Multiple viewmodel interacting with each other - wpf

I'm working on a Surface WPF project where we try to implement the MVVM pattern. Within this project we are building a few custom controls which we bind to different viewmodels.
For example we have a settings control which has a settings viewmodel and we have a mainviewmodel which is the "overall" viewmodel.
In our surfacewindows.xaml page we are setting the datacontext to the main viewmodel by using the viewmodel locator in mvvm-light. Also on our surfacewindow.xaml we have added our settings control and on the control we have set the datacontext to the settings viewmodel.
Now we need both viewmodels to interact with each other: The current case is that we need to set the visibility of the settings control. We have a property on the main viewmodel that is a boolean (IsSettingsControlVisible) which is bound to the controls Visibility property by using a converter to convert the boolean to a visibility object.
The problem arises now when we need to set the visibility to not visible by clicking on a close button on the settings control. Because we have set the datacontext on the control to the settings viewmodel, we cannot access the mainviewmodel.
What we have thought of until now is adding the settings viewmodel as a property to the mainviewmodel and remove the datacontext from the settings control. In the settingscontrol we will than use the binding as SettingsProperty.Property. Than we can access the mainviewmodel too from the setttings control. Does that make sense? Are there better ways of doing these kind of interactions?
I really like to hear your ideas about how to make these interactions happen.

I tend to work with graphs of view models that are constructed using Castle Windsor. The top level view model uses constructor injection to receive the next level of view models that it requires. And in the views I bind content presenters to properties on the view models to create the corresponding view graph.
Doing this, it's quite easy for parent child view models to communicate, but a bit harder for sibling or more distant view models to communicate.
In these instances, I tend to use an event aggregator, or Messenger to allow the view models to communicate.

As you are already using MVVMLight, I'd suggest using the MVVM Light toolkits Messenger system. It's intended for message exchange between ViewModels.
The concept behind is the Mediator pattern where different objects exchange information without knowing each other.
Here's an example:
In the SettingsViewModel register to an event that tells to show the settings dialog
public SettingsViewModel()
Messenger.Default.Register<ShowSettingsMessage>(this, ShowSettingsDialog);
private void ShowSettingsDialog(ShowSettingsMessage showSettingsMessage)
// Set the visibility:
this.IsVisible = showSettingsMessage.Content;
In your MainViewModel you send the notification, wrapped in a Message:
// make the settings visible, e.g. the button click command:
Messenger.Default.Send(new ShowSettingsMessage(true));
And here's the message:
// the message:
public class ShowSettingsMessage : GenericMessage<bool>
public ShowSettingsMessage(bool isVisible)
: base(isVisible)
{ }
I wouldn't recommend making the SettingsViewModel a property of the Mainviewmodel as you lose the possibility to use the SettingsViewModel in a different context or even remove/exchange it.

Try to create a Dependency Property on the Settings control called IsSettingControlVisible and bind it with the parent viewModel.
public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl
public UserControl1()
public int MyProperty
get { return (int)GetValue(MyPropertyProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyPropertyProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for MyProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyPropertyProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyProperty", typeof(int), typeof(UserControl1), new UIPropertyMetadata(0));
and use it like this...
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<local:UserControl1 MyProperty="{Binding Path=ParentViewModelProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}" />


