Minified file breaks angular - angularjs

So I'm working on an older solution where we're on Angular 1.6. I decided to make it somewhat more up to date by adding using ES6. We're using grunt as a task runner so I introduced babel as a watch-task, where I add transpiled files to its own dir. After that I concatinate the files to one big file using grunt-contrib-concat, and then minify by using grunt-contrib-uglify. The concatinated file runs fine, but when minified a function from babel is hoisted and with this, breaks angular when I try to run my site.
This is added to the top of the .min.js file
"use strict";function _asyncToGenerator(e){return function(){var t=e.apply(this,arguments);return new Promise(function(e,n){return function o(r,i){try{var a=t[r](i),d=a.value}catch(e){return void n(e)}if(!a.done)return Promise.resolve(d).then(function(e){o("next",e)},function(e){o("throw",e)});e(d)}("next")})}}
In the concatinated file, this file is added at line 3700 and doesn't break execution. Anyone tips would be greatly appreciated
Edit: This is different from the problem described bellow as all angular controllers, directives, services etc are annotated correctly.


Typescript transpiles differently for build vs save

I have an angular 1.6.x project being served up by a MVC project. When I hit save on any ts file, it transpiles my javascript as expected. When I build the site it transpiles the javascript into a different format from when I save.
On build, the angular modules are moved into an order which causes an angular $injector error.
How can I make build transpile method the same as the save transpile?
These are the typescript build settings within the MVC project properties:
For every typescript file in your project there is a line in your proj file which looks like this:
<TypeScriptCompile Include="app\app.ts" />
Somehow my app.ts include was placed towards the bottom of the xml of my proj file. The build transpile method uses the order of your TypeScriptCompile include statements, whereas the transpile on save method is apparently a little more intelligent about re-ordering.
Life can move forward now...

How to compile sticky state plugin for Angular 1

I need the Sticky States feature for my project.
I'm using UI Router 1.0.0-rc.1 so i can't use the ui-router-extras library (that was designed for
Recently the author ported that feature for the 1.xx router
This release comes only with .ts sources.
My project is written in plain ES5 js, so i tried to build myself the final js to be used in browser with <script src="..." type="text/javascript">
I have npm install all dependancies and then npm run build
What i got are two folders 'lib' and 'lib-esm' that contains each more than one js files that i don't understand how to reference them from .html file (files are index.js & stickyStates.js)
Also tried to run webpack but what i get is a huge file with more than 8K lines of code (probabile also ui-router get bundled within..)
NOTE: Author has already been asked for that by someone but he didn't provided a solution yet:
Thank you very much

Angular "TypeError: b is undefined" when using uglify

I'm using Angular, and as you know, there is Angular "1" (the old version) and Angular 2 (the newest) which include typescript.
This is my problem I've encountered today:
I'm doing an application using angular, so I've created the project folder (project-frontend) and installed locally grunt, with bower I've downloaded the packages for angular.
I've created the gruntfile.js and configured it with these tasks:
"grunt-contrib-concat": "^1.0.1"
"grunt-ng-annotate": "^2.0.2"
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "^2.0.2"
And with many others, like cssmin, htmlmin etc etc, but the problems occours with these tasks, or, precisely with uglify.
The problem is that if I concat all angular js files (angular.js, angular-rout.js, angular-resource.js ...) and I uglify everything, then, when i deploy my war in a Tomcat, i get this error:
TypeError: b is undefined
So, what i think that cause the problem is uglify, because I've tried to run the same tasks for another old project, which was having uglify 1.0.1 and everything works, I've also controlled that if I just run concat and ngAnnotate, the final angular files (the one from this project, and the one from the last) are pratically identical.
I don't know if this has to do something with typescript (seeing the error I thinked about that) because I assumed that typescript have been inserted into angular since 2.0.0 versions, and I'm currently working with a 1.5.8 version (I also tried 1.2.9).
I controlled my application code with jshint (it's the first task that i run) and there are no errors prompted in the terminal.
I've also tried to re-configure the tasks taking as example the old project Gruntfile.js file.
I don't know what to do anymore, I'm blocked with this problem and I don't know how to move further, some advices?
Ok, now that i've found the error, as i writed in the comments under my question, i figured out that concatenating js files like this:
src: 'bower_components/**/*.js'
Which should concatenate all js files inside folders and subfolders in my bower_components directory, simply don't know why but breaks angular final files, if i write
src: ['bower_components/angular/*.js',
Which points directly to all files that need to be concatenated, everything works in my application with angular concatenated and uglified file
I don't know why there's this issue, beacuse if i print in terminal under my project-frontend folder this command:
echo bower_components/**/*.js
I can see this output:
bower_components/angular/angular.js bower_components/angular-resource/angular-resource.js bower_components/angular-route/angular-route.js
By the way this seems to be a solution to this type of problem, I hope this helps somebody in the future

