AppEngine deploy error - HttpIoException: Error posting to URL - google-app-engine

Today we start recieving this message when trying to deploy.
Scanned 8750 files.
Scanned 9000 files.
Scanned 9250 files.
Scanned 9500 files.
Scanned 9750 files.
Initiating update.
Cloning 711 static files.
Cloning 9233 application files.
Cloned 2000 files.
Cloned 4000 files.
Cloned 6000 files.
Cloned 8000 files.
Uploading 0 files.
Initializing precompilation...
Deploying new version.
Rolling back the update. Error posting to URL:
500 Internal Server Error
<h3>Server Error</h3><p>A server error has occurred.</p>
Debugging information may be found in C:\Users\usuario\AppData\Local\Temp\appengine-deploy6314649189927600314.log
Debugging information file contents:
Unable to update: Error posting to URL:
500 Internal Server Error
<h3>Server Error</h3><p>A server error has occurred.</p>
Important considerations:
The appengine-web.xml file has no errors.
We tried deploying in different versions with no success.
The application can be deployed in another appengine application, but not in our production application.
We have no cuota-related problems. Our payments have no
Our current versions:
GWT SDK 2.4.0
App Engine 1.9.54
Java 7
I was able to deploy today (2018/03/18) with no changes to code or configuration files. I guess Google did something to solve the issue.

500 A server error has occurred on deployment is usually related to malformed configs, including app.yaml and cron.yaml (and Java equivalents). Or if unsupported stanzas are included. Please check your GAE app configs and attempt to strip them down to the essentials just to narrow down which stanzas/flags are messing up the deployment.


Download logs from Google App Engine with server errors

I try to download the logs from my Google App Engines with the command: request_logs [directory] mylogs.txt
However, I encountered the server error as below:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine> request_logs E:\PhD\cod
e\python\webDevelop\similarAPI\similarAPI/ mylogs.txt
05:22 PM Application: similarapi
05:22 PM Host:
05:22 PM Downloading request logs for app similarapi version 1.
Error 500: --- begin server output ---
Server Error (500)
A server error has occurred.
--- end server output ---
I have looked at the official document and related Stack Overflow questions, but no clues are found. Actually I can get the logs in Dec, 2016 but not now. And I tried it for one week without the success, so it should not be the error of Google's infrastructure.
Does anyone know how to solve that problem? Thanks in advance.
Just a workaround, not a direct answer.
The GAE SDK might be getting a bit less attention compared to the cloud SDK (which is the recommended one lately). I, for one, can't even get as far as you got since request_logs can't properly detect my multi-service app from its directory and was not happy with any syntax attempt I made to specify it via args.
But I have the cloud SDK installed as well and I was able to get the logs for my app using gcloud app logs read (after setting up the gcloud context for my app)
FWIW, this isn't yet enough to make me switch, I'm still primarily a GAE SDK user. YMMV.
Finally, it has be proved that it is a bug of Google's infrastructure from 22 Mar to 10 Apr, 2017. Three related bug reports can be seen in the Google Issue Tracker 36637246, 37192011, 36969442.
Now the command request_logs [directory] mylogs.txt works well.

Can't deploy my App Engine since SDK 1.9.46

Since I upgraded my Gradle build to deploy my App Engine application with SDK 1.9.46, I get deployment conflict messages, like the one below.
Beginning interaction for module admin...
0% Created staging directory at: '/var/folders/m8/6z4h4k2x11s3whxrqmd79lym0000gn/T/appcfg2292422843793738444.tmp'
5% Scanning for jsp files.
8% Generated git repository information file.
20% Scanning files on local disk.
25% Scanned 250 files.
28% Scanned 500 files.
31% Scanned 750 files.
33% Scanned 1000 files.
34% Initiating update.
Nov 13, 2016 11:11:41 AM send1
WARNING: Error posting to URL:
409 Conflict
There is an operation pending for this application: AppLock held for "Updating engine_version_id='dev' within engine_id='default'." acquired by Peter.Fortuin at 2016-11-13 09:15:05.482616 GMT. Please wait and try again or use 'appcfg rollback' to attempt to cleanly abort the current operation.
This is try #0
A rollback if not solving the problem. The only thing that seems to work is downgrading the App Engine SDK to 1.9.44. But that gives me other problems that I don't want to solve.
Anybody has any idea how to solve this? Can it be that this is a bug in the 1.9.46 SDK? Anybody else seeing the same thing?
I have resolved this problem by changing 'service' to 'module' in appengine-web.xml of my module.
See for more information.

