How can I properly target android tv with Codename One? - codenameone

As stated in the title, I would like to know if Codenameone allows the creation of Android Tv specifics applications.

Short answer is: no.
Longer answer: it shouldn't be too hard but we didn't see any demand for TV or Android Wear for that matter.
The code itself should work just fine on TV since it handles focus behavior and physical keys correctly. It derives from LWUIT code which was optimized for TV's in the day and is in fact the basis for a DTV standard.
In theory you can just use include source and try to update the project settings to support TV. I don't think it would be hard but I haven't tried it myself.


Screen sharing and screen control on android and iOS using WebRTC

I've to share a mobile screen and display it on a browser using WebRTC. I then have to take control of the mobile screen.
I've researched this and know I can share a screen browser to browser using chrome(with extension) or firefox(after certain flags are set). Some information I've read suggests that screen sharing on mobile is not possible and then another article said it was but I think they meant be sharing through the chrome browser on a mobile.
Some of the the information and posts I read are dating back to 2013/2015/2016 and I wondered if there is any new information on this?
Is screen sharing on mobile devices(android or iOS) possible using webrtc now?
is screen control on mobile devices possible?
Thanks Andrea
I also investigated this topic a few days ago and it seems to me we are on the verge of the next step and the technology hasn't totally settled yet. Screencapture is mostly working with (very) up-to-date browsers and (still) an extension or some kind of white-listing. I could not find any kind of hint that a "remote control" mechanisms are part of webrtc and the getUserMedia implementations. Unfortunately.
ICE seems to work fine for most scenarios (if you don't mind waiting a minute) and Tickled ICE adresses the problem in an interesting way.
Mobile is very confusing indeed as the market is even more heterogeneous.
Maybe we should open a wiki or a chat channel or whatnot they habe nowadays on stackoverflow :-) I think I will have to read about this "community wiki" checkbox down there...
The most promising thing I could find was
Still trying it out in different scenarios.
[This might not be an answer...] I was on the same topic and then I noticed there's an existing tool (SDK) to serve the similar purpose: It works good in both the demo video and the simulator web page. Yet I'm not sure if it utilises WebRTC...

Java cross platform mobile development

Why would a JavaFXPorts/Gluon Mobile application be better than Codename One, JUniversal or Tabris. Google shows these three solutions which made me wonder, were these solutions not good enough? Especially when Codename One claims to be faster than native code. And why would one choose to start a new project and not for example collaborate with the existing solutions?
Codename One predated most of the others but took a rather different path. In fact Codename One's origins predate JavaFX as far as I know.
Codename One was started by mobile guys and as such the VM doesn't try to offer the full JDK. It's small nimble & AOT from the ground up. The whole toolchain was designed for mobile as explained in their VM project:
Gluon is JavaFX based so it needs the full VM which back in the day relied on RoboVM. The guys from Codename One explained why they didn't go with that in the link above. Gluon now uses OpenJDK which is an interpreter and probably not the best approh for something that's already dog slow on iOS.
FX was designed by desktop people and Codename One was designed by mobile people, the difference in mindset is huge.
Tabris is a server solution and JUniversal is a Microsoft research project that came out much later. It's goals are unclear.
You missed J2ObjC whose goal is library portability and Avian which is an interesting VM. To my knowledge Codename One had a port for it in the past which underperformed.

A small query regarding appcelerator titanium?

i'm planning on working with titanium.
i want to know if "Same origin policy" can be eliminated by using titanium.
are there any drawbacks in titanium?
please recommend some cross-platforms..
please do leave some suggestions..
Thank you,
SOP is especially used for HTTP. So it doesn't concern titanium since it only use javascript as "local" language that is "translated" into xcode. at the end you got an simple xcode-project and an .app file.
i use it for a quite complex app and it works fine. i needed adding some features as module written in objC since the framework isn't as ongoing concering the iphone API as the native objC, but that worked out fine.
Since you are asking for the drawbacks of Titanium.. here it is..
I would not say that it's cross platform. Even my android app will look different in my Mac compared to the one developed in Windows.
Not all functions will work on Android and iPhone. Some will partially work on the other.
Ti is a biased and Android Developer are always left behind.
Also, if you are developing an Android app like me, you will be facing a lot of problems and Kitchen Sink will not always work. Android development in Ti is very bad and expect to find a lot of bugs.
Contacts API is not even complete as of now (Version 1.60) . I can't even get the contacts email and phone number!
No Bluetooth support
I spent a lot of hours "debugging" and waiting for the emulator rather than serious coding.
API refence and the QA will help a bit but there are more questions than answers.
Ti doesn't even have a proper debugging features as well as IDE. Make sure to dedicate a lot of hours in knowing how it works. I have a hard time finding a good resources to start.
Memory Problem and Leaks are very common.
Gradients will not work in Android (use image instead)
and last thing, Documentation really sucks!
(but still I love Ti despite all of the above)

Silverlight on ipad

What are the current possibilities to run silverlight on the iPad please ?
Other than the video streaming MS demo of course.
If there's no official packages or something, I'm interested in hacks too
Have a look at this article:
Also, perhaps you can give us more of an idea what you are trying to achieve with silverlight for a more detailed answer?
You should also bear in mind that the main issue is the support on the apple devices - a political decisions by Apple. There are ways and means to get the support unofficially, but I can vouch for them being flawed and as good as useless.
NO. There isn't anything available right now...
Try alternative solution.
With ABYTY Browser you can run any Flash and Silverlight apps for business and entertainment like on desktop.
For view Silverlight or Flash on your iPhone (iPad, iPod) you not need of jailbreaking it or installing any applications from the App Store or Cydia. You not need install flash player or silverlight on your iphone. Simply open link ABYTY Browser from iDevice and follow appeared instructions. At this moment it little bit ugly and not have sound, but working in basic on iPhone and iPod too.

Mobile Devices Advice

I would like to develop on a mobile device, probably with Windows Mobile platform, which device would you guys recommend for me to use? But one requirement on the device is that I need that device to be able to capture signature (human writing on the device).
Many Thanks
Sounds like any PocketPC (or "Professional") device would do. Personally I currently have an HTC Touch Pro, which would be suitable for what you describe. For testing purposes, it might also be a good idea to also test on a device with smaller resolutions (I have an HTC Elfin for example that would do well here, but it shows its age..). Or on the emulator provided with the SDKs.
However some of the newer ones have capacitive touch screens and no stylus. (For example HTC HD2.) So while HD2 is otherwise an excellent phone, capturing a human writing on it probably wouldn't work as well as older devices with resistive screens and a stylus.
Any Windows Mobile 6.0/6.1 based phone with resistive touch screen. A good example is HTC Touch Pro2.
Also, some S60 5th edition phones, such as N97, may be a good choice.
It depends on the languages you intend to use to write the application.
If it's Java, I'd go with an android system.
If you're a c# coder I'd say any windows device would be ok.. You could likely get one on EBay for dirt cheep and for the most part you can be sure your code will run on most of them (I know this is a generality), especially if you keep the code simple.
If you're a c++ developer then the same as above, any pocket PC/winmobile will do.
If you own a mac, and you've written apps in objective c then IPhone is a good choice.
In part you have to base decisions like this on what you know going in.
If you're a blank slate.... well then you've got to figure out what direction you want to take your knowledge. I've personally picked Java and Android because I've recently been convinced it's the road to the future.
