Problems changing variable in #if - c

I have some problems in understanding how the #if preprocessor directive works.
From this code:
int a, b;
#define VAR (a | b)
void foo(int x)
a = smth;
b = smth2;
a = xmth;
b = xmth2;
int main()
#if(VAR != 0)
f = VAR;
I can only change foo(), but whatever the values for xmth/smth I get f=0. Why?

Preprocessor directives are interpreted before compiling your program. So VAR has no knowledge of a and b. See C preprocessor on Wikipedia.
Instead, you could create a macro that takes parameters, like this:
#define VAR(a,b) (a | b)
...and use it like that:
#if (VAR(a,b) != 0)
You would have to adapt your program, since a and b don't belong to the scope of your main() function.


using function names as functions in a C macro

Suppose i have code like this in my program:
if (!strcmp(current, "sin")) {
pushFloat(sin(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "cos")) {
pushFloat(cos(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "tan")) {
pushFloat(tan(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "ctg")) {
pushFloat(1. / tan(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "ln")) {
pushFloat(log(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "sqrt")) {
pushFloat(sqrt(x), &operands);
There are function names such as "sin" or "cos" saved in the current char array
Instead of using this long if block, or replacing it with an even longer switch block, i wanted to write a simple macro like this: #define PUSHFUNC(stack, func, value)(pushFloat(func(value), &stack)) and call it like this PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
Doing it this way creates an error "current is not a function or function pointer". I initially thought macros are just text replacement, so if i force a string that is equal to an actual function into a macro, it would expand to the function itself, but looks like i was wrong. Is there a way to achieve what i want using a macro, or should i just write a map block?
I initially thought macros are just text replacement,
That's your problem: macros are just text replacement. So if you have:
#define PUSHFUNC(stack, func, value) (pushFloat(func(value), &stack))
And you write:
PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
You get:
(pushFloat(current(value), &operands))
And indeed, you have no function named current. Macros are expanded before your code compiles; the preprocessor has no knowledge of the content of your variables.
If you really want to avoid a long chain of if statements, you could implement some sort of table lookup:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef double (*floatop)(double x);
typedef struct {
char *name;
floatop operation;
} entry;
double ctg(double);
entry opertable[] = {
{"sin", sin},
{"cos", cos},
{"tan", tan},
{"ctg", ctg},
{"sqrt", sqrt},
double ctg(double x) {
return 1. / tan(x);
floatop findop(char *name) {
int i;
for (i=0; opertable[i].name; i++) {
if (strcmp(opertable[i].name, name) == 0) {
return opertable[i].operation;
int main() {
float x = 4;
printf("sin(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("sin")(x));
printf("sqrt(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("sqrt")(x));
printf("tan(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("tan")(x));
printf("ctg(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("ctg")(x));
...but this requires that all of your functions take the same arguments, so for things like ctg you would need to add a helper function. You also need to decide if the increased complexity of the table lookup makes sense: it really depends on how many different operation names you expect to implement.
The output of the above code is:
sin(4.000000) = -0.756802
sqrt(4.000000) = 2.000000
tan(4.000000) = 1.157821
ctg(4.000000) = 0.863691
Is there a way to achieve what i want using a macro, or should i just write a map block?
I would recommend using an enum containing symbols for all the functions you might want to call, and using that in a switch-case block, instead of comparing a bunch of strings. Here's a very brief sample that only uses some of the functions you refer to...
enum which_func { SIN, COS, TAN, };
enum which_func which = SIN;
switch (which) {
case SIN:
pushFloat(sin(x), &operands);
case COS:
pushFloat(cos(x), &operands);
case TAN:
pushFloat(tan(x), &operands);
assert(false); // shouldn't be reachable if enum value is well-defined
This version will be easier to maintain in the long run, more efficient to execute and possibly more robust to logic errors (there are some compiler warnings that you can enable which will warn you if you're not handling all enum values, which can help you catch missed cases in your logic).
To add to what other answers said, what you can do is to make a macro that expands to the "basic block" of your if chain, avoiding some repetitions thanks to the stringizing operator:
#define HANDLE_FN_EXPR(fn, expr) \
else if(!strcmp(current, #fn)) \
pushFloat((expr), &operands)
#define HANDLE_FN(fn) \
HANDLE_FN_EXPR(fn, fn(x))
Then you can do
HANDLE_FN_EXPR(ctg, 1./tan(x));
Macros do in fact do text replacement. Given your macro definition, this:
PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
expands to this:
(pushFloat(current(x), &operands))
So as you can see, the text that is being replaced is the name of the variable, not the text that it contains.
And even if this did work as you expected, it wouldn't be able to properly handle the 1. / tan(x) case.
This means there isn't really a better way to do what you want.
Why not create some objects for each function type? I know, this is C not C++, but the idea will still work. First, create the function object type:-
typedef struct _Function
char *name;
float (*function) (float argument);
} Function;arg
And now create an array of function objects:-
Function functions [] =
{ "sin", sin },
{ "cos", cos }
// and so on
where the functions are defined:-
float sin(float x)
return 0; // put correct code here
float cos(float x)
return 0; // put correct code here
Finally, parse the input:-
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof functions / sizeof functions[0]; ++i)
if (strcmp(functions[i].name, current) == 0)
pushFloat(functions[i].function(arg)); // add operands!
I find using enums for stuff like this very hard to maintain! Adding new functions means going through the code to find cases where the enum is used and updating it prone to errors (like missing a place!).
All because it's not C++, doesn't mean you can't use objects! It's just there's no language support for it so you have to do a bit more work (and, yeah, there are features missing!)

