Is it possible to make ng-grid responsive? - angularjs

I'm using the Angular.js 'ng-grid' data grid and am trying to make its behavior responsive. When I resize the screen I'd prefer the grid columns to become stackable automatically as opposed to keeping the grid a fixed width.
I've found a few links mentioning a defunct ngGridLayoutPlugin that all lead to a dead end on GitHub. I've also seen other grids like angular-deckgrid but I'm not interested at this point in changing grids.
Is there anyway to make ng-grid responsive?

I found a solution to this that worked nicely. The native Bootstrap table has a class that can be applied named table-responsive (see: The application to a standard Bootstrap table is to wrap it in this class. The responsive nature is one if the screen gets smaller the table itself will get scroll bars but not the entire page.
You can wrap a ng-grid with this same class and achieve the identical behavior:
<div class="table-responsive">
<div class="gridStyle" ng-grid="gridOptions">
If you test this with and without the <div> wrapper containing the table-responsive class you can see the difference between the scrollbars wither being just on the table/grid (responsive), or when not using it, the entire page scrolls (not responsive).


Angularjs uib-collapse behaviour to table colums hide and show

In bootstrap uib-collapse class animation behaviour hapeens only for vertical div.
But I need same animation/motion behaviour for table columns to show or hide upon click on icon.
For rightnow using ng-show and ng-hide but that doesnt seems animation behaviour not look good.
How can I achieve same behaviour for table colum wise NOT row
uib-collapse has a horizontal option and all you have to do is to add an additional attribute called 'horizontal' for the panel div as follows.
<div uib-collapse="isCollapsed" horizontal></div>
There is an issue recalling this problem and there is a workaround for it but as it's mentioned it's not recommended to use that.
Doing some further investigation, this appears to be a longstanding pre-existing issue with animating tr elements - my recommendation is to not do it. It seems that even when using vanilla Bootstrap JS, one has to hack around it too.
Here is a workaround that works - I am going to close this issue as not a fixable bug unfortunately. Thankfully, one can work around this, as my Plunker shows.

Angular change ID based on Scroll Position

I have a question concerning scroll positions/behavior in AngularJS.
I have a fixed sidebar with div classes with text (three items no menu) and would like to achieve an opacity change on those classes based upon the current scroll position of the window.
For example, if I reach
<div class="example1">
My goal would be to have the opacity changed on the first item in the sidebar which for example would be called
<div class="sidebar1">
I've found plugins via github for this, but would like to achieve this purely with angular. Does anybody know how to approach this best to avoid messy code and a bloated application?
There's a module you can get via npm here: named ngInView. It will let you call an event whenever an item comes into view. This should get you going in the right direction.
Also on github at:

Angularjs One component multiple views(Html+css)

I need to figure out how I can have different views(html+css) for a component. A lot of people say that it's better to have multiple components for each for each of those views and then use a service to interact but my case is as follow:
I have a controller with a view that is basically a layout. Say my layout has 3 panes on top and one pane in the bottom. Now I have button in my view to change the layout to two panes on top and two panes on the bottom. So basically my data does not change. Its just a change in the html and css.
also if the first layout is filled with some data I dont want to change it or reinitialize it when changing the layout since the change is only a change on layout not the data.
I have difficulty figuring out how I can achieve this in angular2. Any ideas?
so you want to add html and css or just change the actual template?
If you just want to change the actual html , i personally suggest that you use states instead of different views. And based on the states move the html around. I had the same issue myself and i solved it by rethinking the layout and ended in finding a simpler layout structure.
Hope this helps.
Enjoy coding.
You can have two views in one template and switch between them by setting a flat:
<div *ngIf="firstLayout">
<!-- first layout -->
<div *ngIf="!firstLayout">
<!-- first layout -->

md-grid-list: re-ordering of items

I am using Angular Material and have been looking at the md-grid-list lately for a design requirement I am trying to solve.
I have a bunch of div's that are children to a container with layout row applied. Each of the child items have set widths\heights and have a toggle button to expand\collapse, which just doubles their sizes on expand and then return to original sizes on collapse.
What I'd like is for the child items to re-order to fill available space (provided that space is big enough) around other items that have been expanded.
Right now the container element for my child items also has layout-wrap applied and so of course as items gets expanded, any children that don't fit horizontally just push down below the previous item.
I have come across md-grid-list but I am not so sure this will provide me with what I am after, as it seems to be more suited for percentage based sizes - or have I got that wrong?
I have seen where if you resize the window on the homepage, that's the kind of behaviour I am looking for, although I would not want the height\widths to update dynamically.
Can this behaviour be achieved using Angular Material components alone?
I am not sure if I understand you correctly but that is exactly what the grid does?
You just set the column count and width/height ratio. You can also set the height of the rows in pixels. And you can configure it depending on CSS breakpoints.
<md-grid-list md-cols-sm="1" md-cols-md="2" md-cols-gt-md="4"
md-row-height-gt-md="{{height ? '100px' : '1:1'}}" md-row-height="100px"
md-gutter="12px" md-gutter-gt-sm="8px">
<md-grid-tile class="gray" md-rowspan="2" md-colspan="2" md-colspan-sm="1">
<h3>#1: (2r x 2c)</h3>
<md-grid-tile class="green">
<h3>#2: (1r x 1c)</h3>
As you can see I added a toggle to switch height between ratio and fixed heigth: md-row-height-gt-md="{{height ? '100px' : '1:1'}}".
Everything is animated by default but you can roll your own animations with angular-animate.

Scrollbar Removal

I can't figure out how to remove the scroll bar from my website.
I've looked up ways of doing it on SO but with no luck. It just keeps staying in the box.
I also want to be scrollable but just without the actual scroll bar visible from computers.
(It's not visible via mobile devices which is okay)
There is no standard cross-browser CSS code you can use to render scroll bars invisible. However, you can put your <div id="shoutbox_data"> element inside another <div> element with an id field like "shoutbox_wrapper", set the CSS overflow property of the wrapper element to hidden, and then use JavaScript to automatically resize the wrapper element so it covers up the scrollbox. The idea comes from Jan Bilek, and you can find the JavaScript to accomplish this on his blog.
