Difference between SageMaker instance count and Data parallelism - amazon-sagemaker

I can't understand the difference between SageMaker instance count and Data parallelism. As we already have a feature that can specify how many instances we train model when we write a training script using sagemaker-sdk.
However, in 2021 re:Invent, SageMaker team launched and demonstrated SageMaker managed Data Parallelism and this feature also provides distributed training.
I've searched a lot of sites for letting me know about that, but I can't find really clear demonstration. I share some stuffs explaining the concept I mentioned closely. Link : https://godatadriven.com/blog/distributed-training-a-diy-aws-sagemaker-model/

Increasing the instance count will enable SageMaker to launch those many instances and copy data to the instances. This will only enable parallelization at the infrastructure level. To really carry out distributed training we need support at framework/code level where the code should know how to aggregate/send gradients across all the GPU's/instances within the cluster. In some case how to distribute data as well usually when using DataLoaders. To achieve this SageMaker has Distributed Data Parallelism feature built into it. This is similar to other alternatives like Horovod, Pytorch DDP etc...


What is the difference between Databricks and Spark?

I am trying to a clear picture of how they are interconnected and if the use of one always require the use of the other. If you could give a non-technical definition or explanation of each of them, I would appreciate it.
Please do not paste a technical definition of the two. I am not a software engineer or data analyst or data engineer.
These two paragraphs summarize the difference quite good (from this source)
Spark is a general-purpose cluster computing system that can be used for numerous purposes. Spark provides an interface similar to MapReduce, but allows for more complex operations like queries and iterative algorithms. Databricks is a tool that is built on top of Spark. It allows users to develop, run and share Spark-based applications.
Spark is a powerful tool that can be used to analyze and manipulate data. It is an open-source cluster computing framework that is used to process data in a much faster and efficient way. Databricks is a company that uses Apache Spark as a platform to help corporations and businesses accelerate their work. Databricks can be used to create a cluster, to run jobs and to create notebooks. It can be used to share datasets and it can be integrated with other tools and technologies. Databricks is a useful tool that can be used to get things done quickly and efficiently.
In simple words, Databricks has a 'tool' that is built on top of Apache Spark, but it wraps and manipulates it in an intuitive way which is easier for people to use.
This, in principle, is the same as difference between Hadoop and AWS EMR.

NVIDIA Triton vs TorchServe for SageMaker Inference

NVIDIA Triton vs TorchServe for SageMaker inference? When to recommend each?
Both are modern, production grade inference servers. TorchServe is the DLC default inference server for PyTorch models. Triton is also supported for PyTorch inference on SageMaker.
Anyone has a good comparison matrix for both?
Important notes to add here where both serving stacks differ:
TorchServe does not provide the Instance Groups feature that Triton does (that is, stacking many copies of the same model or even different models onto the same GPU). This is a major advantage for both realtime and batch use-cases, as the performance increase is almost proportional to the model replication count (i.e. 2 copies of the model get you almost twice the throughput and half the latency; check out a BERT benchmark of this here). Hard to match a feature that is almost like having 2+ GPU's for the price of one.
if you are deploying PyTorch DL models, odds are you often want to accelerate them with GPU's. TensorRT (TRT) is a compiler developed by NVIDIA that automatically quantizes and optimizes your model graph, which represents another huge speed up, depending on GPU architecture and model. It is understandably so probably the best way of automatically optimizing your model to run efficiently on GPU's and make good use of TensorCores. Triton has native integration to run TensorRT engines as they're called (even automatically converting your model to a TRT engine via config file), while TorchServe does not (even though you can use TRT engines with it).
There is more parity between both when it comes to other important serving features: both have dynamic batching support, you can define inference DAG's with both (not sure if the latter works with TorchServe on SageMaker without a big hassle), and both support custom code/handlers instead of just being able to serve a model's forward function.
Finally, MME on GPU (coming shortly) will be based on Triton, which is a valid argument for customers to get familiar with it so that they can quickly leverage this new feature for cost-optimization.
Bottom line I think that Triton is just as easy (if not easier) ot use, a lot more optimized/integrated for taking full advantage of the underlying hardware (and will be updated to keep being that way as newer GPU architectures are released, enabling an easy move to them), and in general blows TorchServe out of the water performance-wise when its optimization features are used in combination.
Because I don't have enough reputation for replying in comments, I write in answer.
MME is Multi-model endpoints. MME enables sharing GPU instances behind an endpoint across multiple models and dynamically loads and unloads models based on the incoming traffic.
You can read it further in this link

