I always knew that TRUNCATE is a DDL command but Microsoft documents are confusing me.
This link says that TRUNCATE is a DDL command and this says that TRUNCATE is a DML command
Also, does clarification of DDL and DML are different in different database? Ex. Oracle, MySql etc.
Personally, I would say that TRUNCATE is a DML command; you're manipulating the data using it, not changing the definition.
There are a few bits on the docs that conflict, mainly as so e are older than others. They can't even decide if CASE is a statement or an expression.
Wikipedia says TRUNCATE is DML:
In SQL, the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is a Data Manipulation Language
(DML) operation that marks the extents of a table for deallocation
(empty for reuse). The result of this operation quickly removes all
data from a table, typically bypassing a number of integrity enforcing
mechanisms. It was officially introduced in the SQL:2008 standard.
Well, TRUNCATE TABLE, as decribed in Microsoft documentation is similar to DELETE (by their own admission). And DELETE is DML, therefore, TRUNCATE TABLE shold be DML as well.
Perhaps the one who wrote the first article did a mistake putting it there. OR perhaps he/she wanted to point out that it's a command to use with the same caution you use for DDL.
I must admit that it's the first time I see that command, and I don't know if it's included in the SQL standard.
The fact is that TRUNCATE is a DDL command. The first link you provided is correct, the second one was fixed yesterday.
Wikipedia also defines it as a DDL command, but an incorrect edit made on 12 February 2018 (and properly reverted on 3 April 2018) made it say otherwise for a while.
To understand the mechanism/implementation when processing DMLs against a table. Does a database (I work on Oracle 11G R2) take snapshots (for each DML) of the table to apply the DMLs?
I run a SQL to update the AID field of the target table containing old values with the new values from the source table.
WHERE oid=t.aid
I thought the 'OLD01' could be updated twice (OLD01 -> NEW01 -> SCREWED).
However, it did not happen.
For each DML, does a database take a snapshot of table X (call it X+1) for a DML (1st) and then keep taking snapshot (call it X+2) of the result (X+1) for the next DML (2nd) on the table, and so on for each DML that are successibly executed? Is this also used as a mechanism to implement Rollback/Commit?
Is it an expected behaviour specified as a standard somewhere? If so, kindly suggest relevant references. I Googled but not sure what the key words should be to get the right result.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Started reading Oracle Core (ISBN 9781430239543) by Jonathan Lewis and saw the diagram. So current understanding is the UNDO records are created in the UNDO tablespace for each update and the original data is reconstructed from there, which I initially thought as snapshots.
In Oracle, if you ran that update twice in a row in the same session, with the data as you've shown, I believe you should get the results that you expected. I think you must have gone off track somewhere. (For example, if you executed the update once, then without committing you opened a second session and executed the same update again, then your result would make sense.)
Conceptually, I think the answer to your question is yes (speaking specifically about Oracle, that is). A SQL statement effectively operates on a snapshot of the tables as of the point in time that the statement starts executing. The proper term for this in Oracle is read-consistency. The mechanism for it, however, does not involve taking a snapshot of the entire table before changes are made. It is more the reverse - records of the changes are kept in undo segments, and used to revert blocks of the table to the appropriate point in time as needed.
The documentation you ought to look at to understand this in some depth is in the Oracle Concepts manual: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e40540/part_txn.htm#CHDJIGBH
I am debugging my database and I am finding that the replication is failing on a delete statement.
I look at the source and destination tables and they are the same. So someone deleted a row from the source and then put it back in. (The delete fails because of a FK reference to some manual data that I don't want to cascade delete.)
Is there a way to find out the PK of the row it is trying to delete?
(All Replication monitor will tell me is the name of the FK that is causing the delete statement to fail.)
There are a couple of ways. I'll tell you the easy one (because I'm lazy). Put a trace on your subscriber for non-successful stored procedure executions. You should get a hit for one called something like sp_MSdel_table (where table is the name of your table). The argument(s) to that procedure will be the primary key of the record that it's trying to delete.
