Build C project automaticly - c

I'm working on a free software (bsd license) project with others. We're searching for a system that check out our source code (svn) and build it also as test it (unit tests with Check / other tools).
It should have a webbased interface and generate reports.
I hope we don't have to write such a system from null by ourselves...

You surely do not have to code this yourself - there are a lot of continuous integration systems which are able to check out source code from systems such as SVN and they are generally easy to extend with your own tasks, so running custom test scripts/programs should not be a problem.
While these CI systems are probably not written in C, this does not matter, since they just need to be able to access and compile your source code, for which they will use an external compiler anyways.
Just to list some of the well known CI tools:
You might also be interested in other questions on Stack Overflow tagged as continuous-integration. :)

I don't think that there's a buildsystem that is capable of doing all this tasks - but what about combining them?
SCons is a nice buildsystem that runs on every machine that has Python. It can even build directly from SVN. For automatic building you can try Buildbot.

Check out buildbot

My vote would be CruiseControl.NET, it has everything you are asking for. It is open source so the costs are low, and it has a very active user community on google groups to help you with your problems as you grow accustomed to it. Also, although .NET based, using MONO it is very nice on Linux and Mac build servers as well so you have everything covered.


Do I need Ubuntu to effectively develop Unittest Framework Tests for embedded C Projects?

I am trying to get started developing unittests for my embedded system, actually its a firmware that was already developed a while ago, now we want to add CI to it and start this by writing unittests.
I read blogs like
or and they recommend to implement the unittests via a unittest framework as unity, cpputest and so on and so on. I tried to figure out how to make this run on my windows machine that I use at work but it seems tedious and prone to problems etc.
I also tried to start working with the microsoft vs unit testing framework but got discouraged after running into problems here, too. I think this can't be so hard, it shouldn't take so much effort to start writing the first littlest test...
Do you have experience with this and what would you recommend? Is it viable to do this on Windows? Should I push my boss to let me use a VM, WSL or a Machine that runs Ubuntu? In the end I would like to transfer the CI System to a lab pc (edit: this pc would then also be connected to the hardware, flash it, maybe run a debug build on it and compile some answers that it gets from the hardware... but now I want to talk about the unit test), so if I start developing on Ubuntu now, I will have to deal with this lateron, too...
Maybe a lot of thoughts but I feel a bit overwhelmed with the problem and don't know how to start.
Thanks for you replies, people!
Edit: The discussion I am looking for is not about whether unit testing for embedded systems is useful or the right approach (also interesting but I would like to seperate it) . It's about the question whether it can be fully developed under Windows or whether a Linux System is necessary to be efficient.

How to run a static analysis and coverage on the whole AOSP directory?

In spite of the numerous modern tools in 2018, I would like to know how to run both line and branch coverages as well as static analysis on the whole AOSP directory (which tools, good pratices, methodology).
Obvious ways until the hardest ? Is it android-studio or ide dependent ?
Except CTS, anything else ?
Hope I am not looking in the right place but it seems there is a lack of documentation about it.
I currently try to setup building pipelines with Jenkins as the conductor of all of it and I'am spending a lot of time to understand how to correctly setup Firebugs, PMD, Android-Lint, jacoco, build warnings and so on.
I feel lost around all that tools.
I rely on your expertise to share your point on the subject.
Thanks for your time.
For AOSP source code analysis we use codesonar . Codesonar provides support for C, C++ and Java .
Refer below artilce for a better understanding on how Codesonar works along with PMD and FindBugs .
It is a paid tool and you can try out a 30 day trail .
Codesonar is an expensive solution and there is no existance of a free (or open-source) version.
What's the truly different between Codesonar and Sonarqube (or any sonarqube-like solution) ?
Knowing that Sonarqube supports all the language you enumerate and integrates both PMD and FindBugs as well.

