Filter data in highcharts by date and time - angularjs

My web page initially loads the highchart (scatter plot) using the timestamp data for the whole month, but I want to create custom input field that allows to enter date/time range and dynamically plot only those points that are in the range and "hide" everything else. What I already have in mind is that I can add an event listener that listens to change in the input field and reloading the whole chart and filter, but there is a lot of points so I guess this approach is not very efficient. Is there an efficient way to accomplish this?


Grafana custom editor for every query/series

I was wondering if it is possible to write a custom editor (StandardEditorProps) that displays multiple input fields dynamically for every query (every series in the dataFrame).
I would need the same form (labels, bunch of select and text input fields) repeated for every query (I need to get the field names of the query resultset).
These values will be then used to render the custom panel plugin.
If I return, in StandardEditorProps, the entire form, then onChange every select input field is updated with the same value and I cant get the value of every input field in the custom panel plugin as only one customEditor is added in the module.tsx.
On the other hand, If I define multiple custom (and others non custom) editors in module.tsx I can get the values in the panel plugin but I cant make N such forms dynamically.
Hope that makes sense.
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas how achieve that?

Better Way to Deal with Data from Database and Lists

I have TextField and onChange function it filters ListView, so is it better get whole item from table and save them in list then when change text filter that list or open stream get data from table every single change in search TextField?
I have lists in my app with elements, is it preferable when I go to another page or when I don't use the items, clear them every time or it is ok, it doesn't affect the app?

How can I manipulate the date shown in the headers of a anychart resource gantt when there is no data to be loaded

We use the anychart GanttResource chart to show Technicians with their tasks on a daily base. To do this we use a DateFilter outside the component to load our data. Then when the data is retrieved from the API we set this data to the chart. As long there is data retrieved there is no problem, the chart fluently goes to the chosen day and only shows this data. However when the API returns no data or a 400, we add an empty list to the chart data. This looks ok at first, but when looking better to it I noticed the chart defaults back to today as date to show in the header. How can I manipulate this so the selected filter date could be shown there?
Anyone any suggestions about how to get this result? I can't seem to find a functionality or such to set the timeline date to use.
If my explanation is unclear then please let me know so I can elaborate any further or provide any screenshots to make it more clear.
It's not possible to zoom to some period of time when you don't have any data. But you can add an auxiliary element (e.g. a marker) to the data, and you'll be able to set the timeline zoom to a specific range. After you get the real data, the element can be deleted. Please check this sample:

SSRS mobile reports display date

I am sure this should be simple but can't find it answered here.
I am creating some mobile reports and all going well, but I want to add a field that holds a date time (last sale). So far all my fields are shown in gauges, but I can't show a date or string in a number gauge (i don't think). There is a time navigator and selection list filtering the data in the gauges.
I tried creating a simple data grid with one field in it, but doesn't look great with the column header etc.
Any suggestions?

CARTODB Torque Map

I have created a time series map in cartoDB. Is there any way to have the units display in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm? Currently the animation map only displays the mm/dd/yyyy.
Do you mean date in the timeline widget? I'm afraid this text or format of it cannot be changed, you'd need to create own custom time controller.
