compile multiple cuda files (that have dynamic parallelism) and MPI code - c

I have a bunch of .cu files that use dynamic parallelism (,,,,, and a main.c file that uses MPI to call functions from on multiple nodes. I'm trying to write a make file to compile the executable, but I keep facing the following errors:
cudafiles.o: In function `__cudaRegisterLinkedBinary_66_tmpxft_00001a84_00000000_17_cuda_device_runtime_compute_61_cpp1_ii_8b1a5d37':
link.stub:(.text+0x1fb): undefined reference to `__fatbinwrap_66_tmpxft_00001a84_00000000_17_cuda_device_runtime_compute_61_cpp1_ii_8b1a5d37'
Here is my makefile:
INCFILES=-I/usr/local/cuda-8.0/include -I/opt/mpi/mvapich2-gnu/2.2/include -I./
LIBFILES=-L/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64 -L/opt/mpi/mvapich2-gnu/2.2/lib
LIBS=-lcudart -lcudadevrt -lcublas_device -lmpi
ARCH=-gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60
NVCC=nvcc -ccbin g++
default: all
all: clean final.o
io.o: io.cpp
g++ -c -std=c++11 io.cpp
final.o: io.o main.cpp
$(NVCC) -std=c++11 $(INCFILES) $(LIBFILES) $(LIBS) -g -G -Xptxas -v -dc $(ARCH)
$(NVCC) -std=c++11 $(ARCH) $(INCFILES) $(LIBFILES) $(LIBS) -rdc=true -dlink a.o b.o c.o d.o e.o f.o io.o -o cudafiles.o
mpicxx -O3 $(INCFILES) $(LIBFILES) -c main.cpp -o main.o
mpicxx $(INCFILES) $(LIBFILES) $(LIBS) cudafiles.o a.o b.o c.o d.o e.o f.o io.o main.o -o exec
rm -rf *.o exec

The original problem reported was an undefined reference to main. This was arising from this line in the Makefile:
$(NVCC) -std=c++11 $(ARCH) $(INCFILES) $(LIBFILES) $(LIBS) -rdc=true a.o b.o c.o d.o e.o f.o io.o -o cudafiles.o
As constructed, this actually instructs nvcc to perform full/final linking. However the intent of this line was to perform the device-link step only, required when compiling with -rdc=true or -dc, and when not performing the final link with nvcc. In this case, the final link was being performed by mpicc/mpicxx. To perform the device-link step only, we need to specify -dlink. Without that switch, nvcc expects to do final linking, but fails because none of the supplied objects contain a main function. The correct solution, since we have no intent to do final link at this point, is to use the -dlink switch.
I also suggested converting everything to C++ style linking, since nvcc links that way. It might be possible to sort out a C-style link with a C++-style link, but this just seems troublesome to me. Therefore I suggested converting the only .c file (main.c) to a .cpp file, and convert from mpicc to mpicxx
The next problem that arose was undefined references to e.g. cudaSetDevice() and cudaFree(). These are part of the CUDA runtime API library ("libcudart"). When performing final link with nvcc, these are linked automatically. But since final link is being performed by mpicxx (basically a wrapper on g++), it's necessary to call out the link against that library specifically with -lcudart.
Finally, the remaining problem was a link-order problem. In a nutshell, link dependencies need to be satisfied from left to right in the linker command line. Different compilers are more or less picky about this. The final reordering changes were to specify the libraries to link against in the correct order, and also to specify these libraries at the end of the link command line, so that any dependencies on these libraries, to their left in the link command line, are satisfied.


