Bayesian Network creating conditional probability table (CPT) - artificial-intelligence

I have trouble understanding where the numbers in the P(A|B,E) table are coming from in the alarm burglary example. I understand that P(B) and P(E) is chosen from knowledge about the domain. But I do not understand how many of the values in the CPT which can be chosen and which has to be calculated in order to make the tables valid. I assume that the P(J|A) and P(J|¬A) are chosen by expert knowledge? And then it must be the same for P(J|M).. or would these also have to be calculated by using given values?
I see with a binary example which is given here in the table on page 7:, they are using the same numbers, but how have they calculated the values 0.95, 0.94, 0.29 and 0.001?

All the values in CPTs must come from somewhere, and cannot be calculated from other CPTs. There are two major approaches to get the numbers:
Have a domain expert specify the numbers.
Have a data set that contains joint realizations of the random variables. Then the numbers within the CPTs can be calculated from the respective frequencies within the data set. Note that this procedure becomes more complicated when not all variables are observed within the data set.
In addition, it is possible to mix approach 1 and 2.


Multiple IF QUARTILEs returning wrong values

I am using a nested IF statement within a Quartile wrapper, and it only kind of works, for the most part because it's returning values that are slightly off from what I would have expected if I calculate the range of values manually.
I've looked around but most of the posts and research is about designing the fomrula, I haven't come across anything compelling in terms of this odd behaviour I'm observing.
My formula (ctrl+shift enter as it's an array): =QUARTILE(IF(((F2:$F$10=$W$4)($Q$2:$Q$10=$W$3))($E$2:$E$10=W$2),IF($O$2:$O$10<>"",$O$2:$O$10)),1)
The full dataset:
*The formula has 3 AND conditions that need to be met and should return range:
At which 25% is calculated based on the range.
If I take the output from the formula, 25%-ile (QUARTILE,1) is 0.8803, but if I calculate it manually based on the data points right above, it comes out to 0.8685 and I can't see why.
I feel it's because the IF statements identifies slight off range but the values that meet the IF statements are different rows or something.
If you look at the table here you can see that there is more than one way of estimating quartile (or other percentile) from a sample and Excel has two. The one you are doing by hand must be like Quartile.exc and the one you are using in the formula is like
Basically both formulas work out the rank of the quartile value. If it isn't an integer it interpolates (e.g. if it was 1.5, that means the quartile lies half way between the first and second numbers in ascending order). You might think that there wouldn't be much difference, but for small samples there is a massive difference:
Quartile.exc Rank=(N+1)/4 Rank=(N+3)/4
Here's how it would look with your data

