Deploy cookiecutter-django on Netlify - cookiecutter-django

Has anyone tried to deploy a cookiecutter-django project on Netlify, or maybe just a Django project? I'm not sure which commands Netlify requires for deploying my site.

As far as I understand Netlify is to deploy front-end applications or staticly generated sites. It doesn't provide a back-end environment to run a Python application like Flask or Django. Therfore, it wouldn't make sense to support it in cookiecutter-django.
However, you could use a static site generator in Python, like Pelican.


Deploying an app to a local machine. What does that mean?

I am pretty new to app development. Working on a react application now. Use VS Code as the editor. I want to know the difference between running the app using npm start( which will probably run the app on the web browser) and deploying the same app on my local machine. I do understand deploying an app needs a build of the app. However, will it still run my app if I close my VS Code. Also, if we deploy it somewhere like github, heroku, then we will get a link that can be shared with people to see my work. But I guess that is not possible if we deploy it on our local machine. then what is the use of deploying an app on a local machine? please help me understand the steps to deploy app on a local machine.

Developping an angularJS app using a tomcat server

Hi stackoverflow community,
I'm on a project that imposes developping a web app with these technologies:
AngularJs app calling the back-end (the back-end API already existing)
this app will be hosted on Tomcat, with maven as a build tool.
Now I installed eclipse, configured maven and tomcat on it, and i want to start with my first html page. The problem is that I can't find how to deploy an html page (as a start) with these technologies without using a servlet.
I want to generate a war file using maven that would be deployed in tomcat server without defining servlets in web.xml.
All i can find on the internet is how to manually deploy angularJs apps on tomcat.
I found this github project that might be very useful, I'll try to follow the same project structure.

Do I need an HTTP server (e.g. Express, Nginx, etc.) for react app on Heroku?

I am little novice when it comes to deploying full-stack applications.
I am building a basic react app (created with create-react-app) that needs to deployed on Heroku and hit my Rails backend API (separate repo, already built and deployed on Heroku). Do I need to setup a http server (i.e. Express or Nginx) to route requests from the browser to the backend app? Or can I just rely on the default webpack production server to handle this.
Appreciate anyone's help!!
You don't need a back-end to serve static content on Heroku.
Have a look at this article to get started:
It uses and it's easy to get stated, I managed to deploy the example app in a few minutes.

Deploy gcloud app to diff environments

I have an app that uses the following command to deploy a static app generated by create-react-app:
gcloud app deploy --project MY_PROJECT -v dev
After that, my app is available on
But I don't figure out how to deploy this app using a diff URL for each environment. Like.:, and so on.
If you know or have other ideas about how to solve this please share your thoughts.
It depends on what you understand by environment. I would definitely recommend you to create different projects for the different environments (my-project-dev, my-project-staging, my-project-test, my-project-prod...)
If you just want to have a different url for your deployment, you are doing ok by using the -v (version parameter).
Once you've deployed again:
gcloud app deploy --project MY_PROJECT -v test
you'll have both versions accessible at:
Also, check Dan's answer below as it contains very relevant info.
To complement #MarCialR's answer, you can use SSL as well, but with *-dot-* URLs like, see Targeted routing.
But personally I'm not a big fan of a version-based environment, it brings trouble, see Continuous integration/deployment/delivery on Google App Engine, too risky?
I chose to implement environments at app level - each environment as a different app, each with its own URL. See Advantages of implementing CI/CD environments at GAE project/app level vs service/module level?
Since I'm using a wildcard custom-domain SSL certificate I'm simply mapping the different apps (environments) to different hosts/subdomains in my custom domain - thus ensuring everything works as expected with a custom domain at every point in the CI/CD pipeline, no surprises in production.

Angular JS, Git and Non-Heroku Deployment

I have Ruby on Rails as my primary programming language and the workflow mostly went as make changes-commit changes-push changes-deploy with capistrano
I looked over the internet for ways to have such a workflow (or at least quite similar) for Angular.JS and I can't seem to find one. There is Yeoman but I can only see examples for Heroku. I host with Webfaction right now.
So I was wondering is there some way to track an angular JS project with Git (preferably Github) then deploy it to Webfaction from that git repo?
Thanks in advance!
I use yeoman to setup angular.js apps and capistrano to deploy them on production (digitalocean) - I wrote an article about this: I hope it helps.
I don't know anything about Webfaction, but if it's a VPS you have take a look at Dokku.
It's basically your own Heroku, hosted on your own server.
While it's not specificaly git based, capistrano is one of the most popular ways of deploying ruby web application to a vps. It has features that would allow you to deploy from github, but that would need to be configured separately and would need to be called from the command line from your development computer.
