loading image using anglularjs and ibm bluemix - angularjs

I developed an application using nodes and angularjs.
I have an html file that I should display an image.
when running the application on localhost, everything work perfectly and the application displays the image.
I used this code for displaying image:
<img ng-src="./app/images/{{idimage}}.jpeg" ></img>
when I do a push for this application to ibmbluemix, the console told me that there are a 404 not found error.
Any idea please for how displaying image using angulars in ibm bluemix.
Thanks for helps

A possible reason for this issue is if you are pushing the app from outside of the app folder by using the manifest path parameter, and when you run your app locally, you also run it from outside the app folder.
After pushing your app, use cf ssh (docs) to get inside your deployed app. You can then take a look around using linux tools like ls to see what folders have been deployed.


Create React App index.html Script Does Not Transfer To Native in Capacitor

I have a Reactjs typescript project I want to transfer to native mobile platforms using Capacitor. I've successfully created the native projects for each, however there's an issue with the Google login feature I have in it.
The Google login API requires you to add a script tag to the index.html in the public folder for the React app which injects a variable used to do the logging in. This is the script tag in the index.html file:
<script src="https://accounts.google.com/gsi/client"></script>
I have a declare var google: any in a file where I do the logging in. This works fine in web but when I use Capacitor and open the Android version, it fails claiming that the google variable is not defined.
Why does this happen and how do I fix it?

Cannot access pages with direct url after building project for deployment Spring and React

When running my spring app from my IDE and running the React app from within VSCode, everything worked perfectly. I used the build script to build my React project, and then put the output into my /static folder of Spring. Then I used mvn clean install to build the .jar file. After running the entire app from the .jar file, I can access my homepage with localhost:5000. I can also use my navbar links to access different parts of the website, like the Home page and the About page... But if I try to manually enter the url localhost:5000/about I get a 404 Not found error.. What am I doing wrong?
My guess is that your Spring (webmvc?) application is not configured to listen to different URLs other than /. And while it may seem as if the navbar successfully redirects to http://localhost:5000/about, in reality the single page application uses JavaScript client-side routing to change the URL in the browser, unload the currently rendered page, and load another page.
If you are indeed using Spring MVC, you could (among other options) modify your Spring static resource configuration, modify your #RequestMapping to listen to multiple endpoints, or use a ViewControllerRegistry.

React: Accessing a page outside React app, inside public folder

I have a React application created by create-react-app. The app works fine, but I have run into a problem
I need to test som ad things on a plain html site, no additional React code. The problem I have is that the ads.txt tags need to be crawled by Google, which can take up to 24 hours on a new page/URL, time that I don't really have.
So I did the following. In my repo under /public folder I added a folder /ad-test with an index.html inside. When I serve it locally using npm start and go to http://localhost:3000/ad-test, it works fine.
Great, I thought and deployed it to the production environment, but now when I try to go to http://[my-site]/ad-test or http://[my-site]/yo-test/index.html it does not work (I get the React 404 site that I created).
I looked here and if I understand correctly, it is not possible to do it the way that I tried since the build stage will not include the public folder. Am I correct in this?
Any idea how to solve this?
I have a good knowledge of React and React Router in general, the app already uses <Switch><Route ... /></Switch> with a catch-all route directing to Not Found Component and the bottom.
The problem I have is that we include some ad scripts from an ad provider. The ads are not displayed in the application (adblockers totally removed from browser etc.) and the provider thinks that we have made errors in the React code.
We don't think that we made any errors (the ads were displayed fine in our test environment but not in prod) and we have to prove that React is not to blame for the ads not showing.
To do this we created a static HTML file with all ads hardcoded, no React components or other things that might disturb. BUT, because of ads and Google crawlers and ads.txt, we need to have the static test page under the same domain as our main page/application.
This is why I ask if it is possible to somehow add a static HTML that can be reached from http://my.page/test-page.html without being "intercepted" by react router, i.e. it exists outside React but on the same server.
When you use react by create-react-app, it means you are building a single-page application.
What this means is that after running npm run build you will have a build folder with only one html file called index.html in that fold.
This index.html does not know and has no relationship with your added 'index.html' in ad-test folder.
If you want your ad-test html to be recognised by react, you need to make it a component of app.js and use react-router to give it a pathname.
It is very simple.
First, install react-router-dom;
Second, set up react-router-dom;refer to https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/guides/quick-start
Third, give your add-test component a pathname.Your js code should look something like this:
<Route path='/ad-test' component={AdTest} />
After you deploy your app, always remember you just built a single-page application.
You only have one html in your app.
Please make sure when you test your app after you deployed you must tell your service provider that no matter what pathname a user inputs in the address bar you always redirect it to the index.html
The build stage includes the public folder:
If you have a picture in the public folder, and this picture was imported to other components it will be shown after you run npm run build
Hope it helps.
Have you tried playing with webserver configurations? It is usually setup to redirect all traffic to index.html. Maybe exclude your static html path from redirection?
Place test-page.html in public folder like
Configure webserver for
directing all traffic to index.html EXCEPT /path-to-static-html which
will be directed to test-page.html.
For example, in case of Apache
you will be setting the DirectoryIndex directive.

