SSRS multiple single cells - sql-server

I am trying to figure out best way to add multiple fields to a SSRS report.
Report has some plots and tablix which are populated from queries but now I have been asked to add a table with ~20 values. The problem is that I need to have them in a specific order/layout (that I cannot obtain by sorting) and they might need to have a description added above which will be static text (not from the DB).
I would like to avoid situation where I keep 20 copy of the same query which returns single cell where the only difference would be in:
WHERE myTable.partID = xxxx
Any chance I could keep a single query which takes that string like a parameter which I could specify somehow via expression or by any other means?
Not a classical SSRS parameter as I need a different one for each cell...
Or will I need to create 20 queries to fetch all those single values and then put them as separate textfields on the report?

When I've done this in the past, I build a single query that gets all the data I need with some kind of key.
For example I might have a list of captions and values, one per row, that I need to display as part of a report page. The dataset query might look something like ...
DECLARE #t TABLE(Key varchar(20), Amount float, Caption varchar(100))
SELECT 'TotalSales', SUM(Amount), NULL AS Amount FROM myTable WHERE CountryID = #CountryID
SELECT 'Currency', NULL, CurrencyCode FROM myCurrencyTable WHERE CountryID = #CountryID
SELECT 'Population', Population, NULL FROM myPopualtionTable WHERE CountryID = #CountryID
The resulting dataset would look like this.
Key Amount Caption
'TotalSales' 12345 NULL
'Currency' NULL 'GBP'
'Population' 62.3 NULL
Lets say we call this dataset dsStuff then in each cell/textbox the xpression would simply be something like.
=LOOKUP("Population", Fields!Key.Value, Fields!Amount.Value, "dsStuff")
=LOOKUP("Currency", Fields!Key.Value, Fields!Caption.Value, "dsStuff")


Need to Add Values to Certain Items

I have a table that I need to add the same values to a whole bunch of items
(in a nut shell if the item doesn't have a UNIT of "CTN" I want to add the same values i have listed to them all)
I thought the following would work but it doesn't :(
Any idea what i am doing wrong ?
VALUES ('CTN','20220509','22513927','ADMIN','AU','1')
WHERE ITEMNO In '0','etc','etc','etc'
If I understand correctly you might want to use INSERT INTO ... SELECT from original table with your condition.
SELECT 'CTN','20220509','22513927','ADMIN','AU','1'
WHERE ITEMNO In ('0','etc','etc','etc')
The query you needs starts by selecting the filtered items. So it seems something like below is your starting point
select <?> from dbo.ICUNIT as icu where icu.UNIT <> 'CTN' order by ...;
Notice the use of schema name, terminators, and table aliases - all best practices. I will guess that a given "item" can have multiple rows in this table so long as ICUNIT is unique within ITEMNO. Correct? If so, the above query won't work. So let's try slightly more complicated filtering.
select distinct icu.ITEMNO
from dbo.ICUNIT as icu
where not exists (select * from dbo.ICUNIT as ctns
where ctns.ITEMNO = icu.ITEMNO -- correlating the subquery
and ctns.UNIT = 'CTN')
order by ...;
There are other ways to do that above but that is one common way. That query will produce a resultset of all ITEMNO values in your table that do not already have a row where UNIT is "CTN". If you need to filter that for specific ITEMNO values you simply adjust the WHERE clause. If that works correctly, you can use that with your insert statement to then insert the desired rows.
insert into dbo.ICUNIT (...)
select distinct icu.ITEMNO, 'CTN', '20220509', '22513927', 'ADMIN', 'AU', '1'
from ...