MVVM + UserControl + Dependency Property

Alright, this is somewhat related to this question: WPF Printing multiple pages from a single View Model
I tried to follow the advice given there but now I am stuck.
My application uses a MainView.xaml and the appropriate MainViewViewModel.cs, I am using MVVM Light in the background.
Now - according to the post - it seems I have to do the following:
Create a user control
Expose some properties from the user control
Make sure the view model shows these properties
The idea is clear but I am stuck when trying to notify each other.
My user control (UcTest.xaml) exposes a Dependency Property:
public string SpecialText
get { return (string)GetValue(SpecialTextProperty); }
SetValue(SpecialTextProperty, value);
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for SpecialText. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty SpecialTextProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SpecialText", typeof(string), typeof(UcTest), new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(SpecialTextChangedPropertyCallback)));
private static void SpecialTextChangedPropertyCallback(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// Do something
Alright, so I do now have a user control which has some dependency properties. Yet, these properties are completely separated from my ViewModel properties (those are the ones which shall be displayed).
So basically I have two possibilities:
How can I now tell my ViewModel for the UserControl that some properties have changed?
Is there a possibility to forget about the dependency properties and access the view model directly?
Additional info #1:
I have uploaded a (simple) example of what I am trying to do here: Example Project. I would like to change the value of the label in UserControl1 (via the binding property in the ViewModel for UserControl1) from my MainViewViewModel.
You would usually bind the UserControl's property to the ViewModel property. A two-way binding would work in both directions, from ViewModel to View and vice versa.
<Window x:Class="TestApplication.MainWindow" ...>
<local:UcTest SpecialText="{Binding MyViewModelProperty, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
To directly access the ViewModel object in the above example, you could simply cast the UserControl's DataContext property to the ViewModel type. The DataContext is inherited from the MainWindow.
var viewModel = DataContext as MyViewModel;
var property = viewModel.MyViewModelProperty;
You could of course also directly assign a specialized ViewModel instance to the UserControl's DataContext:
<local:UcTest SpecialText="{Binding MyViewModelProperty, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
or you may create the ViewModel instance as a resource in a resource dictionary and assign the DataContext like this
<local:UcTest DataContext="{StaticResource MyUserControlViewModel}"
SpecialText="{Binding MyViewModelProperty, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
Alright, after hours of googling it appears that the "correct" approach to this is not to do it at all. The general approach is to keep the data in your MainViewModel and not use an additional ViewModel for the UserControl (which I find a little ... well .. not so good). The main problem is that there is no easy mechanism to get the Data from the Dependency Property to the ViewModel.
For printing, I have now gone back to doing it purely in code.

