ReactJs - Merge state from Parent to Son in a hereditariness structure - reactjs

Im trying to use some Object Pattern in React Components because the usual Component->child structure require often a code rewriting.
class SuperComponentEveryOneWillLove extends React.component
this.state = { master_state_all_will_use : 0 }
this.commonFunction = this.commonFunction.bind(this);
this.getMasterState = this.getMasterState.bind(this);
commonFunction() { return do_something; }
getMasterState() { return this.state.master_state_all_will_use }
class PoorSon extends SuperComponentEveryOneWillLove
this.state = { for_me_only : 0 }
render() {
{ this.state.master_state_all_will_use } //DOESN'T WORKS
{ this.getMasterState() } //DOESN'T WORKS
{ this.state.for_me_only } //WORKS
{ this.commonFunction() } //WORKS
I need to access Parent state and local state.
React allow function super calling but not merging state. I've tried on google to look for some "super" or "parent" keyword to access parent state but it seems it doesn't exists.
At runtime, Son component has no scope of Father's state.
Is this possibile?

I'm not sure if it is what are you looking for, but it's close to it:
class Parent extends React.Component {
this.state = { isParentState: true };
// needed for getting access to parent state
this.getMasterState = this.getMasterState.bind(this)
return this.state;
class Enhancer extends Parent {
// get parent state via super keyword
const parentState = super.getMasterState();
this.state = {
isChildState: true,
render() {
return <div>
Merged state: { JSON.stringify(this.state)}
Worked example.
Hope it helps

I'm sure it's possible, but you DO NOT want to do this.
Anything you are trying to do with inheritance can be done with composition.
In you case, your "parent component" will pass any information the children may need as props
class Parent extends React.component
this.state = { parentState : 0 }
this.parentFunction= this.commonFunction.bind(this);
parentFunction() { console.log("parentFunction()"); }
render() {
return (
In React, inheritance is almost NEVER the answer.
Now if you're looking for a a way to reuse method logic, why not abstract the method to a helper file?
If that still doesn't work, perhaps a Higher Order Component (HOC) will do the trick.
Here's an example of a simple HOC:
const withCommonFunction = (WrappedComponent) => {
return class extends React.Component {
commonFunction() {
console.log("I'm a common function that is needed in many components!");
render() {
return (
<WrappedComponent commonFunction={this.props.commonFunction} />
Then you wrap whichever component you want to have the same logic with the HOC.
const Child = withCommenFunction(Child);
This is typically used to help reuse logic that would otherwise be implemented the same in different components


How can I pass state to grandparent so that uncle/aunt can use it?

I've been struggling for hours trying to get some code to work. I'm new with React, but I have spent a lot time looking for a solution to this as well, and updating this code as I understood with no success.
Basically my app is a component that splits into two components, with one of those splitting into 9 buttons. When I click one of those buttons, I want its uncle/aunt to recognize that, and use the id of the button that was pushed to create a message.
I figured I should be passing the button id up to the grandparent so that it can pass the id down to the uncle/aunt. But its the passing the id to the grandparent I'm struggling with.
This is the general set up below:
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
"x" : " "
this.setState({"x": x})
render() {
return (
<A getX={this.getX}/>
<B x={this.state.x} />
const A = (props) => {
const getX = (x) => props.getX(x);
a = [];
for (let i=0; i<9; i++) {
a.push(<C id={i} getX={getX}/>);
return <div>{a}</div>
class C extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
"id" :,
"getX" : (x) => props.getX(x)
this.handleMouseDown = this.handleMouseDown.bind(this);
handleMouseDown(e) {
render() {
<div />
class B extends React.Component {
this.state = {
"x" : props.x
render() {
return <div>{this.state.x}</div>
Firstly, the getX() method of the App component doesn't seem to be working how I expected it to. By that I mean, when I add getX("7"); to the render method of the App component, just before the return statement, the whole thing crashes. But if I replace this.setState({"x": x}) with this.state.x = x in the getX() method, then the state sucessfully passes down to the component B, which is something at least. But, I don't understand why.
Secondly, I can't work out how to modify the App component's state from within component A. The getX() method of the App component doesn't seem to be passed into component A as I expected. Again, if I insert getX("7"); before the return statement of component A, the whole thing crashes again. I expected the getX function of component A to be the same function as the getX method of the App component, and therefore update the state of the App component. But I've had no success with that at all. I've even tried inserting this.getX = this.getX.bind(this) into the constructor of the App component, but that didn't solve everything for me.
Lastly, as you can probably guess, I cant modify the App component's state from any of the C components.
Any ideas? I'm stumped.
I have modified your example so that it works. A few things:
Dont copy props to state, that is an antipattern and creates bugs (as you have seen). Dont copy the id or the function passed from component A to component C, or in component B. Just use the props values.
You had some syntax errors that I fixed.
You didnt return the array created in component A.
(This is my preference, but I will argue that you are setting a value, not getting, so i renamed getX to setX.)
There was nothing returned from component C. I was not sure what you was suppoosed to be returning from that component, so I just created a button with a click-handler.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
x: '',
this.setX = this.setX.bind(this);
setX(x) {
this.setState({ x: x });
render() {
return (
<A setX={this.setX} />
<B x={this.state.x} />
const A = (props) => {
let a = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
a.push(<C id={i} setX={props.setX} />);
return <div>{a}</div>;
class B extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div>{this.props.x}</div>;
class C extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.handleMouseDown = this.handleMouseDown.bind(this);
handleMouseDown() {
render() {
return <button onClick={this.handleMouseDown}>Click me</button>;

