access googledrive or icloud from app using codenameone - codenameone

I want to manually allow user to save the the data from app directly to google drive or iCloud. Suppose, I have an image and when user clicks save button he need to get option to save to icloud or google drive anyone of these in the iOS device. How can i achieve this in codenameone are there any plugin, api or library avaliable? As goggle provided google-api-services for android application. How I achieve this in iOS.
Thanks for your help.

Doing this with an image should be easy. Just use the share feature in Codename One:
// will return false on the simulator but work in iOS/Android
if(Display.getInstance().isNativeShareSupported()) {
Display.getInstance().share("", fileSystemPathToImage, imageMimeType);
Suggestions of where to save should be based on the things available in your device e.g. Facebook, iCloud, Drive, Dropbox etc.


Launch to google play and iOS app store to download a different app

I have separate user and PRO app. If a user downloads the PRO app I would like to give them the option to download the user version with a simple button to take them to download the user version from the relevant store. I'm looking for some guidance on the best way to achieve this.
You can use CN.execute("uri of my app"). You can check the CN.getProperty("Platform", "android").equals("ios") to check if this is iOS and use the itunes URL. Otherwise you can use the Android URL.
On the desktop this will open the browser but on the device it will launch the appstore.
See this post:

Migrate link from mobile web browser to mobile app

I want that my online website link that is opened in my mobile browser checks whether my mobile app is installed or not and then opens it in my mobile app.
I want my functionality as I have shown in this
I am using AngularJS,Express,NodeJS in my application.I tried node deeplink
but it does not work for me.Please provide me with the appropriate solution.
This functionality is known as Mobile Deep Linking. The easiest way to get started is with a deep linking service like (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team), Yozio, or Firebase Dynamic Links. They all do exactly what you're describing.
this could Help you perhaps:
Check this

Ionic Offline MAP

I am working on a hybrid mobile app using ionic. I have developed all feature of app but One of the features I need is offline google map. I want to get lattitude and longitude of user when there was no internet and after reaching in interent zone it threw data using web API.
Is there a way how to do it? I want it for Android and Ios both.
If your issue is only getting the user location, that can be done with no need for internet. Instead, you can use GPS to get the location, and that can be specified by some options when you are getting the location, depending on what library you are using.

Integrating mobile app and mobile web

Currently I am developing an app in corona sdk. It is still very early in the development stage so I can change the IDE or SDK if needed to achieve my goal.
I wish to create an app that can be played on multiple platforms(mainly ios and android) and I eventually want the users to be able to use the browser to continue playing at home with their progress saved. It is a simple app and could probably be recreated in html. They will have to login their accounts in order to play
How do i go about to achieve this? Should I complete my app in corona first, and then recreate the app in html and php and link the database to it separately or is there a specific development kit I could use that has this ability. Also, I am new to the development scene, how do I detect if the user is logged in a particular platform as I realize if they are logged in, in multiple places and give multiple entries it may cause problems.
If you are new to the development scene then you should continue developing with Corona.
Corona doesn't povide any web port but I know Unity does.
I think first you should complete your game for mobile platforms and if it will have success you can port it to web.
You can read this:
You might want to try phonegap ( I have never used it, I just know that it exists, so do some research to see if it would be a good fit. This might allow you to create the app once for both browsers and mobile.

Facebook and share buttons on a mobile-enabled website that open the mobile app instead of a browser window?

One of the big flaws in Android webphones (and probably other Operating Systems for phones): You are surfing some website, and want to use the site's embedded share button for say Twitter. You want to use the embedded Twitter share because it pre-populates the tweet based on how the site designed it: namely, it has the title of the page and the link and maybe a relevant Twitter hashtag. If you were to use your mobile browser's share feature, you only get the link, and have to attempt to type in the title and guess relevant hashtags--not ideal. The same is the case with other social media shares, like facebook.
So, from the above, you understand why users would prefer to use a given website's own embedded share features, rather than that built into the mobile browser.
However, if a user clicks the site's embedded social media share button, it opens a new browser window for that social media. Ideally, this would not happen, as typical users do not log into these social tools using the mobile browser, and the resulting pop-up share is clunky to use on a small mobile screen. Instead, ideally, you would click on the site's embedded share button and it would attempt to open at least the official twitter (or whatever) app on your phone instead. This is ideal because users tend to use the apps to use their social media, and so would already be logged in. Moreover, such an app is obviously optimized for mobile use, and thus not as clunky.
And yet, this apparently does not exist... am I right?
That is, as a web designer, there is nothing I can do on my embedded Twitter and Facebook share buttons to prompt mobile phone users to use the official app to share (rather than through the mobile browser). Is that right?
At least on my iPhone the twitter url-scheme does work.
the following opens the twitter app:
And facebook is fb://
Haven't tested it on android.
(via: )
What about open a pop up box (not window)- when we click a link to share the URL site/page we are in, without have to go through the mobile browser ?
just a pop up box.
do you think it is possible? or any social media link would automatically opened in a browser?