GAE Managed VMs - can't deploy if your project name is too long

Currently the GAE Managed VMs feature is broken for any project with a name longer than 27 characters.
The underlying issue is that Docker restricts image namespace to between 4-30 chars. This has been fixed ( but is still awaiting a release at time of writing.
It seems when deploying a Managed VM to GAE that the namespace is automatically generated from your project name plus _m_ prefix. This leads to error when attempting to deploy the vm:
DEBUG: "POST /v1.10/images/<my project name>/<my project name>.default.20150330t140211/push HTTP/1.1" 500 111
INFO: Exception 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error ("Invalid namespace name (_m_<my project name>). Cannot be fewer than 4 or more than 30 characters.") thrown in ProgressHandler. Retrying.
The obvious solution would be for GAE gcloud tools to respect the underlying limit via some auto-truncation or hashing scheme.
Does anyone know a way around this? Or I have to wait for Google to fix or Docker to release a new version and Google to update?
We're aware of the issue and we're working on a long-term fix. For now, you can switch to an old version of gcloud. You can do this by setting this variable to point to an old version (0.9.51):
gcloud config set --scope=installation component_manager/fixed_sdk_version 0.9.51
then run "gcloud components update"
Then run "gcloud config set app/hosted_registry false"
and you should be able to deploy. I'll update this answer when we've fixed the naming issue.
The naming issue has been fixed as of this week's release (0.9.57).

Server giving 404 not found

I am deploying a spring application which contains files with around 100000 entries. Each row in the file has about 23 chars.
The app deploys fine when a file has 100000 entries but when I increase the contents to 400000 entries, when I access my app url I get a 404 Not found error.
I need to figure out what causes the crash ( whether a memory problem or something else ) but I do not see anything erroneous in the tomcat log files, using the command vmc files [app_name] tomcat/logs/catalina.... just info messages related to server startup.
Are there other options to debug the issue?
I would look into what Dan has mentioned! Also can you look at the logs folder to see if the files there give more information.
vmc logs <app-name>
vmc files <app-name> logs/stderr.log
vmc files <app-name> logs/stdout.log
Okay, the application was using too much memory, as a result the Java processes was being destroyed causing the router to return a 404 when trying to route to the application.

App Engine deployment fails with "Client Error (400) The request is invalid for an unspecified reason."

my python27 app deployment is failing for some reasons:
2012-03-09 16:46:25 Running command: "['C:\\Python27\\pythonw.exe', '-u', 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\google_appengine\\', '--no_cookies', u'', '--passin', 'update', 'C:\\Users\\XXXXXXXXXXXXXX\\GoogleAppEngine\\XXXXXXXXXXXXXX']"
Application: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX; version: 1
Starting update of app: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, version: 1
Getting current resource limits.
Password for Scanning files on local disk.
Scanned 500 files.
Scanned 1000 files.
Scanned 1500 files.
Scanned 2000 files.
Scanned 2500 files.
Cloning 2973 static files.
Cloned 100 files.
Cloned 200 files.
Cloned 300 files.
Cloned 400 files.
Cloned 500 files.
Cloned 600 files.
Cloned 700 files.
Cloned 800 files.
Cloned 900 files.
Cloned 1000 files.
Cloned 1100 files.
Cloned 1200 files.
Cloned 1300 files.
Cloned 1400 files.
Cloned 1500 files.
Cloned 1600 files.
Cloned 1700 files.
Cloned 1800 files.
Cloned 1900 files.
Cloned 2000 files.
Cloned 2100 files.
Cloned 2200 files.
Cloned 2300 files.
Cloned 2400 files.
Cloned 2500 files.
Cloned 2600 files.
Cloned 2700 files.
Cloned 2800 files.
Cloned 2900 files.
Cloning 3 application files.
Uploading 4 files and blobs.
Uploaded 4 files and blobs
Compilation starting.
Compilation completed.
Starting deployment.
Rolling back the update.
Error 400: --- begin server output ---
Client Error (400)
The request is invalid for an unspecified reason.
--- end server output ---
2012-03-09 16:47:14 (Process exited with code 1)
You can close this window now.
How can I debug that?
Just recording my experience in this related question.
I got a 'Client Error 400/unspecified reason' because my app.yaml error handlers were pointing to files in a static directory.
I moved the error files to a separate directory and updated app.yaml paths.
Update worked properly.
i know this is an old question, but i thought i would provide the solution that worked for me. Select Control from the GAE Launcher, then Clear Deployment Credential. Deploy again. The deployment script will open a web page where GAE is requesting access to use your Google account to authenticate. the answer from Jen Tong helped me get to my solution.
This is a fall-back error message that is triggered when your deployment sends very unexpected data to App Engine during deployment.
In other words, there's no quick fix here, but there are a couple things you can check:
Check your apps metadata in app.yaml for Python and appengine-web.xml for Java. Double check each field. If the application name is very wrong, it may trigger this error.
Make sure that your deployment credentials are valid. If you're authenticating with OAuth 2.0, try using password based authentication.
Deleting some files worked for me. Looks like there may be a 1000 file hard limit for apps on GAE, and this obscure error code is at least in part used to document being over the limit.
I has this because I had an rogue ) in my app.yaml. I'd check the last thing(s) you did for errors because although your app may upload, an error may cause the application not to deploy.
One of the causes of this error is having more than 1000 files in a folder.
For me I had about 1k images but then 9 folders and I think that put it over the top. I haven't checked if the limitation also exists for folder counts but I imagine it does.