AWS Sagemaker custom user algorithms: how to take advantage of extra instances

This is a fundamental AWS Sagemaker question. When I run training with one of Sagemaker's built in algorithms I am able to take advantage of the massive speedup from distributing the job to many instances by increasing the instance_count argument of the training algorithm. However, when I package my own custom algorithm then increasing the instance count seems to just duplicate the training on every instance, leading to no speedup.
I suspect that when I am packaging my own algorithm there is something special I need to do to control how it handles the training differently for a particular instance inside of the my custom train() function (otherwise, how would it know how the job should be distributed?), but I have not been able to find any discussion of how to do this online.
Does anyone know how to handle this? Thank you very much in advance.
Specific examples:
=> It works well in a standard algorithm: I verified that increasing train_instance_count in the first documented sagemaker example speeds things up here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/ex1-train-model-create-training-job.html
=> It does not work in my custom algorithm. I tried taking the standard sklearn build-your-own-model example and adding a few extra sklearn variants inside of the training and then printing out results to compare. When I increase the train_instance_count that is passed to the Estimator object, it runs the same training on every instance, so the output gets duplicated across each instance (the printouts of the results are duplicated) and there is no speedup.
This is the sklearn example base: https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-sagemaker-examples/blob/master/advanced_functionality/scikit_bring_your_own/scikit_bring_your_own.ipynb . The third argument of the Estimator object partway down in this notebook is what lets you control the number of training instances.
Distributed training requires having a way to sync the results of the training between the training workers. Most of the traditional libraries, such as scikit-learn are designed to work with a single worker, and can't just be used in a distributed environment. Amazon SageMaker is distributing the data across the workers, but it is up to you to make sure that the algorithm can benefit from the multiple workers. Some algorithms, such as Random Forest, are easier to take advantage of the distribution, as each worker can build a different part of the forest, but other algorithms need more help.
Spark MLLib has distributed implementations of popular algorithms such as k-means, logistic regression, or PCA, but these implementations are not good enough for some cases. Most of them were too slow and some even crushed when a lot of data was used for the training. The Amazon SageMaker team reimplemented many of these algorithms from scratch to benefit from the scale and economics of the cloud (20 hours of one instance costs the same as 1 hour of 20 instances, just 20 times faster). Many of these algorithms are now more stable and much faster beyond the linear scalability. See more details here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/algos.html
For the deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow and MXNet) SageMaker is using the built-in parameters server that each one is using, but it is taking the heavy lifting of the building the cluster and configuring the instances to communicate with it.

What database is good enough for logging application?

