XAML, MVVM and TwoWay Data Binding - wpf

I have the following XAML. I'm using UWP (Universal Windows Platform) but the problem I'd like to describe also applies to other XAML frameworks such as WPF:
<!-- MyVM is a ViewModel -->
TextChanged="{x:Bind MyVM.FilterTextChanged}"
Text="{x:Bind MyVM.FilterText, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
This is how it works: when the user types text in the AutoSuggestBox, MyVM ViewModel is informed about every key stroke and filters data using FilterText.
This is how MyVM looks like:
// Uses INotifyPropertyChanged from MVVMLight
private string filterText;
public string FilterText
get { return filterText; }
set { Set(ref filterText, value); }
public async void FilterTextChanged()
await LoadData(); // uses FilterText to filter data
The problem arises when I need to modify FilterText value, for example to clear it or to set a pre-defined filter. Thanks to the TwoWay binding, the text in the AutoSuggestBox is displayed correctly but as a "side-effect" the FilterTextChanged method is called (because the text has changed). I don't want this "side-effect". It is bad from two reasons:
It makes the ViewModel dependent on XAML in the View. What I mean by that is that although I don't call FilterTextChanged, it is called anyway when I set the FilterText value just because it is TwoWay-bound in XAML.
It makes automated unit testing impossible. Without XAML, the ViewModel behaves differently: the FilterTextChanged method is not called when I set a FilterText value.
This is a general problem with XAML, MVVM, and TwoWay binding, not restricted to the specific example with AutoSuggestBox.
How to solve this problem? The main question for me is how to unit test it?

The problem arises when I need to modify FilterText value, for example to clear it or to set a pre-defined filter. Thanks to the TwoWay binding, the text in the AutoSuggestBox is displayed correctly but as a "side-effect" the FilterTextChanged method is called (because the text has changed). I don't want this "side-effect".
If I understand your question, you just do not want the FilterTextChanged called when you empty the AutoSuggestBox or set a default value for it. If so, you do not need to use TextChanged to trigger the FilterTextChanged method, you could call it when the property value changed.
For example:
<AutoSuggestBox QueryIcon="Find" Text="{x:Bind MyVM.FilterText, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
private string filterText;
public string FilterText
get { return filterText; }
if (value != string.Empty || value != "default value")
filterText = value;
public async void FilterTextChanged()
await LoadData(); // uses FilterText to filter data


Click on CheckBox Binding

I have Car.xaml:
<CheckBox Name="carA" IsChecked="{Binding CarACheck, Mode=TwoWay, FallbackValue=true}" />
Then in Car.xaml.cs:
public Car()
DataContext = this;
public bool CarACheck
get => carA.IsChecked;
set => carA.IsChecked = value;
When I run it and click on CheckBox, the app crashes with the error below:
set => carA.IsChecked = value;
An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Cause of Error
The reason is that your setter is called over and over.
The CheckBox is clicked.
The IsChecked property of the CheckBox is set.
The binding sets value on the bound property CarACheck.
The setter of CarACheck sets the IsChecked property of the CheckBox.
Go to 3.
In the long run this causes the stack to overflow and the application crashes.
An MVVM Solution
It seems that you are trying to build a view that displays data about cars. What I see from your sample is that you mix your data and most likely business logic with the user interface code. You should not do that, because it harms code quality and maintainability in the long run. A better and sustainable approach is to separate your view from data and business logic. This is what the MVVM pattern is about.
In your sample code, we have a view, which we would call CarView. This is where the CheckBox is defined along with the rest of the user interface to represent a car. The data is exposed to the view through a separate view model type called CarViewModel. This view model contains properties that are bound from the view.
When using simple properties, regardless of having a backing field or not, the bindings are not able to determine changes to properties from the view model side. This is why you have to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, which provides an event for this purpose. The event is raised, whenever a property is changed. Usually this is in done in the setter.
public class CarViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private bool _carACheck;
public bool CarACheck
get => _carACheck;
if (_carACheck == value)
_carACheck = value;
// ...other code, maybe even setting CarACheck.
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
In the view, simply assign an instance of this view model to the DataContext in XAML or code-behind, e.g.:
public Car()
// ...other code.
DataContext = new CarViewModel();
In your view, you do not need a name for the CheckBox, as there is no explicit reference to it. The Mode=TwoWay declaration can be removed, too, because the IsChecked property binds two-way by default.
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding CarACheck, FallbackValue=true}"/>
Remarks about your original code: I hope that you can see the benefits of the MVVM pattern. Of course, after reviewing this solution, you could simply add a backing field and INotifyPropertyChanged to your current code to make it work, too, but the lesson to learn here is that this separation is valuable and worth investing although it might seem more verbose. See also:
Data binding overview (WPF .NET)
How to: Implement Property Change Notification