Changing the name of a program before building it to ubuntu

Recently I have been working with an open source simulator called Multi2Sim (M2S). I'm using the simulator to simulate heterogeneous processors to collect data that I'm using with my senior project that is aimed to test thew efficiency of different replacment policies with heterogeneous processors. The program is downloaded from the official site
After following the instruction, I successfully installed and ran the program on my Ubuntu 14.04 from the terminal by calling the "m2s" command. I used it to run the processors with LRU, FIFO, and Random cache replacement policies because they are the only policies M2S provides. The nature of my senior project demands that I use as many replacement policies as I can. I contacted a group of researchers who worked with M2S and were able to implement their own policies to the program. After sending an nice email inquiring about the process of implementing a policy to M2S, they nicely said that they can't tell me since their search is still ongoing.
After snooping around the M2S files that I downloaded before using "make" command, I found where the replacement policies are written in C in a file called "cache.c". I understand the overall mechanism of how the C program works now.
I don't have much knowledge with how
My question is: If I write the replacement policies to the the "cache.c" file, do I need to use the "make" command again in order for me to use them with the m2s command? or can I somehow implement the policies without having to remake the whole program? If I had to remake the program, is there a possible way to make it in a way that I will have the command in the terminal with a different name?
Thank you all in advance.
Yes. The whole point of make is that it will rebuild those parts of the program which need rebuilding (in fact it is designed to rebuild only those parts of the program that require rebuilding).
You might also want to consider putting the program under source control (git is worth learning) so that when you break it (as you inevitably will whilst learning) you can easily revert your mistakes, and see exactly what you changed.

Best way to implement plugin framework - are DLLs the only way (C/C++ project)?

I am currently developing a document classifier software in C/C++ and I will be using Naive-Bayesian model for classification. But I wanted the users to use any algorithm that they want(or I want in the future), hence I went to separate the algorithm part in the architecture as a plugin that will be attached to the main app # app start-up. Hence any user can write his own algorithm as a plugin and use it with my app.
Problem Statement:
The way I am intending to develop this is to have each of the algorithms that user wants to use to be made into a DLL file and put into a specific directory. And at the start, my app will search for all the DLLs in that directory and load them.
My Questions:
(1) What if a malicious code is made as a DLL (and that will have same functions mandated by plugin framework) and put into my plugins directory? In that case, my app will think that its a plugin and picks it and calls its functions, so the malicious code can easily bring down my entire app down (In the worst case could make my app as a malicious code launcher!!!).
(2) Is using DLLs the only way available to implement plugin design pattern? (Not only for the fear of malicious plugin, but its a generic question out of curiosity :) )
(3) I think a lot of softwares are written with plugin model for extendability, if so, how do they defend against such attacks?
(4) In general what do you think about my decision to use plugin model for extendability (do you think I should look at any other alternatives?)
Thank you
-MicroKernel :)
Do not worry about malicious plugins. If somebody managed to sneak a malicious DLL into that folder, they probably also have the power to execute stuff directly.
As an alternative to DLLs, you could hook up a scripting language like Python or Lua, and allow scripted plugins. But maybe in this case you need the speed of compiled code?
For embedding Python, see here. The process is not very difficult. You can link statically to the interpreter, so users won't need to install Python on their system. However, any non-builtin modules will need to be shipped with your application.
However, if the language does not matter much to you, embedding Lua is probably easier because it was specifically designed for that task. See this section of its manual.
See 1. They don't.
Using a plugin model sounds like a fine solution, provided that a lack of extensibility really is a problem at this point. It might be easier to hard-code your current model, and add the plugin interface later, if it turns out that there is actually a demand for it. It is easy to add, but hard to remove once people started using it.
Malicious code is not the only problem with DLLs. Even a well-meaning DLL might contain a bug that could crash your whole application or gradually leak memory.
Loading a module in a high-level language somewhat reduces the risk. If you want to learn about embedding Python for example, the documentation is here.
Another approach would be to launch the plugin in a separate process. It does require a bit more effort on your part to implement, but it's much safer. The seperate process approach is used by Google's Chrome web browser, and they have a document describing the architecture.
The basic idea is to provide a library for plugin writers that includes all the logic for communicating with the main app. That way, the plugin author has an API that they use, just as if they were writing a DLL. Wikipedia has a good list of ways for inter-process communication (IPC).
1) If there is a malicious dll in your plugin folder, you are probably already compromised.
2) No, you can load assembly code dynamically from a file, but this would just be reinventing the wheel, just use a DLL.
3) Firefox extensions don't, not even with its javascript plugins. Everything else I know uses native code from dynamic libraries, and is therefore impossible to guarantee safety. Then again Chrome has NaCL which does extensive analysis on the binary code and rejects it if it can't be 100% sure it doesn't violate bounds and what not, although I'm sure they will have more and more vulnerabilities as time passes.
4) Plugins are fine, just restrict them to trusted people. Alternatively, you could use a safe language like LUA, Python, Java, etc, and load a file into that language but restrict it only to a subset of API that wont harm your program or environment.
(1) Can you use OS security facilities to prevent unauthorized access to the folder where the DLL's are searched or loaded from? That should be your first approach.
Otherwise: run a threat analysis - what's the risk, what are known attack vectors, etc.
(2) Not necessarily. It is the most straigtforward if you want compiled plugins - which is mostly a question of performance, access to OS funcitons, etc. As mentioned already, consider scripting languages.
(3) Usually by writing "to prevent malicous code execution, restrict access to the plugin folder".
(4) There's quite some additional cost - even when using a plugin framework you are not yet familiar with. it increases cost of:
the core application (plugin functionality)
the plugins (much higher isolation)
debugging + diagnostics (bugs that occur only with a certain combinaiton of plugins)
administration (users must know of, and manage plugins)
That pays only if
installing/updating the main software is much more complex than updating the plugins
individual components need to be updated individually (e.g. a user may combine different versions of plugins)
other people develop plugins for your main application
(There are other benefits of moving code into DLL's, but they don't pertain to plugins as such)
What if a malicious code is made as a DLL
Generally, if you do not trust dll, you can't load it one way or another.
This would be correct for almost any other language even if it is interpreted.
Java and some languages do very hard job to limit what user can do and this works only because they run in virtual machine.
So no. Dll loaded plug-ins can come from trusted source only.
Is using DLLs the only way available to implement plugin design pattern?
You may also embed some interpreter in your code, for example GIMP allows writing plugins
in python.
But be aware of fact that this would be much slower because if nature of any interpreted language.
We have a product very similar in that it uses modules to extend functionality.
We do two things:
We use BPL files which are DLLs under the covers. This is a specific technology from Borland/Codegear/Embarcadero within C++ Builder. We take advantage of some RTTI type features to publish a simple API similar to the main (argv[]) so any number of paramters can be pushed onto the stack and popped off by the DLL.
We also embed PERL into our application for things that are more business logic in nature.
Our software is an accounting/ERP suite.
Have a look at existing plugin architectures and see if there is anything that you can reuse. is one link I came across while googling glib + plugin. glib itself might may it easier to develop a plugin architecture. Gstreamer uses glib and has a very nice plugin architecture that may give you some ideas.

make and alternatives, pros and cons on windows platform

I'm looking for a make platform. I've read a little about gnu make, and that its got some issues on windows platforms (from slash/backslash, to shell determination ... ) so I would like to hear what are my alternatives to it ?
If it matters, i'm doing fortran development combined with (very)little c on small sized projects (50k lines max), but I don't think that matters since most of those are of the language agnostic type.
What are gnu make drawbacks, and what alternatives do I have, with what advantages?
There are a couple of good tools for continuous integration and building on windows. The two I have in mind are NAnt which describes itself as .Net build tool, but could be used to build anything - its open source and very extensible, although the UI is lacking. I've recently started to use Hudson which is brilliant, the output is way better than NAnt, making it much easier to use. I have zero experience with these tools and Fortran, so good luck there.
My thought on make and its derivatives is to avoid based on it's age, a good tool in its time but it must 20 years old now, and tech (even in the build area) has moved on a fair bit since then.
You can have a look at cmake. It's a kind of "meta-make" system: You write a make-file for it, which says how your project is structured, what libs and sources it needs, and so on. And it can build make-files for you for GNU make, nmake (i believe), project files for Kdevelop and Visual Studio.
KDE has adopted it for KDE4 onwards and it was since greatly enhanced: CMake
Another such system is Bakefile which was built to generate make-files and project-files for the wxWidgets GUI toolkit. It can be used for non-wx applications too, and is relatively young and modern (uses XML as its makefile description).
There is also nmake, which is Microsoft's version of nmake. I would recommend to stick with gnu make though. My advise is to always use Unix like slashes; they also work for Windows. Gnu make is widely used, you can easily find tutorials and get advices about it's use. It is also a better investment, since you can also use it in other areas in the future. Finally, it is much richer in functionality.
I use GNU make under Windows and have no problems with it. However, I also use bash as my shell. Both make and bash are available as part of the Cygwin package from and I strongly recommend you install bash & all the common command line tools (grep, sed etc.) if you are going to use make from the command line.
Make has stood the test of time even on windows, and I use it everyday, but there's also msbuild
Details, details...
Given your small project, I wuld just start with MS nmake. Then if that doesn't suffice, move on to GNUmake. Other advice above is also good. Ant and CMake are fine, but you don't need them and there are so many make users who can help you if you have problems.
For that matter, since you are on windows, doesn't the MS IDE have buil tools built in. Just click and go.
keep it simple. Plan to throw the first on away, you will anyway.
Wikipedia also has this to say:
