How to run a static analysis and coverage on the whole AOSP directory? - static

In spite of the numerous modern tools in 2018, I would like to know how to run both line and branch coverages as well as static analysis on the whole AOSP directory (which tools, good pratices, methodology).
Obvious ways until the hardest ? Is it android-studio or ide dependent ?
Except CTS, anything else ?
Hope I am not looking in the right place but it seems there is a lack of documentation about it.
I currently try to setup building pipelines with Jenkins as the conductor of all of it and I'am spending a lot of time to understand how to correctly setup Firebugs, PMD, Android-Lint, jacoco, build warnings and so on.
I feel lost around all that tools.
I rely on your expertise to share your point on the subject.
Thanks for your time.

For AOSP source code analysis we use codesonar . Codesonar provides support for C, C++ and Java .
Refer below artilce for a better understanding on how Codesonar works along with PMD and FindBugs .
It is a paid tool and you can try out a 30 day trail .

Codesonar is an expensive solution and there is no existance of a free (or open-source) version.
What's the truly different between Codesonar and Sonarqube (or any sonarqube-like solution) ?
Knowing that Sonarqube supports all the language you enumerate and integrates both PMD and FindBugs as well.


Static / Dynamic source code analysis

I took a class named "Secure Code", and in our next assignment we are supposed to do static / dynamic analysis of some C files and of a JavaEE Web Project.
I checked out "Source Monitor" and ran it on the C files, but (unless I didn't get how to use it!) it doesn't seem to do what I'm looking for.
Considering the topic, I'd be interested in knowing if there are tools for detecting "insecure" code, i.e. code that is potentially attackable through buffer overflows, SQL-Injections, XSS ... So I'd like it to point out which functions should be "upgraded" (e.g. fgets instead of gets, or a PreparedStatement instead of a normal SQL statement)
Note: I'd prefer open source softwares, possibly for Windows (I have Ubuntu on a VM but I am not really good with it... I generally spend more time finding out how to configure the tools than running them).
Thank you for your tips!
Frama-C's value analysis is open-source, available pre-compiled for Windows, and was used to find such security bugs as this one in the QuickLZ C library or this one in Polar SSL.
This said, you may find that it is a lot to get used to for just a school assignment, and then again, are you actually expected to find security bugs in a school assignment?
For the JavaEE Web Project use Persistence API, and you can use non-SQL statements, where hacking is theoretically impossible! The best open source one is the Hibernate. It's easy to use and very flexible.

Erlang source code guide

I am interested in delving into Erlang's C source code and try to understand what is going on under the hood. Where can I find info on the design and structure of the code?
First of all, you might want to have a look to Joe Armstrong's thesis, introducing Erlang at a high level. It will be useful to get an idea of what was the idea behind the language. Then, you could focus on the Erlang Run Time System (erts). The erlang.erl module could be a good start. Then, I would focus on the applications who constitutes the so-called minimal release, kernel and stdlib. Within the stdlib, have a look on how behaviours are implemented. May I suggest the gen_server.erl module as a start?
A Guide To The Erlang Source
The short answer is that there is no good guide. And the code is not very well documented.
I recommend finding someone in your neighbourhood that knows the code reasonably well, and buy them dinner in exchange for a little chat.
If you don't have the possibility to do that, then I recommend starting with the loader.
Some useful information can also be found by pretty printing the beam representation. I don't know whether there is any way to do so supplied by OTP, but the HiPE project has some cheats.
hipe:c(MODULE, [pp_beam]).
Should get you started.
(And I also recommend Joe's book.)
Pretty printer of beam can be done by 'erlc -S', which is equivalent with hipe:c(M, [pp_beam]) mentioned by Daniel.
I also use erts_debug:df(Module). to disassemble the loaded beam code, which are instructions actually been interpreted by the VM.
Sometimes I use a debugger. OTP delivers tools supporting gdb very well. See example usage at
A little late to the party here. If you just download the source from GitHub the internal documentation is really good. You have to generate some of it using make.
Get the documentation built and most of the relevant source is under /erts (Erlang Run Time System)
Edit: BEAM Wisdoms is also a really good guide but it may or may not be what you're after.

