Jenkins error: Can't find Xvfb installation - jenkins-plugins

I defined Xvfb installation on Jenkins according to these instructions:
Access Manage Jenkins >> Global Tool Configuration. In Section Xvfb installation, put name and fill the field Directory in which to find Xvfb executable with /usr/bin.
But this error appears:
Home path does not contain Xfvb executable: /usr/bin and build fails with following error: No Xvfb installations defined, please define one in the configuration. Once defined you’ll need to choose one under Advanced options for Xvfb plugin job settings and save job configuration.
I have Xvfb plugin version 1.1.3
How can I solve this problem?

Even I faced the same issue while setting up the jenkins
Manually I had to set the path like below
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin/Xvfb"
And then adding /usr/bin in Global Tool Configuration under "Directory in which to find Xvfb executable " solved the issue. Hope this helps.


ModuleNotFoundError in Spyder

I tried to import the biopython package in Spyder and got the error message:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'biopython'
although biopython is installed.
I also checked the PYTHONPATH: there is a path set into the directory where the packages are stored.
Can somebody help? Did I miss something? Thanks for your help!
If you're using Anaconda, it's best to install all the packages you want from Anaconda if possible. You can check if a package is available with (e.g.):
conda search biopython
When I try that command it shows that biopython is available, so assuming you have access to the standard conda channels you should be able to get it this way.
Assuming you haven't already created a conda environment to work with, start by creating a new one with the packages you want to use:
conda create -n myenvname spyder biopython
where myenvname is the name you want to give the environment - call it whatever you like. If you want to use other packages as well, add their names to the end of this command. Then once the env is completed, activate it:
activate myenvname
or if this doesn't work, on Mac or Linux:
source activate myenvname
and start Spyder in this environment:
Each time you want to use this environment in future you will need to activate it first. You may also be able to do some of these tasks through the Anaconda Navigator or via Start menu shortcuts but the command line version will always work.
If there's a package you want that isn't available from conda but is available via pip, just use the pip command after creating and activating the environment.
If you are using Anaconda, a solution could be
conda install -c main biopython
The official repository page helped me when I got your error message because numpy was not in place.

Gatling Error: There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in user-files/simulations

I'm new to Gatling and I'm trying to use ./ to open a simulation script but I'm getting the following error:
There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in
I can view multiple scripts within the user-files/simulations directory but still get the error.
Does anyone have any ideas why Gatling is not finding the simulation script?
The error doesn't necessarily mean that there are no scripts, but that the gatling was not able to find compiled script.
In details
I was facing a similar error, but it was something like this:
Could not reserve enough space for 1048576KB object heap
There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in user-files/simulations
So I opened the gatling.bat file and changed the parameter of set JAVA_OPTS from -Xmx1G to be -Xmx512M:
set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xmx512M...
After I did that, the gatling was able to really start running, compiling the files and display:
Choose a simulation number:
[0] computerdatabase.BasicSimulation
[1] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep01
[2] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep02
[3] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep03
[4] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep04
[5] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep05
Gatling can only run with Jdk8. For windows, you can install multiple JDK as well. After install JDK8, go to your bin/gatling.bat, right click on that and select Edit.
Replace all %JAVA_HOME% with the your JDK8 path.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin\java.exe
Make sure that you have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set.
On a Mac, you can type "env" in Terminal to show all of your environment variables. On Windows, type "set" in cmd to get a list.
You should see something like:
You should first check your scala code and remove all the errors from your file/all the files, even if any one of the file has some issues then none of the test is going to get compiled and run.
Please check the package names and the file actually belongs to same package or not. [this was the issue in my case.]
Check indentation, it should not mismatch. [this was also there in my case]
Then you can check replacing JAVA_HOME in gatling.bat or file with the actual path as mentioned by some guys here.
Lastly you can change the JAVA_OPTS like mentioned by some one in above comments.[from -Xmx1G to be -Xmx512M]
This error may be caused by JAVA_HOME wrongly set.
Following Gatling documentation the system needs JDK8 to run:
Does not support JDK9 at the moment.
To check if you have JDK8 installed on Mac for example you can do:
# List Java versions installed
/usr/libexec/java_home -V
if you get:
Matching Java Virtual Machines (1):
9.0.4, x86_64: "Java SE 9.0.4" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
Means that there is only JDK9 installed. Then you have to download and instal JDK8 (in Mac you can have several JDK installed), now the previous command returns:
Matching Java Virtual Machines (2):
9.0.4, x86_64: "Java SE 9.0.4" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
1.8.0_171, x86_64: "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_171.jdk/Contents/Home
and we can set JAVA_HOME with JDK8:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)
After these steps running should not show the error anymore.
Add the next code to logback.xml
<root level="WARN">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />
And start
P.S. it's magical

Opendaylight (odl) ovs-vsctl not found error

I am following this tutorial:
I am trying to use the following code in opendaylight using karaf
ovs-vsctl show
But the command window says Command not found: ovs-vsctl
I have installed all the necessary libraries and the local host server (http://localhost:8181/dlux/index.html) is running fine. But somehow odl can't find ovs.
Can anyone tell me what's the error? I am running win 8.
Thank you
You need to run this command outside of karaf terminal.
Firstly, you should have ovs(Open Virtual Switch) or Mininet installed, and then create one or two open switches.
Basically, you started the SDN controller in karaf, and now in the step you are encountering problem, the switches need to be assigned ODL controller as their manager.
You must check also that ovsdb is already installed in karaf.
For that, try to execute the next command:
feature:list | grep ovsdb
That command will display all the ovsdb components/features that are available in your karaf distribution. The third column will indicate you if a given component is already installed or not (if you see an X, that means that the component is installed). If you want to install a component/feature:
feature:install <name_of_the_feature>
After that, try to execute it outside of karaf, as Sidhant01 has indicated you before.
Try to do it with sudo:
sudo ovs-vsctl show.
If you want to configure ovsdb in an active mode:
tools-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:
tools-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
Manager "tcp:"
is_connected: true
ovs_version: "2.0.2"

Getting Error while deploying to App Engine

Unable to locate the JVM for project scrapbook1. Please verify that you have a project-level JVM installed by inspecting your project's build path.
I get this error in the console when i debug my web application in Eclipse
Please help !!!
Have you installed JVM/JDK? Assuming you are on Windows, go to command prompt and type
This should the path to JDK. If it does not, then you need to install JDK and set the parameter JAVA_HOME in environment variables.
Once you have installed JDK and set the variable, check following: Go to Java build path of your project (Hit Alt+Enter on your project) and see if it shows JRE system library as shown in image:
I had the same problem, but the JDK was installed. I just updated all the libraries 'Help -> Check for Updates' and then restarted Eclipse. After that, everything worked.

Pinax build_static error

Following the Pinax documentation (development version), I set up an app in a virtual environment. Then, I ran "python build_static" inside my project directory. That triggered an error:
Unknown command: 'build_static'
What am I missing here?
you must to activate the virtual environment first
Ex: $ source ../pinax-env/bin/activate
see here
