WPF/MVVM windowsservice without viewmodel reset - wpf

I'm want to remove from my view model's creating of view's
I wrote WinodwsService class to creating a new window:
public class WindowService : IWindowService
public void ShowWindow(object viewModel)
//var win = new DXWindowCloasable(viewModel);
var win = new DXWindow();
win.Content = viewModel;
win.DataContext = viewModel;
In view model I call method:
var vm = new PolaPrzewoznikowViewModel(konf);
IWindowService wnf = new WindowService(); // this is only for test
In UserControl I have defined view model type:
<local:PolaPrzewoznikowViewModel />
When I have this, I can drill down (CTRL + B) on commands, and user an code completition when I'm projecting a View - this is very helpful.
But... when I use
win.ShowDialog(); the new view model is created. And displayed view has view model without parameters (default constructor).
How can I use window service and keep defined UserControl.DataContext in view?

instead of initializing DataContext in xaml
<local:PolaPrzewoznikowViewModel />
I suggest to use DesignInstance:
<UserControl d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=local:PolaPrzewoznikowViewModel,
IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}" ...>
It will give IntelliSense and designer enough information in design-time, but a new instance won't be created in run-time (there will only DataContext from WindowService)

Why are you setting both the content and the datacontext of the window?
Regarding intellisense you should do as ASh suggests, the data context by its nature will be available to all view descendants.
If you don't want to implement the window service yourself you can always use my framework https://github.com/FantasticFiasco/mvvm-dialogs.


WPF MVVM and passing viewmodels to a view

I am pretty new to WPF and right now I am trying to get used to the MVVM pattern. Right now I have a simple application in which I have a collection of ViewModels that I display in a grid. When I doubleclick on the row in the grid I want to show a details View of the ViewModel.
The problem I am having right now is that I already have a fully instanced ViewModel, but I can't seem to pass it into the view. When I try to load that View it turns up empty. I already found out that this is due to the fact that when a View gets loaded it creates it's own instance of the backing ViewModel. So obviously I need to get around this behaviour and somehow pass the instanced ViewModel into the View when it is created. I could use a constructor in the View that takes a ViewModel and set the datasource in there. However, taking this approach but would mean that I need to construct the View in the ViewModel and thus making the ViewModel aware of the View. This I something I would like to avoid since I am trying to uphold the MVVM pattern.
So what should I do in this case? Should I just break the MVVM pattern or are there some nice and clean sollutions for this that fit in the MVVM pattern?
There are many ways of passing a view model to a view, as you call it, or setting a view model as the DataContext of either a Window or UserControl, as others may call it. The simplest is just this:
In a view constructor:
public partial class SomeView
DataContext = new SomeViewModel();
A more MVVM way might be to define DataTemplates in App.xaml for each view model that defines which view each will use:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type YourViewModelsPrefix:YourViewModel">
<YourViewsPrefix:YourView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type YourViewModelsPrefix:AnotherViewModel">
<YourViewsPrefix:AnotherView />
Now whenever the Framework comes across an instance of these view model classes, it will render the associated view. You can display them by having a property of the type of your view model using a ContentControl like this:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding YourViewModelProperty}" />
Or even in a collection like this:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding YourViewModelCollectionProperty}" />
"Should I just break the MVVM pattern?"
Well, please consider to learn more about the pattern, to know what it is to "break it". The main purpose of this pattern is to keep responsability clear, thus to obtain testable and maintainable code. There are a lot of ressource for that as show in this question:
MVVM: Tutorial from start to finish?
Anyway to be more specific about your question, what you are looking for is how to set the DataContext.
"somehow pass the instanced ViewModel into the View when it is created"
Yes, you get it, if you assign the dataContext with a viewModel in the constructor of your view, it could work but it it is acceptable only if the viewModel has the responsability to create the view (which could be acceptable in really few situation). You could even write something like that to directly set DataContext from outside your view:
var l_window = new MyView { DataContext = new MyViewModel() };
Of course the main drawback is that this code is not testable. If you would like to test it you should use a mockable service to manage the view creation.
A more common solution is to inject the dataContext with an IOC container (like prism). You create all required ViewModel when the software started and you store them in this IOC container. Then, when the view is created, you ask this container to get you an instance of your viewModel.
An example could be: export your viewModel in PRISM:
public class MyViewModel {...}
And then Import it in your view:
private MyViewModel ViewModel
set { this.DataContext = value; }
get { return this.DataContext as MyViewModel; }
Hope it helps.
I agree with #Sheridan's answer and would only like to add another way to instantiate a view with a view model: you could use the Factory Pattern, maybe like this:
public class ViewFactory
public UIElement Create(object context)
// Create the view model
// You can pass in various information by parameters
// as I do with context (Constructor Injection)
var viewModel = new ViewModel(context);
// Create the view and set the view model as data context
var view = new View { DataContext = viewModel };
return view;
You can call this factory from within a method of your view model and then assign it to e.g. a property that is data bound to the UI. This allows for a bit more flexibility - but #Sheridan's solution is also fine.

