Handling large volume of data using Web API - sql-server

We have a long running DB query that populates a temporary table (we are not supposed to change this behavior) which results 6 to 10 million records, around 4 to 6 GB data.
I need to use .NET Web API for fetching data from SQL DB and the API is hosted on IIS. When a request comes from the client to API, query runs minimum 5 minutes based on amount of data in different joining tables and populates temp table. Then API has to read data from DB temp table and send it to client.
Without blocking client, without loosing DB temp table, without blocking IIS, how can we achieve this requirement?
Just thinking, if I use async API, will I be able to achieve this?

there are things you need to consider and things you can do.
if you kick off the query execution as the result of an API call, what happens if you get 10 calls to that endpoint, at the same time? Dead API, that's what going to happen.
You might be able to find a different trigger for the execution of the query, so you can run this query once per day for example or once every 4 hours and then store the result in a permanent table. The APIs job then only becomes to look at this table, not wait for anything and return some data.
The second thing you can do is to return only the data you need for the screen you are displaying. You are not going to show 4-6 gb worth of data in one go, I suspect you have some pagination there and you can rejig the code a little to only return one page of data in one go.
You don't say what kind of data you have, but if it something which doesn't require you to run that query very often then you can definitely make some improvements.
<---- edited after report clarification ---->
ok, since it's a report, here's another idea.
the aim is to make sure that the pressure is not on the api itself which needs to be responsive and quick. Let the API receive the request with the parameters needed. Offload the actual report generation activity to another service.
Keep track of what this service is doing so you can report on the status of the activity : has it started, is it finished, whatever else you need. You can use a queue for that, or simply keep track of jobs in the database.
generate the report file and store it somewhere.
email the user with the file attached or email a link so the user can download it. Another option is to provide a link to the report somewhere in the UI.


big data load in salesforce

I came across weird constraint, want to hear if anyone has resolved this issue.
Problem statement: load data in salesforce from outside. volume of data is 1 million record in a burst, every 3 hrs.
my source orchestration tool (NiFi) is capable of making this many REST API, but salesforce has asked not to use REST with this much throughput. I am not sure if its a limit of salesforce or product team has created a artificial ceiling.
they have suggested use dataloader, which seems to be a batch loader for salesforce, but it is not that fast either. also it has different issues. I cant trigger dataloader, when i get the data, so not that helpful either.
Long time back i have used Informatica to connect to salesforce, and we used to pass similar amount of data, and with no issue. Can someone answer how informatica connector has solved this bottleneck issue ?what does it use underneath?
also any other way to push this much data to salesforce?
Short answer: rethink your use case. Rewrite your app to use different mechanism of connecting to SF.
Long answer: Standard Salesforce API (SOAP or REST, doesn't matter) is synchronous. Request-response, job done. It's limited to 200 records max in one API call. Your volumes are better suited for bulk API. That one is REST-only (although it can accept XML, JSON or CSV), up to 10K records in one API call. The key difference is that it's asynchronous. You submit the job, you get back the job's id, you can check it (every 10 seconds? every minute?) "is it done yet? if it is - give me back my success/failure results". But every of these checks will of course consume 1 API call too. In meantime SF received a bunch of zipped files from you and will work on unzipping and processing them as fast as resources allow.
So (ignoring the initial login call) let's talk about limits. In sandboxes the 24h rolling limit of API calls is 5 million calls. Massive. In production it's 15K API calls + 1K per every full license user you have (sales cloud, service cloud) + you can buy more capacity... Or just go to Setup -> Company Information and check your limit.
let's say you have 5 users so 20K calls/day in production. In 24h at max capacity you'll be able to push 10K * 20K = 200M inserts/updates. Well, bit less because of login calls and checking the status and pulling down the results file but still - pretty good. If that's not enough - you have bigger problems ;) Using standard API would let you go 200 * 20K = mere 4M records.
SF support told you to use Data Loader because in DL it's just ticking a checkbox to use bulk API. You don't care that backend mechanism is different. You could even script Data Loader to run from commandline (https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/216/latest/en-us/sfdc/pdf/salesforce_data_loader.pdf chapter 4). Or if it's a Java application - just reuse the JAR file on top of which DL UI is built.
These might help too:

SalesForce API - Bulk vs REST debate

I have a database full of users and a Java code that queries for all of them (there are about 5,000), creates a dictionary with the relevant details for each one, and sends it to SalesForce to make sure the data i have there is up-to-date with the data in the DB.
This is a cron-job that runs daily.
My question is - which option is better?
Continue with this method, calling SalesForce's API 5,000 times a day.
Create one big dictionary comprised of all of the 5,000 user's dictionaries, and use SalesForce's Bulk API to insert/update them all at once with just a single API call.
What do you think?
Advantages/disadvantages of each one?
I think you're looking wrong at the APIs. Forget bulk API for now.
SOAP API and REST API have identical or nearly identical capabilities. Pick what you feel more comfortable with / which Java libraries you know better. To name few key factors:
Request size: They both support sending more than 1 record at a time, up to 200 in fact. So first consider restructuring your code to send more in each update. You'll save on API calls (rolling limit through 24 hours), it'll be faster (less overhead introduced by network traffic)...
Error handling: If your update fails - they'll all give you the errors on same position in the returned message (5th input record -> 5th success/error record) so you can match stuff even if it'd be insert and not update (because with updates the errors also include Ids).
"All or none": do you want to save what you can in that batch of N records or it should be all or nothing, proper database rollback if something goes wrong? In SOAP API you specify it in the message header, in REST - as a HTTP header.
One advantage I can think REST API has would be authentication. With SOAP you need the username + password + sometimes token. REST would let you use OAuth flows - it never hurts to not have to save the password in your program... Might be less important if it's a cron job though.
Right, so potentially we're looking at 5K/200 = 25 requests / day. Much better.
Bulk API would let you do it in 1 chunk of up to 10K records. But it's asynchronous. You submit a job, it's queued for processing, you get back job id, you need to periodically check the status, download results, process them (unzip etc). It's doable but seems to be bit of an overkill for your situation. Consider bulk API when you're talking about +100K records.
And even then probably you wouldn't hand-craft it anyway but maybe reuse something. Did you know you can script the DataLoader to run from console (including cron jobs / windows task scheduler?). That DataLoader is pretty much a thin UI wrapper over a JAR file you can just directly use? And it supports all operations you need.
Maybe even you'll decide to use with some integration solution like dataloader.io, jitterbit, informatica... (then again these might be an overkill too)... Hell, there's even a SQL Server plugin that pretends Salesforce is just a regular database with ODBC driver so you fire normal SQL queries, updates etc.

