What database is good enough for logging application? - database

I am writing a web application with nodeJS that can be used by other applications to store logs and accessed later in a web interface or by applications themselves providing an API. Similar to Graylog2 but schema free.
I've already tried couchDB in which each document would be a log doc but since I'm not really using revisions it seems to me I'm not using its all features. And beside that I think if the logs exceeds a limit it would be pretty hard to manage in couchDB.
What I'm really looking for, is a big array of logs that can be sorted, filtered, searched and capped on. Then the last events of it accessed. It should be schema free and writing to it should be non-blocking.
I'm considering using Cassandra(I'm not really familiar with it) due to the points here said. MongoDB seems good here too, since Graylog2 uses in mongoDB, in here it has some good points about it.
I've already have seen this question, but not satisfied with the answers.
For some reasons I can't use Cassandra in production, now I'm trying MongoDB.
One more reason to use mongoDB :
More edits:
It is similar to graylog2, but the difference I want to make that instead of having a message field, having fileds defined by the client, which is why I want it to be schema free, and because of that, I may need to query in the user defined fields. We can build it on SQL, but querying on the user defined fields would be reinventing wheel. Same goes with files.
Technically what I'm looking for is to get rich statistical data in the end, or easy debugging and a lot of other stuff that we can't get out of the logs.

Where shall it be stored and how shall it be retrieved?
I guess it depends on how much data you are dealing with. If you have a huge amount (terabytes and petabytes per day) of logs then Apache Kafka, which is designed to allow data to be PULLED by HDFS in parallel, is a interesting solution - still in the incubation stage. I believe if you want to consume Kafka messages with MongoDb, you'd need to develop your own adapter to ingest it as a consumer of a particular Kafka topic. Although MongoDb data (e.g. shards and replicas) is distributed, it may be a sequential process to ingest each message. So, there may be a bottleneck or even race conditions depending on the rate and size of message traffic. Kafka is optimized to pump and append that data to HDFS nodes using message brokers FAST. Then once it is in HDFS you can map/reduce to analyze your information in a variety of ways.
If MongoDb can handle the ingestion load, then it is an excellent, scalable, real-time solution to find information, particularly documents. Otherwise, if you have more time to process data (i.e. batch processes that take hours and sometimes days), then Hadoop or some other Map Reduce database is warranted. Finally, Kafka can distribute that load of messages and hookup that fire-hose to a variety of consumers. Overall, these new technologies spread the load and huge amounts of data across cheap hardware using software to manage failure and recover with a very low probability of losing data.
Even with a small amount of data, MongoDb is a nice option to traditional relational database solutions which require more overhead of developer resources to design, build and maintain.

General Approach
You have a lot of work ahead of you. Whichever database you use, you have many features which you must build on top of the DB foundation. You have done good research about all of your options. It sounds like you suspect that all have pros and cons but all are imperfect. Your suspicion is correct. At this point it is probably time to start writing code.
You could just choose one arbitrarily and start building your application. If your guess was correct that the pros and cons balance out and it's all about the same, then why not simply start building immediately? When you hit difficulty X on your database, remember that it gave you convenience Y and Z and that's just life.
You could also establish the fundamental core of your application and implement various prototypes on each of the databases. That might give you true insight to help discriminate between the databases for your specific application. For example, besides the interface, indexing, and querying questions, what about deployment? What about backups? What about maintenance and security? Maybe "wasting" time to build the same prototype on each platform will make the answer very clear for you.
Notes about CouchDB
I suppose CouchDB is "NoSQL" if you say so. Other things which are "no SQL" include bananas, poems, and cricket. It is not a very meaningful word. We have general-purpose languages and domain-specific languages; similarly CouchDB is a domain-specific database. It can save you time if you need the following features:
Built-in web API: clients may query directly
Incremental map-reduce: CouchDB runs the job once, but you can query repeatedly at no cost. Updates to the data set are immediately reflected in the map/reduce result without full re-processing
Easy to start small but expand to large clusters without changing application code.

