Using setTimeout to avoid re-renders in React - reactjs

There is a pattern that I use often that I feel must be an anti-pattern but I don't know a better alternative.
Occasionally my components may receive one or more events that mean that a re-render is necessary. Sometimes it is the case that I do not know how many times the event handlers will be called. To prevent multiple re-renders as a result of many calls to the handlers I do something like this:
_myEventHandler() { // may be called multiple times between renders
if (!this._updateQueued) {
this._updateQueued = true;
this._updateTimer = setTimeout(() => {
this._updateQueued = false;
}, 0);
The problem here is I feel it can't be performant due to the latency between code stopping and the event loop starting.
A real world example of this is when I am using react-visibility-sensor and I have multiple elements change their visibility at once, I don't want to re-render for each element, instead I want just one re-render once all the updates have been received.
Is there another better way to deal with multiple calls?
BTW: if you are going to use the above hack don't forget to call clearTimout(this._updateQueued) in your componentWillUnmount

A debounce will reduce the number of times a certain piece of code is run, regardless of how often it is called. Here is a rather simple implementation.
const debounce = (callable, time) => {
let timeout;
return function() {
const functionCall = () => callable.apply(this, arguments);
timeout = setTimeout(functionCall, time);
And this is how to use it.
const debouncedIteration = debouce(() => {
console.log("Iteration"); // This will be called once every 1000 milliseconds.
}, 1000);
while (true) {

You can avoid re-renders using this lifecycle method shouldComponentUpdate (as also mentioned by #fungusanthrax). Keep this inside your react component :
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return !isEqual(this.props, nextProps) || !isEqual(this.state, nextState);
using isEqual from lodash here, make sure to include it.
This will only re-render your component when there's a change in props or state value.
To install lodash:
npm install -S lodash
and import isEqual in your component file :
import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';


How to design my React project better without using shouldComponentUpdate

I am trying to construct 1-minute candlestick.
I have a component that will continuously passing a number (the trade price) to his child component.
This child component will keep update its state: (High, Low, Open, Close) base on the new number he gets from the parent. (e.g. if the number coming in, is higher than the current this.state.high, it will update this.state.high to the new number) After every minute a setInterval function it will take the states and construct a candle and pass it down to its own children.
the state are:
high, low, open, close, newCandle
I got it working by using
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps:props, nextState:state){
if(this.props !== nextProps)
this.updateStates(nextProps.newTradePrice); //will update the high, low, open, close state
if(JSON.stringify(nextState.nextMinuteCandle) !== JSON.stringify(this.state.nextMinuteCandle) ) //once the one minute interval is up, there will be a function that will auto set the newCandle state to a new Candle base on the current high, low, open, close state
return true;
return false;
I read in the document that shouldComponentUpdate should only be used for optimization not to prevent something to reRender. I am using this to prevent reRender and infinite loop.
I've been stuck on this for days, I cant figure out a way to design this better. Any advice on how to design this better?
2nd related question:
In fact I am relying on shouldComponentUpdate for almost ALL my component too. This can't be right. e.g.
I have a CalculateAverageVolume child component, that takes in the this.state.newCandle. And update the volume every time the newCandle changes (i.e. every minute)
constructor(props: props) {
this.state = {
currentAverage: 0,
showVolume: true
this.setState({showVolume: false});
updateAvg(newCandleStick: CandleStick){
//do caluation and use this.setState to update the this.state.currentAverage
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps:props, nextState:state)
if(JSON.stringify(this.props.candleStick) !== JSON.stringify(nextProps.candleStick) || this.state.showVolume !== nextState.showVolume){
return true;
return false;
render() {
return (
{(this.state.showVolume &&
Can someone please teach me how to design this or restructure this? This works perfectly, but doesn't seem like the right way to do it
I would simplify the component like below.
import { useMemo, useState, memo, useCallback } from "react";
function Component({ candleStick }) {
// use props here to calculate average
const updateAverage = () => 0; // use candleStick props to calculate avg here
const [showVolume, setShowVolume] = useState();
// Compute the average from prop when component re-renders
// I would also add useMemo if `updateAverage` is an expensive function
// so that when prop remains same and `showVolume` changes we don't need to calculate it again
const currentAverage = useMemo(updateAverage, [candleStick]);
const onCloseHandler = useCallback(() => setShowVolume(val => !val), []);
return showVolume ? (
) : null;
// If true is returned, component won't re-render.
// Btw React.memo by default would do shallow comparison
// But if deep comparison function is required, I would use lodash or other utility to do the check instead of JSON.stringify.
const arePropsEqual = (prev, next) =>
isEqual(prev.candleStick, next.candleStick);
export default memo(Component, arePropsEqual);
shouldComponentUpdate is usually reserved for discrete events that you can control. Howevr, it seems like you are dealing with a continuous stream of data.
Two ways to handle it:
Pass down a function reference that handles a stream to the child component and let that handle you state updates in your child component.
Use the context API to inform child component about the changes
Reference implementation :
Upadting State with Context API :
Streams :
React with Streams :
I hit the same spot you're in when starting React. The problem here is that React, at least the basic aspects of it, isn't enough when you're talking about data flow. What you need to look into is a React data management framework, of which Redux is probably the most popular. Go look at Redux and make sure you're looking at the latest documentation based around hooks.
You'll say to yourself "Oh! That makes perfect sense" - I know I did.
Other, similar frameworks are React Query and React's own Context API. The main point I'm trying to make is that you really need data management to do the thing you're looking for.