Named range of consistent random numbers

Following on from a question I asked a while ago about getting an array of different (but not necessarily unique) random numbers to which the answer was this:
To get an array of 10 random numbers between 1 and 10
The Problem
If I create a named range (called "randArray") with the formula above I hoped I would be able to reference randArray a number of times and get the same set of random numbers. Granted, they would change each time I press F9 or update the worksheet -- but change together.
This is what I get instead, two completely different sets of random numbers
I'm not surprised by this behavior but how can I achieve this without using VBA and without putting the random numbers onto the worksheet?
If you're interested
This example is intended to be MCVE. In my actual case, I am using random numbers to estimate Pi. The user stipulates how many random points to apply and gets an accordingly accurate estimation. The problem arises because I also graph the points and when there are a small number of points it's very clear to see that the estimation and the graph don't represent the same dataset
I have awarded the initial bounty to #Michael for providing an interesting and different solution. I am still looking for a complete solution which allows the user to stipulate how many random points to use, and although there might not be a perfect answer I'm still interested in any other possible solutions and more than happy to put up further bounties.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far.
This solution generates 10 seemingly random numbers between 1 and 10 that persist for nearly 9 seconds at a time. This allows repeated calls of the same formula to return the same set of values in a single refresh.
You can modify the time frame if required. Shorter time periods allow for more frequent updates, but also slightly increase the extremely unlikely chance that some calls to the formula occur after the cutover point resulting in a 2nd set of 10 random numbers for subsequent calls.
Firstly, define an array "Primes" with 10 different prime numbers:
Then, define this formula that will return an array of 10 random numbers:
We need to build our own random number generator that we can seed with the same value for an amount of time; long enough for the called formula to keep returning the same value.
Firstly, we create a seed: ROUND(NOW(),4) creates a new seed number every 0.0001 days = 8.64 seconds.
We can generate rough random numbers using the following formula:
Random = Seed * 7 mod Prime
Ideally, a sequence of random numbers is generated by taking input from the previous output, but we can't do that in a single function. So instead, this uses 10 different prime numbers, essentially starting 10 different random number generators. Now, this has less reliability at generating random numbers, but testing results further below shows it actually seems to do a pretty good job.
ROUND(NOW(),4)*70000 gets our seed up to an integer and multiplies by 7 at the same time
MOD(ROUND(NOW(),4)*70000,Prime) generates a sequence of 10 random numbers from 0 to the respective prime number
ROUND(MOD(ROUND(NOW(),4)*70000,Prime),0) is required to get us back to an integer because Excel seems to struggle with apply Mod to floating point numbers.
=MOD(ROUND(MOD(ROUND(NOW(),4)*70000,Prime),0),10)+1 takes just the value from the ones place (random number from 0 to 9) and shifts it to give us a random number from 1 to 10
Testing results:
I generated 500 lots of 10 random numbers (in columns instead of rows) for seed values incrementing by 0.0001 and counted the number of times each digit occurred for each prime number. You can see that each digit occurred nearly 500 times in total and that the distribution of each digit is nearly equal between each prime number. So, this may be adequate for your purposes.
Looking at the numbers generated in immediate succession you can see similarities between adjacent prime numbers, they're not exactly the same but they're pretty close in places, even if they're offset by a few rows. However, if the refresh is occurring at random intervals, you'll still get seemingly random numbers and this should be sufficient for your purposes. Otherwise, you can still apply this approach to a more complex random number generator or try a different mix of prime numbers that are further apart.
Update 1: Trying to find a way of being able to specify the number of random numbers generated without storing a list of primes.
Attempt 1: Using a single prime with an array of seeds:
This does give you an even distribution, but it really is just repeating the exact same sequence of 10 numbers over and over. Any analysis of the sample would be identical to analysing =MOD(ROW(1:SampleSize),10)+1. I think you want more variation than that!
Attempt 2: Working on a 2-dimensional array that still uses 10 primes....
Update 2: Didn't work. It had terrible performance. A new answer has been submitted that takes a similar but different approach.
OK, here's a solution where users can specify the number of values in defined name SAMPLESIZE
It's a long formula, but has good efficiency and can be used in other functions. Attempts at a shorter formula resulted in unusably poor performance and arrays that for some reason couldn't be used in other functions.
This solution combines 5 different prime number generators to increase variety in the generated random numbers. Some arbitrary constants were introduced to try to reduce repeating patterns.
This has correct distribution and fairly good randomness. Repeated testing with a SampleSize of 10,000 resulted in frequencies of individual numbers varying between 960 and 1040 with no overall favoritism. However it seems to have the strange property of never generating the same number twice in a row!
You can achieve this using just standard spreadsheet formulas.
One way is to use the so called Lehmer random number method. It generates a sequence of random numbers in your spreadsheet that stays the same until you change the "seed number", a number you choose yourself and will recreate a different random sequence for each seed number you choose.
The short version:
In cell B1, enter your "seed" number, it can be any number from 1 to 2,147,483,647
In cell B2 enter the formula =MOD(48271*B1,2^31-1) , this will generate the first random number of your sequence.
Now copy this cell down as far as the the random sequence you want to generate.
That's it. For your named range, go ahead and name the range from B2 down as far as your sequence goes. If you want a different set of numbers, just change the seed in B1. If you ever want to recreate the same set of numbers just use the same seed and the same random sequence will appear.
More details in this tutorial:
How to generate random numbers that don't change in Excel and Google Sheets
It's not a great answer but considering the limitation of a volatile function, it is definitely a possible answer to use the IF formula with Volatile function and a Volatile variable placed somewhere in the worksheet.
I used the below formula to achieve the desired result
I set cell B12 as rngIsVolatile. I pasted the screenshots below to see it in working.
When rngIsVolatile is set to True, it picks up new values from randArray:
When rngIsVolatile is set to False, it picks up old values from A1:A10:

Generate pseudo sample of population given probabilities

I would like to generate pseudo data that conforms to the distribution of actual sampled data. Looking for an efficient and accurate method in C/Obj-C for iphone development. Currently the occurrance of 60 different categories in 1000 sampled events has been assigned a probability (0-1). I want to generate 1000 new events which conform to the same probabilities.
Clarification {
I have a categorical distribution of set {1,2,...,60}. I understand that samples from this distribution will conform to the probabilities of each category. Therefore I need to take 1000 samples from this distribution. I have determined (thanks to answers so far) that I need to:
Normalize this distribution by summing the values and dividing each
by the sum.
Order them.
Create a CDF by replacing each value with the sum of all previous values.
Then I can generate a uniform random number between 0 and 1, and find the greatest number in the CDF whose value is less than or equal to the number just chosen, and return the category corresponding to this CDF value.
Q1. Is this the correct way to solve the problem?
Q2. The caveat still holds that I'm using NSDecimals to store the category probabilities. Are there any libraries available or functions in Cocoa or Math.h, etc. that I can use to do this simply? I'm open to trying new libraries, currently only have Core-Plot and the standard Cocoa libraries in this project. Thanks.
Your problem description is unclear. But it sounds like you're looking for inverse transform sampling.
Basically, you first need to generate a cumulative distribution function (CDF) corresponding to your original data; call it F(x). You then generate uniform random data in the range 0->1, and then transform it using the inverse CDF, i.e F-1(x).
Here's my suggestion. This assumes that when you say "normalized probability" you mean the sum of the probability of all types is 1. (If not, you'll need to rescale so that's the case.)
Make up some order for your 60 types. (Say, alphabetic.)
Generate a random number between 0 and 1. (Call it your "target".)
Create an accumulator, initially at 0.
Loop through your 60 types. For each type:
Add the probability of that type of event to your accumulator.
If your accumulator is >= your target, generate an event of that type and stop.
If you do that 1000 times, I believe you'll get the distribution you're looking for.

nominal-value inputs for Neural Network

I have a set of training data, each item in this set consists of 4 numerical values and 1 nominal-value which is the name of the method that these values have been calculated with. (There are 8 methods)
I'm training a Neural Network with these. To get rid of the nominal-value I simply assigned a value from 1 to 8 to each method and used one input to pass it to Neural Network and 4 other inputs for numerical-values. It is sort of working, but the result is not as amazing as I want.
So my question is could it be because of this simple assignment of numbers to nominal-values? or maybe it is because of mixing two different categories of inputs which are not really at the same level (numbers and method types)
As a general note, a better way for coding nominal values would be a binary vector. In your case, in addition to the 4 continuous-valued inputs, you'd have 8 binary input neurons, where only one is activated (1) and the other 7 are inactive.
The way you did it implies an artificial relationship between the computation methods, which is almost certainly an artifact. For example, 1 and 2 are numerically (and from your network's point of view!) nearer than 1 and 8. But are the methods nr. 1 and 2 really more similar, or related, than the methods 1 and 8?
Since you don't provide much detail, my answer can't be very specific.
Generally speaking neural networks tend to perform worse when coding nominal values as numeric values since the transformation will impose a (probably) false ordering on the variables. Mixing inputs with very varied levels also tend to worsen the performance.
However, given the little information provided here there is no way of telling if this is the reason that the networks performance is "not as amazing" as you want. It could just as well be the case that you don't have enough training data, or that your training data contains a lot of noise. Perhaps you need to pre-scale your data, perhaps there is an error in your network code, perhaps you have chosen ill-suited values of constants for your learning algorithm...
The reasons a neural network doesn't perform as expected are many and diverse (on of them beeing unreasonably high expectations). Without much more information there is no way of knowing what the problem is in your case.
Mapping categories to numerical values is not a good practice in statistics. Especially in the case of neural networks. Bear in mind that neural networks tend to map similar inputs to similar outputs. If you map category A to 1 and category B to 2 (both as inputs), the NN will try to output similar values for both categories, even if they have nothing to do with each other.
A sparser representation is preferred. If you have 4 categories, map them like this:
A -> 0001
B -> 0010
Take a look at the "Subject: How should categories be encoded?" in this link:
The previous answers are right - do not map nominal values into arbitrary numeric ones. However, if the attribute has an ordinal nature ("Low", "Medium", High" for example), you can replace the nominal values by ascending numeric values. Note that this may not be the optimal solution - since there is no guarantee for example that "High"=3 by the nature of your data. Instead, use one-hot bit encoding as suggested.
The reason for this is that a neural network is very similar to regression in the sense that multiple numeric values go through some kind of an aggregating function - but this happens multiple times. Each input is also multiplied by a weight.
So when you enter a numeric value, it undergoes a series of mathematical manipulations that adjusts its weights in the network. So if you use numeric values for non-nomial data - nominal values that were mapped to closer numeric values will be treated about the same in the best case, in the worst case - it can harm your model.