Pass Lines of Code as an Argument in C

I'm working on a project in which I'm on a fairly strict word limit (I'm not 100% certain what qualifies as a word).
I'm looking to pass lines of code into a function as an argument, I've seen this done in JavaScript but I cannot find anything on it in C.
This is about what I'm looking for:
void onTime(int a, Code myCode) {
if(timer == a) {
//run myCode
And I could use it something like this:
onTime(45, {
Is there a way in C that I can do something like this?
C doesn't allow inline code (referred to as lambda expressions in other languages) to be passed around. What you can do however is pass a pointer to an existing function.
// typedef for a function that takes no arguments and returns void
typedef void (*ftype)(void);
void func_to_run(void)
void onTime(int a, ftype code) {
if(timer == a) {
You could then call it like this:
ontime(45, func_to_run);
If you want the function to be packaged with a set of values that it uses, similarly to C++ classes which have member functions which can access member variables, that involves some trickery.
Here's an example of how you might do something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef int (*ftype)(int, int);
struct c {
int a;
int b;
ftype add_func;
ftype sub_func;
#define ADD(s) (s)->add_func((s)->a,(s)->b)
#define SUB(s) (s)->sub_func((s)->a,(s)->b)
int add(int a, int b)
return a+b;
int sub(int a, int b)
return a-b;
void run(struct c *op)
printf("add result=%d\n", ADD(op));
printf("sub result=%d\n", SUB(op));
int main()
struct c c1 = { 1, 2, add, sub };
struct c c2 = { 3, 4, add, sub };
struct c c3 = { 6, 1, add, sub };
struct c c4 = { 9, 4, add, sub };
Here we define a struct c which contains function pointers for two functions and two other variables.
The macros ADD and SUB are used to run the "member" functions of the struct and pass them the "private" members to use. It hides the fact that the actual function being called is independent of the parameters being passed to it.
This code outputs:
add result=3
sub result=-1
add result=7
sub result=-1
add result=7
sub result=5
add result=13
sub result=5
Of course, once you start doing this you're (crudely) doing what C++ is doing and would probably be better off switching to C++ which is made for OOP and now supports lambdas.

What is this madness?