Binding to DependencyProperty in UserControl

I have a form with two different UserControls - one that contains a Telerik RadGridView and the other that that contains a Telerik DataForm.
The grid usercontrol is bound to a ViewModel that includes a property that exposes the Items collection that the grid is bound to.
When I bind the form to that property, everything works fine.
But I need to access additional info in the form control that really doesn't belong in the grid control's viewmodel.
So I thought I'd add a property to the form usercontrol, and bind it to the items collection:
<local:FormControl x:Name="formControl"
ItemsSource="{Binding items}"
In the form's code-behind, I added a normal property:
private object itemsSource;
public object ItemsSource
get { return this.itemsSource; }
set { this.itemsSource = value; }
And this didn't work, of course. I got errors about having to use a DependencyProperty. Which I thought was reassuring - the page was actually trying to bind to the property I thought it should.
So I converted this to a DependencyProperty:
public static DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource", typeof(object), typeof(FormControl));
public object ItemsSource
get { return GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); }
That compiled and ran without errors. Except, of course, that the control's viewmodel didn't have any items. So next was to try to pass the ItemsSource property to the form control's viewmodel:
public FormControl()
this.DataContext = new FormControlVM(this.ItemsSource);
And this didn't work. ItemsSource was null when FormControl() was constructed. So I added a setItemsSource() method to the viewmodel, and called it in the ItemsSource property's set function. This didn't work, either. The xaml is apparently binding to the property, but it seems to do it without calling the property's set function.
So I decided to listen to the ValueChanged event, on the DependencyProperty:
public FormControl()
this.DataContext = new FormControlVM();
DependencyPropertyDescriptor prop =
DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(FormControl.ItemsSourceProperty, this.GetType());
prop.AddValueChanged(this, delegate
FormControlVM formControlVM = (FormControlVM)this.DataContext;
And it's still not working. The ValueChanged delegate never seems to get called.
This seems like it should be a simple thing, but I've not been able to find examples on-line, and I've tried every combination I can conceive of.
Any ideas as to how I should handle this?
============ Additional info on the binding ============
Will was asking for info on the xaml that does the binding.
If I put this in page that contains the user control, binding the user control to the viewmodel of the page:
<local:FormControl x:Name="formControl"
And then this in the user control, binding the form in the user control to the itemsCollection of the page's viewmodel:
ItemsSource="{Binding itemsCollection}"
Header="View Item:"
Then everything works fine.
But the problem is that I can't bind the user control to the viewmodel of the page. I need to have the user control's viewmodel expose information that the page's viewmodel should not be seeing.
And I can't have the form in the user control reaching outside of the user control, binding to a property on the page's viewmodel. It's a violation of encapsulation, that will make using the user control on a different page much more complicated, and severely limit how I might modify the internals of the control in the future. (The page should not know anything about the controls within the user control, the controls within the user control should not know anything about the page.)
When I include the user control on a page, I want to bind the user control to a property of the page's viewmodel, and I want any controls within the user control to bind to properties of the user control, or of the user control's viewmodel.
I'd think this was a fairly common occurrence. But I've not been able to find any examples of how it might be done.
To restate the problem: I have a UserControl, that contains an embedded Telerik DataForm control. I need to bind the ItemsSource property of the embedded DataForm to a property of the DataContext of the page on which my UserControl is placed.
If the UserControl did not have its DataContext set, it would inherit the DataContext of the page, and I could easily bind the embedded DataForm's ItemsSource property to a property of it, but the UserControl has it's own DataContext.
If the UserControl was written to be used only on this page, I could bind the embedded DataForm's ItemsSource property to a property of the page, using RelativeSource binding. But this UserControl is intended to be used in a number of places, and cannot have silent dependencies on properties outside of the UserControl. I need to make the dependency explicit.
Creating a DependencyProperty on the UserControl is the right approach, but there's no need to try to replicate the property in the UserControl's viewmodel.
What I need to do is to
1: Add a DependencyProperty to the UserControl:
public QueryableCollectionView ItemsSource
get { return (QueryableCollectionView)GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource", typeof(QueryableCollectionView), typeof(FormControl));
Note: I do not need to implement a call-back function.
2: Bind the embedded DataForm's ItemsProperty to this new DependencyProperty of the UserControl, using RelativeSource binding:
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ItemsSource, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}}"
3: Make the viewModel of the page visible, with the proper type (DataContext has type object):
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWIndow()
this.DataContext = new MainWindowVM();
public MainWindowVM viewModel
{ get { return this.DataContext as MainWindowVM; } }
4: On the page, bind the UserControl's new ItemsProperty DependencyProperty to the appropriate property of the page's viewmodel, again using RelativeSource binding:
ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type telerik:RadPane}},Path=viewModel.items}"

Prism MVVM - How to pass an IEventAggregator to my ViewModel

recently I started working with Prism in Silverlight. I want to use the EventAggregator to Subscribe and Publish events between two ViewModels. As I saw on some guides, the ViewModel's ctor should accept IEventAggregator as a parameter. I can't find out how to do this hence my View always wants to initialize the ViewModel with a parameterless ctor.
My ViewModel ctor:
MyViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
// get the event....
My View:
<UserControl ....>
<ViewModels:MyViewModel x:Key="MyViewModel"/>
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyViewModel}}">
I can instantiate the ViewModel in the ctor of the View, and then assign it to its DataContext, but then I must have an IEventAggregator in my View, which I also cannot get. but this is probably not the correct way to pass an IEventAggregator (or any other object! - IUnityContainer for example) to the ViewModel.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
You have to resolve your dependency via unity. Have a look at the prism MVVM examples and the ui composition. There the view does not create the view model, but it is exactly the other way round. The view model gets the view injected via constructor injection. The view model sets itself as view model for the view:
public interface IView
IViewModel ViewModel{get;set;}
public interface IViewModel { }
public View:UserControl, IView
public IViewModel ViewModel
get{return DataContext as IViewModel;}
set{DataContext = value;}
public ViewModel:IViewModel
public ViewModel(IView view, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
view.ViewModel = this;
//get the event...
Using this approach you have to register the view model and the view to unity. Afterwards you only have to resolve the view model, the view is injected by the container.
To get the view to the right place on the user interface you have to register the view to a region using the RegionManager. When this is all set up, creating a new view model instance results in adding the view into the registered region so that it shows up on the user interface.
Other than having the ViewModel hook itself into the data context of the view (which I don't like at all), there are two other options that I can think of in Silverlight.
Utilize the ServiceLocator pattern to allow your static resources to create themselves via the container. MVVMLight has a fairly good pattern for this.
Use a framework like Caliburn.Micro, which plugs in a nice set of conventions that will wire up many things based on naming conventions, including bindings and viewmodels.
Maybe you've solved it already but
this post explains how to use Unity in a MVVM environment.