Efficient comparison of 1 million vectors containing (float, integer) tuples

I am working in a chemistry/biology project. We are building a web-application for fast matching of the user's experimental data with predicted data in a reference database. The reference database will contain up to a million entries. The data for one entry is a list (vector) of tuples containing a float value between 0.0 and 20.0 and an integer value between 1 and 18. For instance (7.2394 , 2) , (7.4011, 1) , (9.9367, 3) , ... etc.
The user will enter a similar list of tuples and the web-app must then return the - let's say - top 50 best matching database entries.
One thing is crucial: the search algorithm must allow for discrepancies between the query data and the reference data because both can contain small errors in the float values (NOT in the integer values). (The query data can contain errors because it is derived from a real-life experiment and the reference data because it is the result of a prediction.)
Edit - Moved text to answer -
How can we get an efficient ranking of 1 query on 1 million records?
You should add a physicist to the project :-) This is a very common problem to compare functions e.g. look here:
In the first link you can read: "The SEQUEST algorithm for analyzing mass spectra makes use of autocorrelation in conjunction with cross-correlation to score the similarity of an observed spectrum to an idealized spectrum representing a peptide."
An efficient linear scan of 1 million records of that type should take a fraction of a second on a modern machine; a compiled loop should be able to do it at about memory bandwidth, which would transfer that in a two or three milliseconds.
But, if you really need to optimise this, you could construct a hash table of the integer values, which would divide the job by the number of integer bins. And, if the data is stored sorted by the floats, that improves the locality of matching by those; you know you can stop once you're out of tolerance. Storing the offsets of each of a number of bins would give you a position to start.
I guess I don't see the need for a fancy algorithm yet... describe the problem a bit more, perhaps (you can assume a fairly high level of chemistry and physics knowledge if you like; I'm a physicist by training)?
Ok, given the extra info, I still see no need for anything better than a direct linear search, if there's only 1 million reference vectors and the algorithm is that simple. I just tried it, and even a pure Python implementation of linear scan took only around three seconds. It took several times longer to make up some random data to test with. This does somewhat depend on the rather lunatic level of optimisation in Python's sorting library, but that's the advantage of high level languages.
from cmath import *
import random
r = [(random.uniform(0,20), random.randint(1,18)) for i in range(1000000)]
# this is a decorate-sort-undecorate pattern
# look for matches to (7,9)
# obviously, you can use whatever distance expression you want
zz=[(abs((7-x)+(9-y)),x,y) for x,y in r]
# return the 50 best matches
[(x,y) for a,x,y in zz[:50]]
Can't you sort the tuples and perform binary search on the sorted array ?
I assume your database is done once for all, and the positions of the entries is not important. You can sort this array so that the tuples are in a given order. When a tuple is entered by the user, you just look in the middle of the sorted array. If the query value is larger of the center value, you repeat the work on the upper half, otherwise on the lower one.
Worst case is log(n)
If you can "map" your reference data to x-y coordinates on a plane there is a nifty technique which allows you to select all points under a given distance/tolerance (using Hilbert curves).
Here is a detailed example.
One approach we are trying ourselves which allows for the discrepancies between query and reference is by binning the float values. We are testing and want to offer the user the choice of different bin sizes. Bin sizes will be 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 or 0.4. So binning leaves us with between 50 and 200 bins, each with a corresponding integer value between 0 and 18, where 0 means there was no value within that bin. The reference data can be pre-binned and stored in the database. We can then take the binned query data and compare it with the reference data. One approach could be for all bins, subtract the query integer value from the reference integer value. By summing up all differences we get the similarity score, with the the most similar reference entries resulting in the lowest scores.
Another (simpler) search option we want to offer is where the user only enters the float values. The integer values in both query as reference list can then be set to 1. We then use Hamming distance to compute the difference between the query and the reference binned values. I have previously asked about an efficient algorithm for that search.
This binning is only one way of achieving our goal. I am open to other suggestions. Perhaps we can use Principal Component Analysis (PCA), as described here
