AWS Sagemaker custom user algorithms: how to take advantage of extra instances - amazon-sagemaker

This is a fundamental AWS Sagemaker question. When I run training with one of Sagemaker's built in algorithms I am able to take advantage of the massive speedup from distributing the job to many instances by increasing the instance_count argument of the training algorithm. However, when I package my own custom algorithm then increasing the instance count seems to just duplicate the training on every instance, leading to no speedup.
I suspect that when I am packaging my own algorithm there is something special I need to do to control how it handles the training differently for a particular instance inside of the my custom train() function (otherwise, how would it know how the job should be distributed?), but I have not been able to find any discussion of how to do this online.
Does anyone know how to handle this? Thank you very much in advance.
Specific examples:
=> It works well in a standard algorithm: I verified that increasing train_instance_count in the first documented sagemaker example speeds things up here:
=> It does not work in my custom algorithm. I tried taking the standard sklearn build-your-own-model example and adding a few extra sklearn variants inside of the training and then printing out results to compare. When I increase the train_instance_count that is passed to the Estimator object, it runs the same training on every instance, so the output gets duplicated across each instance (the printouts of the results are duplicated) and there is no speedup.
This is the sklearn example base: . The third argument of the Estimator object partway down in this notebook is what lets you control the number of training instances.

Distributed training requires having a way to sync the results of the training between the training workers. Most of the traditional libraries, such as scikit-learn are designed to work with a single worker, and can't just be used in a distributed environment. Amazon SageMaker is distributing the data across the workers, but it is up to you to make sure that the algorithm can benefit from the multiple workers. Some algorithms, such as Random Forest, are easier to take advantage of the distribution, as each worker can build a different part of the forest, but other algorithms need more help.
Spark MLLib has distributed implementations of popular algorithms such as k-means, logistic regression, or PCA, but these implementations are not good enough for some cases. Most of them were too slow and some even crushed when a lot of data was used for the training. The Amazon SageMaker team reimplemented many of these algorithms from scratch to benefit from the scale and economics of the cloud (20 hours of one instance costs the same as 1 hour of 20 instances, just 20 times faster). Many of these algorithms are now more stable and much faster beyond the linear scalability. See more details here:
For the deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow and MXNet) SageMaker is using the built-in parameters server that each one is using, but it is taking the heavy lifting of the building the cluster and configuring the instances to communicate with it.


NVIDIA Triton vs TorchServe for SageMaker Inference

NVIDIA Triton vs TorchServe for SageMaker inference? When to recommend each?
Both are modern, production grade inference servers. TorchServe is the DLC default inference server for PyTorch models. Triton is also supported for PyTorch inference on SageMaker.
Anyone has a good comparison matrix for both?
Important notes to add here where both serving stacks differ:
TorchServe does not provide the Instance Groups feature that Triton does (that is, stacking many copies of the same model or even different models onto the same GPU). This is a major advantage for both realtime and batch use-cases, as the performance increase is almost proportional to the model replication count (i.e. 2 copies of the model get you almost twice the throughput and half the latency; check out a BERT benchmark of this here). Hard to match a feature that is almost like having 2+ GPU's for the price of one.
if you are deploying PyTorch DL models, odds are you often want to accelerate them with GPU's. TensorRT (TRT) is a compiler developed by NVIDIA that automatically quantizes and optimizes your model graph, which represents another huge speed up, depending on GPU architecture and model. It is understandably so probably the best way of automatically optimizing your model to run efficiently on GPU's and make good use of TensorCores. Triton has native integration to run TensorRT engines as they're called (even automatically converting your model to a TRT engine via config file), while TorchServe does not (even though you can use TRT engines with it).
There is more parity between both when it comes to other important serving features: both have dynamic batching support, you can define inference DAG's with both (not sure if the latter works with TorchServe on SageMaker without a big hassle), and both support custom code/handlers instead of just being able to serve a model's forward function.
Finally, MME on GPU (coming shortly) will be based on Triton, which is a valid argument for customers to get familiar with it so that they can quickly leverage this new feature for cost-optimization.
Bottom line I think that Triton is just as easy (if not easier) ot use, a lot more optimized/integrated for taking full advantage of the underlying hardware (and will be updated to keep being that way as newer GPU architectures are released, enabling an easy move to them), and in general blows TorchServe out of the water performance-wise when its optimization features are used in combination.
Because I don't have enough reputation for replying in comments, I write in answer.
MME is Multi-model endpoints. MME enables sharing GPU instances behind an endpoint across multiple models and dynamically loads and unloads models based on the incoming traffic.
You can read it further in this link

Difference between SageMaker instance count and Data parallelism

I can't understand the difference between SageMaker instance count and Data parallelism. As we already have a feature that can specify how many instances we train model when we write a training script using sagemaker-sdk.
However, in 2021 re:Invent, SageMaker team launched and demonstrated SageMaker managed Data Parallelism and this feature also provides distributed training.
I've searched a lot of sites for letting me know about that, but I can't find really clear demonstration. I share some stuffs explaining the concept I mentioned closely. Link :
Increasing the instance count will enable SageMaker to launch those many instances and copy data to the instances. This will only enable parallelization at the infrastructure level. To really carry out distributed training we need support at framework/code level where the code should know how to aggregate/send gradients across all the GPU's/instances within the cluster. In some case how to distribute data as well usually when using DataLoaders. To achieve this SageMaker has Distributed Data Parallelism feature built into it. This is similar to other alternatives like Horovod, Pytorch DDP etc...