Have you considered Apache Kafka?
Kafka is a distributed messaging system developed at LinkedIn for
collecting and delivering high volumes of log data with low latency.
Our system incorporates ideas from existing log aggregators and
messaging systems, and is suitable for both offline and online message


DB recommendation - Portable, Concurrent (multiple read only, one write)

I'm looking for a portable database solution I can use with a website that is designed to handle service outages. I need to nightly retrieve a list of users from SQL Server and upsert their details into a portable database. It's roughly about 250,000 users (and growing) and each one has probably 25 fields that are required. Of those fields, i'd say less than 5 need to be searched on. The rest just need retrieving.
The idea is, in times of a service outage, we can use a website that's designed to work from the portable database rather than SQL Server. Our long term goal, is to move to the cloud and handle things in an entirely different way, but for the short term this is our aim.
The website is going to be a .Net Core web api so will be being accessed by multiple users in multiple threads. The website will only ever need read access, it will not be updating these details what-so-ever.
To keep the portable database up-to-date i'm thinking of having another application that just runs nightly to update the data. Our business is 24 hours (albeit quieter overnight), so there is a potential this updater is in use while the website is in use. While service outage would assume the SQL Server is down, this may not be the case. There are other factors in play that could cause what we would describe as outages. This will be the only piece of software updating the database.
I've tried using LiteDB but I couldn't get it working in a way that worked with my concurrency requirements. It did seem to do some of the job, and was easy to get running. However, i'd often run into locked files due to the nature of web api. I did work out a solution for that, but then the updater app couldn't access the database file.
Does anyone have any recommendations I can look into?
Given the description of the problem (1 table, 250k rows with - I assume - relative fast growth rate) and requirements, I don't think a relational database is what you are looking for.
I think nosql databases, or, more specifically, document oriented databases are more fitted to meet your requirements. There are many choices: Mongo, Cassandra, CouchDB, ... the choice is yours.
Personally I have some experience with ElasticSearch (https://www.elastic.co/elasticsearch), that is quite easy to learn, is portable (runs on Linux, Windows, Containers, etc...), is scalable, and it is fast. I mean, really, really fast, you can get results in 10-20 milliseconds (even less, sometimes).
The NEST nuget package acts as a high level client for working with ElasticSearch (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/net-api/7.x/nest-getting-started.html)

Ideal database for a minimalist blog engine

So I'm designing this blog engine and I'm trying to just keep my blog data without considering comments or membership system or any other type of multi-user data.
The blog itself is surrounded around 2 types of data, the first is the actual blog post entry which consists of: title, post body, meta data (mostly dates and statistics), so it's really simple and can be represented by simple json object. The second type of data is the blog admin configuration and personal information. Comment system and other will be implemented using disqus.
My main concern here is the ability of such engine to scale with spiked visits (I know you might argue this but lets take it for granted). So since I've started this project I'm moving well with the rest of my stack except the data layer. Now I've been having this dilemma choosing the database, I've considered MongoDB but some reviews and articles/benchmarking were suggesting slow reads after collections read certain size. Next I was looking at Redis and using its persistence features RDB and AOF, while Redis is good at both fast reading/writing I'm afraid of using it because I'm not familiar with it. And this whole search keeps going on to things like "PostgreSQL 9.4 is now faster than MongoDB for storing JSON documents" etc.
So is there any way I can settle this issue for good? considering that I only need to represent my data in key,value structure and only require fast reading but not writing and the ability to be fault tolerant.
Thank you
If I were you I would start small and not try to optimize for big data just yet. A lot of blogs you read about the downsides of a NoSQL solution are around large data sets - or people that are trying to do relational things with a database designed for de-normalized data.
My list of databases to consider:
Mongo. It has huge community support and based on recent funding - it's going to be around for a while. It runs very well on a single instance and a basic replica set. It's easy to set up and free, so it's worth spending a day or two running your own tests to settle the issue once and for all. Don't trust a blog.
Couchbase. Supports key/value storage and also has persistence to disk. http://www.couchbase.com/couchbase-server/features Also has had some recent funding so hopefully that means stability. =)
CouchDB/PouchDB. You can use PouchDB purely on the client side and it can connect to a server side CouchDB. CouchDB might not have the same momentum as Mongo or Couchbase, but it's an actively supported product and does key/value with persistence to disk.
Riak. http://basho.com/riak/. Another NoSQL that scales and is a key/value store.
You can install and run a proof-of-concept on all of the above products in a few hours. I would recommend this for the following reasons:
A given database might scale and hit your points, but be unpleasant to use. Consider picking a database that feels fun! Sort of akin to picking Ruby/Python over Java because the syntax is nicer.
Your use case and domain will be fairly unique. Worth testing various products to see what fits best.
Each database has quirks and you won't find those until you actually try one. One might have quirks that are passable, one will have quirks that are a show stopper.
The benefit of trying all of them is that they all support schemaless data, so if you write JSON, you can use all of them! No need to create objects in your code for each database.
If you abstract the database correctly in code, swapping out data stores won't be that painful. In other words, your code will be happier if you make it easy to swap out data stores.
This is only an option for really simple CMSes, but it sounds like that's what you're building.
If your blog is super-simple as you describe and your main concern is very high traffic then the best option might be to avoid a database entirely and have your CMS generate static files instead. By doing this, you eliminate all your database concerns completely.
It's not the best option if you're doing anything dynamic or complex, but in this small use case it might fit the bill.