Convert CHAR to NUMERIC in SQL

I am trying to set up a database that has the following columns, "number", "full names", "card no", "status". In the last column status there are many types of status, which I would like to have them converted to 0 or 1 to another column within the table, depending on the statuses. The database then, is to be pulled to another application and will use the binary column to give access to a facility.
I have not tried any code on this, still learning.
SELECT TOP 1000 [MemberNo]
FROM [GateAccess].[dbo].[GateProxy]
Not sure why ask a question when you havent tried anything...
First you are trying to create a table with following columns not a database.
Here is a link of how to create a table
Second you dont really need to to convert char to numeric I would personally use CASE
here is a link on case
Regarding to your 'application and will use the binary column to give access to a facility' it depends on what application is pulling the data.
This may help ...
DECLARE #sampletext VARCHAR(100) = '123456';
SELECT TRY_CONVERT(INT, #sampletext); -- 123456
SELECT TRY_CAST(#sampletext AS INT); -- 123456
SELECT TOP 1000 [MemberNo]
-- Try like this for new derived column
,CASE WHEN [Status] = 'yourValue'THEN 1
WHEN [Status] = 'yourOtherValue' THEN 0
FROM [GateAccess].[dbo].[GateProxy]

Date range based on Column Date

I am using the latest SQL Server. I have a table with a CreatedDate column. I need to write a Query that uses dates that are plus or minus 7 from the Date in CreatedDate. I have no clue how to go about this. My thought was this:
DECLARE #Date datetime
DECLARE #SevenBefore datetime
DECLARE #SevenAfter datetime
SET #Date = CreatedDate
SET #SevenBefore = DATEADD(day,-7,#Date)
SET #SevenAfter = DATEADD(day,7,#Date)
FROM <table>
WHERE <table> BETWEEN #SevenBefore AND #SevenAfter
The issue with this is that I cannot use "CreatedDate" as a SET #DATE because SQL gives an error "Invalid column name 'CreatedDate'"
Any help would be appreciated. I cannot list a date because every date in that column could be different.
In this case, you need to stop thinking as a programmer would, and start thinking as a Database programmer would.
Lets work only with this central part of your query:
FROM <table>
WHERE <table> BETWEEN #SevenBefore AND #SevenAfter
Now, you say that the CreatedDate is a column in a table. For this example, I will assume that the CreatedDate is in a table other than the one in your example above. For this purpose, I will give two fake names to the tables. The table with the CreatedDate, I will call tblCreated, and the one from the query above I will call tblData.
Looking above, it's pretty obvious that you can't compare an entire table row to a date. There must be a field in that table that contains a date/time value. I will call this column TargetDate.
Given these assumptions, your query would look something like:
FROM tblCreated tc
INNER JOIN tblData td
ON td.TargetDate BETWEEN DATEADD(day, -7, tc.CreatedDate) and DATEADD(day, 7, tc.CreatedDate)
Looking at this, it is clear that you still need some other associations between the tables. Do you only want all data rows per customer based on the Created date, or perhaps only want Creations where some work was done on them as shown in the Data records, or ??. Without a fuller specification, we can't help with that, though.