How to pass parameter to ComboBox ItemsSource binding?

I am working with WPF for the first time, so please bear with me.
I have a combobox, which is meant to generically display some lookup data. The models for the different types of lookups are exactly the same, just different data sources which are retrieved via a single method call passing different enumerations to control the returned data set. Fairly simple stuff.
public sealed class MyDataProvider
public enum Types
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ObservableCollection<LookUpVm>> _lookupData =
new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ObservableCollection<LookUpVm>>();
private static readonly Lazy<MyDataProvider> lazy =
new Lazy<MyDataProvider>(() => new MyDataProvider());
public static MyDataProvider Instance => lazy.Value;
private MyDataProvider()
public ObservableCollection<LookUpVm> GreenLookupDataSource => GetLookupDataSource(Types.Green);
public ObservableCollection<LookUpVm> GetLookupDataSource(Types lookupEnum)
ObservableCollection<LookUpVm> lookupDataSource;
if (_lookupData.TryGetValue(lookupEnum, out lookupDataSource))
return lookupDataSource;
lookupDataSource = new ObservableCollection<LookUpVm>();
var returnedlookupDataSource =
SomeMasterSource.GetlookupDataSourceBylookupEnum(lookupEnum).OrderBy(ia => ia.Name);
foreach (var returnedLookupData in returnedlookupDataSource)
_lookupData.TryAdd(lookupEnum, lookupDataSource);
return lookupDataSource;
This works great for the 0th iteration, where I create a GreenLookupComboBox.
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Static objectDataProviders:MyDataProvider.Instance},
Path=GreenLookupDataSource}" />
However, what I really need to be able to do is to set up a combobox which can have its Types enum value set on the parent View, which would then call directly to the GetLookupDataSource and pass the enum. We have several dozen lookup types, and defining a new property for each feels less than ideal. Something like the below for the control view...
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Static objectDataProviders:MyDataProvider.Instance},
Path=GetLookupDataSource}" />
And something like the below for where I use the lookup control.
<local:MyLookupControl Type=Types.Green />
Is this even possible?
Here's an example of what I'm trying to accomplish.
I have two key-value pairs of lists.
1 - A
2 - B
3 - C
1 - X
2 - Y
3 - Z
They are accessible by calling the method GetList(Enum.LookupType). They share the same ViewModel and View. However, I need to place both of them on a form for my users to select from.
I'm looking for some way to use XAML like the following on the View they appear on.
<local:MyLookupControl Method=GetList Parameter=Enum.ListOne/>
<local:MyLookupControl Method=GetList Parameter=Enum.ListTwo />
This should display a pair of comboboxes, one bound to ListOne and one bound to ListTwo.
You're essentially just trying to set up databinding on a couple controls. This is simple then so long as you have the correct datacontext for the view.
Controls can be bound to properties (which is exactly what you are looking for).
Using your edited example here is how you would do that:
private ObservableCollection<string> _listOne;
private ObservableCollection<string> _listTwo;
private string _selectedListOneItem;
private string _selectedListTwoItem;
public ObservableCollection<string> ListOne
get { return _listOne; }
set { _listOne = value; }
public ObservableCollection<string> ListTwo
get { return _listTwo; }
set { _listTwo = value; }
public string SelectedListOneItem
get { return _selectedListOneItem; }
set { _selectedListOneItem = value; }
public string SelectedListTwoItem
get { return _selectedListTwoItem; }
set { _selectedListTwoItem = value; }
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding ListOne}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedListOneItem}"/>
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding ListTwo}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedListTwoItem}"/>
You have several options in how you want to load or get your lists. You can either load them in the constructor or for something a bit heavier is load them every time you "get" in the property. I would recommend loading those in the constructor.
What I provided is basically autoprops and can even be further simplified but I wanted to show you that you can also write code in the getter and setter of those properties to further expand on the items. For instance, you may want something on the background to fire off when SelectedListOneItem changes. In this case on the SET of SelectedListOneItem you can set the value but then also run a method/function which may update other properties.
WPF is very dependent on properties to bind between ViewModels and Views. In your response before the edit you are using fields which can't be bound to controls in a view.
If you do plan on updating properties in the ViewModel that would change things on the view you are also going to want to look into INotifyPropertyChanged. By implementing INotifyPropertyChanged the view will be updated/notified when properties are changing. INotifyPropertyChanged comes with it's own event that you must invoke in the setting of a property. Here is also a very helpful method you can call that will fire this event for you much easier.
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
You call this like so:
public string SelectedListOneItem
get { return _selectedListOneItem; }
_selectedListOneItem = value;
That way if anything else in the ViewModel updates SelectedListOneItem that your view will make the appropriate change. In this case it would make the combobox select the new value you set in SelectedListOneItem.

About DependencyProperty in WPF

I'm very new to WPF and while studying (particularly creating a user control), I stumbled upon this thing called "DependencyProperty".
I understand how it works in code but why and when do we need it when I can just create a property and expose it for public use.
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<TextBlock x:Name="label" Text="Hello"/>
<TextBlock x:Name="text" Text="World!" />
CS file:
public partial SampleUserCtrl : UserControl
public string LabelText { get { return this.label.Text; } set { this.label.Text = value; } }
public string TextBoxText { get { return this.text.Text; } set { this.text.Text = value; } }
DependecyProperty in WPF has different uses.
Advantages compared to normal .NET property
Reduced memory footprint It's a huge dissipation to store a field for
each property when you think that over 90% of the properties of a UI
control typically stay at its initial values. Dependency properties
solve these problems by only store modified properties in the
instance. The default values are stored once within the dependency
Value inheritance When you access a dependency property the value is
resolved by using a value resolution strategy. If no local value is
set, the dependency property navigates up the logical tree until it
finds a value. When you set the FontSize on the root element it
applies to all textblocks below except you override the value.
Change notification Dependency properties have a built-in change
notification mechanism. By registering a callback in the property
metadata you get notified, when the value of the property has been
changed. This is also used by the databinding.
As you dig deeper to WPF you will also stumble upon DataBinding and object-oriented design patterns like MVVM or MVPVM. Both patterns rely on DataBinding which is achieved through using of Dependency Properties. You cannot perform data binding if it is not a dependency property.
Basically data binding through dependency properties allow the user to update the view when updating a value through code.
Ex: In Windows Forms in order to update a label text you assign its value on the code behind like this:
lbl1.Text = "foo";
In data binding where as you bind in the XAML (View)
<label Text = "{Binding foo}"></label>
and update the values in your code behind:
foo = "foo";
I am not an expert myself so sorry if I might sound confusing.
Dependency property has many benefits over normal property.
A dependency property value can be set by referencing a resource
It can reference a value through data binding
It can be animated. When an animation is
applied and is running, the animated value operates at a higher
precedence than any value (such as a local value) that the property
otherwise has.
You can learn more about it from msdn.
The main advantage of DP property you can find anything in DP like your Control info and you current DataContext info.
public string MyProperty
get { return (string)GetValue(MyPropertyProperty); }
set { SetValue(MyPropertyProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for MyProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyPropertyProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MyProperty", typeof(string), typeof(MyUserControl), new PropertyMetadata(null, (s, e) => OnChangedValue(s, e)));
private static void OnChangedValue(DependencyObject s, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();

Updating a dependency property based on changes in the view model

I'm having some problems with data binding in WPF. Here's the scenario: I have made a user control which simulates a Dial Pad (i.e., an array of 12 buttons with the digits from '0' to '9' plus the '#' and 'Clear' keys). The control lives inside a class library and it's been implemented following the MVVM pattern, mainly because I need the components in the class library to be easily unit tested.
The view model for the control is quite simple, it basically updates a public "DialedNumber" string (which is internally connected to the model) every time the user presses a dial pad key button. The binding is working correctly and, by using the debugger, I can confirm that the "DialedNumber" variable inside the viewmodel is getting updated as I press button in the dial pad.
This DialPad control is used by a separate XAML file (Panel.xaml), which laids out several controls that belong to my custom class library.
Now, I'd like to add a TextBlock inside my Panel file in order to display the "DialedNumber" string held inside the DialPad. This is the code snippet in Panel.xaml:
<PanelControls:DialPad x:Name="MyDialPad" DialedNumber="55325"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=MyDialPad, Path=DialedNumber}" />
The result I'm getting is that the textblock displays the correct number on start (i.e., "55325"), but its content doesn't get updated as I press the dial pad keys (even though the DialPad's viewmodel gets updated as I press new keys, as I've checked with the debugger).
Here's the code behind for the DialPad view:
public partial class DialPad : UserControl
public DialPad()
DataContext = new DialPadViewModel();
public void DialedNumberChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
public DialPadViewModel DialPadViewModel
get { return DataContext as DialPadViewModel; }
public string DialedNumber
var dialPadViewModel = Resources["DialPadVM"] as DialPadViewModel;
return (dialPadViewModel != null) ? dialPadViewModel.DialedNumber : "";
var dialPadViewModel = Resources["DialPadVM"] as DialPadViewModel;
if (dialPadViewModel != null)
dialPadViewModel.DialedNumber = value;
Here's the DialPad view model:
public class DialPadViewModel : ObservableObject
public DialPadViewModel()
_dialPadModel = new DialPadModel();
#region Fields
private readonly DialPadModel _dialPadModel;
private ICommand _dialPadKeyPressed;
#region Public Properties/Command
public DialPadModel DialPadModel
get { return _dialPadModel; }
public ICommand DialPadKeyPressedCommand
if (_dialPadKeyPressed == null)
_dialPadKeyPressed = new RelayCommand(DialPadKeyPressedCmd);
return _dialPadKeyPressed;
public string DialedNumber
get { return _dialPadModel.DialedNumber; }
_dialPadModel.DialedNumber = value;
#region Private Helpers
private void DialPadKeyPressedCmd(object parameter)
string keyPressedString = parameter.ToString();
if (keyPressedString.Length > 0)
if (char.IsDigit(keyPressedString[0]))
DialedNumber += keyPressedString[0].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
else if (keyPressedString == "C" || keyPressedString == "Clr" || keyPressedString == "Clear")
DialedNumber = "";
Let me restate my problem: the textblock in Panel.xaml displays the correct number (55325) on start, but its value never gets updated as I press the DialPadButtons. I've placed a breakpoint inside DialPadKeyPressedCmd and I can confirm that the method gets executed everytime I press a key in the dial pad.
DependencyProperties are meant to point to some other property to get their value. So you can either point it to your DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber, or you can point it to some other string when the UserControl is used (either a binding or a hardcoded value like "551"), but you can't do both.
In your case, when someone binds to the DialedNumber dependency property, they are replacing the current value (the binding to DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber) with a new value.
Depending on how your code looks and what you want to do, there are a few ways around it.
First, you could insist that people who want to use your control also use your ViewModel, and don't make DialedNumber a public dependency property.
So instead of being allowed to create a custom class with a property of SomeOtherDialedNumber and binding
<DialPad DialedNumber="{Binding SomeOtherDialedNumber}">
they are forced to use the DialPadViewModel in their code anytime they want to use the DialPad control. For this to work, you would need to remove the this.DataContext = new DialPadViewModel in your code-behind the UserControl since the user will be providing the DialPadViewModel to your UserControl, and you can use an implicit DataTemplate to tell WPF to always draw DialPadViewModel with your DialPad UserControl.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DialPadViewModel}">
<local:DialPad />
The other alternative I can think of is to synchronize your DependencyProperty with your ViewModel property with some PropertyChange notifications.
You would need to update DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber anytime the DialedNumber dependency property changes (You may need to use DependencyPropertyDescriptor.AddValueChanged for property change notification), and you would also have to write something to update the source of the DialedNumber dependency property anytime DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber changes.
Personally, if my UserControl has a ViewModel then I use the first option. If not, I get rid of the ViewModel entirely and build the logic for my UserControl in the code-behind, without a ViewModel.
The reason for this is that WPF works with two layers: a UI layer and a data layer. The DataContext is the data layer, and a ViewModel is typically part of the data layer. By setting the data layer (DataContext) explicitly in the UserControl's constructor, you are combining your data layer with your UI layer, which goes against one of the biggest reasons for using MVVM: separation of concerns. A UserControl should really just be a pretty shell only, and you should be able to place it on top of any data layer you want.
If you place your DialPad in your View, you can create a DialPadViewModel-Property (public+global) in your ViewViewModel:
public DialPadViewModel DialPadViewModel = new DialPadViewModel();
Now set the DataContext-Binding of your View to the ViewViewModel and bind the DialPads DataContext also to it, like
<local:DialPad DataContext="{Binding}"/>
Now you can bind to the properties in your DialPadViewModel:
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber}"/>
Thats how you can Access your DialPadViewModel from your View and your DialPad.
Now try changing your DialedNumber Property in your DialPad.xaml.cs like this:
public string DialedNumber
return DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber;
DialPadViewModel.DialedNumber = value;
EDIT 2: I found the Problem:
In your DialPad.xaml all your Commands were bound to the DialPadViewModel from the resources, while the TextBloc was bound to the DialPads DataContext, which is another instance of the DialPadViewModel.
So everytime you hit a DialPad-Button you changed the value of the DialedNumber from the resources' DPVM-instance not the DialedNumber from the DataContext's DPVM-instance.
It sounds like you can add a TextBox to your view and bind it's Text property to your view-model's DialedNumber property.
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=DialedNumber}"></TextBox>
Your view-model property can look something like this:
private string _dialedNumber;
public string DialedNumber
get { return _dialedNumber; }
if (value == _dialedNumber)
_dialedNumber= value;
_yourModel.DialedNumber= _dialedNumber;
Let me know if I misunderstood your question.

how and where to use DependencyProperty

I am new to WPF so after reading for a while I deduce that my problem needs to be handled with this pattern: DependencyProperty.
I want my ToggleButton to have another boolean property.
My problem is where should I assign this property, and how? Inside the object that is bound to the ToggleButton?
Let's say I have a class cell (which is bound to this Button) that when clicked I want that from this point on, it would hold new face with trigger on.
My new property will be:
bool wasClick
Can someone explain to me how I should write it and tell me more about this new concept?
The main topic is where should I define it so I want it asoocited to a Button but where should I write the code. Lets say I have a class that is bound to a Button. Should I write:
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsSpinningProperty =
... "IsSpinning", typeof(Boolean),
in this class or should I write it in my view model? If so, where and how?
As the name implies (kind of poorly), a dependency property is a property whose value can depend on something else. Generally, this means a property whose value gets determined automatically (and dynamically) by the WPF framework under certain conditions. The most common conditions are:
The property has a default value, or inherits its value from an ancestor in the visual tree. In this case, the property's value is determined without it ever being set.
The property is the target of data binding.
The property's value is set by an animation.
Not all properties whose value gets set by the WPF framework need to be dependency properties. Any CLR property with a public getter and setter can be the source of a two-way data binding.
In your case, it sounds like you don't really need a dependency property, not if you're using a view model. You could just do this (assuming that you've implemented property-change notification in your class):
private bool _IsChecked;
public bool IsChecked
get { return _IsChecked; } }
if (value == _IsChecked)
_IsChecked = value;
WasChecked = WasChecked || value;
private bool _WasChecked;
public bool WasChecked
get { return _WasChecked; }
private set
if (value == _WasChecked)
_WasChecked = value;