Undefined reference when using ta-lib/ta_lib.h file and Makefile

I want to use the ta_lib functions in my C code and am trying to import the ta_lib functions. The header file gets imported correctly but i cannot get the linker to find the actual library.
I want to do the compiling process with MAKE and gcc.
Firstly I import the header
#include <ta-lib/ta_libc.h>
And then when i need to use a function
TA_ADOSC(0, CSV_LENGTH - 1, temp_high, temp_low, temp_close, temp_volume, 3, 10, &beginIdx, &endIdx, tmp_adosc);
The program compiles fine using my makefile
# create CC variable
CC = gcc
# create CFLAGS variable
CFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -Wall -g
LDLIBS = -lta_lib -I/usr/local/include -lm
output: main.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o output main.o
main.o: main.c
$(CC) $(LDLIBS) -c main.c
# target: dependencies
# action
rm -f \*.o output
Once I try to run make i get the following
gcc -L/usr/local/lib -Wall -g -o output main.o
/usr/bin/ld: main.o: in function `calculate_indicators': main.c:(.text+0x226): undefined reference to `TA_ADOSC'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: \*\*\* \[Makefile:10: output\] Error 1
From my understanding I need to fix the linking to the shared library.
The library is installed:
ldconfig -p | grep
Returns the following (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/lib/ (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/ (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/lib/ (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/
Since i am fairly new to C and using external libraries I can't find what seems to be the problem
You are adding the libraries to the compile line. They need to be added to the link line. And preprocessor options like -I are used by the compiler, and "where to find libraries" options like -L are used by the linker.
Also, libraries always must come at the end of the link line, after all the object files. And, the -L "where to search" option should come before the -l "what library to find" option.
Write your rules like this:
CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include -Wall -g
LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib
LDLIBS = -lta_lib -lm
output: main.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o output main.o $(LDLIBS)
main.o: main.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c main.c
However, it's better to just let make do the work for you; it knows how to correctly compile things (as long as you set the standard variables). You don't need to include a rule to build main.o at all.

Makefile: "undefined reference to cos"

I have just started learning about makefile files. I created a program that consists of two functions and wanted to use a makefile to put it all together. This is my file:
all: main
main: main.o find_root.o
clang -o main main.o find_root.o
main.o: main.c
clang -c -Wall --pedantic -std=c11 main.c -lm
find_root.o: find_root.c
clang -c -Wall --pedantic -std=c11 find_root.c -lm
clean: rm -f main *.o*
However, when I run this, I get an error - "undefined reference to cos". I am using the cosine functions in my program, but I have already linked the library to the compilation of those two files. I thought about adding "-lm" to the first clang option as well. This led to no errors, but it made a warning instead - saying that "-lm linker is unused". What should I change in my file?
The "-lm" is a linker option but you have only included it in your compilation rule (main.o: main.c). You need to include it in your linker rule (main: main.o find_root.o).
As it stand the -lm option is ignored during compilation and missing during linking.
The linker flags aren't used when compiling, but when linking, so the command for the main rule should have -lm, rather than the command for the *.o files.
Better would be just to set the appropriate variables, and let Make use its built-in rules:
LDLIBS += -lm
CFLAGS += -Wall --pedantic -std=c11
C = clang
all: main
main: main.o find_root.o
$(LINK.c) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $#
$(RM) main *.o *~

Linking static library with -l flag

How can I have my makefile compile with the -l flag?
I have a makefile that looks like
gcc -c myLibrary.c -o myLibrary.o
ar cr libmyLibrary.a myLibrary.o
and then I compile my main program with
gcc -g -c -o main.o main.c
gcc main.o -o main libmyLibrary.a
The above makefile works, but if I want to replace
with -lmyLibrary I get an error. Shouldn't both be working the same?
Here is a rudimentary, unrealistic makefile that will make the static library libmyLibary
before it makes the program main, which it will link with the static library
using the -L (library search-path) and -l (library) options.
.PHONY: all clean
all: libmyLibrary.a main
main: main.o | libmyLibrary.a
$(CC) -o main main.o -L. -lmyLibrary
libmyLibrary.a: myLibrary.o
$(AR) rcs libmyLibrary.a myLibrary.o
rm -f *.o libmyLibrary.a main
which runs like:
$ make
cc -c -o myLibrary.o myLibrary.c
ar rcs libmyLibrary.a myLibrary.o
cc -c -o main.o main.c
cc -o main main.o -L. -lmyLibrary
As I think you know, it's unrealistic to make both a library and a program
that links with it in the same makefile, since the point of a library is
that you don't need to keep remaking it to link it with many programs. You'd really have
a makefile for libmyLibrary.a and other makefiles for programs that
use it.
This is how the gcc linkage options -L and -l work:
tells the linker to look for any libraries that you specify with the -l option in /path/to/search,
before it looks for them in its default search directories. The current directory, .,
isn't one of the linker's default search directories. So if you want it to
find a library specified with the -l option in the current directory, then you need to
specify -L.
tells the linker to search for either a dynamic library,, or a static
library, libfoo.a, first in your -L directories, if any, in the order you've
specified them, and then in its default search directories. It stops searching
as soon as if finds either or libfoo.a in one of the search directories.
If it finds both of them in the same directory, then by default it will link with
your program and not link libfoo.a.
To link purely statically library, use -static, Like
gcc -static main.c libmyLibrary.a
And run executable file ./a.out GCC Linux.