React useEffect forces me to add dependencies that trigger an infinite loop

Why is React forcing me with their linter plugin to add dependencies that I don't want?
For example, I want my effect to trigger only when a certan value changes, yet the linter tells me to add even functions to the dependencies, and I don't want that.
Why it forces me to do that? What do I gain from that?
* Gets all items, pages, until 250th.
useEffect(() => {
let mounted = true;
if (loadUntil250th && !paginationProps.complete) {
mounted && setLoading(true);
let limit = 250 - * BATCH_LIMIT;
fetchListItems(paginationProps, limit, * BATCH_LIMIT)
.then((results) => {
if (mounted) {
page: 250 / BATCH_LIMIT,
autoLoad: false,
complete: paginationProps.totalItems <= 250,
.catch((err) => {
logger.log('LOADMORE FAILED:', err);
mounted && setPaginationProps({ ...paginationProps, complete: true });
mounted && setLoading(false);
return () => {
mounted = false;
}, [loadUntil250th]);
It wants this array of dependencies, which result in a infinite loop
[loadUntil250th, logger, paginationProps, setListItems]);
I want to understand why it is required, if I don't want them.
The 'exhaustive-deps' lint rule is designed to protect against stale closures, where useEffect references props or state used in the callback but not present in the dependency array. Since logger, paginationProps, and setListItems can theoretically change between renders, it's not safe to reference them inside useEffect without also including them in the dependency array to ensure you're always receiving and acting on up-to-date data. You can think of useEffect as essentially generating a snapshot of all state and props when it gets created and only updating that if one of its dependencies changes.
For instance, without including paginationProps in the dependencies list, if fetchListItems ever modifies the value of paginationProps then useEffect won't have access to that updated value until loadUntil250th changes.
As referenced in this answer, part of the issue is that your usage of useEffect() is unidiomatic. If all you're doing is subscribing to changes to loadUntil250th, you'd be better off moving this function elsewhere and calling it with your code that modifies loadUntil250th.
If you want to keep your code in the useEffect hook, you have a few options:
Assuming that paginationProps and setPaginationProps are derived from a useState hook, you can eliminate the dependency on paginationProps by passing a function to setPaginationProps instead of an object. So your code would become:
setPaginationProps(paginationProps => {
page: 250 / BATCH_LIMIT,
autoLoad: false,
complete: paginationProps.totalItems <= 250,
Move setListItems inside the useEffect hook if possible. This ensures that you can control whatever props/state that function depends on. If that's not possible, you have a few options. You can move the function outside the component altogether to guarantee that it doesn't depend on props or state. Alternatively, you can use the useCallback hook along with the function to control its dependencies and then list setListItems as another dependency.
It's unlikely that the logger function changes between renders, so you're probably safe keeping that inside your dependency array (although it's odd that the linter would expect that).
If you're still curious, this article is helpful at detailing how useEffect and the dependency array actually works.

Why is using refs slowing down my React application?

I need a few refs of elements to be stored in Redux so that the elements can be focused on.
I have this dropdown:
selectRef={(e) => this.storeRef('make', e) } ... />
And here is storeRef:
storeRef(list, ref)
if(this.state.refsStored[list]) {
} else {
this.props.storeSelectRef(list, ref);
var refState = Object.assign({}, this.state.refsStored);
refState[list] = true;
this.setState({refsStored: refState});
From this, it should store the ref once, then simply return after comparing.
However, every time a option in the dropdown of <BasicSelect> is clicked on, the application hangs for a <1s (noticable), and then continues on.
If I change storeRef to the following (obviously the intended result doesn't work):
storeRef(list, ref) {
The dropdown selection is super fast, and all is good. So how come this comparison if(this.state.refsStored[list]) is significantly slow?
Don't put refs into component state. Component state should only be used for things that you will need when rendering, and should cause a re-render when you update them. Save refs directly onto the component instance:
<BasicSelect selectRef={selectInstance => this.selectInstance = selectInstance} />
I'm also kind of confused what selectRef is as a prop, to be honest, but I assume that the <BasicSelect> component forwards that ref on to an underlying <select>tag?
Anyway, the key point is that you are causing unnecessary re-renders every time because you're calling setState(). Don't do that.