WPF User Control hell with MVVM and Dependency Properties

This is what I'm trying to do:
I'm writing a UserControl that I want to be consumed by other developers.
I want end users to be able to use my control using Dependency Properties.
<lib:ControlView ControlsText={Binding Path=UsersOwnViewModelText} />
I'm using the MVVM pattern.
I'm binding my ViewModels to their View's using <DataTemplates>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:ControlViewModel}">
<local:ControlView />
So I have two questions:
Am I right in thinking that if a UserControl is being consumed in XAML then the UserControl must set the ViewModel as its DataContext when the control's Loaded event fires instead of using the <DataTemplate> method?
How do I allow users to data bind to my control's dependency properties while still being data bound to my ViewModel?
You should separate the two use cases:
The (user) control that will be consumed by other developers.
The user control that will be consumed by your application.
Importantly, the latter depends on the former - not vice versa.
Use case 1 would use dependency properties, template bindings, all the things that go into making a regular WPF control:
public class MyControl : Control
// dependency properties and other logic
<ControlTemplate Type="local:MyControl">
<!-- define the default look in here, using template bindings to bind to your d-props -->
You would then define use case 2 as:
public class MyViewModel : ViewModel
// properties and business logic
<UserControl ...>
<local:MyControl SomeProperty="{Binding SomePropertyOnViewModel}" .../>
Best of both worlds with a clean separation. Other developers depend only on the control, which could (and probably should) be in a completely different assembly than your view model and view.
First off, I don't think MVVM is a good choice if you are developing a UserControl that will be consumed by others. A lookless control is what you really should be developing. Jeremiah Morrill has a blog post about this subject.
With that said, you can set the datacontext with XAML if you have a default public constructor.
Inside ControlView.xaml put:
<local:ControlViewModel />
Basically, instead of binding your UserControl's datacontext to the userControlViewModel, it's better to do it on the first child element of the user control. That way, all the references that you make within the control will be bound to the userControlViewModel, but the dependencies properties can be set from the data context set where you want to use your UserControl.
This is from a project I'm working at:
<UserControl x:Class="Six_Barca_Main_Interface.MyUserControl"
d:DesignHeight="900" d:DesignWidth="900">
<DockPanel x:Name="rootDock" >
<TextBlock>{Binding SomethingInMyUserControlViewModel}</TabControl>
Then on the code behind:
public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
UserControlViewModel _vm;
public MyUserControl()
//internal viewModel set to the first child of MyUserControl
rootDock.DataContext = new UserControlViewModel();
_vm = (UserControlViewModel)rootDock.DataContext;
//sets control to be able to use the viewmodel elements
#region Dependency properties
public string textSetFromApplication
get{return (string)GetValue(textSetFromApplicationProperty);}
set{SetValue(textSetFromApplicationProperty, value);}
public static readonly DependencyProperty textSetFromApplicationProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("textSetFromApplication", typeof(string), typeof(MyUserControl), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnDependencyPropertyChanged));
private static void OnDependencyPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
((MyUserControl)d)._vm.SomethingInMyUserControlViewModel =
e.NewValue as string;
Then when you use this on your main view, you can set the dependency property with the value you want to pass to MyUSerControl
A UserControl is part of the "View" in "MVVM" just like the TextBox or ListView controls are part of the View.
Whether you decide to use MVVM to develop your UserControl itself or write it in QBASIC (not recommended) it does not break the MVVM pattern for the consumers of your UserControl so long as they can do every thing they need with your UserControl by binding to DependencyProperty's exposed on your UserControl. i.e. Your UserControl should expose the properties it is dependent upon (hence the name). Once you grasp this DependencyProperty's suddenly make a whole lot of sense and you want their helpful on changed event handlers and default values you specify in their constructor.
If your UserControl is in a different assembly or not I cannot see how that makes a difference.
That said many would advocate you build your UserControl using the MVVM pattern itself for all the good reasons MVVM brings e.g. helping another developer looking at your code. However some things simply are not possible and/or much harder more complex and less performant hacking the XAML to do this - I am not talking about your garden variety Add User Form but for example a UserControl handling the layout of thousands of visuals. Furthermore since you are working in your View you do NOT want your UserControl's ViewModels mixed in with you applications!
Basically I am saying it is well within MVVM not to use MVVM on your View!