Manage multiple clusters in Hadoop OR Distributed Computing Framework

I have five computers networked together. Among them one is master computer and another four are slave computers.
Each slave computer has its own set of data (a very big integer matrix). I want to run four different clustering programs in four different slaves. Then, take the results back into the master computer for further processing (such as visualization).
I initially thought to use Hadoop. But, I cannot find any nice way to convert the above problem (specifically the output results) into the Map Reduce framework.
Is there any nice open-source distributed computing framework by using which I can perform the above task easily?
Thanks in advance.
You should used YARN for manage multiple clusters or resources
YARN is the prerequisite for Enterprise Hadoop, providing resource management and a central platform to deliver consistent operations, security, and data governance tools across Hadoop clusters.
It seems that you have already stored the data on each of the nodes, so you have already solved the "distributed storage" element of the problem.
Since each node's dataset is different, this isn't a parallel processing problem either.
It seems to me that you don't need Hadoop or any other big data framework. However, you can embrace the philosophy of Hadoop by taking the code to the data. You run the clustering algorithm on each node, and then handle the results in whatever way you need. A caveat would be if you also have a problem in loading the data and running the clustering algorithm on each node, but that is a different problem.

Usecases: InfluxDB vs. Prometheus [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 6 years ago.
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Following the Prometheus webpage one main difference between Prometheus and InfluxDB is the usecase: while Prometheus stores time series only InfluxDB is better geared towards storing individual events. Since there was some major work done on the storage engine of InfluxDB I wonder if this is still true.
I want to setup a time series database and apart from the push/push model (and probably a difference in performance) I can see no big thing which separates both projects. Can someone explain the difference in usecases?
InfluxDB CEO and developer here. The next version of InfluxDB (0.9.5) will have our new storage engine. With that engine we'll be able to efficiently store either single event data or regularly sampled series. i.e. Irregular and regular time series.
InfluxDB supports int64, float64, bool, and string data types using different compression schemes for each one. Prometheus only supports float64.
For compression, the 0.9.5 version will have compression competitive with Prometheus. For some cases we'll see better results since we vary the compression on timestamps based on what we see. Best case scenario is a regular series sampled at exact intervals. In those by default we can compress 1k points timestamps as an 8 byte starting time, a delta (zig-zag encoded) and a count (also zig-zag encoded).
Depending on the shape of the data we've seen < 2.5 bytes per point on average after compactions.
YMMV based on your timestamps, the data type, and the shape of the data. Random floats with nanosecond scale timestamps with large variable deltas would be the worst, for instance.
The variable precision in timestamps is another feature that InfluxDB has. It can represent second, millisecond, microsecond, or nanosecond scale times. Prometheus is fixed at milliseconds.
Another difference is that writes to InfluxDB are durable after a success response is sent to the client. Prometheus buffers writes in memory and by default flushes them every 5 minutes, which opens a window of potential data loss.
Our hope is that once 0.9.5 of InfluxDB is released, it will be a good choice for Prometheus users to use as long term metrics storage (in conjunction with Prometheus). I'm pretty sure that support is already in Prometheus, but until the 0.9.5 release drops it might be a bit rocky. Obviously we'll have to work together and do a bunch of testing, but that's what I'm hoping for.
For single server metrics ingest, I would expect Prometheus to have better performance (although we've done no testing here and have no numbers) because of their more constrained data model and because they don't append writes to disk before writing out the index.
The query language between the two are very different. I'm not sure what they support that we don't yet or visa versa so you'd need to dig into the docs on both to see if there's something one can do that you need. Longer term our goal is to have InfluxDB's query functionality be a superset of Graphite, RRD, Prometheus and other time series solutions. I say superset because we want to cover those in addition to more analytic functions later on. It'll obviously take us time to get there.
Finally, a longer term goal for InfluxDB is to support high availability and horizontal scalability through clustering. The current clustering implementation isn't feature complete yet and is only in alpha. However, we're working on it and it's a core design goal for the project. Our clustering design is that data is eventually consistent.
To my knowledge, Prometheus' approach is to use double writes for HA (so there's no eventual consistency guarantee) and to use federation for horizontal scalability. I'm not sure how querying across federated servers would work.
Within an InfluxDB cluster, you can query across the server boundaries without copying all the data over the network. That's because each query is decomposed into a sort of MapReduce job that gets run on the fly.
There's probably more, but that's what I can think of at the moment.
We've got the marketing message from the two companies in the other answers. Now let's ignore it and get back to the sad real world of time-data series.
Some History
InfluxDB and prometheus were made to replace old tools from the past era (RRDtool, graphite).
InfluxDB is a time series database. Prometheus is a sort-of metrics collection and alerting tool, with a storage engine written just for that. (I'm actually not sure you could [or should] reuse the storage engine for something else)
Sadly, writing a database is a very complex undertaking. The only way both these tools manage to ship something is by dropping all the hard features relating to high-availability and clustering.
To put it bluntly, it's a single application running only a single node.
Prometheus has no goal to support clustering and replication whatsoever. The official way to support failover is to "run 2 nodes and send data to both of them". Ouch. (Note that it's seriously the ONLY existing way possible, it's written countless times in the official documentation).
InfluxDB has been talking about clustering for years... until it was officially abandoned in March. Clustering ain't on the table anymore for InfluxDB. Just forget it. When it will be done (supposing it ever is) it will only be available in the Enterprise Edition.
Within the next few years, we will hopefully have a well-engineered time-series database that is handling all the hard problems relating to databases: replication, failover, data safety, scalability, backup...
At the moment, there is no silver bullet.
What to do
Evaluate the volume of data to be expected.
100 metrics * 100 sources * 1 second => 10000 datapoints per second => 864 Mega-datapoints per day.
The nice thing about times series databases is that they use a compact format, they compress well, they aggregate datapoints, and they clean old data. (Plus they come with features relevant to time data series.)
Supposing that a datapoint is treated as 4 bytes, that's only a few Gigabytes per day. Lucky for us, there are systems with 10 cores and 10 TB drives readily available. That could probably run on a single node.
The alternative is to use a classic NoSQL database (Cassandra, ElasticSearch or Riak) then engineer the missing bits in the application. These databases may not be optimized for that kind of storage (or are they? modern databases are so complex and optimized, can't know for sure unless benchmarked).
You should evaluate the capacity required by your application. Write a proof of concept with these various databases and measures things.
See if it falls within the limitations of InfluxDB. If so, it's probably the best bet. If not, you'll have to make your own solution on top of something else.
InfluxDB simply cannot hold production load (metrics) from 1000 servers. It has some real problems with data ingestion and ends up stalled/hanged and unusable. We tried to use it for a while but once data amount reached some critical level it could not be used anymore. No memory or cpu upgrades helped.
Therefore our experience is definitely avoid it, it's not mature product and has serious architectural design problems. And I am not even talking about sudden shift to commercial by Influx.
Next we researched Prometheus and while it required to rewrite queries it now ingests 4 times more metrics without any problems whatsoever compared to what we tried to feed to Influx. And all that load is handled by single Prometheus server, it's fast, reliable, and dependable. This is our experience running huge international internet shop under pretty heavy load.
IIRC current Prometheus implementation is designed around all the data fitting on a single server. If you have gigantic quantities of data, it may not all fit in Prometheus.