Throttling dispatch in redux producing strange behaviour

I have this class:
export default class Search extends Component {
throttle(fn, threshhold, scope) {
var last,
return function () {
var context = scope || this;
var now = +new Date,
args = arguments;
if (last && now < last + threshhold) {
// hold on to it
deferTimer = setTimeout(function () {
last = now;
fn.apply(context, args);
}, threshhold);
} else {
last = now;
fn.apply(context, args);
render() {
return (
<input type='text' ref='input' onChange={this.throttle(this.handleSearch,3000,this)} />
handleSearch(e) {
let text = this.refs.input.value;
someFunc() {
All this code does it log out hi every 3 seconds - the throttle call wrapping the handleSearch method takes care of this
As soon as I uncomment this line:
the throttle methods stops having an effect and the console just logs out hi every time the key is hit without a pause and also the oSearch function is invoked.
This onSearch method is a prop method passed down from the main app:
<Search onSearch={ text => dispatch(search(text)) } />
the redux dispatch fires off a redux search action which looks like so:
export function searchPerformed(search) {
return {
I have no idea why this is happening - I'm guessing it's something to do with redux because the issue occurs when handleSearch is calling onSearch, which in turn fires a redux dispatch in the parent component.
The problem is that the first time it executes, it goes to the else, which calls the dispatch function. The reducer probably immediately update some state, and causes a rerender; the re-render causes the input to be created again, with a new 'throttle closure' which again has null 'last' and 'deferTimer' -> going to the else every single time, hence updating immediately.
As Mike noted, just not updating the component can you get the right behavior, if the component doesn't need updating.
In my case, I had a component that needed to poll a server for updates every couple of seconds, until some state-derived prop changed value (e.g. 'pending' vs 'complete').
Every time the new data came in, the component re-rendered, and called the action creator again, and throttling the action creator didn't work.
I was able to solve simply by handing the relevant action creator to setInterval on component mount. Yes, it's a side effect happening on render, but it's easy to reason about, and the actual state changes still go through the dispatcher.
If you want to keep it pure, or your use case is more complicated, check out
Thanks to luanped who helped me realise the issue here. With that understood I was able to find a simple solution. The search component does not need to update as the input is an uncontrolled component. To stop the cyclical issue I was having I've used shouldComponentUpdate to prevent it from ever re-rendering:
constructor() {
this.handleSearch = _.throttle(this.handleSearch,1000);
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return false;
I also moved the throttle in to the constructor so there can only ever be once instance of the throttle.
I think this is a good solution, however I am only just starting to learn react so if anyone can point out a problem with this approach it would be welcomed.

Change state when properties change and first mount on React - Missing function?

I have come across a problem about states based on properties.
The scenario
I have a Component parent which creates passes a property to a child component.
The Child component reacts according to the property received.
In React the "only" proper way to change the state of a component is using the functions componentWillMount or componentDidMount and componentWillReceiveProps as far as I've seen (among others, but let's focus on these ones, because getInitialState is just executed once).
My problem/Question
If I receive a new property from the parent and I want to change the state, only the function componentWillReceiveProps will be executed and will allowed me to execute setState. Render does not allow to setStatus.
What if I want to set the state on the beginning and the time it receives a new property?
So I have to set it on getInitialState or componentWillMount/componentDidMount. Then you have to change the state depending on the properties using componentWillReceiveProps.
This is a problem when your state highly depends from your properties, which is almost always. Which can become silly because you have to repeat the states you want to update according to the new property.
My solution
I have created a new method that it's called on componentWillMount and on componentWillReceiveProps. I have not found any method been called after a property has been updated before render and also the first time the Component is mounted. Then there would not be a need to do this silly workaround.
Anyway, here the question: is not there any better option to update the state when a new property is received or changed?
* To be called before mounted and before updating props
* #param props
prepareComponentState: function (props) {
var usedProps = props || this.props;
//set data on state/template
var currentResponses = this.state.candidatesResponses.filter(function (elem) {
return elem.questionId ===;
currentResponses: currentResponses,
activeAnswer: null
componentWillMount: function () {
componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) {
I feel a bit stupid, I guess I'm loosing something...
I guess there is another solution to solve this.
And yeah, I already know about this:
I've found that this pattern is usually not very necessary. In the general case (not always), I've found that setting state based on changed properties is a bit of an anti-pattern; instead, simply derive the necessary local state at render time.
render: function() {
var currentResponses = this.state.candidatesResponses.filter(function (elem) {
return elem.questionId ===;
return ...; // use currentResponses instead of this.state.currentResponses
However, in some cases, it can make sense to cache this data (e.g. maybe calculating it is prohibitively expensive), or you just need to know when the props are set/changed for some other reason. In that case, I would use basically the pattern you've written in your question.
If you really don't like typing it out, you could formalize this new method as a mixin. For example:
var PropsSetOrChangeMixin = {
componentWillMount: function() {
componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
mixins: [PropsSetOrChangeMixin],
onPropsSetOrChange: function(props) {
var currentResponses = this.state.candidatesResponses.filter(function (elem) {
return elem.questionId ===;
currentResponses: currentResponses,
activeAnswer: null
// ...
Of course, if you're using class-based React components, you'd need to find some alternative solution (e.g. inheritance, or custom JS mixins) since they don't get React-style mixins right now.
(For what it's worth, I think the code is much clearer using the explicit methods; I'd probably write it like this:)
componentWillMount: function () {
componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) {
prepareComponentState: function (props) {
//set data on state/template
var currentResponses = this.state.candidatesResponses.filter(function (elem) {
return elem.questionId ===;
currentResponses: currentResponses,
activeAnswer: null
