How to inject properly my vendor from node_modules with gulp - angularjs

I'm really getting crazy!
I have bower on my project but since is now deprecated I need to migrate my vendor dependecies.
I'm using gulp to automatize injection on index.html.
Now, I want use only npm as package manager.
I tried mixing npmfiles and browserify, but my trouble is with the injection of css files and also with the order of the js' injection.
For the first case, css files are not catched from node_modules, this behavior is correct because npmfiles catch only the main file tagged on packages.json. I?m not been able to find something similar good about gulp + node_modules for css.
Someone of you have experience on that?
Is using npm for frontend vendor/plugin a logic error?


How to edit config files in react-create-app?

I want to use some third-party packages upon react, which are: - a design system - for generating and validating forms.
I am using create-react-app for as a boilerplate
After installing all packages (with yarn) and running yart start I am getting this error:
How can I add #babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties without running yarn eject to modify .babelrc file?
Or is there any other solution for this problem?
It looks like the only way is to eject. CRA has purposely avoided too much customization. See

'Failed to minify the code from this file' appearing in create-react-app when trying to build production

I have created a react project using Create-React-App and now would like generate the production build. When I use npm run build I am getting the error:
Failed to minify the code from this file:
Create-React-App suggests the following corses of action:
To resolve this:
Open an issue on the dependency's issue tracker and ask that the package be published pre-compiled.
Fork the package and publish a corrected version yourself.
If the dependency is small enough, copy it to your src/ folder and treat it as application code.
will take to long and seems to already be a issue (#50) raised for pify.
I am not sure how I would approach but I think it may be the best option
is not going to work because it is a dependency of a different package.
What I am looking for is come guidance on how to solve this solution before I use option 2 and rewrite a whole package.
I belive the solution would involve ejecting from create-react-app and messing with the webpack config file.

How should I include aws-appsync in AngularJS project

I am working on a AngularJS project that uses bower as package manager and gulp to inject the dependencies into the index.html file. I am not very familiar with both of these tools.
I now want to use AWS AppSync, but it is not available as a bower package.
Currently the AWS SDK is specified as a file dependency in bower.json as:
"aws-sdk": "./thirdparty/script/aws-sdk-2.69.0.min.js",
When I install aws-appsync with npm npm install aws-appsync the node_modules folder for aws-appsync contains multiple js files in the lib directory.
How can I include these with bower or is there another way to do this altogether?
I am currently unable to change much of the build and dependency management process so any suggestions working with the current tools would be much appreciated.
Thanks for reaching out!
The Bower team itself has recommended that people migrate to npm or yarn, and so aws-appsync has not been pushed to Bower.
It might be worth investigating whether you can install directly from github using something like...
bower install <github url>.git
... and install directly from the appsync-sdk github repo.
In the end I hacked together an interim solution until I can move the whole project over to npm and browserify.
I added the aws-appsync package using npm and required it in a new file. This file is then passed through a gulp task that uses the browserify plugin. The added file is then included into the rest of the build process as before.

Taking over React site. Is there a precompiler?

I have been tasked to maintain an existing React site. It appears that all .js and .jsx files are being compiled into one react-application.js file. I have made some changes to the code and need to move the code to staging. However I am not sure how to proceed. Being fairly new to React I am sure I have missed something here. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Image of the root folder as requested:
Image of the resources/assets/js folder:
So, there's two important files I see in the root directory:
If you're not familiar with npm, you're going to need to be. package.json lists all the npm packages that are required to build and run this project. Once you have npm installed globally, you're going to want to run npm install on the command line from the root of your project.
gulpfile.js is a script that should be executed by the task runner gulp. You're also going to want to have gulp installed and review the documentation to familiarize yourself with it. Your gulpfile.js will define one or more tasks. One of these most will likely transpile and bundle your .jsx files into a single browser friendly script. It most likely makes use of other npm packages to do so, which you also may need to familiarize yourself with.
You can run these various tasks by calling gulp [taskname] from the command line in the root directory. Quite likely there is a master task set to default which will run by simply calling gulp.
There's a pretty good chance gulp is also set to compile Sass and handle other tasks as well.
One more thing. The root directory also contains a .bowerrc. This would have been created by Bower, a package manager that was popular before npm. However there is no bower.json file, which I would expect to find.
This is a bit of a red flag for me. Hopefully, all of your dependencies are now included via package.json and whoever removed Bower just neglected to clean up the .bowerrc. But if your build process still depends on Bower assets, not having a bower.json is going to be a problem.

gulp-inject not loading all bower components

I'm using the yeoman generator-gulp-angular to scaffold my app. I installed ng-18next with bower, and the package and it's dependency were both correctly installed in the bower_components directory. However, when I run gulp serve and view the source the components aren't being injected into page, so I get a module instantiation error. If I hard code the deps into the page there are no errors. I also tried bower install --save and the deps are inserted into the bower.json file correctly. Any ideas?
I had hard-coded script references in index.html. Even though they were commented, this caused them not to be injected with wiredep.