Multiple viewmodel interacting with each other

I'm working on a Surface WPF project where we try to implement the MVVM pattern. Within this project we are building a few custom controls which we bind to different viewmodels.
For example we have a settings control which has a settings viewmodel and we have a mainviewmodel which is the "overall" viewmodel.
In our surfacewindows.xaml page we are setting the datacontext to the main viewmodel by using the viewmodel locator in mvvm-light. Also on our surfacewindow.xaml we have added our settings control and on the control we have set the datacontext to the settings viewmodel.
Now we need both viewmodels to interact with each other: The current case is that we need to set the visibility of the settings control. We have a property on the main viewmodel that is a boolean (IsSettingsControlVisible) which is bound to the controls Visibility property by using a converter to convert the boolean to a visibility object.
The problem arises now when we need to set the visibility to not visible by clicking on a close button on the settings control. Because we have set the datacontext on the control to the settings viewmodel, we cannot access the mainviewmodel.
What we have thought of until now is adding the settings viewmodel as a property to the mainviewmodel and remove the datacontext from the settings control. In the settingscontrol we will than use the binding as SettingsProperty.Property. Than we can access the mainviewmodel too from the setttings control. Does that make sense? Are there better ways of doing these kind of interactions?
I really like to hear your ideas about how to make these interactions happen.
I tend to work with graphs of view models that are constructed using Castle Windsor. The top level view model uses constructor injection to receive the next level of view models that it requires. And in the views I bind content presenters to properties on the view models to create the corresponding view graph.
Doing this, it's quite easy for parent child view models to communicate, but a bit harder for sibling or more distant view models to communicate.
In these instances, I tend to use an event aggregator, or Messenger to allow the view models to communicate.
As you are already using MVVMLight, I'd suggest using the MVVM Light toolkits Messenger system. It's intended for message exchange between ViewModels.
The concept behind is the Mediator pattern where different objects exchange information without knowing each other.
Here's an example:
In the SettingsViewModel register to an event that tells to show the settings dialog
public SettingsViewModel()
Messenger.Default.Register<ShowSettingsMessage>(this, ShowSettingsDialog);
private void ShowSettingsDialog(ShowSettingsMessage showSettingsMessage)
// Set the visibility:
this.IsVisible = showSettingsMessage.Content;
In your MainViewModel you send the notification, wrapped in a Message:
// make the settings visible, e.g. the button click command:
Messenger.Default.Send(new ShowSettingsMessage(true));
And here's the message:
// the message:
public class ShowSettingsMessage : GenericMessage<bool>
public ShowSettingsMessage(bool isVisible)
: base(isVisible)
{ }
I wouldn't recommend making the SettingsViewModel a property of the Mainviewmodel as you lose the possibility to use the SettingsViewModel in a different context or even remove/exchange it.
Try to create a Dependency Property on the Settings control called IsSettingControlVisible and bind it with the parent viewModel.
public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl
public UserControl1()
public int MyProperty
get { return (int)GetValue(MyPropertyProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyPropertyProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for MyProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyPropertyProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyProperty", typeof(int), typeof(UserControl1), new UIPropertyMetadata(0));
and use it like this...
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<local:UserControl1 MyProperty="{Binding Path=ParentViewModelProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}" />

How is the DataContext typically set?

I've created a new WPF project, and threw in a DataGrid. Now I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to bind a collection of data to it.
The example I downloaded seems to do it in the window c'tor:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
DataContext = new ViewModel();
But then the bindings don't seem to appear in the Visual Studio's Properties window. I'm pretty sure there's a way to set the data context in XAML too... it would make me even happier if I could do it directly through the properties window, but all the Binding options are empty. What's the typical approach?
Edit: At 14 minutes, he starts to talk about other methods of setting the data context, such as static resources, and some "injection" method. I want to learn more about those!
What I typically do is use MVVM. You can implement a simplified version by setting the data context in your code behind and having a model type class that holds your data.
Example: In your code behind
DataContext = Model; // where Model is an instance of your model
then in your view
<DataGrid .... ItemsSource="{Binding SomeProperty}">....
Where SomeProperty is an enumerable property on your view model
You can also set a data context in XAML by using the DataContext property
<uc:SomeUserControl DataContext="{Binding AnotherProperty}"....
This will run your user control within the DataContext of the AnotherProperty on your model.
Note that this is grosely simplified but it'll get you on your way.
Have a look at the MVVM design pattern. This pattern is very suitable for wpf applications.
There is described where to store your data and how to bind your ui to the data.

How do I load user controls dynamically?