angular clean code structure, one controller per file

I am reading how to write a clean code as I am learning the basics of this framework.
If I understand correctly, it is preferred to have one Controller per file, and one module per file but that will end up making my index.html head tag so long if I have to link to all those controllers.js files in the head.
Please look at the image below.
Am I missing something? Thanks
Why don't you use any build tools (e.g gulp, grunt, webpack, etc.)? They can actually combine all your js into one bundle and include it in index.html automagically.

Angular autocomplete (i.e. intelli-sense) not working in PhpStorm

I have done the following:
Installed both the AngularJS and NodeJS Plugins in Phpstorm
Downloaded the latest stable release of Angular (1.4.8)
Added angular.js to the project
Added angular.js to the list of libraries in Phpstorm
Directives in my HTML will autocomplete fine (e.g. ng-modal), but trying to do something like Module.fact does not autocomplete to factory. Here is my code:
var appModule = angular.module("appModule", ['ngRoute']);

appModule.fac //This is me typing factory, but auto complete doesn't help
I am running PhpStorm 10.0.2. I have tried using different versions of PhpStorm and I have also tried using Angular 1.5 (the beta version) with the same result. Also, I am new to angular, but my code is working. Thank you!
*I have already reviewed these links and SO posts:
Why do AngularJS directives (attributes, etc.) show up as "invalid" in WebStorm 8?
Getting angularJS autcomplete in Webstorm/PHPStorm
The angular variable is a global one and when you have to many declarations of the same global variable PhpStorm/WebStorm can not handle auto-completion.
It's important to verify that only 1 declaration for angular is being discovered by PhpStorm. This doesn't have anything to do with your actually JavaScript project, but where PhpStorm looks for declarations.
If you hold down ctrl and mouse over the world angular. It should show it highlighted to be clickable, and a tooltip showing where it is declared.
If the tooltip says there are multiple definitions of the identifier, then it can not do autocomplete correctly. This is true for most JS variables in Php/WebStorm not just this angular variable.
You have a couple of ways to fix this:
1) Force type declaration with JsDoc to TypeScript
* #var {angular.IAngularStatic} myAngular
var myAngular = angular;
This will declare the variable myAngular using the TypeScript definition. There is less likely to be conflict with any already scanned JS source files that also declare angular. It's an easy fix, but adds unnecessary source code to your project.
2) Disable JavaScript source files by excluding them
If you are using node_modules or bower_components then you need to include some of the JS files from those folders, but not unnecessary duplicates. You won't need any Angular JS files since you've already installed the TypeScript definitions (which work better for auto-completion). In the Project Files panel in PhpStorm find the Angular packages, right click on those folders and "Exclude" those folders. You can also do this via project settings in "Files / Settings / Directories"
3) Ignore bundled output files for JavaScript
This is the most common issue I find with PhpStorm/WebStorm. PhpStorm will also scan minified JavaScript files you've packaged into your webroot/js folder. For example; If you use grunt to uglify your JavaScript code into app.min.js and inside that file is Angular and your project code. PhpStorm will scan this and create duplicate declarations of everything it finds.
Find all those duplicate *.js files in your project, right mouse click on the files and select "Mark as Plain Text" from the menu. This will tell the editor to completely ignore the file from all intellisense scanning.
So to summarize. If you control click on a declaration to go to source, and PhpStorm does not go immediately, but instead prompts you select from multiple declarations, then you have duplicates in your project and you need to narrow the scope. Once that is done everything else should work as expected.
f you prefer to use a CDN, place the cursor over the highlight library name, hit Alt+Enter, and Download Library. This will set up a local library in WebStorm’s cache (not in your project) so WebStorm can access AngularJS methods, directives, etc for autocompletion and documentation lookup.