make and alternatives, pros and cons on windows platform

I'm looking for a make platform. I've read a little about gnu make, and that its got some issues on windows platforms (from slash/backslash, to shell determination ... ) so I would like to hear what are my alternatives to it ?
If it matters, i'm doing fortran development combined with (very)little c on small sized projects (50k lines max), but I don't think that matters since most of those are of the language agnostic type.
What are gnu make drawbacks, and what alternatives do I have, with what advantages?
There are a couple of good tools for continuous integration and building on windows. The two I have in mind are NAnt which describes itself as .Net build tool, but could be used to build anything - its open source and very extensible, although the UI is lacking. I've recently started to use Hudson which is brilliant, the output is way better than NAnt, making it much easier to use. I have zero experience with these tools and Fortran, so good luck there.
My thought on make and its derivatives is to avoid based on it's age, a good tool in its time but it must 20 years old now, and tech (even in the build area) has moved on a fair bit since then.
You can have a look at cmake. It's a kind of "meta-make" system: You write a make-file for it, which says how your project is structured, what libs and sources it needs, and so on. And it can build make-files for you for GNU make, nmake (i believe), project files for Kdevelop and Visual Studio.
KDE has adopted it for KDE4 onwards and it was since greatly enhanced: CMake
Another such system is Bakefile which was built to generate make-files and project-files for the wxWidgets GUI toolkit. It can be used for non-wx applications too, and is relatively young and modern (uses XML as its makefile description).
There is also nmake, which is Microsoft's version of nmake. I would recommend to stick with gnu make though. My advise is to always use Unix like slashes; they also work for Windows. Gnu make is widely used, you can easily find tutorials and get advices about it's use. It is also a better investment, since you can also use it in other areas in the future. Finally, it is much richer in functionality.
I use GNU make under Windows and have no problems with it. However, I also use bash as my shell. Both make and bash are available as part of the Cygwin package from and I strongly recommend you install bash & all the common command line tools (grep, sed etc.) if you are going to use make from the command line.
Make has stood the test of time even on windows, and I use it everyday, but there's also msbuild
Details, details...
Given your small project, I wuld just start with MS nmake. Then if that doesn't suffice, move on to GNUmake. Other advice above is also good. Ant and CMake are fine, but you don't need them and there are so many make users who can help you if you have problems.
For that matter, since you are on windows, doesn't the MS IDE have buil tools built in. Just click and go.
keep it simple. Plan to throw the first on away, you will anyway.
Wikipedia also has this to say:

Build C project automaticly

I'm working on a free software (bsd license) project with others. We're searching for a system that check out our source code (svn) and build it also as test it (unit tests with Check / other tools).
It should have a webbased interface and generate reports.
I hope we don't have to write such a system from null by ourselves...
You surely do not have to code this yourself - there are a lot of continuous integration systems which are able to check out source code from systems such as SVN and they are generally easy to extend with your own tasks, so running custom test scripts/programs should not be a problem.
While these CI systems are probably not written in C, this does not matter, since they just need to be able to access and compile your source code, for which they will use an external compiler anyways.
Just to list some of the well known CI tools:
You might also be interested in other questions on Stack Overflow tagged as continuous-integration. :)
I don't think that there's a buildsystem that is capable of doing all this tasks - but what about combining them?
SCons is a nice buildsystem that runs on every machine that has Python. It can even build directly from SVN. For automatic building you can try Buildbot.
Check out buildbot
My vote would be CruiseControl.NET, it has everything you are asking for. It is open source so the costs are low, and it has a very active user community on google groups to help you with your problems as you grow accustomed to it. Also, although .NET based, using MONO it is very nice on Linux and Mac build servers as well so you have everything covered.