How can I load a user control[s] in a window dynamically (using code at runtime)?
I'd highly recommend having a look at Prism, since composite user interfaces is what it's for. However, since this would require you refactoring your entire application, I'll also answer your question directly.
If you want a single user control in a container, put a ContentControl in your XAML and then set the Content property. If you are using a view model, you could bind Content to a FrameworkElement property on the view model:
contentControlInstance.Content = new CustomUserControl();
If you want multiple controls in a list, use an ItemsControl and assign an ObservableCollection<> to the ItemsSource property. If you are using a view model, you could bind ItemsSource to an ObservableCollection property on the View Model.
Then you can just add/remove views from that ObservableCollection:
private ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement> views =
new ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement>();
private void Initialize()
itemsControl.ItemsSource = views;
private void AddView(FrameworkElement frameworkElement)
For adding multiple controls you need container.
Suppose you have a StackPanel container "myStack"
<Window ..>
<StackPanel Name="MyStack" />
You can create control dynamically and add it to container. See code below
void AddButtons()
Button B1=new Button(),B2=new Button(), B3=new Button();
// Now you can set more properties like height, width, margin etc...
Or use binding. Here's a really crude example showing how different WPF controls can be shown in a single WPF window using ContentControl and binding (which is what a toolkit like Prism or Caliburn Micro does).
<UserControl x:Class="ViewA">
<UserControl x:Class="ViewB">
void ShowViewModelDialog (object viewModel)
var host = new MyViewHost();
FrameworkElement control = null;
string viewModelName = viewModel.GetType().Name;
switch (viewModelName )
case ("ViewModelA"):
control = new ViewA();
case ("ViewModelB"):
control = new ViewB();
control = new TextBlock {Text = String.Format ("No view for {0}", viewModelName);
if (control!=null) control.DataContext = viewModel;
host.DataContext = control;
host.Show(); // Host window will show either ViewA, ViewB, or TextBlock.

Designing WPF UserControl that gets its DataContext from outer controls: How to have some sample data in designer but use inherited DC at runtime?

I am designing a WPF user control which contains other user controls (imagine a WidgetContainer, containing different Widgets) - using M-V-VM architecture.
During development, I have WidgetContainerView in a window, window (View) spawns a WidgetContainerViewModel as its resource, and in a parameterless constructor of WidgetContainerViewModel, I fill its exposed collection with some sample widgets (WidgetViewModels).
WidgetContainer control inherits the DataContext from window, and inside, there is a ListView, that binds Widgets to WidgetView control (which is inside ListView.ItemTemplate).
Now this works OK in my WindowView, as I see my sample widgets, but once I edit the WidgetContainerView or WidgetView, there is no content - at design time, controls are standalone, and they don't inherit any DataContext, so I don't see a content, and have troubles designing them (a ListView is empty, Widget's fields as well...).
I tried adding a sample widget to the WidgetView:
public partial class WidgetView : UserControl
public WidgetView()
if (LicenseManager.UsageMode == LicenseUsageMode.Designtime)
//btw, MessageBox.Show(...) here sometimes crashes my Visual Studio (2008), but I have seen the message - this code gets executed at design time, but with some lag - I saw the message on reload of designer, but at that time, I have already commented it - wtf?
this.DataContext = new WidgetViewModel(); //creates sample widget
but that didn't work - I still don't see anything in designer.
I also wanted to create a WidgetViewModel as a resource in WidgetView, like this:
<UserControl x:Class="MVVMTestWidgetsControl.View.WidgetView"
DataContext="WidgetViewModel" //this doesn't work!
Height="Auto" Width="Auto">
<ViewModel:WidgetViewModel x:Key="WidgetViewModel" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Title}"></TextBlock>
but I don't know how to assign a WidgetViewModel as a DataContext of a whole widget - I can't add DataContext attribute to UserControl, because WidgetViewModel is defined later in the code. Any ideas how to do this? I could use a sample data this way, and just override it in code so that it has the right content at runtime...
What are your best practices when developing user controls? Thank you, designing empty control is no fun :)).
In your second snippet, you should be able to refer to your DataContext as a DynamicResource:
DataContext="{DynamicResource WidgetViewModel}"
But most custom user controls have some sort of top level layout container, and you can set the DataContext on that container as a StaticResource.
In your case, however, you may want to consider dropping the VM portion of your code altogether since you're writing a custom UserControl. You should ask yourself what benefits are you gaining from a completely self-contained ViewModel with no real backing Model designed for just one View (i.e. the custom UserControl). Perhaps you could just define some DependencyProperties and use those?
I came up with several solutions: Add DC as resource (it will get automatically instantiated with parameterless constructor), and do the following in View's codebehind:
public PanelView()
if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new DependencyObject())) //DeleteAtRelease:
//we are in runtime, reset DC to have it inherited
this.DataContextHolder.DataContext = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
Better way would be to only assign DC if we are at designtime, but VS didn't like it - it worked only sometimes, and quite nondeterministically, and once it even crashed.
Other check for design time is:
if (LicenseManager.UsageMode == LicenseUsageMode.Designtime)
this.DataContext = new WidgetViewModel();