linking pthread library issue

Am facing a problem that may be slightly complicated to explain and understand as giving the entire picture would be too big and difficult.
Please excuse me for it.
Consider the following Makefile:
all: simulator backup
LD_PRELOAD=/home/Juggler/client/ ./simulator
backup: backup.c libclient.a
gcc backup.c -o backup -L /home/Juggler/client -L. -lclient -ldl
simulator: simulator.c libclient.a
gcc -g simulator.c -o simulator -L /home/Juggler/client -L. -lclient -ldl -pthread
libclient.a: libclient.o client.o
ar rcs libclient.a libclient.o client.o
gcc -c libclient.c -o libclient.o -pthread client.o client_invoke.o
ld -shared -o client_invoke.o client.o -ldl
client_invoke.o: client_invoke.c
gcc -Wall -fPIC -DPIC -c -g client_invoke.c
client.o: client.c
gcc -Wall -fPIC -DPIC -c -g client.c -ldl -pthread
We call function written in client.c from libclient.c and these functions in client.c make call to pthread_key_create(), pthread_setspecific..etc.
Threads are created by simulator.c and theses threads access functions written in he other files.
On doing make...Errors like the following appear.
/home/Juggler/client/libclient.a(client.o):In function 'setup_connection':
/home/Juggler/client/client.c:35: undefined reference to 'pthread_setspecific'
pthread.h has been included in both client.c and libclient.c
Would be grateful for anypointers . I understand information is very less...
On linux, pthread functions live in the libpthread library. So you have to link to that.
The proper way, when using pthreads, is to compile and link using the -pthread , which, among other things, will link in the pthread library. You have the -pthread flag for some of your executables, but not for others, and not for your library, so add the flag where required.
Also, remember, when you are creating a shared library, you should compile the source files with the -fPIC flag.
(And, seems you are calling ld directly to produce the library, you really should use gcc to do the linking.)

NVCC refuses to link my object files

I am trying to compile a project by compiling object files and then linking them together, nothing fancy:
hello.o : hello.h
nvcc -c -o hello.o
main.o : $(objs)
nvcc *.o -o exec
When I get to the link phase, just about every method is shown to be missing and undeclared, despite the fact that nm shows that each is in fact sitting within my object files, and their names are unmangled. What is going on here?
Your final make target looks bogus: shouldn't it say:
exec : $(objs)
nvcc $(objs) -o $#
You may also need to add the CUDA libraries to the command-line (I think nvcc figures this out when you're compiling a .cu file directly, but maybe it doesn't if you just give it .o files). So, something more like this:
exec : $(objs)
nvcc $(objs) -o $# -lcuda -lcudart -lcublas
(Precisely which libraries you need depends on your code)
Ok, so my question's formulation was incorrect. In fact, the problem was that I was compiling C code like so:
hello.o : hello.h
nvcc hello.c -c -o hello.o
main.o : $(objs)
nvcc *.o -o exec
which caused nvcc to pass the .c files to gcc. When I grepped 'nm *.o' for the name of my method, I found that the object files emitted by gcc had unmangled names, while the .cu files, which were compiled by g++, expected mangled names.
My solution was to rename all the .c files in my project to .cu, although I think (but haven't tested) that leaving them as .c and calling g++ on them explicitly in the makefile should be enough.
I tried calling g++ but still got the same errors. The answer was found here:
In short, function prototypes need to be correct.