Cannot GET index.html Azure Linux Web App

We created a Linux Web App in Microsoft Azure. The application is static written with React (html and Javascript).
We copied the code into the wwwroot folder, but the application only showing only hostingstart.html and when we try to get page index.html we have this error:
Cannot GET /index.html
We tried with a sample of Azure in GitHub (https://github.com/Azure-Samples/html-docs-hello-world) but the error is the same.
The url is this: https://consoleadmin.azurewebsites.net/index.html
Last week the application was running correctly.
We forget to do something?
MAY 2020 - You don't have to add any javascript files or config files anywhere. Let me explain.
I was facing this exact same issue and wasted 6 hours trying everything including the most popular answer to this question. While the accepted answer is a nice workaround (but requires more work than just adding the index.js file), there's something a simpler than that.
You see, when you just deploy an Azure Web App (or App Service as it is also called), two things happen:
The web app by default points to opt/startup/hostingstart.html
It also puts a hostingstart.html in home/site/wwwroot
When you deploy your code, it replaces hostingstart.html in home/site/wwwroot but the app is still pointing to opt/startup/hostingstart.html. If you want to verify this, try deleting opt/startup/hostingstart.html file and your web app will throw a "CANNOT GET/" error.
So how to change the default pointer? It's simpler than it looks:
Go to Configuration tab on your web app and add the following code to startup script:
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon
If this web app is a client-side single-page-app and you're having issues with routing, then add --spa to the above command as follows:
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon --spa
This will tell the web app to serve wwwroot folder. And that's it.
Image for reference:
Screenshot explaination
PS: If you only set the startup script without deploying your code, it will still show the hostingstart.html because by default that file lies in the wwwroot folder.
Ok you are gonna love this. This happened to me today also. Same exact thing.
I am pretty sure the azure team flipped a switch somewhere and we fell through a crack.
I found this obscure answer with no votes and it did the trick (with a little extra finagling)
BONUS! this also fixed my router issues I was having only on the deployed site (not local):
Credit: #stormwild: Default documents not serving on node web app hosted on Azure
From #stormwild's post see here:
Go to your azure portal, select your app service and launch ssh
In ssh terminal, navigate via command line to /home/site/wwwroot
create index.js there with the following code:
var express = require('express');
var server = express();
var options = {
index: 'index.html'
server.use('/', express.static('/home/site/wwwroot', options));
NOTE: Be sure to run npm install --save express also in this folder else your app service will crash on startup
Be sure to restart your app service if it doesn't do so automagically
A workaround, I changed the webapp stack to PHP 7
Another solution would be to add a file called ecoysystem.config.js right next to your index.html file.
module.exports = {
apps: [
script: "npx serve -s"
This will tell pm2 to associate all requests to index.html as your app service starts up.
Very helpful information here: https://burkeholland.github.io/posts/static-site-azure/

My images inside the images subfolder wont show in heroku but works ok in local

I have a Node.Js App using express and Angular. While developing and running a local server everything worked perfectly.
But once deployed in Heroku, images (vewed in the gallery page) inside sub folders (images/*) just wont load while in Heroku.
When I try to go directly to the image URL the ones directly in the images folder work well:
But the ones in subfolders wont, and show part of the page:
I think it might be that:
1. the sub folders are not available in server
2. some routing problem
The code is in https://github.com/blogcraft/Servicentro2.0
The Heroku app is in https://servicentrov2.herokuapp.com
Any help will be appreciated :)
You have the text case wrong in the link:
should be:
(Note: lowercase '2014hallel').
You should be able to login to your Heroku terminal via SSH. Poke around in there and see if the images are actually located where your app is looking for them as a first step.