Easy way number two is to modify the sproc identified in the previous method not to be angry at a missing row (after all, it's just going to delete it so the fact that's it's now missing isn't that big a deal). You might have other non-convergence issues, but at least you can get your commands flowing again. (EDIT: Just noticed the reason for your issue. I'd advise not having FK constraints at the subscriber since any referential integrity should be taken care of at the publisher. I'll make your replication faster when SQL doesn't have to check that each time it does an applicable insert, update, or delete).
Hard way number one involves looking at the error in replication monitor an noting that there's a transaction id and sequence number specified. You then use a sproc in the distribution database to get the text of the command being executed.
Hard way number two involved diffing the tables either with tablediff.exe, something like RedGate's SQLCompare, or a roll-your-own join over linked servers to show the difference. Keep this in your back pocket just in case one of the other one-row-at-a-time methods mentioned above doesn't do it for you. My threshold for such things is about three. YMMV.
I have a huge data base with complicated relations, how can I delete all tables contents without violating foreign key constraints,is there a a such way to do that?
note that I am writing a SQL script file to delete tables such as the following example:
delete from A
delete from B
delete from C
delete from D
delete from E
but I don't know what table should I start with.
In SQL Server, there is no native way to do what you're asking. You do have a few options depending on your particular environment limitations:
Figure out the relationships between the tables and start deleting rows out in the appropriate order from foreigns to parents. This may be time-consuming for a large number of objects, but is the "safest" in terms of least destruction.
Disable the foreign key constraints and TRUNCATE TABLE. This will be a bit faster if you're dealing with lots of data, but you still have to to know where all your relationships are. Not too terrible if you're working with fewer tables, though option 1 becomes just as viable
Script out the database objects and DROP DATABASE/CREATE DATABASE. If you don't care about a raw teardown of the database, this is another option, however, you'll still need to be aware of object precedence for creation. SQL Server—as well as third-party tools— offer ways to script object DROP/CREATE. If you decide to go this route, the upside is that you have a scripted backup of all the objects (which I like to keep "just in case") and future tear-downs are nearly instantaneous as long as you keep your scripts synchronized with any changes.
As you can see, it's not a terribly simple process because you're trying to subvert the very reason for the existence of the constraints.
Steps can be:
disable all the constraint in all the tables
delete all the records from all the tables
enable the constraint back again.
Also see this discussion: SQL: delete all the data from all available tables
Removes all rows from a table without
logging the individual row deletions.
TRUNCATE TABLE is similar to the
DELETE statement with no WHERE clause;
however, TRUNCATE TABLE is faster and
uses fewer system and transaction log
Dude, taking your question at face value... that you want to COMPLETELY recreate the schema with NO data... forget the individual queries (too slow)... just destroydb, and then createdb (or whatever your RDBM's equivalent is)... and you might want to hire a competent DBA.
Is it possible to effectively tail a database table such that when a new row is added an application is immediately notified with the new row? Any database can be used.
Use an ON INSERT trigger.
you will need to check for specifics on how to call external applications with the values contained in the inserted record, or you will write your 'application' as a SQL procedure and have it run inside the database.
it sounds like you will want to brush up on databases in general before you paint yourself into a corner with your command line approaches.
Yes, if the database is a flat text file and appends are done at the end.
Yes, if the database supports this feature in some other way; check the relevant manual.
Otherwise, no. Databases tend to be binary files.
I am not sure but this might work for primitive / flat file databases but as far as i understand (and i could be wrong) the modern database files are encrypted. Hence reading a newly added row would not work with that command.
I would imagine most databases allow for write triggers, and you could have a script that triggers on write that tells you some of what happened. I don't know what information would be available, as it would depend on the individual database.
There are a few options here, some of which others have noted:
Periodically poll for new rows. With the way MVCC works though, it's possible to miss a row if there were two INSERTS in mid-transaction when you last queried.
Define a trigger function that will do some work for you on each insert. (In Postgres you can call a NOTIFY command that other processes can LISTEN to.) You could combine a trigger with writes to an unpublished_row_ids table to ensure that your tailing process doesn't miss anything. (The tailing process would then delete IDs from the unpublished_row_ids table as it processed them.)
Hook into the database's replication functionality, if it provides any. This should have a means of guaranteeing that rows aren't missed.