ReactJS Change Sibling State via Parent

My React structure is
- App
In SelectStudy there is a button whose click triggers a message to its sibling, ParticipantsTable, via the App parent. The first Child->Parent transfer works. But how do I implement the second Parent->Child transfer? See questions in comments.
class App extends Component {
myCallback(dataFromChild) {
// This callback receives changes from SelectStudy Child Component's button click
alert('SelectStudy Component sent value to Parent (App): ' + dataFromChild.label + " -> " + dataFromChild.value);
// QUESTION: How to Update State of ParticipantsTable (SelectStudy's Sibling) next?
// ........................................................
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<SelectStudy callbackFromParent={this.myCallback}></SelectStudy>
class SelectStudy extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
error: null,
isLoaded: false,
items: [],
selectedStudy: null,
isButtonLoading: false
this.handleButtonClick = this.handleButtonClick.bind(this);
render() {
const { error, isLoaded, items, itemsForReactSelect, selectedStudy, isButtonLoading } = this.state;
return <Button onClick={this.handleButtonClick}>Search</Button>;
handleButtonClick = () => {
ParticipantsTable - this needs to receive a certain variable, e.g. study in its State
class ParticipantsTable extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Initial Definition of this component's state
this.state = {
study: null,
items: [],
error: null
setStudy = (selectedStudy) => {
this.setState({study: selectedStudy});
render() {
return ( <div>{}</div> );
The state should live definitively at the App level, not in the child. State needs to live one level above the lowest common denominator that needs access to it. So if both SelectStudy and ParticipantsTable need access to the same bit of state data, then it must live in their closest common ancestor (or above).
This is a core concept of React, known as "lifting state up", so much so that it has its own page in the official React documentation.
In your case, it would look something like this. Notice how state lives in only one place, at the <App /> level, and is passed to children via props.
import React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
// State lives here at the closest common ancestor of children that need it
state = {
error: null,
isLoaded: false,
items: [],
selectedStudy: null,
isButtonLoading: false
myCallback = (dataFromChild) => {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
{/* State is passed into child components here, as props */}
<SelectStudy data={this.state} callbackFromParent={this.myCallback}></SelectStudy>
<ParticipantsTable study={this.state.selectedStudy} />
class SelectStudy extends React.Component {
handleButtonClick = () => {
// Here we execute a callback, provided by <App />, to update state one level up
this.props.callbackFromParent({ ...this.props.selectedStudy, isButtonLoading: true });
render() {
const { error, isLoaded, items, itemsForReactSelect, selectedStudy, isButtonLoading } =;
return <Button onClick={this.handleButtonClick}>Search</Button>;
// This component doesn't need to track any internal state - it only renders what is given via props
class ParticipantsTable extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div>{}</div>;
I think what you need to understand is the difference between state and props.
state is internal to a component while props are passed down from parents to children
Here is a in-depth answer
So you want to set a state in the parent that you can pass as props to children
1 set state in the parent
this.state = {
value: null
myCallback(dataFromChild) {
this.setState({value: dataFromChild.value})
2 pass it as a prop to the children
class ParticipantsTable extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
items: [],
error: null
Also, although not related to your question, if you learning React I suggest moving away from class-based components in favour of hooks and functional components as they have become more widely used and popular recently.

