is it possible to use c++ library with postgreSQL? - database

Currently, I working with PostgreSQL code. I want to add a feature with Postgres as part of my project. But I want to know "is it possible to add C++ library with Postgres?", so I able to use some functions from that library.thanks.

The documentation says:
Although the PostgreSQL backend is written in C, it is possible to write extensions in C++ if these guidelines are followed:
All functions accessed by the backend must present a C interface to the backend; these C functions can then call C++ functions. For example, extern C linkage is required for backend-accessed functions. This is also necessary for any functions that are passed as pointers between the backend and C++ code.
Free memory using the appropriate deallocation method. For example, most backend memory is allocated using palloc(), so use pfree() to free it. Using C++ delete in such cases will fail.
Prevent exceptions from propagating into the C code (use a catch-all block at the top level of all extern C functions). This is necessary even if the C++ code does not explicitly throw any exceptions, because events like out-of-memory can still throw exceptions. Any exceptions must be caught and appropriate errors passed back to the C interface. If possible, compile C++ with -fno-exceptions to eliminate exceptions entirely; in such cases, you must check for failures in your C++ code, e.g. check for NULL returned by new().
If calling backend functions from C++ code, be sure that the C++ call stack contains only plain old data structures (POD). This is necessary because backend errors generate a distant longjmp() that does not properly unroll a C++ call stack with non-POD objects.
In summary, it is best to place C++ code behind a wall of extern C functions that interface to the backend, and avoid exception, memory, and call stack leakage.


What remains in C if I exclude libraries and compiler extensions?

Imagine a situation where you can't or don't want to use any of the libraries provided by the compiler as "standard", nor any external library. You can't use even the compiler extensions (such as gcc extensions).
What is the remaining part you get if you strip C language of all the things a lot of people use as a matter of course?
In such a way, probably a list of every callable function supported by any big C compiler (not only ANSI C) out-of-box would be satisfying as as answer as it'd at least approximately show the use-case of the language.
First I thought about sizeof() and printf() (those were already clarified in the comments - operator + stdio), so... what remains? In-line assembly seem like an extension too, so that pretty much strips even the option to use assembly with C if I'm right.
Probably in the matter of code it'd be easier to understand. Imagine a code compiled with only e.g. gcc main.c (output flag permitted) that has no #include, nor extern.
int main() {
// replace_me
return 0;
What can I call to actually do something else than "boring" type math and casting from type to type?
Note that switch, goto, if, loops and other constructs that do nothing and only allow repeating a piece of code aren't the thing I'm looking for (if it isn't obvious).
(Hopefully the edit clarified wtf I'm actually asking, but Matteo's answer pretty much did it.)
If you remove all libraries essentially you have something similar to a freestanding implementation of C (which still has to provide some libraries - say, string.h, but that's nothing you couldn't easily implement yourself in portable C), and that's what normally you start with when programming microcontrollers and other computers that don't have a ready-made operating system - and what operating system writers in general use when they compile their operating systems.
There you typically have two ways of doing stuff besides "raw" computation:
assembly blocks (where you can do literally anything the underlying machine can do);
memory mapped IO (you set a volatile pointer to some hardware dependent location and read/write from it; that affects hardware stuff).
That's really all you need to build anything - and after all, it all boils down to that stuff anyway, the C library of a regular hosted implementation is normally written in C itself, with some assembly used either for speed or to communicate with the operating system1 (typically the syscalls are invoked through some kind of interrupt).
Again, it's nothing you couldn't implement yourself. But the point of having a standard library is both to avoid to continuously reinvent the wheel, and to have a set of portable functions that spare you to have to rewrite everything knowing the details of each target platform.
And mainstream operating systems, in turn, are generally written in a mix or C and assembly as well.
C has no "built-in" functions as such. A compiler implementation may include "intrinsic" functions that are implemented directly by the compiler without provision of an external library, although a prototype declaration is still required for intrinsics, so you would still normally include a header file for such declarations.
C is a systems-level language with a minimal run-time and start-up requirement. Because it can directly access memory and memory mapped I/O there is very little that it cannot do (and what it cannot do is what you use assembly, in-line assembly or intrinsics for). For example, much of the library code you are wondering what you can do without is written in C. When running in an OS environment however (using C as an application-level rather then system-level language), you cannot practically use C in that manner - the OS has control over such things as I/O and memory-management and in modern systems will normally prevent unmediated access to such resources. Of course that OS itself is likely to largely written in C (and/or C++).
In a standalone of bare-metal environment with no OS, C is often used very early in the bootstrap process initialising hardware and establishing an application execution environment. In fact on ARM Cortex-M processors it is possible to boot directly into C code from reset, since the hardware loads an initial stack-pointer and start address from the vector table on start-up; this being enough to run C code that does not rely on library or static data initialisation - such initialisation can however be written in C before calling main().
Note that sizeof is not a function, it is an operator.
I don't think you really understand the situation.
You don't need a header to call a function in C. You can call with unchecked parameters - a bad idea and an obsolete feature, but still supported. And if a compiler links a library by default instead of only when you explicitly tell it to, that's only a little switch within the compiler to "link libc". Notoriously Unix compilers need to be told to link the math library, it wasn't linked by default because some very early programs didn't use floating point.
To be fair, some standard library functions like memcpy tend to be special-cased these days as they lend themselves to inlining and optimisation.
The standard library is documented and is usually available, though in effect deprecated by Microsoft for security reasons. You can write pretty much any function quite easily with only stdlib functions, what you can't do is fancy IO.