I've blogged in more detail about how to do all these options with Postgres at http://btubbs.com/streaming-updates-from-postgres.html.
tail on Linux appears to be using inotify to tell when a file changes - it probably uses similar filesystem notifications frameworks on other operating systems. Therefore it does detect file modifications.
That said, tail performs an fstat() call after each detected change and will not output anything unless the size of the file increases. Modern DB systems use random file access and reuse DB pages, so it's very possible that an inserted row will not cause the backing file size to change.
You're better off using inotify (or similar) directly, and even better off if you use DB triggers or whatever mechanism your DBMS offers to watch for DB updates, since not all file updates are necessarily row insertions.
I was just in the middle of posting the same exact response as glowcoder, plus another idea:
The low-tech way to do it is to have a timestamp field, and have a program run a query every n minutes looking for records where the timestamp is greater than that of the last run. The same concept can be done by storing the last key seen if you use a sequence, or even adding a boolean field "processed".
With oracle you can select an psuedo-column called 'rowid' that gives a unique identifier for the row in the table and rowid's are ordinal... new rows get assigned rowids that are greater than any existing rowid's.
So, first select max(rowid) from table_name
I assume that one cause for the raised question is that there are many, many rows in the table... so this first step will be taxing the db a little and take some time.
Then, select * from table_name where rowid > 'whatever_that_rowid_string_was'
you still have to periodically run the query, but it is now just a quick and inexpensive query
To eliminate the potential problems with triggers, what are some of the alternatives one may use to get the same functionality of reacting to an event fired on a INSERT action?
I have a database that needs to have some additional values added on insert. The INSERT is controlled by compiled code and cannot be changed.
EXAMPLE: The program inserts a string and from this string I need to supply an integer to a new field that points to a look-up table.
If there is an alternative to a trigger then please let me know some pros and cons to any alternative. The main reason for this is that Triggers are not allowed in our DB standards.
SQL Server 2008 Enterprise
Alternatives to plain-old inserts can be done using stored procedures, triggers, or more complicated insert statements. Since you have no control over the insert statements, you won't be able to use stored procedures, either. So your only option is triggers.
What you're describing is precisely why triggers exist. If you need to accomplish this task then it can't be done under the constraints you've listed.
Triggers are the best option. Get the DB standards changed (or at least allow this task to be an exception) because they are flawed.
How do you determine your integer, based on the string being inserted?
One alternative you might want to look into are computed columns in SQL Server. If that matching is a pretty straightforward one (e.g. extract the character 10 through 14 from the string) or something like that, you could create a computed column to do so automagically - no trigger needed.
You can even make those computed columns persisted (physically stored as part of your tables) and create indices on these fields!
Computed columns are available from SQL Server 2000 on, persisted columns from SQL Server 2005.
I know that was asked a long time ago. With SQL Server 2008 "Change Data Capture" MSDN was introduced. Another alternative, but only valid after 2008 R2 is "Change Tracking" Setting up change tracking. While you can query rows to filter (look here) what was changed, this may or may not "resolve" the issues with triggers.
Triggers are the way to perform an action after an event (insert, update, delete) occurs on a SQL table; the fact that they exist makes it unlikely that there's any tenable alternative. It's unfortunate to say, but the DB standards you say are in place effectively prevent you from doing what you want without having some process running that periodically watches your table and then performs the action you need it to, or changing all your database CrUD operations to go through stored procedures which do what you want them to. Since you say that the latter isn't possible -- you can't change the INSERT statements -- then you're left with just triggers.
SQL Server 2005 now has something called an OUTPUT clause that can do additional processing after an INSERT (or other action) occurs. This article covers more of the details. For instance, if you need to do processing after an INSERT command, you could do something like...
(FirstName, MiddleName, LastName)
INTO Contact_Audit
(##SCOPE_IDENTITY, 'Joe', 'D.', 'Schmoe')
And you'd have your uniquely created ID for them available.
If you want to use data history then go with system version history tables. you don't need to create trigger explicitly.
Your options are limited here. I think your only other alternative is to do your inserts via a stored procedure call and put the extra code in the stored procedure.
I think we can implement trigger with hibernate event system nowdays despite of the performance impact.I didn't do that before.but I think it works