I've never seen anything like this; I can't seem to wrap my head around it. What does this code even do? It looks super fancy, and I'm pretty sure this stuff is not described anywhere in my C book. :(
union u;
typedef union u (*funcptr)();
union u {
funcptr f;
int i;
typedef union u $;
int main() {
int printf(const char *, ...);
$ fact =
($){.f = ({
$ lambda($ n) {
return ($){.i = n.i == 0 ? 1 : n.i * fact.f(($){.i = n.i - 1}).i};
$ make_adder = ($){.f = ({
$ lambda($ n) {
return ($){.f = ({
$ lambda($ x) {
return ($){.i = n.i + x.i};
$ add1 = make_adder.f(($){.i = 1});
$ mul3 = ($){.f = ({
$ lambda($ n) { return ($){.i = n.i * 3}; }
$ compose = ($){
.f = ({
$ lambda($ f, $ g) {
return ($){.f = ({
$ lambda($ n) {
return ($){.i = f.f(($){.i = g.f(($){.i = n.i}).i}).i};
$ mul3add1 = compose.f(mul3, add1);
printf("%d\n", fact.f(($){.i = 5}).i);
printf("%d\n", mul3.f(($){.i = add1.f(($){.i = 10}).i}).i);
printf("%d\n", mul3add1.f(($){.i = 10}).i);
return 0;
This example primarily builds on two GCC extensions: nested functions, and statement expressions.
The nested function extension allows you to define a function within the body of another function. Regular block scoping rules apply, so the nested function has access to the local variables of the outer function when it is called:
void outer(int x) {
int inner(int y) {
return x + y;
return inner(6);
int z = outer(4)' // z == 10
The statement expression extension allows you to wrap up a C block statement (any code you would normally be able to place within braces: variable declarations, for loops, etc.) for use in a value-producing context. It looks like a block statement in parentheses:
int foo(x) {
return 5 + ({
int y = 0;
while (y < 10) ++y;
x + y;
int z = foo(6); // z == 20
The last statement in the wrapped block provides the value. So it works pretty much like you might imagine an inlined function body.
These two extensions used in combination let you define a function body with access to the variables of the surrounding scope, and use it immediately in an expression, creating a kind of basic lambda expression. Since a statement expression can contain any statement, and a nested function definition is a statement, and a function's name is a value, a statement expression can define a function and immediately return a pointer to that function to the surrounding expression:
int foo(int x) {
int (*f)(int) = ({ // statement expression
int nested(int y) { // statement 1: function definition
return x + y;
nested; // statement 2 (value-producing): function name
}); // f == nested
return f(6); // return nested(6) == return x + 6
The code in the example is dressing this up further by using the dollar sign as a shortened identifier for a return type (another GCC extension, much less important to the functionality of the example). lambda in the example isn't a keyword or macro (but the dollar is supposed to make it look like one), it's just the name of the function (reused several times) being defined within the statement expression's scope. C's rules of scope nesting mean it's perfectly OK to reuse the same name within a deeper scope (nested "lambdas"), especially when there's no expectation of the body code using the name for any other purpose (lambdas are normally anonymous, so the functions aren't expected to "know" that they're actually called lambda).
If you read the GCC documentation for nested functions, you'll see that this technique is quite limited, though. Nested functions expire when the lifetime of their containing frame ends. That means they can't be returned, and they can't really be stored usefully. They can be passed up by pointer into other functions called from the containing frame that expect a normal function pointer, so they are fairly useful still. But they don't have anywhere near the flexibility of true lambdas, which take ownership (shared or total depends on the language) of the variables they close over, and can be passed in all directions as true values or stored for later use by a completely unrelated part of the program. The syntax is also fairly ungainly, even if you wrap it up in a lot of helper macros.
C will most likely be getting true lambdas in the next version of the language, currently called C2x. You can read more about the proposed form here - it doesn't really look much like this (it copies the anonymous function syntax and semantics found in Objective-C). The functions created this way have lifetimes that can exceed their creating scope; the function bodies are true expressions, without the need for a statement-containing hack; and the functions themselves are truly anonymous, no intermediate names like lambda required.
A C2x version of the above example will most likely look something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
typedef int (^ F)(int);
__block F fact; // needs to be mutable - block can't copy-capture
// its own variable before initializing it
fact = ^(int n) {
return n == 0 ? 1 : n * fact(n - 1);
F (^ make_adder)(int) = ^(int n) {
return _Closure_copy(^(int x) { return n + x; });
F add1 = make_adder(1);
F mul3 = ^(int n) { return n * 3; };
F (^ compose)(F, F) = ^(F f, F g) {
return _Closure_copy(^(int n) { return f(g(n)); });
F mul3add1 = compose(mul3, add1);
printf("%d\n", fact(5));
printf("%d\n", mul3(add1(10)));
printf("%d\n", mul3add1(10));
return 0;
Much simpler without all that union stuff.
(You can compile and run this modified example in Clang right now - use the -fblocks flag to enable the lambda extension, add #include <Block.h> to the top of the file, and replace _Closure_copy and _Closure_free with Block_copy and Block_release respectively.)