ReactJS render element by ref

I am trying to render an parent-component which has two children. The rendering of the children will switch, so one time there will be only the first child rendered, another time it will be the last and finally it will switch back to the first child (which then should contain all the values shown before).
I thought this would be simple but it turned out that it is not.
Now to the problem: Whenever the method switchContainer is called, it will switch the container and render the other. However all member-variables, props and states are getting lost and it basically reinstanciated the child-component from scratch.
Is there a way to save the child-components "as-is" and once it is getting re-rendered, it will hold all the member-variables, props and states again?
I know that you can send props and states to the element like this:
<Child props={<data>} states={<data>}>
but this doesn't solve the issue with the missing membervariables and in my opinion it isn't a smooth solution.
My attempt so far is (this is just a mockup):
class Parent extends React.Component<any,any> {
private firstContainer:any;
private secondContainer:any;
private currentContainer:any;
constructor(props:any) {
this.firstContainer = <Child>;
this.secondContainer = <Child>;
public render() {
return (
public switchContainer() {
if(this.currentContainer === this.firstContainer) {
this.currentContainer = this.secondContainer;
else {
this.currentContainer = this.firstContainer;
class Child extends React.Component<any,any> {
private anyValue:string;
constructor(props) {
this.change = this.change.bind(this);
public render() {
return (
<input onChange={this.change} value={this.anyValue}/>
private change(e:any) {
this.anyValue =;
You can try maintaining a state and update children in render instead of saving child as firstContainer and secondContainer
class Parent extends React.Component<any, any> {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
firstChild: true
public render() {
const { firstChild } = this.state;
<Child1 show={firstChild}/>
<Child2 show={!firstChild} />
public switchContainer() {
this.setState(({ firstChild }) => ({ firstChild: !firstChild }));
And in child component, handle show to showContent otherwise render null. If you want to retain state, you should not unmount the component.

React handle state update

I'm using the react to build some input forms.
While all children inputs have and their own states to store values I have no idea how to process the to a parent.
Here's example:
class FormComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
title: null,
someAmount: null
render() {
let me = this;
return (
onChange={(proxy, value) => {
me.setState({title: value})
onChange={(proxy, value) => {
if (!isNaN(Number.parseFloat(value))) {
me.setState({someAmount: value})
handleChange() {
//Calling the parent
//State here is outdated
this.props.onUpdate && this.props.onUpdate(this.state);
export default FormComponent;
Or where I can find some example of usage of compex forms with much inputs in react.
Sounds like you need to consider moving some of your state into the parent components. The React docs have a good article about this.
To summarize, you can pass your hanleChnage(); function as a prop to your child components if you declare the function in your parent.
function handleChange() { //do something... }
<ChildComponent parentOnChange={this.handleChange.bind(this) />
As your components grow in complexity, you might consider using Redux for state management, thus serving as a single source for all state in your application.
Set a child property, (e.g. callParentProperty) to reference a function in the parent component (e.g. parentFunction).
class ParentComponent extends Component{
parentFunction(parameter) {
console.log("This is the form value");
render() {
return <FormComponent callParentFunctionProperty={this.parentFunction.bind(this)} />
class FormComponent extends Component {
handleChange() {
let formValue = this.state.someAmount;

React functions inside render()

Is there a preference on where you put functions inside a react component? I am still learning React so just trying to figure out the best practices.
class Content extends React.Component {
// What is the difference between putting functions here such as
Hello() {
render() {
// or here
Hello() {
return() (
<div>blah blah</div>
A function in the render method will be created each render which is a slight performance hit. It's also messy if you put them in the render, which is a much bigger reason, you shouldn't have to scroll through code in render to see the html output. Always put them on the class instead.
For stateless components, it's probably best to keep functions outside of the main function and pass in props instead, otherwise the function will be created each render too. I haven't tested performance so I don't know if this is a micro-optimization but it's worth noting.
const MyStatelessComponent = ({randomProp}) => (
render() {
return <div />
doSomething = (randomProp) => {
//Do something here
It's worth pointing out that there are times when you want to perform intensive calculations in the render() and take the performance hit. Especially when it involves making calculations from props. Take the case of
class Person extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
name: props.firstName + props.lastName,
render() {
return <div> {} </div>;
Now when props changes, the state won't be updated as the constructor function only runs when the component is mounted. A better way would be to make the calculation in render. So whenever your component rerenders, it recalculates and renders the right value.
class Person extends React.Component {
render() {
const myName = this.props.firstName + this.props.lastName;
return <div> {myName} </div>;
And this version is a bit cleaner to read:
class Person extends React.Component {
calculateName = () => {
return this.props.firstName + this.props.lastName;
render() {
const myName = this.calculateName();
return <div> {myName} </div>;
