Has anyone ever tried to store sales data in graph database (Neo4J)?
Say product XX, 2000 copies was sold in US in 2016 and 1000 copies sold in UK in 2016. I have sales information for multiple products, in different years, in different countries. I also have sales information also for competitor products.
My problem is this: Sales of a product is specific for a specific country and year. I cannot just connect a product and sales. Would appreciate any ideas. Thanks.
Usually in these cases you create additional node labels for nodes with this specific use.
For example, maybe a model like this:
(:ProductSale{name:'XX', saleYear:2016, amount:2000})-[:SOLD_TO]->(:Country{name:'USA'})
(:Product{name:'XX', description:'foo'})<-[:SALE_OF]-(:ProductSale)
That assumes you have data you want to save for each type of product. If not, you can get rid of the :Product node.
So, I am in need to get a daily average of different weather parameters per country.
I'm able to find weather data for different stations within a country, but I would need an average for the complete country. Is there a way to combine the different stations for a country wide average or something like that? Or is there maybe a database available with historical weather data per country?
I need this because i have a dataset which I want to compare to different weather parameters, and my dataset only includes the country as location, not the specific city etc.
I would require data between the year 2012 and 2020, for multiple countries globally.
Kind regards,
I do descriptive analytics and reporting at a company that sells a wide range of products. We record sales transactions and everytime an item is sold, the following is recorded:
Customer ID (each customer has a unique ID)
Product ID (each product has a unique ID)
Sale date
(Other fields are recorded too - location of purchase, quantity, payment type, etc.)
We sell a few big ticket items, and what I'm wondering is if it's possible to predict whether a customer will buy one of the big ticket items based on their purchase history, using transactional data as described above. We have about 2 million rows of sales data spanning seven years, and in that time maybe 14,000 big ticket items have been sold to 5,000 out of 50,000 customers.
I use SQL Server 2008 R2 which has the data mining feature. I did some brief reading on it but can't figure out what model would be best, or if it's something that's even doable. Can someone point me in the right direction to get started?
Not sure if the SQL server data mining feature is useful. I took a look at the one for SQL 2012 and decided it wasn't.
As for your prediction, this would be a supervised learning problem (just pick any simple algorithm), where each customer is a row and your features would be the different products. Your positive labels then would then be the rows of customers that had bought big ticket items.
what you are looking for is called sequential pattern mining and the specific technique that you are looking for is called discrete event prediction. However with that being said, I don't think you will be able to do what you want to do with an out of the box solution on sql server.
Right now, I am designing the database, as such I don't have any code. I am looking to use sql server, asp.net if that is relevant.
I have a big number of stores and a big number of products too, both in some thousands. For the same pId, prices may vary by sId. I would build it like this:
1. one "store" table containing fields (sId, name, location),
2. one "products" table containing fields (pId, name size, category, sub-category) and
3. "max(sId)" number of price tables containing fields (pId, mrp, availability).
where max(sId) is the total number of stores.
I would rather not make "max(pId)" number of tables containing fields (sId, mrp, availability) as I need to provide a UI to each store so that they can update the details about product prices and availability at their respective stores. I also need to display some products of a particular store but I never need to display some stores for any specific product. That is, search for stores by product is not required, but listing of products by store would be required.
Is this a good way or can I do better?
You appear to be on the right track and I will offer some recommendations. Although there is no requirement to display some stores for any specific products, you should always think about how the requirements will change and how your system can handle that. Build your system so that you can answer questions like these easily - What stores have product ABC priced under $3/piece?
Store table should contain, as you mentioned, information about stores. Take Aaron Bertrand's comment seriously. Name the fields in a way that the next developer can read and figure out what it is. User StoreID instead of sID.
StoreID StoreName ...other fields
------- --------------
1 North Chicago
2 East Los Angeles
Product table should contain information about products. It would be better to store category and sub-category into a different table.
ProductID ProductName ...other fields
--------- --------------
1 Bread
2 Soap
Categories can be located in its own table with hierarchal structure. See Hierarchal Data and how to use hierarchyid data type. This may help in finding out the depth of each top level category and help management decide if they are going overboard with categorization and making life miserable for everybody, including themselves unknowingly.
Many-to-many ProductCategory table can link products to categories. Also keep a history table. When a product's category is changed, keep track of what it was and what it is set to. It may help in answering questions such as - How many products were moved from Agriculture to Construction category in the last 6 months?