Providing external routines from a C library in a threadsafe manner

I have a c-library wrapped around a fortran library that I want to use in OCaml. The obvious solution is to map the c-interface into ocaml routines using some handwritten code to deal with GC.
However, it turns out that the algorithm implemented by the fortran library gets its inputs as EXTERNAL routines, i.e.:
This means that the input is essentially passed by the linker. The C-wrapper has a nice interface collecting all required input in a struct, but essentially provides one global instance of that struct and then defines all the missing external routines in terms of that global instance.
As a functional programmer, this smells like an antipattern to me. Since I do not want to rewrite the fortran code, my question is:
Is there a safe, idiomatic way to link the fortran library and avoiding global state clashups? Can the C-library provide the global state of the fortran library, without rewriting the fortran code?
If no such way exists, what is a good C11 (i.e. OS independent) idiom to protect the global state? I'd need a kind of global lock that only allows access through a key that is issued exactly once.
I just read about thread local declarations in C11, would that be an option?

Emulating lambdas in C?

I should mention that I'm generating code in C, as opposed to doing this manually. I say this because it doesn't matter too much if there's a lot of code behind it, because the compiler should manage it all. Anyway, how would I go around emulating a lambda in C? I was thinking I could just generate a function with some random name somewhere in the source code and then call that? I'm not too sure. I haven't really tried anything just yet, since I wanted to get the idea down before I implement it.
Is there some kind of preprocessor directive I can do, or some macro that will make this cleaner to do? I've been inspired by Jon Blow to try out compiler development, and he seemed to implement Lambdas in his language Jai. However, I think he does something where he generates bytecode, and then into C? I'm not sure.
I'm working on a compiler, the compiler is just a project of mine to keep me busy, plus I wanted to learn more about compilers. I primarily use clang, I'm on Ubuntu 14.10. I don't have any garbage collection, but I wanted to try my hand at some kind of smart pointer-y/rust/ARC inspired memory model for garbage collection, i.e. little to no overhead. I chose C because I wanted to dabble in it more. My project is free software, just a hobby project.
There are several ways of doing it ("having" lambdas in C). The important thing to understand is that lambdas give closures and that closures are mixing "code" with "data" (the closed values); notice that objects are also mixing "code" with "data" and there is a similarity between objects and closures. See also this answer on Programmers.
Traditionally, in C, you not only use function pointers, but you adopt a convention regarding callbacks. This for instance is the case with GTK: every time you pass a function pointer, you also pass some data with it. You can view callbacks (the convention of giving C function pointer with some void*data) as a way to implement closures.
Since you generate C code (which is a wise idea, I'm doing similar things in MELT which -on Linux- generates C++ code at runtime, compile it into a shared object, and dlopen-s that) you could adopt a callback convention and pass some closed values to every function that you generate.
You might also consider closed values as static variables, but this approach is generally unwise.
There have been in the past some lambda.h header library which generates a machine-specific trampoline code for closures (essentially generating a code which pushes some closed values as arguments then call some routine). You might use some JIT compilation techniques (using libjit, GNU lightning, LLVM, asmjit, ....) to do the same. See also libffi to call an arbitrary function (of signature known at runtime only).
Notice that there is a strong -but indirect- relation between closures and garbage collection (read the GC handbook for more), and it is not by accident that every functional language has a GC. C++11 lambda functions are an exception on this (and it is difficult to understand all the intricacies of memory management of C++11 closures). So if you are generating C code, you could and probably should use Boehm's conservative garbage collector (which is wrapping dlopen) and you would have closure GC-ed values. (You could use some other GC libraries, e.g. Ravenbrook's MPS or my unmaintained Qish...) Then you could have the convention that every generated C function takes its closure as first argument.
I would suggest to read Scott's book on Programming Language Pragmatics and (assuming you know a tiny bit of Scheme or Lisp; if you don't you should learn a bit of Scheme and read SICP) Queinnec's book Lisp In Small Pieces (if you happen to read French, read the latest French variant).