Passing operator as a parameter in C99

I want to pass an operator as a parameter in C99.
My solution is this:
int add(int l, int r)
return l + r;
int sub(int l, int r)
return l - r;
// ... long list of operator functions
int perform(int (*f)(int, int), int left, int right)
return f(left, right);
int main(void)
int a = perform(&add, 3, 2);
Is there some other way to do it? I don't want to write a function for every operator.
It could look like this:
int a = perform(something_cool_here, 3, 2);
You could use switch/case, for example:
int perform(char op,int a,int b)
switch (op)
case '+': return a+b;
case '-': return a-b;
default: return 0;
But you would still have to write some code for each operator; you don't get anything for free in C.
You can use X Macros. By defining a single macro that contains a table of repeated values in a redefinable macro, you can just redefine the internal macro for the current task and insert a single macro to handle the whole set.
Here is a compact way to do it with single operand floating point builtins as an example. The process is similar for other types.
//add name of each function you want to use here:
$(acos) $(acosh) $(asin) $(asinh) $(atan) $(atanh) $(cbrt) $(ceil) \
$(cos) $(erf) $(erfc) $(exp) $(exp10) $(exp2) $(expm1) $(fabs) \
$(floor) $(gamma) $(j0) $(j1) $(lgamma) $(log) $(log10) $(log1p) \
$(log2) $(logb) $(pow10) $(round) $(signbit) $(significand) \
$(sin) $(sqrt) $(tan) $(tgamma) $(trunc) $(y0) $(y1)
//now define the $(x) macro for our current use case - defining enums
#define $(x) UFPOP_##x,
enum ufp_enum{ UNARYFPBUILTINS };
#undef $ //undefine the $(x) macro so we can reuse it
//feel free to remove the __builtin_## ... its just an optimization
double op(enum ufp_enum op, double f){
switch(op){ //now we can use the same macros for our cases
#define $(x) case UFPOP_##x : f = __builtin_##x(f);break;
#undef $
return f;
You can continue using it for other stuff as well
///////////EXTRA STUFF/////////
//unused - may be good mapping the enums to strings
//#define $(x) #x,
//const char * ufp_strings{ UNARYFPBUILTINS };
//#undef $
//this uses float instead of double, so adds the ##f to each function
float opf(enum ufp_enum op, float f){
#define $(x) case UFPOP_##x : f = __builtin_##x##f(f);break;
#undef $
return f;
//you could do the same thing for long double here
Edit: Note that $ in macros is implementation dependent, You can call it whatever
Edit2: Here is an example with multiple parameters to do arithmetic operators. This one uses computed gotos instead of a switch in case your compiler handles one better than the other.
#define IOPS $(SUB,-) $(MUL,*) $(DIV,/) $(MOD,%) $(ADD,+) $(AND,&) $(OR,|) \
$(XOR,^) $(SR,>>) $(SL,<<)
enum iops_enum {
#define $(x,op) IOPSENUM_##x,
#undef $
int opi(int a, enum iops_enum b, int c){
static const char array[] = { //you may get better results with short or int
#define $(x,op) &&x - &&ADD,
#undef $
if (b >= IOPSENUM_COUNT) return a;
goto *(&&ADD + array[b]);
//else should give a warning here.
#define $(x,op) x: return a op c;
#undef $