Convert Date Stored as VARCHAR into INT to compare to Date Stored as INT

I'm using SQL Server 2014. My request I believe is rather simple. I have one table containing a field holding a date value that is stored as VARCHAR, and another table containing a field holding a date value that is stored as INT.
The date value in the VARCHAR field is stored like this: 2015M01
The data value in the INT field is stored like this: 201501
I need to compare these tables against each other using EXCEPT. My thought process was to somehow extract or TRIM the "M" out of the VARCHAR value and see if it would let me compare the two. If anyone has a better idea such as using CAST to change the date formats or something feel free to suggest that as well.
I am also concerned that even extracting the "M" out of the VARCHAR may still prevent the comparison since one will still remain VARCHAR and the other is INT. If possible through a T-SQL query to convert on the fly that would be great advice as well. :)
REPLACE the string and then CONVERT to integer
(SELECT intField
) as B
ON CONVERT(INT, REPLACE(A.varcharField, 'M', '')) = B.intField
Since you say you already have the query and are using EXCEPT, you can simply change the definition of that one "date" field in the query containing the VARCHAR value so that it matches the INT format of the other query. For example:
SELECT Field1, CONVERT(INT, REPLACE(VarcharDateField, 'M', '')) AS [DateField], Field3
SELECT Field1, IntDateField, Field3
HOWEVER, while I realize that this might not be feasible, your best option, if you can make this happen, would be to change how the data in the table with the VARCHAR field is stored so that it is actually an INT in the same format as the table with the data already stored as an INT. Then you wouldn't have to worry about situations like this one.
Add an INT field to the table with the VARCHAR field.
Do an UPDATE of that table, setting the INT field to the string value with the M removed.
Update any INSERT and/or UPDATE stored procedures used by external services (app, ETL, etc) to do that same M removal logic on the way in. Then you don't have to change any app code that does INSERTs and UPDATEs. You don't even need to tell anyone you did this.
Update any "get" / SELECT stored procedures used by external services (app, ETL, etc) to do the opposite logic: convert the INT to VARCHAR and add the M on the way out. Then you don't have to change any app code that gets data from the DB. You don't even need to tell anyone you did this.
This is one of many reasons that having a Stored Procedure API to your DB is quite handy. I suppose an ORM can just be rebuilt, but you still need to recompile, even if all of the code references are automatically updated. But making a datatype change (or even moving a field to a different table, or even replacinga a field with a simple CASE statement) "behind the scenes" and masking it so that any code outside of your control doesn't know that a change happened, not nearly as difficult as most people might think. I have done all of these operations (datatype change, move a field to a different table, replace a field with simple logic, etc, etc) and it buys you a lot of time until the app code can be updated. That might be another team who handles that. Maybe their schedule won't allow for making any changes in that area (plus testing) for 3 months. Ok. It will be there waiting for them when they are ready. Any if there are several areas to update, then they can be done one at a time. You can even create new stored procedures to run in parallel for any updated app code to have the proper INT datatype as the input parameter. And once all references to the VARCHAR value are gone, then delete the original versions of those stored procedures.
If you want everything in the first table that is not in the second, you might consider something like this:
select t1.*
from t1
where not exists (select 1
from t2
where cast(replace(t1.varcharfield, 'M', '') as int) = t2.intfield
This should be close enough to except for your purposes.
I should add that you might need to include other columns in the where statement. However, the question only mentions one column, so I don't know what those are.
You could create a persisted view on the table with the char column, with a calculated column where the M is removed. Then you could JOIN the view to the table containing the INT column.
CREATE VIEW dbo.PersistedView
SELECT ConvertedDateCol = CONVERT(INT, REPLACE(VarcharCol, 'M', ''))
--, other columns including the PK, etc
FROM dbo.TablewithCharColumn;
ON dbo.PersistedView(<the PK column>);
FROM dbo.PersistedView pv
INNER JOIN dbo.TableWithIntColumn ic ON pv.ConvertedDateCol = ic.IntDateCol;
If you provide the actual details of both tables, I will edit my answer to make it clearer.
A persisted view with a computed column will perform far better on the SELECT statement where you join the two columns compared with doing the CONVERT and REPLACE every time you run the SELECT statement.
However, a persisted view will slightly slow down inserts into the underlying table(s), and will prevent you from making DDL changes to the underlying tables.
If you're looking to not persist the values via a schema-bound view, you could create a non-persisted computed column on the table itself, then create a non-clustered index on that column. If you are using the computed column in WHERE or JOIN clauses, you may see some benefit.
By way of example:
, SomeCharToInt AS CONVERT(INT, REPLACE(SomeChar, 'M', ''))
ON dbo.PCT(SomeCharToInt);
VALUES ('2015M08');
SELECT SomeCharToInt

MSRS column group

I'm trying to prepare a report like on image below
When I'm trying to preview a report I get three additional columns between column Reservations and first type of stock_description
Now in T-SQL Query in select part I have got:
I know that t-sql ignore null values. But when I change the query to:
sum(isnull (units,0)),
sum(isnull (units_required,0)),
sum(isnull (units_avaliable,0))
then I get 0 value in those additional columns instead of null value. When query returns any value them it is where it should be - in one of the stock_description.
What should I do to delete those three columns between Reservations and stock_location?
It is because your data has NULL values of Stock_description field. You can put additional condition in your TSQL to exclude NULL Stock Description.
FROM ....
JOIN ....
WHERE .....
AND TableName.Stock_Description IS NOT NULL
But one thing you need to watch/Test is what happens if there are units under NULL Stock_description
You can also handle this in SSRS by filtering either at Tablix or datasource but doing in SQL itself is much better.