Choosing a static code analysis tool [closed]

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I'm working on a project where I'm coding in C in a UNIX environment. I've been using the lint tool to check my source code. Lint has been around a long time (since 1979), can anyone suggest a more recent code analysis tool I could use ? Preferably a tool that is free.
Don't overlook the compiler itself. Read the compiler's documentation and find all the warnings and errors it can provide, and then enable as many as make sense for you.
Also make sure to tell your compiler to treat warnings like errors so you're forced to fix them right away (-Werror on gcc).
By the way, don't be fooled -Wall on gcc does not enable all warnings.
You may want to check valgrind (free!) — it "automatically detect[s] many memory management and threading bugs, and profile[s] your programs in detail." It isn't a static checker, but it's a great tool!
For C code, you definitely should definitely use Flexelint. I used it for nearly 15 years and swear by it. One of the really great features it has is that warnings can be selectively turned off and on via comments in the code ("/* lint -e123*/"). This turned out to be a powerful documentation tool when you wanted to something out of the ordinary. "I am turning off warning X, therefore, there is some good reason I'm doing X."
For anybody into interesting C/C++ questions, look at some of their examples on their site and see if you can figure out the bugs without looking at the hints.
I've heard good things about clang static analyzer, which IIRC uses LLVM as it's backend. If that's implemented on your platform, that might be a good choice.
From what I understand, it does a bit more than just syntax analysis. "Automatic Bug Finding", for instance.
You can use cppcheck. It is an easy to use static code analysis tool.For example:
cppcheck --enable=all .
will check all C/C++ files under the current folder.
I recently compiled a list of all the static analysis tools I had at my disposal, I am still in the process of evaluating them all. Note, these are mostly security analysis tools.
We've been using Coverity Prevent to check out C++ source code.
It's not a free tool (although I believe they offer free scanning for open source projects), but it's one of the best static analysis tools you'll find. I've heard it's even more impressive on C than on C++, but it's helped us avoid quite a number of bugs so far.
Lint-like tools generally suffer from a "false alarm" problem: they report a lot more issues than really exist. If the proportion of genuinely-useful warnings is too low, the user learns to just ignore the tool. More modern tools expend some effort to focus on the most likely/interesting warnings.
PC-lint/Flexelint are very powerful and useful static analysis tools, and highly configurable, though sadly not free.
When first using a tool like this, they can produce huge numbers of warnings, which can make it hard to differentiate between major and minor ones. Therefore, it is best to start using the tool on your code as early in the project as possible, and then to run it on your code as often as possible, so that you can deal with new warnings as they come up.
With continual use like this, you soon learn how to write your code in a way which confirms to the rules applied by the tool.
Because of this, I prefer tools like Lint which run relatively quickly, and so encourage continual use, rather than the more cumbersome tools which you may end up using less often, if at all.
You can try CppDepend, a pretty complete static analyzer available on windows and linux, throught VS Plugin, IDE or command line, and it's free for open source contributors
You might find the Uno tool useful. It's one of the few free non-toy options. It differs from lint, Flexelint, etc. in focusing on a small number of "semantic" errors (null pointer derefs, out-of-bounds array indices, and use of uninitialized variables). It also allows user-defined checks, like lock-unlock discipline.
I'm working towards a public release of a successor tool, Orion (CONTENT NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE)
lint is constantly updated... so why would you want a more recent one.
BTW flexelint is lint
I totally agree with the suggestions to read and digest what the compiler is telling you after setting -Wall.
A good static analysis tool for security is FlawFinder written by David Wheeler. It does a good job looking for various security exploits,
However, it doesn't replace having a knowledgable someone read through your code. As David says on his web page, "A fool with a tool is still a fool!"
I've found that it's generally best to use multiple static analysis tools to find bugs. Every tool is designed differently, and they can find very different things from each other.
There are some good discussions in some of the talks here. It's from a conference held by the US Department of Homeland Security on static analysis.
Sparse is a computer software tool, already available on Linux, designed to find possible coding faults in the Linux kernel.
There are two active projects of Linux Verification Center aimed to improve quality of the loadable kernel modules.
Linux Driver Verification (LDV) - a comprehensive toolset for static source code verification of Linux device drivers.
KEDR Framework - an extensible framework for dynamic analysis and verification of kernel modules.
Another ongoing project is Linux File System Verification that aims to develop a dedicated toolset for verification of Linux file system implementations.
There is a "-Weffc++" option for gcc which according to the Mac OS X man page will:
Warn about violations of the following style guidelines from Scott Meyers' Effective C++ book:
I know you asked about C, but this is the closest I know of..