Harmful C Source File Check?

Is there a way to programmatically check if a single C source file is potentially harmful?
I know that no check will yield 100% accuracy -- but am interested at least to do some basic checks that will raise a red flag if some expressions / keywords are found. Any ideas of what to look for?
Note: the files I will be inspecting are relatively small in size (few 100s of lines at most), implementing numerical analysis functions that all operate in memory. No external libraries (except math.h) shall be used in the code. Also, no I/O should be used (functions will be run with in-memory arrays).
Given the above, are there some programmatic checks I could do to at least try to detect harmful code?
Note: since I don't expect any I/O, if the code does I/O -- it is considered harmful.
Yes, there are programmatic ways to detect the conditions that concern you.
It seems to me you ideally want a static analysis tool to verify that the preprocessed version of the code:
Doesn't call any functions except those it defines and non I/O functions in the standard library,
Doesn't do any bad stuff with pointers.
By preprocessing, you get rid of the problem of detecting macros, possibly-bad-macro content, and actual use of macros. Besides, you don't want to wade through all the macro definitions in standard C headers; they'll hurt your soul because of all the historical cruft they contain.
If the code only calls its own functions and trusted functions in the standard library, it isn't calling anything nasty. (Note: It might be calling some function through a pointer, so this check either requires a function-points-to analysis or the agreement that indirect function calls are verboten, which is actually probably reasonable for code doing numerical analysis).
The purpose of checking for bad stuff with pointers is so that it doesn't abuse pointers to manufacture nasty code and pass control to it. This first means, "no casts to pointers from ints" because you don't know where the int has been :-}
For the who-does-it-call check, you need to parse the code and name/type resolve every symbol, and then check call sites to see where they go. If you allow pointers/function pointers, you'll need a full points-to analysis.
One of the standard static analyzer tool companies (Coverity, Klocwork) likely provide some kind of method of restricting what functions a code block may call. If that doesn't work, you'll have to fall back on more general analysis machinery like our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit
with its C Front End. DMS provides customizable machinery to build arbitrary static analyzers, for the a language description provided to it as a front end. DMS can be configured to do exactly the test 1) including the preprocessing step; it also has full points-to, and function-points-to analyzers that could be used to the points-to checking.
For 2) "doesn't use pointers maliciously", again the standard static analysis tool companies provide some pointer checking. However, here they have a much harder problem because they are statically trying to reason about a Turing machine. Their solution is either miss cases or report false positives. Our CheckPointer tool is a dynamic analysis, that is, it watches the code as it runs and if there is any attempt to misuse a pointer CheckPointer will report the offending location immediately. Oh, yes, CheckPointer outlaws casts from ints to pointers :-} So CheckPointer won't provide a static diagnostic "this code can cheat", but you will get a diagnostic if it actually attempts to cheat. CheckPointer has rather high overhead (all that checking costs something) so you probably want to run you code with it for awhile to gain some faith that nothing bad is going to happen, and then stop using it.
EDIT: Another poster says There's not a lot you can do about buffer overwrites for statically defined buffers. CheckPointer will do those tests and more.
If you want to make sure it's not calling anything not allowed, then compile the piece of code and examine what it's linking to (say via nm). Since you're hung up on doing this by a "programmatic" method, just use python/perl/bash to compile then scan the name list of the object file.
There's not a lot you can do about buffer overwrites for statically defined buffers, but you could link against an electric-fence type memory allocator to prevent dynamically allocated buffer overruns.
You could also compile and link the C-file in question against a driver which would feed it typical data while running under valgrind which could help detect poorly or maliciously written code.
In the end, however, you're always going to run up against the "does this routine terminate" question, which is famous for being undecidable. A practical way around this would be to compile your program and run it from a driver which would alarm-out after a set period of reasonable time.
EDIT: Example showing use of nm:
Create a C snippet defining function foo which calls fopen:
#include <stdio.h>
foo() {
FILE *fp = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r");
Compile with -c, and then look at the resulting object file:
$ gcc -c foo.c
$ nm foo.o
0000000000000000 T foo
U fopen
Here you'll see that there are two symbols in the foo.o object file. One is defined, foo, the name of the subroutine we wrote. And one is undefined, fopen, which will be linked to its definition when the object file is linked together with the other C-files and necessary libraries. Using this method, you can see immediately if the compiled object is referencing anything outside of its own definition, and by your rules, can considered to be "bad".
You could do some obvious checks for "bad" function calls like network IO or assembly blocks. Beyond that, I can't think of anything you can do with just a C file.
Given the nature of C you're just about going to have to compile to even get started. Macros and such make static analysis of C code pretty difficult.

