How to use p3dfft multiple times for different dimensions? Any idea? - c

I want to use p3dfft first NxNxN and in-between 2Nx2Nx2N dimensions. I have tried to implement that, it shows
P3DFFT Setup error: the problem is already initialized.
Currently multiple setups not supported.
Quit the library using p3dfft_clean before initializing another setup
or if I tried to set up p3dfft 2 times (without cleaning first one) it shows error code 139. See below,
= PID 4127 RUNNING AT localhost.localdomain
= EXIT CODE: 139
This typically refers to a problem with your application.
Please see the FAQ page for debugging suggestions
I was trying to making header file and made one function for given dimension but still error is there when function called 2 times for 2 different dimensions.


Forked child keeps being terminated with status 0x008B

I'm on a VirtualBox with Ubuntu 18.10 installed on, and I'm new using it. My code creates 100 forked child that works on a shared memory. SOMETIME I get this message
Sender(Pid = (childPID)) terminated with status 0x008B.
Searching in the web I found that could be a SIGSEGV error. Is it true?
Finally, is there any way to find WHERE the code fails in over 1000 lines? I tryed using this Guide: to find the error with gdb but my terminal says me that I have "No Stack". I'm totally new with this kind of problems, any hint will be appreciated.
Sender(Pid = (childPID)) terminated with status 0x008B.
Searching in the web I found that could be a SIGSEGV error. Is it true?
Yes, that indicates termination by signal 11 (0xB).
Finally, is there any way to find WHERE the code fails in over 1000 lines?
I'd run the program with valgrind.

More than 2 notebooks with R code in zeppelin failing with error sparkr intrepreter not responding

I have met with a strange issue in running R notebooks in zeppelin(0.7.2).
Spark intrepreter is in per note Scoped mode and spark version is 1.6.2 and SPARK_HOME is set.
Please find the steps below to reproduce the issue:
Create a notebook (Note1) and run any r code in a paragraph. I ran the following code.
rdf <- data.frame(c(1,2,3,4))
colnames(rdf) <- c("myCol")
sdf <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, rdf)
withColumn(sdf, "newCol", sdf$myCol * 2.0)
Create another notebook (Note2) and run any r code in a paragraph. I ran the same code as above.
Till now everything works fine.
Create third notebook (Note3) and run any r code in a paragraph. I ran the same code. This notebook fails with the error
org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterException: sparkr is not
What I understood from the analysis is that the process created for sparkr interpreter is not getting killed properly and this makes every third model to throw an error while executing. The process will be killed on restarting the sparkr interpreter and another 2 models could be executed successfully. ie, For every third model run using the sparkr interpreter, the error is thrown.
Help me to fix the problem.
you need to set spark.r.numRBackendThreads larger than 2. By default it is 2 which means you can only have 2 threads for RBackend. Since you are using scoped mode per note, each note will consume one thread for RBackend, so you can only run 2 note.

Why is it exit(42)? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the origin of magic number 42, indispensable in coding? [closed]
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Why do we use 42 as an argument of exit while exiting the process? I am wondering is it some macro value (like 1 is value of EXIT_FAILURE macro) or it has some deeper meaning?
if(pid == 0) {
It is kind of clear that it doesn't matter if I use exit(1) or exit(42), but why just 42?
Any number except for 0 would have done. But 42 is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Very popular among IT people...
But why did Douglas Adams pick 42?
I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought '42 will do'. I
typed it out. End of story
Such magic value may be used to indicate exact exit reason to parent process. You may threat it like a some kind of minimalistic IPC. Of course both processes must agree about actual values and their meanings, as well as do not use special reserved exit codes.
It is kind of clear that it doesn't matter if I use exit(1) or exit(42)
It actually matters a lot.
The exit code can be used by the process that launches the exiting process to know how it completed and why it failed.
The process that launches your program can inspect the value of the environment variable $? immediately after your program completes to know if it succeeded or why it failed, if it didn't succeed.
Let's say your program downloads a file from a remote site and stores it in a local directory. It expects to use an existing local directory and it doesn't attempt to create it if it doesn't exist. It can exit, for example, with code 37 when the remote file cannot be downloaded because the remote site return 404 Not Found, with code 62 when it cannot download the file because the network is down (or a timeout happens) and code 41 when the local directory does not exist.
A bash script, for example, that invokes your program can check the value of the environment variable $? immediately after your program completes. If its value is 37 (remote file is not found) it must not attempt to retry because the error is permanent. On exit code 62 (network issues) it can wait a couple of seconds and try again (the error condition is transient, it could disappear after a while). On exit code 41 (local directory not found) it can create the local directory then launch your program again (a precondition was not met).

Debugging crash during app exit (WPF)

I'm trying to figure out why an WPF-app won't exit imediately on closing it. Using Process Explorer I hade found out that WerFault.exe is started while exiting which seem to indicate that something crashes during the teardown, perhaps some destructor or dispose that fails. This started happening when I recently switched to VS2015. I am running Windows 8.
My question is: How can I find out what the real problem is? Any way of finding a crash log for WerFault.exe? I have hundreds of destructors and dispose-methods so it's a bit hard to put breakpoints in all of them. Any other way of capturing these kinds of errors in VS?
The exit code is -1073740791 which "indicate a bug in the executed software that causes stack overflow, leading to abnormal termination of the software". But where?
Some more info from the event log:
Faulting module name: ucrtbase.DLL, version: 10.0.10240.16390, time stamp: 0x55a5b718
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Fault offset: 0x0000000000065a4e
You could try enabling user mode dumps:
Create the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps
Within LocalDumps, create a key that is the name of your executable
Within the key you just created, set the values of DumpFolder, DumpCount, DumpType, and CustomDumpFlags as needed (you should definitely set DumpType to 2 for full dumps, otherwise I don't think that enough information will be captured to debug a managed dump).
Once you have done this, whenever your executable crashes a dump file will be created in the folder specified by DumpFolder (or %LOCALAPPDATA%\CrashDumps by default).

Parallel processing - `forking` fails under Mac OS 10.6.8

It appears that fork fails under Mac OS 10.6.8. The algorithm is coded in R and I have mainly be using the foreach package for parallel processing. The code works perfectly well when run sequentially (foreach and %do%) but not when run in parallel (foreach and %dopar%) even though the processes run in parallel do NOT communicate.
I used foreach on this same machine a month ago and it worked fine. An update of the OS has been performed in the meantime.
Error Messages
I received several kinds of error messages that seems to come almost stochastically. Also the errors differ depending on whether the code is run from the terminal (either by copy-pasting in the R environment or with R CMD BATCH) or from the R console.
When run on the Terminal, I get
Error in { : task 1 failed - "object 'dp' not found"
When run on the R console I get either
The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().
<repeated many times when run on the R console>
Error in { : task 1 failed - "object 'dp' not found"
with the exact same code! Note that although this second error message is the same than the one received on the Terminal, the number of things that are printed (through the print() function) on the screen vastly differ!
What I've tried
I updated the package foreach and I also restarting my computer but it did not quite help.
I tried to print pretty much anything I could but it ended up being quite hard to keep track of what this algorithm is doing. For example, it often through the error about the missing object dp without executing the print statement at the line that precedes the call of the object dp.
I tried to use %dopar% but registering only 1 CPU. The output did not change on the Terminal, but it changed on the Console. Now the console gives the exact same error, at the same time than the terminal.
I made sure that several CPUs were in used when I ask for several CPUs.
I tried to use mclapply instead of foreach and registerDoMC() instead of registerDoParallel() to register the number of cores.
My version of R is 3.0.2 GUI 1.62 Snow Leopard build. My machine has 16 cores.