How often should I have my server sync to the database?

I am developing a web-app right now, where clients will frequently (every few seconds), send read/write requests on certain data. As of right now, I have my server immediately write to the database when a user changes something, and immediately read from the database when they want to view something. This is working fine for me, but I am guessing that it would be quite slow if there were thousands of users online.
Would it be more efficient to save write requests in an object on the server side, then do a bulk update at a certain time interval? This would help in situations where the same data is edited multiple times, since it would now only require one db insert. It would also mean that I would read from the object for any data that hasn't yet been synced, which could mean increased efficiency by avoiding db reads. At the same time though, I feel like this would be a liability for two reasons: 1. A server crash would erase all data that hasn't yet been synced. 2. A bulk insert has the possibility of creating sudden spikes of lag due to mass database calls.
How should I approach this? Is my current approach ok, or should I queue inserts for a later time?
If a user makes a change to data and takes an action that (s)he expects will save the data, you should do everything you can to ensure the data is actually saved. Example: Let's say you delay the write for a while. The user is in a hurry, makes a change then closes the browser. If you don't save right when they take an action that they expect saves the data, there would be a data loss.
Web stacks generally scale horizontally. Don't start to optimize this kind of thing unless there's evidence that you really have to.

Database time acces in Heroku with Play Framework

I am having a problem and I need your help.
I am working with Play Framework v1.2.4 in java, and my server is uploaded in the Heroku servers.
All works fine, I can access to my databases and all is ok, but I am experiment troubles when I do a couple of saves to the database.
I have a method who store data many times in the database and return a notification to a mobile phone. My problem is that the notification arrives before the database finish to save the data, because when it arrives I request for the update data to the server, and it returns the data without the last update. After a few seconds I have trying to update again, and the data shows correctly, therefore I think there is a time-access problem.
The idea would be that when the databases end to save the data, the server send the notification.
I dont know if this is caused because I am using the free version of the Heroku Servers, but I want to be sure before purchasing it.
In general all requests to cloud databases are always slower than the same working on your local machine. Even simply query that on your computer needs just 0.0001 sec can be as slow as 0.5 sec in the cloud. Reason is simple clouds providers uses shared databases + (geo) replications, which just... cannot be compared to the database accessed only by one program on the same machine.
Also keep in mind that free Heroku DB plans doesn't offer ANY database cache, which means that every query is fetched from the cloud directly.
As we don't know your application it's hard to say what is the bottleneck anyway almost for sure you have at least 3 ways to solve your problem. They are not an alternatives, probably you will need to use (or at least check) all of them.
You need to risk some basic plan and see how things changed with paid version, maybe it will be good enough for you, maybe not.
Redesign your application to make less queries. For an example instead sending 10 queries to select 10 different rows, you will need to send one query, which selects all 10 records at once.
Use Play's cache API to avoid repeating selecting the same set of data again and again. For an example, if you have some categories, which changes rarely, but you need category tree for each article, you don't need to fetch categories from DB every time, instead you can store a List of categories in cache, so you will need to use only one request to fetch article's content (which can be cached for some short time as well...)

Message Queue or DataBase insert and select

I am designing an application and I have two ideas in mind (below). I have a process that collects data appx. 30 KB and this data will be collected every 5 minutes and needs to be updated on client (web side-- 100 users at any given time). Information collected does not need to be stored for future usage.
I can get data and insert into database every 5 minutes. And then client call will be made to DB and retrieve data and update UI.
Collect data and put it into Topic or Queue. Now multiple clients (consumers) can go to Queue and obtain data.
I am looking for option 2 as better solution because it is faster (no DB calls) and no redundancy of storage.
Can anyone suggest which would be ideal solution and why ?
I don't really understand the difference. The data has to be temporarily stored somewhere until the next update, right.
But all users can see it, not just the first person to get there, right? So a queue is not really an appropriate data structure from my interpretation of your system.
Whether the data is written to something persistent like a database or something less persistent like part of the web server or application server may be relevant here.
Also, you have tagged this as real-time, but I don't see how the web-clients are getting updates real-time without some kind of push/long-pull or whatever.
Seems to me that you need to use a queue and publisher/subscriber pattern.
This is an article about RabitMQ and Publish/Subscribe pattern.
I can get data and insert into database every 5 minutes. And then client call will be made to DB and retrieve data and update UI.
You can program your application to be event oriented. For ie, raise domain events and publish your message for your subscribers.
When you use a queue, the subscriber will dequeue the message addressed to him and, ofc, obeying the order (FIFO). In addition, there will be a guarantee of delivery, different from a database where the record can be delete, and yet not every 'subscriber' have gotten the message.
The pitfalls of using the database to accomplish this is:
Creation of indexes makes querying faster, but inserts slower;
Will have to control the delivery guarantee for every subscriber;
You'll need TTL (Time to Live) strategy for the records purge (considering delivery guarantee);