Learning C coming from managed OO languages

I am fairly comfortable coding in languages like Java and C#, but I need to use C for a project (because of low level OS API calls) and I am having some difficulty dealing with pointers and memory management (as seen here)
Right now I am basically typing up code and feeding it to the compiler to see if it works. That just doesn't feel right for me. Can anyone point me to good resources for me to understand pointers and memory management, coming from managed languages?
k&r -
nuff said
One of the good resources you found already, SO.
Of course you are compiling with all warnings on, don't you?
Learning by doing largely depends on the quality of your compiler and the warnings / errors he feeds you. The best in that respect that I found in the linux / POSIX world is clang. Nicely traces the origin of errors and tells you about missing header files quite well.
Some tips:
By default varibles are stored in the stack.
Varibles are passed into functions by Value
Stick to the same process for allocating and freeing memory. eg allocate and free in the same the function
C's equivalent of
Integer i = new Integer();
int *p;
Memory Allocation(malloc) can fail, so check the pointer for null before you use it.
OS functions can fail and this can be detected by the return values.
Learn to use gdb to step through your code and print variable values (compile with -g to enable debugging symbols).
Use valgrind to check for memory leaks and other related problems (like heap corruption).
The C language doesn't do anything you don't explicitly tell it to do.
There are no destructors automatically called for you, which is both good and bad (since bugs in destructors can be a pain).
A simple way to get somewhat automatic destructor behavior is to use scoping to construct and destruct things. This can get ugly since nested scopes move things further and further to the right.
if (var = malloc(SIZE)) { // try to keep this line
free(var); // and this line close and with easy to comprehend code between them
} else {
return; // try to limit the number of return statements so that you can ensure resources
// are freed for all code paths
Trying to make your code look like this as much as possible will help, though it's not always possible.
Making a set of macros or inline functions that initialize your objects is a good idea. Also make another set of functions that allocate your objects' memory and pass that to your initializer functions. This allows for both local and dynamically allocated objects to easily be initialized. Similar operations for destructor-like functions is also a good idea.
Using OO techniques is good practice in many instances, and doing so in C just requires a little bit more typing (but allows for more control). Putters, getters, and other helper functions can help keep objects in consistent states and decrease the changes you have to make when you find an error, if you can keep the interface the same.
You should also look into the perror function and the errno "variabl".
Usually you will want to avoid using anything like exceptions in C. I generally try to avoid them in C++ as well, and only use them for really bad errors -- ones that aren't supposed to happen. One of the main reasons for avoiding them is that there are no destructor calls magically made in C, so non-local GOTOs will often leak (or otherwise screw up) some type of resource. That being said, there are things in C which provide a similar functionality.
The main exception like mechanism in C are the setjmp and longjmp functions. setjmp is called from one location in code and passed a (opaque) variable (jmp_buf) which can later be passed to longjmp. When a call to longjmp is made it doesn't actually return to the caller, but returns as the previously called setjmp with that jmp_buf. setjmp will return a value specified by the call to longjmp. Regular calls to setjmp return 0.
Other exception like functionality is more platform specific, but includes signals (which have their own gotchas).
Other things to look into are:
The assert macro, which can be used to cause program exit when the parameter (a logical test of some sort) fails. Calls to assert go away when you #define NDEBUG before you #include <assert.h>, so after testing you can easily remove the assertions. This is really good for testing for NULL pointers before dereferencing them, as well as several other conditions. If a condition fails assert attempts to print the source file name and line number of the failed test.
The abort function causes the program to exit with failure without doing all of the clean up that calling exit does. This may be done with a signal on some platforms. assert calls abort.