Many-to-many StoreProductPrice can bring together store and product and a price can be defined there. Also remember - prices may differ by customers also. Some customers may get discounts at a certain level. Although this may be too much to discuss here, it should be kept in the back of the mind in case a requirement to support customer discount structure comes up.
StoreProductID StoreID ProductID Price
-------------- ------- --------- -----
1 1 1 $4.00
2 1 2 $1.00
3 2 1 $4.05
4 2 2 $1.02
Availability of the product should be done through the inventory management database table(s). For example, you may have a master table of Warehouse and master table of Location. Bringing them together would be WearhouseLocation table. A WarehouseProduct table may bring together warehouse, product and units available.
Alternatively, your production or procurement facility might be dumping data into ProcuredProduct table. Your manufacturing unit might be putting locks on a subset of products while building something out of it. Your sales unit might be putting locks on a subset of products they are trying to sell. In other words, your products may be continually get allocated. You may run queries to find out availability of a certain product and that can be a little taxing. During any such allocation, the number of available units can be updated in a single table (which contains calculated available products that you can comfortably rely on).
So...depending on your customer's needs, the system you are building can get fairly complicated. I am recommending that you think about these things and keep your database structure flexible to anticipated changes. Normalization is a good thing, and de-normalization has its place also. Use them wisely.
I'm trying to make the database system point of sale, however I am confused between the entity and product inventory entity. What are the differences between product and inventory?
I know that the inventory should control the amount of product available .... but i have all that in products.
product code
unit price
Subcategory code
brand code
amount available
Minimum quantity for rehearing
tax code
amount wholesales
wholesales price
due date
creation date
upgrade date
what i should have in inventory? I have researched and according to what I read I need to have the product, the description, the quantity, purchase price, sale price, profit or gain and date of the transactions. But almost everything is in the Products table, what should I do?
A Product is an abstract Good or Service. A Good is the specification of an Asset.
Example "2014 Mazda 3" is a good. A "2014 Mazda 3 with VIN 12345" is an Asset.
A Catalog is the list of products that you want to sell. They don't need to exist yet, or you could be selling them for someone else.
Items Held For Sale are assets that you keep around to sell. These could be consigned (owned by someone else).
Inventory is an accounting concept. It is the dollar value of the items held for sale that you own, plus inbound and outbound goods that you're responsible for, plus any costs associated with holding that inventory.
You can track the value of inventory in a variety of ways such as FIFO and LIFO
I think you can store the inventory in the products table. There will certainly be transaction tables for purchases for the products and sales and even adjusting records (when items get count and the number differs from what's stored in the database), but you can easily work with the stock stored in the production table itself, thus not having to scan the whole database and sum up all purchases and sales and corrections every time (and never being able to delete old transaction data from the database, as that would invalidate the calculations).
However there are reasons to have stock stored in an inventory table instead. For instance if you want to store different statusses, e.g. you have 100 pieces in store plus twenty just arrived and still unchecked. Or you have a store with goods plus a warehouse housing additional stock. Or you have charges (different model numbers for example for a slightly altered product) which you offer as the same product, but still want to know how many old and how many new ones are in stock. And so on.
So make your mind up, if you want to store additional data with product stock, which would result in an 1:n relation instead of 1:1 which you have now.
I'm new to creating cubes, so please be patient.
Here's an example of my data
I have multiple companies, each company has multiple stores.
Sales are each linked to a particular company, with a particular store on a particular date.
ex:5 sales took place for Company A, Store 1, on 5/19/2011
Returns are linked to a particular company on a particular date.
ex: 3 returns took place for Company A on 3/11/2012
Sometimes my users want to see a list of stores, the date, and how many returns took place, and how many sales.
Sometimes they want to see a list of companies, the specific stores, and the number of sales.
I have a table that stores
I end up having the value for returns repeated for each store under a particular COMPANY - DATE pair.
so if I'm writing a query, and I want to find out returns, I just do a
select distinct company, date, returns from mytable
but I am not sure how to this into a cube (using SS BI and Visual Studio).
(I've only made a couple of cubes so far)
Thanks! (also, feel free to point me at appropriate references)
It sounds like Company is an attribute of the Store and should be in the Store dimension rather than the fact table. There may have to be a transformation on returns to convert the Company to a store.
Am I missing anything?