error in looping over files, -fs- command - loops

I'm trying to split some datasets in two parts, running a loop over files like this:
cd C:\Users\Macrina\Documents\exports
qui fs *
foreach f in `r(files)' {
use `r(files)'
keep id adv*
save adv_spa*.dta
use `r(files)'
drop adv*
save fin_spa*.dta
I don't know whether what is inside the loop is correctly written but the point is that I get the error:
invalid '"e2.dta'
where e2.dta is the second file in the folder. Does this message refer to the loop or maybe what is inside the loop? Where is the mistake?

You want lines like
use "`f'"
use `r(files)'
given that fs (installed from SSC, as you should explain) returns r(files) as a list of all the files whereas you want to use each one in turn (not all at once).
The error message was informative: use is puzzled by the second filename it sees (as only one filename makes sense). The other filenames are ignored: use fails as soon as something is evidently wrong.
Incidentally, note that putting "" around filenames remains essential if any includes spaces.


Run TreSpEx analysis

I am trying to run TreSpex analysis on a series of trees, which are saved in newick format as .fasta.txt files in a folder.
I have a list of Taxa names saved in a .txt file
I enter:
perl -fun e -ipt *fasta.txt -tf Taxa_List.txt
But it won't run. I tried writing a loop for each file within the folder but am not very good with them and my line of
for i in treefile/; do perl -fun e -ipt *.fasta.txt -tf Taxa_List.txt; done
won't work because -ipt apparently needs a name that starts with a letter or number
In your second example you are actually doing the same thing as in first (but posible several times).
I'm not familiar with TreSpEx or know Bash very well for that matter (which it seems you are using), but you might try something like below.
for i in treefile/*.fasta.txt ; do
perl -fun e -ipt $i -tf Taxa_List.txt;
Basically, you need to use a variable from the for loop (i) to pass name of each file to the command.

Advice on reading multiple text files into an array with Ruby

I'm currently writing out a program in Ruby, which I'm fairly new at, and it requires multiple text files to be pushed into an array line by line.
I am currently unable to actually test my code since I'm at work and this is for personal use, but I'm seeking advice to see if my code is correct. I knows how to read a file and push it to the array. If possible can someone check it over and advise if I have the correct idea? I'm self taught regarding Ruby and have no-one to check my work.
I understand if this isn't the right place for trying to get this sort of advice and it's deleted/locked. Apologies if so.
contentsArray = []
Dir.glob('filepath').each do |filename|
next if
r ="#{path}#{filename}")
r.each_line { |line| contentsArray.push line}
I'm hoping this snippet will take the lines from multiple files in the same directory and stick them in the array so I can later splice what's in there.
Thank you for the question.
First let's assume that 'filepath' is something like the target pattern you want to glob in Dir.glob('filepath') (I used Dir.glob('src/*.h').each do |filename| in my test).
After that,"#{path}#{filename}") prepends another path to the already complete path you'll have in filename.
And lastly, although this is probably not the problem, the code opens the file and never closes it. The IO object provides a readlines method that takes care of opening and closing the file for you.
Here's some working code that you can adapt:
contentsArray = []
Dir.glob('filepath').each do |filename|
next if
lines = IO.readlines(filename)
puts "#{contentsArray.length} LINES"
Here are references to the Ruby doc's for the IO::readlines and Array::concat methods used:
As an alternative to using the goto (next) the code could conditionally execute on files, like this:
if File.file?(filename)
lines = IO.readlines(filename)

changing and removing lines from text file using swi-prolog

I'm using text files as a database for saving users' information for a game which i made using swi-prolog. The information is saved like this:user(Name,Password,Age,Points). What i want to do is to change a user's Points without having to rewrite the entire db. In other words, I am looking for something that will work like retractall(user(Name,_,_,_)), but with the text file. I know how to find the specific user using read/2, and how to assert a new fact using write/2, but i don't know how to delete one specific line in the text file.
Thank you for helping.
Take a look at SWI-Prolog's library(persistency). It removes a fact by adding a line that the fact is removed. If the file gets too big with add/remove lines, it provides db_sync/1 to write a clean file. OS file system operations do not allow to remove part of a file (except from truncating the end). The normal way to do this is to write a new file and, if successful, rename this to the existing one, so nothing is lost if you crash while writing the new file.

zsh split directory into array

I'm trying to get an array containing the full current directory path in zsh. I'm currently using
local pwd="${PWD/#$HOME/~}"
Which works except for one problem, it treats the starting / as a directory split too. I'd like my array to be like
instead of
I can see 2 ways of doing this but I'm unaware of how to do either in zsh. The first idea is to simple do a push and force a new element to the beginning (after the split).
The second, would be to alter the split to ignore the first / when parsing.
How can I resolve this to get an accurate directory path with minimal overhead into an array?
do you really need the first /? Assuming you're using a script to use the results of that, can't you just cd / to just start from there?
Anyways... is this what you want?
local pwd="${PWD/#$HOME/~}"
pwd_list=('/' $pwd_list)
I think you're thinking about it slightly wrong. If you split "/usr/lib/php" on "/", you should get four elements, the first of which is an empty string. If you join those array elements back together with "/", you get the original path. Trying to think of the first element of "/" means you're treating the splitting inconsistently, which will make everything else harder.
So the problem really is that you're only getting three elements instead of four: the empty first element is getting dropped. You can fix that by quoting, like this:
local pwd="${PWD/#$HOME/~}"
pwd_list=( "${(s:/:)pwd}" )
(The extra space next to the outer parentheses isn't necessary, but it makes it a little easier to read.) You can even combine that into one expression:
pwd_list=( "${(s:/:)${PWD/#$HOME/~}}" )

How to remove all lines, line by line from a file?

I'm running a loop that takes names from a file.
What I want to do is when the name is taken, it then deletes it from the file. How can I do this?
Try out fileinput.
It goes something like:
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input(someFileName, inplace=True):
Any line iterated over is consumed, hence deleted from the file.
If you need to keep it just print it, it'll be rewritten to the file in the same location.
i.e. if you won't print the line back it'll disappear :)
Native files don't work that way. You'd have to rewrite the entire list of remaining files, each time through the loop. Performance will be bad (unless the list of files is always very short). And the failure modes are very bad if your process crashes while you're trying to update the file because you can't do the update in place. The best you could do is: write to a temp file, delete the original file, then rename (or move) the temp file.
Instead, you should consider using SQLite. You could either delete records from a File table, or have a status field that tracks which files have been processed.