Redis for cakePHP app

I want to start a big cakePHP project where performance will be an issue. I will have a users table with act as tree behavior and many financial data related to the users. This application will make a lot of dynamic reports aggregating data for different tree nodes etc.
Since there is on github an easy to use library which sets data source of model to redis, I was wondering if it's a good idea to use it for entire app? Is there anyone who has experience with it, and what could be potential problems if I decide to depend on redis as main/only data storage?
EDIT: I have installed redis and Tried to use RedisModel for two models with simple relation HasMany/BelongsTo. When I tried to simply use those models like standard AppModels - it simply wont work (Redis Error: Missing key). Apparently you can't use Model->find Model->save etc. in standard way. You have to use redis methods instead (setKeyValue ect.). This means that pagination and other cakePHP futures will also not work. So maybe it is not the best idea to use redisModel for all my models...
I cannot speak for CakePHP specifically, but I'll talk about redis in general and the points of your question in particular, it should be applicable to your framework of choice in the end. Let's see:
You mention you want to start an application where performance will be an issue — I just wanted to mention you should be careful with the assumption that you will need a nosql solution, because this is hard to assess beforehand. Redis is hella fast, but MySQL for instance has been proven to be capable to handling millions of records and operations just fine, provided it's properly configured and used, and it's much simpler if you need lots of relational structures.
Concerning Redis as the main and only data store:
Redis is perfectly stable for the job. Instagram
reportedly stored 300 million key-value pairs pseudo-sharded
using hashes to great effect, and while it's not the only data
storage system they use, it goes to show redis is pretty reliable.
This very site (Stack Overflow) uses redis also extensively for
caching purposes.
Redis is also reported to have an overall excellent continuous uptime on average (which shouldn't be surprising considering the point above)
Options exists to mitigate downtime issues, replication is supported to some extent, and Redis Cluster is coming soon to support proper distributed approaches.
The main problem you could face is not understanding properly how its
persistence works. You should absolutely read this and this article before you get started because this point is important. In a nutshell, redis does not write changes immediately to disk, which means that depending on your configuration, a crash can cause a data loss ranging from a few seconds to several minutes since the last disk write. This might or might not be a problem depending on your use case; if the data is extremely sensitive (ie, financial records) you might want to think twice before jumping to redis, or build a system where redis is not exclusively used but rather combined with another storage system.
Relational structures in a non-relational data store like redis mean doing more work and often duplicating/denormalizing data. It can be done, but it's something to consider; in your question you mention you'll need to aggregate data to generate dynamic reports, are you sure you want to use redis for this? it sounds like a relational database would give you way more flexibility at a very small cost of performance. If you know in advance you'll need to run complex queries over your data, it could be a good idea not to reinvent the wheel unless you absolutely need to.
My advice here would be to first get a better feeling on what redis is and how works, potentially build your own models instead of relying on others to better understand what can and cannot be done, and from there assess where you want to take it. Redis is reliable enough to be used standalone, but at the end of the day what's smart is to use the right tool for the right job, and you might find some things of your app work well with redis while some others are better off to a more traditional storage system.