What is the relationship between INotifyPropertyChanged and DependencyProperty?

I'm building a simple UserControl example with DependencyProperties so that the properties of the control can be changed in XAML (code below).
But of course in my application I don't want this control to have tightly-coupled code-behind, but instead the user control will be a view called "DataTypeWholeNumberView" and it will have its own ViewModel called "DataTypeWholeNumberViewModel".
So I am going to implement the DependencyProperty logic below into the ViewModel, but in ViewModels I usually inherit INotifyPropertyChanged which seems to give me the same functionality.
So what is the relationship between:
binding the DataContext of UserControl XAML to its code behind which has a DependencyProperties
binding the DataContext of UserControl XAML (View) to its ViewModel (which inherits from INotifyPropertyChanged) and has properties which implements INotifyPropertyChanged functionality?
<UserControl x:Class="TestDependencyProperty827.SmartForm.DataTypeWholeNumber"
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Label}"/>
Code Behind:
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace TestDependencyProperty827.SmartForm
public partial class DataTypeWholeNumber : UserControl
public DataTypeWholeNumber()
DataContext = this;
public string Label
return (string)GetValue(LabelProperty);
SetValue(LabelProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty LabelProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Label", typeof(string), typeof(DataTypeWholeNumber),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata());
INotifyPropertyChanged is an interface that exists in .Net since 2.0. It basically allows objects to notify when a property has changed. An interested party can perform certain actions when this event is raised. The problem with it is that it only publishes the name of the property. So you end up using reflection or some iffy if statements to figure out what to do in the handler.
DependencyProperties are a more elaborate construct that supports default values, change notifications in a more memory-efficient and performant way.
The only relationship is that the WPF binding model supports binding to either DependencyProperties or to standard Clr properties, with an INotifyPropertyChanged implementation. Your ViewModel could be a DependecyObject as well and the third option would be to bind to the ViewModel's DependencyProperties!
Kent Boogaart wrote a very interesting article on having a ViewModel be a POCO vs a DependencyObject.
I don't really think there is a relationship between DependencyProperties and INotifyPropertyChanged. The only magic here is that the Binding classes/utils are smart enough to recognize a DependencyProperty and bind directly to it, or subscribe to the binding-target's notify-property-changed event and wait for that to fire.
With WPF, you can either bind to DependencyProperties or to Properties which implement INotifyPropertyChanged. It's a matter of choice.
So your question breaks into either to have them in code behind or in view model. Since you have mentioned that you do not want a tightly-coupled code behind, you are better off having a view model following the MVVM pattern.
You can use the DependencyProperties even in your view model just like you have done in your code behind.