Examples for Topological Sorting on Large DAGs

I am looking for real world applications where topological sorting is performed on large graph sizes.
Some fields where I image you could find such instances would be bioinformatics, dependency resolution, databases, hardware design, data warehousing... but I hope some of you may have encountered or heard of any specific algorithms/projects/applications/datasets that require topsort.
Even if the data/project may not be publicly accessible any hints (and estimates on the order of magnitude of potential graph sizes) might be helpful.
Here are some examples I've seen so far for Topological Sorting:
While scheduling task graphs in a distributed system, it is usually
needed to sort the tasks topologically and then assign them to
resources. I am aware of task graphs containing more than 100,000
tasks to be sorted in a topological order. See this in this context.
Once upon a time I was working on a Document Management System. Each
document on this system has some kind of precedence constraint to a
set of other documents, e.g. its content type or field referencing.
Then, the system should be able to generate an order of the documents
with the preserved topological order. As I can remember, there were
around 5,000,000 documents available two years ago !!!
In the field of social networking, there is famous query to know the
largest friendship distance in the network. This problem needs to
traverse the graph by a BFS approach, equal to the cost of a
topological sorting. Consider the members of Facebook and find your
If you need more real examples, do not hesitate to ask me. I have worked in lots of projects working on on large graphs.
P.S. for large DAG datasets, you may take a look at Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection and Graphics# Illinois page.
I'm not sure if this fits what you're looking for but did you know Bio4j project?
Not all the contents stored in the graph based DB would be adequate for topological sorting (there exists directed cycles in an important part of the graph), however there are sub-graphs like Gene Ontology and Taxonomy where this ordering may have sense.
TopoR is a commercial topological PCB router that works first by routing the PCB as topological problem and then translating the topology into physical space. They support up to 32 electrical layers, so it should be capable of many thousands of connections (say 10^4).
I suspect integrated circuits may use similar methods.
The company where I work manages a (proprietary) database of software vulnerabilities and patches. Patches are typically issued by a software vendor (like Microsoft, Adobe, etc.) at regular intervals, and "new and improved" patches "supercede" older ones, in the sense that if you apply the newer patch to a host then the old patch is no longer needed.
This gives rise to a DAG where each software patch is a node with arcs pointing to a node for each "superceding" patch. There are currently close to 10K nodes in the graph, and new patches are added every week.
Topological sorting is useful in this context to verify that the graph contains no cycles - if they do arise then it means that there was either an error in the addition of a new DB record, or corruption was introduced by botched data replication between DB instances.