Which NoSQL backend to store trace data from webpage

In our web application we need to trace what users click, what they write into search box, etc. Lots of data will be sent by AJAX. Generally functionality is a bit similar to google analytics, but we need to customize it in different ways.
Data will be collected and once per day aggregated and exported to PostgreSQL, so backend should be able to handle dozens of inserts. I don't consider usage of traditional SQL database, because probably it won't handle so many inserts efficiently.
I wonder which backend would you use for such task? Actually I think about MongoDB or Cassandra. But maybe you know better software for that task? Maybe something different then NoSQL database?
Web application is written in Ruby on Rails so support for Ruby would be nice but that's definitely not the most important.
Sounds like you need to analyse your specific requirements.
It may be that the best solution is to split / partition / shard a conventional database and then push the data up from there.
Depending on what your tolerance for data loss is, there are a lot of options. If you choose a system which has single-server durability, a major source of write bottleneck will be fdatasync() (assuming you use hard drives to store your data on).
If you can tolerate syncing less often than on every commit, then you may be able to tune your database to commit at timed intervals.
Depending on your table, index structure etc, I'd expect that you can get rather a lot of inserts with a "conventional" db (e.g. postgresql), if you manage it correctly and tune the durability (if it supports that) to your liking.
Sharding this into several instances of course will enable you to scale this up. However, you need to be mindful of operational requirements (i.e. what happens if some of the instances are down). Talk to your Ops team about what they're comfortable managing.

The difficulty of choosing right database for analytics

I need some help deciding which database we should choose for our project. We are developing a web application that collects data about user's behavior and analyses that (bad explanation, but I can't provide much more detail; web analytics data is one of our core datasets). We have estimated that we will insert approx 200 million rows per week into database + data calculated from that raw data. The data must be retained for at least six months.
I have spent last week and half gathering information about different solutions, but there seems to be so many that I feel lost. Most promising ones I found are Cassandra, Hbase and Hive. I also looked at MongoDb, Redis and some others, but they looked like they suited different needs or community wasn't that active.
The whole app will be run in Amazon's EC2. As a startup company pay-as-you-go pricing model fits us like a glove. The easier the database is to manage in the cloud, the better.
Scalability is important. The amount of data we will generate varies quite much and will grow over time.
We can't pay huge licensing fees. Otherwise we would probably use something like http://www.vertica.com/.
We need to do all sorts of analysis on data, and the easier they are write the better. I thought about using Map/Reduce for the task; Hbase seems to have better support for this than Cassandra, and Hive has it's own query language. Real-time analysis isn't needed; we can calculate results once a day and shovel those back to database for fast retrieval.
Compression support would be nice, but not necessary (disk space is cheap :).
I also though about using MySql (because we will use that for all the user information etc. anyway), but scaling will be much harder in the future and I think at some point we would have to move to some other db anyway. We are also more than willing to commit some time and effort to push the selected database forward in terms of development.
We have decided to go on with Hadoop(& Hive/Hbase) as our primary data store. Main reasons for this are:
It is proven technology, and many big sites are using it (Facebook...).
Lot's of documentation around and even Hadoop books have been written.
Hive provides nice SQL-like query language and command line, so even guys who don't know Java/Python/etc. can write queries easily.
It's free and community people seem to be helpful :)
