Foundation 6: get a horizontal line after each row - responsive-design

I'm using Foundation's grid-x which is powered by CSS flexbox.
Is there a small, simple and straightforward way to have rows and columns of responsive tiles (where the count of tiles per row is unknown) have a visual separator (e.g., a good old fashioned <hr> element) between each row? I'm using Foundation's class="row" and class="column" to render the responsive tiles.
What I'm trying to achieve is basically this: Add a horizontal line separator on rows of wrapping items but with minimal hacking of Foundation's Css or markup.

Well the simplest solution I can think of is to have a css class that has solid bottom border:
.solid-border-bottom{border-bottom: 0.25rem solid gray;}
On the above code you could change the thickness and color; based on your needs
Then in any div you want to have the <hr> effect you use this class, something like:
<div class"columns solid-border-bottom">


md-grid-list: re-ordering of items

I am using Angular Material and have been looking at the md-grid-list lately for a design requirement I am trying to solve.
I have a bunch of div's that are children to a container with layout row applied. Each of the child items have set widths\heights and have a toggle button to expand\collapse, which just doubles their sizes on expand and then return to original sizes on collapse.
What I'd like is for the child items to re-order to fill available space (provided that space is big enough) around other items that have been expanded.
Right now the container element for my child items also has layout-wrap applied and so of course as items gets expanded, any children that don't fit horizontally just push down below the previous item.
I have come across md-grid-list but I am not so sure this will provide me with what I am after, as it seems to be more suited for percentage based sizes - or have I got that wrong?
I have seen where if you resize the window on the homepage, that's the kind of behaviour I am looking for, although I would not want the height\widths to update dynamically.
Can this behaviour be achieved using Angular Material components alone?
I am not sure if I understand you correctly but that is exactly what the grid does?
You just set the column count and width/height ratio. You can also set the height of the rows in pixels. And you can configure it depending on CSS breakpoints.
<md-grid-list md-cols-sm="1" md-cols-md="2" md-cols-gt-md="4"
md-row-height-gt-md="{{height ? '100px' : '1:1'}}" md-row-height="100px"
md-gutter="12px" md-gutter-gt-sm="8px">
<md-grid-tile class="gray" md-rowspan="2" md-colspan="2" md-colspan-sm="1">
<h3>#1: (2r x 2c)</h3>
<md-grid-tile class="green">
<h3>#2: (1r x 1c)</h3>
As you can see I added a toggle to switch height between ratio and fixed heigth: md-row-height-gt-md="{{height ? '100px' : '1:1'}}".
Everything is animated by default but you can roll your own animations with angular-animate.

CSS div with child inline-block with child display none maintains height

<div style="display:inline-block;">
<div style="display:none"></div>
I'm trying to understand this inline-block behaviour. This is a simplified version of a layout issue I ran into with some responsive elements in my header and menu bars. If the intermediate div is anything but inline-block, the entire nested block will have no height (or visibility, I'm not sure). However, if the intermediate div is an inline-block, it appears to display none with the innermost child (it's shaded in Firebug code, so I'm assuming it's hidden), however the the parent div maintains some sort of default height.
The best work-around I've found, which also sheds some light on where the default height is coming from, is to give the outer div a line-height of 0 or 1px. It still shows a 2-3px height which I can live with for my particular design. However, I can imagine cases where this work-around won't work, so it seems a bit like a hack.
I'm interested in understanding why this particular structure is behaving this way. So far, with my tests, it appears to be unique in terms of not collapsing when its children have no display. When understood properly, is it a bug or the logical result of the way the nested displays are interacting? Is there a better way to control it than with line-height? Can it be forced to display no height at all?
I'm not interested in JS solutions, or solutions which suggest work-arounds involving avoiding inline-blocks. Adding CSS to the existing proposed structure is fine. In my mind, the best solution would show no height for the structure with the least consequences for elements displayed inside the structure when display is not set to none. My question is as much theoretical as it is practical.
Is it a bug or the logical result of the way the nested displays are interacting?
Inline elements (inline-block and inline - which both recreate your issue), have white space after them. This has the same effect as a single SPACE U+0020 character, by HTML specifications. This is what causes your parent div to have a height.
Is there a better way to control it than with line-height? Can it be forced to display no height at all?
It depends, really, on what you consider 'better'. You could float the 'middle' element, instead of displaying it inline. (This may require you to clear the floats in the parent element - there is a common fix for this called clearfix)
Here is sample code showing this method in effect:
<div class="parent">
<div class="middle">
<div class="final">asdf</div>
.middle{ float:left; }
.final{ display:none; }
/* Shading to show sizes of divs */
div { border:1px solid; background:rgba(0,0,0,.2); }
/* Clearfix */
.parent:after {
content: " ";
display: table;
.parent:after {
clear: both;
Live example:

