How to remote debug Vespa in standalone mode? - vespa

How do I remote debug vespa in standalone mode?
Especially the custom components like Searchers, Processors?

Please take a look at the container documentation for remote debugging with IntelliJ IDEA. First, set up a remote debugging configuration in IDEA as shown in this SO post. Then, add the jvm arguments to the container/nodes element in your services.xml:
<container id='default' version='1.0'>
<nodes jvmargs='-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 -Dvespa.freezedetector.disable=1'>
<node hostalias='node1'/>
Just make sure the port numbers in IDEA and services.xml match.


Running Vespa outside Docker

I'd like to run an instance of Vespa outside of a container (e.g. Docker). The Docker path is definitely quite convenient and works great. But I would like to go thru the process by hand of setting up an instance on macOS and seeing more of the 'nuts and bolts' of Vespa.
It appears there are nice docs which outline a path to building RPM's for Centos, etc. Would walking thru that process and adapting to macOS be my best bet?
Unfortunately, running Vespa on MacOS directly is not yet supported. I'd suggest instead running a CentOS VM or cloud instance and experimenting there.

Apache Ignite JMX Host not set?

I've setup an Ignite Server on a linux machine, that I'm configuring
and running over putty.
I wrote around 50.000 Key Value Pairs into the Heap.
But I´m not getting all the Data back?
Since I restarted the server, I'm getting this error:
bin/, WARN: Failed to resolve JMX host (JMX will be disabled): ignite-demo.novalocal
How can I resolve those problems?
You can set JMX_PORT=some port value in environment variables.
There are few solutions by gridgain experts like set IGNITE_JMX_PORT but it simply gives warning at start. See code in ignite.bat if you want to know more.

Unable to start Zookeeper on windows

Hello I am trying to use SolrCloud on different machine. for that I have refereed these documents: here & here
But I am facing an issue: Could not find or load main class org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain in windows
Here is a screenshot:
Can you please help how to Start Zookeeper server on windows.
Please note I have tried to run with command zkServer as well without start word.
Make sure you have zookeeper-3...jar in your classpath.
Its generally placed in zookeeper/dist-maven/
You can add up that location too in ur zkServer.cmd

How to check if Tomcat runnning using Embedded Tomcat

In reference with one of the articles: Howto embed Tomcat 6?
I understood how to embed tomcat in a java application. Thanks for that.
However I need to know if there is any elegant method provided by org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded to check if the container is already started or not?
For example, if I create a batch file for the example given in the link above and click it twice; second time it would fail with JVM_BIND error; tomcat is running.
Please help.
You could use the example code given on the Tomcat wiki
Note: This doesnt use Embedded
It is trying to connect to the Tomcat ip:port and seeing if it responds.

Hosting Multiple Domains on Same Server Port with Apache2

How do I configure Apache2 via webmin or command-line (I'm using RHEL5 Linux) so that I can have multiple domains on the same server on the same port but in different subdirectories?
For instance, trying to get and to be detected on port 80 (default port) on the same server. I know that my DNS holds the two addresses and web hits currently go to the same test page. Now all I need is for web hits to go to a subdirectory, but not show this subdirectory. For instance, I do not want people going to and being redirected back to Instead, would go to /var/www/html/homerentals, while would go to var/www/html/homerepair, but would not look any differently in the URL.
On IIS, I did this once with host-header detection. But I don't know how to do it on RHEL5 Linux via webmin or file editing. I'm stuck.
The feature you're describing is known as virtual hosts. Have a look at Apache's documentation. In general you need to edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file to make things happen (maybe it can be edited through webmin, but I'm not familiar with it).
