook food! Extend them any way you like! Just look above - in my signature you will find a 'position:' argument! I extended this to know later on if a completed page turn was a right or a left turn. Because the delegate unfortunately just tells you whether your turn completed or not! It doesn't tell you about the direction! But this sometimes matters for index-counting, depending on your application's need...
Go crazy - they are your's...

keybord input using Winapi

I'm trying to make a simple text editor with winapi, its working for simple letter, but its not with capital letter or shift key.
char keys[256];
int x = 0;
while (1)
for (x = 0; x <= 256; x++)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(x) == -32767)
char c[5];
ToAscii(x, MapVirtualKey(x, 0), keys, c, 0);
The behaviors of keyboard input are far more complex than what you think. Your method doesn't work because:
GetAsyncKeyState can miss keys. What happens when the user hits a key between calls?
What happens when you hold down a key? What about keyboard repeat?
Most critically, your code assumes a 1:1 relationship between key and character. You don't have any mechanism to deal with combinations like shift / caps lock state, or dead keys.
It would be better if you tried to explain what you're trying to do, and you can get advice on the right way to approach it. Trying to re-invent the behaviors of such a fundamental input device is not likely to be the best approach.
GetAsyncKeyState is likely not the way to go here: the real way to make a text editor type control is to instead handle the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_CHAR messages. Windows will send these to your WndProc when your HWND has focus. This is the technique used by the Windows EDIT and RichEdit controls.
Use WM_KEYDOWN to handle the non-character keys - like arrows (VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT), page up and so on; and use WM_CHAR for text characters. WM_KEYDOWN tells you the key pressed using a VK_ value, and doesn't take shift state into account; while WM_CHAR does take shift state, so gives you 'A' vs 'a' or '1' vs '!' as appropriate. (Note that you have to have TranslateMessage in your messsage loop for this to happen.)
Having said all that, an even easier/better thing to do is just use the existing Windows EDIT or RichEdit controls and let them do the work for you - there's rarely a good reason to reinvent the wheel - unless you're playing around for fun and learning Win32 perhaps. Writing a proper text editor is pretty complex; there's a lot of non-obvious stuff to consider, especially when you get into non-English text: you'd need to ensure it works correctly with right-to-left text (Arabic, Hebrew), works with IMEs which are used to enter Japanese and Chinese characters. And you have to ensure that your control is accessible to screenreaders so that users with visual impairments can still use the control. EDIT and RichEdit do all this for you.
The actual Notepad app, for example, is just a wrapper for an EDIT control; while WordPad just wraps a RichEdit control; both let the control do all the hard work, and just add the extra UI and file save/load functionality on top.
Try to call

Programmatically determining max fit in textbox (WP7)

I'm currently writing an eBook reader for Windows Phone Seven, and I'm trying to style it like the Kindle reader. In order to do so, I need to split my books up into pages, and this is going to get a lot more complex when variable font sizes are added.
To do this at the moment, I just add a word at a time into the textblock until it becomes higher than its container. As you can imagine though, with a document of over 120,000 words, this takes an unacceptable period of time.
Is there a way I can find out when the text would exceed the bounds (logically dividing it into pages), without having to actually render it? That way I'd be able to run it in a background thread so the user can keep reading in the meantime.
So far, the only idea that has occurred to me is to find out how the textblock decides its bounds (in the measure call?), but I have no idea how to find that code, because reflector didn't show anything.
Thanks in advance!
From what I can see the Kindle app appears to use a similar algorithm to the one you suggest. Note that:
it generally shows the % position through the book - it doesn't show total number of pages.
if you change the font size, then the first word on the page remains the same (so that's where the % comes from) - so the Kindle app just does one page worth of repagination assuming the first word of the page stays the same.
if you change the font size and then scroll back to the first page, then actually there is a discontinuity - they pull content forwards again in order to fill the first page.
Based on this, I would suggest you do not index the whole book. Instead just concentrate on the current page based on a "position" of some kind (e.g. character count - displayed as a percentage). If you have to do something on a background thread, then just look at the next page (and maybe the prev page) in order that scrolling can be more responsive.
Further to optimise your experience, there are a couple of changes you could make to your current algorithm that you could try:
try a different starting point and search increment for your algorithm - no need to start at one word and to then only add one word at a time.
assuming most of your books are ASCII, try caching the width of the common characters, and then work out the width of textblocks yourself.
Beyond that, I'd also quite like to try using <Run> blocks within your TextBlock - it may be possible to get the relative position of each Run within the TextBlock - although I've not managed to do this yet.
I do something similar to adjust font size for individual textboxes (to ensure they all fit). Basically, I create a TextBlock in code, set all my properties and check the ActualWidth and ActualHeight properties. Here is some pseudo code to help with your problem:
public static String PageText(TextBlock txtPage, String BookText)
TextBlock t = new TextBlock();
t.FontFamily = txtPage.FontFamily;
t.FontStyle = txtPage.FontStyle;
t.FontWeight = txtPage.FontWeight;
t.FontSize = txtPage.FontSize;
t.Text = BookText;
Size Actual = new Size();
Actual.Width = t.ActualWidth;
Actual.Height = t.ActualHeight;
if(Actual.Height <= txtPage.ActualHeight)
return BookText;
Double hRatio = txtPage.ActualHeight / Actual.Height;
return s.Substring((int)((s.Length - 1) * hRatio));
The above is untested code, but hopefully can get you started. Basically it sees if the text can fit in the box, if so you're good to go. If not, it finds out what percentage of the text can fit and returns it. This does not take word breaks into account, and may not be a perfect match, but should get you close.
You could alter this code to return the length rather than the actual substring and use that as your page size. Creating the textblock in code (with no display) actually performs pretty well (I do it in some table views with no noticeable lag). I wouldn't send all 120,000 words to this function, but a reasonable subset of some sort.
Once you have the ideal length you can use a RegEx to split the book into pages. There are examples on this site of RegEx that break on word boundaries after a specific length.
Another option, is to calculate page size ahead of time for each potential fontsize (and hardcode it with a switch statement). This could easily get crazy if you are allowing any font and any size combinations, and would be awful if you allowed mixed fonts/sizes, but would perform very well. Most likely you have a particular range of readable sizes, and just a few fonts. Creating a test app to calculate the text length of a page for each of these combinations wouldn't be that hard and would probably make your life easier - even if it doesn't "feel" right as a programmer :)
I didn't find any reference to this example from Microsoft called: "Principles of Pagination".
It has some interesting sample code running in Windows Phone.
You can also look this article about Page Transitions in Windows Phone and this other about the final touches in the E-Book project.
The code is downloadable:
You can query the FormattedText class that is used AFAIK inside textBlock. since this is the class being used to format text in preparation for Rendering, this is the most lower-level class available, and should be fast.