Is it possible to make ng-grid responsive?

I'm using the Angular.js 'ng-grid' data grid and am trying to make its behavior responsive. When I resize the screen I'd prefer the grid columns to become stackable automatically as opposed to keeping the grid a fixed width.
I've found a few links mentioning a defunct ngGridLayoutPlugin that all lead to a dead end on GitHub. I've also seen other grids like angular-deckgrid but I'm not interested at this point in changing grids.
Is there anyway to make ng-grid responsive?
I found a solution to this that worked nicely. The native Bootstrap table has a class that can be applied named table-responsive (see: The application to a standard Bootstrap table is to wrap it in this class. The responsive nature is one if the screen gets smaller the table itself will get scroll bars but not the entire page.
You can wrap a ng-grid with this same class and achieve the identical behavior:
<div class="table-responsive">
<div class="gridStyle" ng-grid="gridOptions">
If you test this with and without the <div> wrapper containing the table-responsive class you can see the difference between the scrollbars wither being just on the table/grid (responsive), or when not using it, the entire page scrolls (not responsive).

CSS advice for centering a YUI calendar

I am using the YUI multi page calendar on my website. I would like to center this on my web page but I am unsure of how to do this due to the complex CSS I am not used to. I have tried adding margin-left & margin-right: auto but this is not working.
An example of this multi-page calendar can be found here:
Would somebody be able to help me center this calendar?
Thanks in advance.
This is extremely simple. You just need to define a width for the main div so the margin can center it. You also need to put a div right before the main div closes to clear the months so the main div has a distinct height/width.
Add this style to the main Div:
<div id="cal1Container" class="yui-calcontainer multi" style="margin: 0 auto; width: 500px; float: none;">
And before this Div closes add this
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
Now it works! Floats are pretty confusing at first, but often that's something that needs to be done. Other than that it's basic CSS.

need to keep items inline but must use display:block with div tags

this is pretty frustrating...
basically i'm creating a menubar on a site, and have used css sprite to have a hover effect where the image changes as you hover over it. this is working fine, but i can't display multiple images inline because i have to use display:block in the css for the sprite/hover class for it to work.
here is some of the css code i have:
.x a {display:block; width:100px; height:100px; overflow:hidden;}
.x a:hover img {margin-left:-100px;}
/* ie6 needs this fix*/
.x a:hover {zoom:1;}
and then here is the code in the php file (it's part of a wordpress theme, this bit going in the header.php file):
<div class='x'><a href='#' alt='#'><img src='#' /></a></div>
note: the image used is a horizontal sprite, so two images merged into one (100x100 turned into 200x100).
this alone works fine, but then when i add something to it like:
<div class='x'><a href='#' alt='#'><img src='#' /></a></div>
<div class='x'><a href='#2' alt='#2'><img src='#2' /></a></div>
it makes it go to a new line. i thought it may be a padding issue where it's overflowing on the line, but i've tried doing just two images (total area taken up maybe 210px) and it's in a 911px container area and still goes to a new line.
i've tried using < span> tags, tables, inline-block, and several other things but still no success. at one point i got it to stay inline but then the image was placed beneath all the others, in the correct horizontal position but wrong vertical position.
the goal is to have about 8 100x100 images all in a row in the menu bar, with one spacing in between each one, in a container with width 911px. they all will be in the 'x' class so that the image changes when hovered over.
sorry for writing so much but wanted to get it clear. please help!
The divs are rendering as blocks, which is why the images aren't sitting beside eachother.
If I understand what you're trying to achieve correctly, adding a rule
.x { display: inline-block }
will do what you want.
I made a JSFiddle to try it out:
