react preloading progress bar between routes - reactjs

This isn't an intentionally broad question but i simply cannot find a good example of how to do this.
I am trying to figure out how i do a percentage progress bar between routes in a react project. Are there any methods on the document or window which give you the total amount of data to be downloaded? then somehow find the current download and divide that by the total times 100.
Any help in figuring this out would be appreciated. Im not looking for packages that do it, just a rough idea of how to do this.


How to control the aligning in highchartjs Venn diagram, with React

I'm using highcharts, the Venn module (highcharts/modules/venn.js), and using the highcharts-react-official package to support it in React, the need to show the Venn diagram circles as shown here:
This is what I have now:
However, I tried to figure out away to do this using legand.layout but did not manage to modify the alignment to get the that results, here's what I get.
Any Idea how to do so, if providing the code for that would help more, I'll be happy to share, but I thing either there's an API that I'm no able to find, or its not supported and I have either to find another solution or find a workaround
Really appreciate your time & help

How to make an AI logo generator

I seen all the logo generators are the same,
they got the same results of logos only have different UI that's why I am wondering how I can make one, We've been trying for a week doing research but we can’t find out how they build these, is there a code we can’t find which all of these are using and than just different UI or ? Would appreciate if anyone got any idea about this any info would be helpful Thanks and hope each one is having a great week

Web Apple Watch Text Scroll Animation

I am trying to replicate this exact animation. I can see it used on many pages, so it is not specific to Apple. Do you have any suggestions or even working examples. I am using Next.js, so React in combination with Typescript. I appreciate any help you can provide.

Material UI + YUP + React Hook Forms + FieldArray

I´m pretty new to react-hook-form but I like it so far. I´ve managed some scenarios with simple validation together with material-ui and its working pretty well.
Right now I´m having a problem where I´m totally out of Ideas and I was hoping that somebody can help me out there.
I try to explain the problem as best as I can.
I have a global number which refelects a users membership in teams. This number represents the maximum amount of memberships of a given user. A user can then be assigned to teams. The data comes from a database. It is now possible to change the proportion of a team membership a user belongs to, but together they cannot exceed the global limit of the current user.
I´m currently totally out of ideas. The validation should check if the teamValues together do not exceed the global total number. I tried to use useFieldArray for that example which works pretty well but I have no idea how I should build up the component and the validation.
I provided a code sandbox with a rudimentary example which reflects what I currently have. Maybe someone can help me out here! Maybe useFieldArray is not the best option here but I have no idea what I can or should use instead :-).
Thanks a lot!!
Link to codesandbox:

How to create an array of image URLs

I have been watching tutorials and looking/researching and I can't find anywhere how to create an array of image urls.
I am trying to use the framework SDWebImage. All the tutorials that I have been looking at do exactly what I need my app to do, but with a TableView not a normal ViewController. I also would like to have it where you push a button and then it will randomly call one of the images. The urls are from the images stored in Firebase Storage. This framework (SDWebImage) is really what I want to use because it does exactly what I want to do and makes it really quick and easy. The tutorial that was closest to what I am doing is except for Jared has his in a TableView. This video is exactly what I want meaning the way he did his code like that. I really like his tutorials and his code is nice.
Overview: I need a random image from the array to load right when the app is launched, and when you click the button I need it to load another random image. I looked into this framework because at the moment I will have 400 images and more coming in the future and it is super easy to do exactly what I want.
Please help me I have been searching for 2 days and I have no idea what to do! I know this is a pretty simple concept for having an array and for using this normal ViewController instead of a TableVIew.
All help is gladly appreciated.
According to the SDWebImage documentation, you can use the setImageWithURL to set each image view inside a cell set. That code can look something like this:
self.imageView.sd_setImageWithURL(url, completed: block)
I don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for! To get better answers from Stack Overflow it's always better to post segments of your code that are not working, with an explanation of what you have tried and what errors you are getting. See here for some tips on asking good Stack Overflow questions, and here for some types of questions you should avoid.
Hope it helps!
Potentially Useful Sources:
IOS - SWIFT - CollectionView With images, loading URLs from array
Ask Question
Loading/Downloading image from URL on Swift