Let a macro count its invocations

I've a huge C project with a module reading and managing configuration data. If I have to add a new configuration parameter, I'll have to edit several functions, e.g. as pseudo-code:
void read_configuration(config *c) {
read_param("p1", c->p1);
read_param("p2", c->p2);
read_param("p3", c->p3);
/* ... */
void dump_configuration(config *c) {
dump_param("p1", c->p1);
dump_param("p2", c->p2);
dump_param("p3", c->p3);
/* ... */
Is there a way to ensure by macro at compile time, that each location has at least the same count of parameters? I thought of making dump_param some kind of macro counting the invocations and then add something like
#if nr_read != nr_dump
#error "You forgot something, idiot!"
at the end of the module. I can't find a method to make the macro count its invocations, though...
Since the list of parameters is the same in both functions, how about factoring that out and avoid any possible mismatch ?
Using X-macros
#define X_CONFIG_PARAMS(config) \
X("p1", (config).p1) \
X("p2", (config).p2) \
X("p3", (config).p3)
void read_configuration(config *c) {
#define X(name, param) read_param(name, &param);
#undef X
void dump_configuration(config *c) {
#define X(name, param) dump_param(name, &param);
#undef X
Using function pointers
void alter_config(config *c, void(*func)(char const *name, Param *param)) {
func("p1", &c->p1);
func("p2", &c->p2);
func("p3", &c->p3);
void read_configuration(config *c) {
alter_config(c, read_param);
void dump_configuration(config *c) {
alter_config(c, dump_param);
Using an array and offsetof
struct param_info {
char const *name;
size_t config_offs;
param_info allParams[] = {
{"p1", offsetof(config, p1)},
{"p2", offsetof(config, p2)},
{"p3", offsetof(config, p3)}
void read_configuration(config *c) {
size_t paramCount = sizeof allParams / sizeof *allParams;
for(size_t i = 0; i < paramCount; ++i) {
Param *p = (Param*)((char*)config + allParams[i].config_offs);
read_param(allParams[i].name, p);
void dump_configuration(config *c) {
size_t paramCount = sizeof allParams / sizeof *allParams;
for(size_t i = 0; i < paramCount; ++i) {
Param *p = (Param*)((char*)config + allParams[i].config_offs);
dump_param(allParams[i].name, p);
I would rather let the preprocessor write the code in the first place.
It could look something like this:
Define the list of parameters in a separate file, say
PARAM (p1)
PARAM (p2)
Then in the source code locally define the macro PARAM as required and let the preprocessor include and expand the contents of
void read_configuration(config *c) {
#define PARAM(NAME) read_param(#NAME, c->NAME);
#include ""
#undef PARAM
void dump_configuration(config *c) {
#define PARAM(NAME) dump_param(#NAME, c->NAME);
#include ""
#undef PARAM
I don't think you can do this at compile time without ugly hacks.
What you could do: add a test to your test suite which replaces the header that contains the read_param() and dump_param() macros so they generate code which only updates a counter. Then, in the main() function of that test, place an assertion that compares both counters and fails if they're not equal.
You do have a test suite and run it at compile time, right? ;-)
However, I do agree with the comment that it's probably better to do this differently. In an approach called "table-driven programming", you turn the macro definition and data definition on their head (that is, you have the #define in your .c file and the use of the macro in the header rather than the other way around), you don't have this problem. Poul-Henning Kamp, of FreeBSD fame, explains very well how to that here.