I am writing a web application with nodeJS that can be used by other applications to store logs and accessed later in a web interface or by applications themselves providing an API. Similar to Graylog2 but schema free.
I've already tried couchDB in which each document would be a log doc but since I'm not really using revisions it seems to me I'm not using its all features. And beside that I think if the logs exceeds a limit it would be pretty hard to manage in couchDB.
What I'm really looking for, is a big array of logs that can be sorted, filtered, searched and capped on. Then the last events of it accessed. It should be schema free and writing to it should be non-blocking.
I'm considering using Cassandra(I'm not really familiar with it) due to the points here said. MongoDB seems good here too, since Graylog2 uses in mongoDB, in here it has some good points about it.
I've already have seen this question, but not satisfied with the answers.
For some reasons I can't use Cassandra in production, now I'm trying MongoDB.
One more reason to use mongoDB :
More edits:
It is similar to graylog2, but the difference I want to make that instead of having a message field, having fileds defined by the client, which is why I want it to be schema free, and because of that, I may need to query in the user defined fields. We can build it on SQL, but querying on the user defined fields would be reinventing wheel. Same goes with files.
Technically what I'm looking for is to get rich statistical data in the end, or easy debugging and a lot of other stuff that we can't get out of the logs.
Where shall it be stored and how shall it be retrieved?
I guess it depends on how much data you are dealing with. If you have a huge amount (terabytes and petabytes per day) of logs then Apache Kafka, which is designed to allow data to be PULLED by HDFS in parallel, is a interesting solution - still in the incubation stage. I believe if you want to consume Kafka messages with MongoDb, you'd need to develop your own adapter to ingest it as a consumer of a particular Kafka topic. Although MongoDb data (e.g. shards and replicas) is distributed, it may be a sequential process to ingest each message. So, there may be a bottleneck or even race conditions depending on the rate and size of message traffic. Kafka is optimized to pump and append that data to HDFS nodes using message brokers FAST. Then once it is in HDFS you can map/reduce to analyze your information in a variety of ways.
If MongoDb can handle the ingestion load, then it is an excellent, scalable, real-time solution to find information, particularly documents. Otherwise, if you have more time to process data (i.e. batch processes that take hours and sometimes days), then Hadoop or some other Map Reduce database is warranted. Finally, Kafka can distribute that load of messages and hookup that fire-hose to a variety of consumers. Overall, these new technologies spread the load and huge amounts of data across cheap hardware using software to manage failure and recover with a very low probability of losing data.
Even with a small amount of data, MongoDb is a nice option to traditional relational database solutions which require more overhead of developer resources to design, build and maintain.
General Approach
You have a lot of work ahead of you. Whichever database you use, you have many features which you must build on top of the DB foundation. You have done good research about all of your options. It sounds like you suspect that all have pros and cons but all are imperfect. Your suspicion is correct. At this point it is probably time to start writing code.
You could just choose one arbitrarily and start building your application. If your guess was correct that the pros and cons balance out and it's all about the same, then why not simply start building immediately? When you hit difficulty X on your database, remember that it gave you convenience Y and Z and that's just life.
You could also establish the fundamental core of your application and implement various prototypes on each of the databases. That might give you true insight to help discriminate between the databases for your specific application. For example, besides the interface, indexing, and querying questions, what about deployment? What about backups? What about maintenance and security? Maybe "wasting" time to build the same prototype on each platform will make the answer very clear for you.
Notes about CouchDB
I suppose CouchDB is "NoSQL" if you say so. Other things which are "no SQL" include bananas, poems, and cricket. It is not a very meaningful word. We have general-purpose languages and domain-specific languages; similarly CouchDB is a domain-specific database. It can save you time if you need the following features:
Built-in web API: clients may query directly
Incremental map-reduce: CouchDB runs the job once, but you can query repeatedly at no cost. Updates to the data set are immediately reflected in the map/reduce result without full re-processing
Easy to start small but expand to large clusters without changing application code.
Have you considered Apache Kafka?
Kafka is a distributed messaging system developed at LinkedIn for
collecting and delivering high volumes of log data with low latency.
Our system incorporates ideas from existing log aggregators and
messaging systems, and is suitable for both offline and online message

Open source distributed computing/cloud computing frameworks

I was wondering if anyone knows of any good Open Source distributed computing projects? I have a computationally intensive program that could benefit from distributed computing (a la SETI#Home, etc.) and want to know if anyone has seen such a thing or will I be developing it from scratch?
I see that this is over a year old but this is a new and relevant answer
Here's one for java and one for c# and here's an open source grid toolkit.
SETI#Home uses BOINC
MPAPI - Parallel and Distributed Applications Framework.
Sector 0 Article:
Gives a good overview of the
framework, architecture and the
theory behind it.
Works on a single machine to 'n'
Design distributed logic into the
Focuses on message passing to isolate
the state that each thread has access
to i.e. no shared state only
Is Open Source =] and is MONO
Compatible YAY!
Architecture in a Nutshell
Single Main Node
Controls the cluster
Numerous Sub-Nodes (one per machine) which are the work horses of the cluster
Single Registration Server - Binds the cluster together by allowing nodes to register / unregister with cluster notifying
existing nodes
Node to Node directly. Each worker
communicates with others through the
The messages are not
propagated down through the remoting
layer unless two workers are on
different nodes.
Hadoop if you want to run the machines yourself. Amazon Elastic MapReduce if you want to let others run your workers. Amazon Elastic MapReduce is based on Hadoop.
I have personally used BOINC which is a robust solution, widely used and offer you a great range of possibilities in term of customization.
This is the most complete solution I know. The only problems I had were that it was difficult to use for remote job submission (if you don't have access to the server) and it can be a bit long to setup. But overall it is a very good solution.
If you rather want to implement distributed computing just over a local grid, you can use GridCompute that should be quick to set up and will let you use your application through python scripts.
PS: I am the developer of GridCompute.
